Genocide Reality Chapter 13

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Guess what time it is?
Another chapter time!
Just wanted to take a minute to say sorry for not being able to TL ‘Shaman that can’t become a Hero’. More info in the blog post I have stickied. I hope a good TL picks it up so you guys can enjoy that series as much as I have!
Besides that, thank you to G. Sadewa for being my first patron!
So yeah, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 13 - Red Dragon’s Banquet

Entering into the fifth floor, the air changes completely.
Perhaps since the fourth floor was cold, it feels like burning warmth.
Originally it is cold because of the sunless dungeon, so it’s better to be warm than cold.

“Well then, what is going on in this floor?” (s.h.i.+njo)

As I entered the first big room, I was waited on by a dull-reddish huge lizard.
Glits of red eyes stared at me.

“U~AH!” (s.h.i.+njo)

It’s a lizard-dragon thing with no feathers.
It’s a Lesser Dragon.
In spite of myself I attracted it, but it is better to fight in a big room.
I changed my weapon to the samurai sword and jumped into the room.

“Gysha!” (L. Dragon)

As I waited, the Lesser Dragon raised a sharp cry, and opened its big mouth with fangs growing to bite at me.
I’m not an idiot who would just eat the biting attack as is, and I also avoid the attack of its sharp nails.
The movement of these lesser dragons aren’t very fast.
Their body is covered in hard scales, but if you continue to run around while slas.h.i.+ng it, it isn’t a scary enemy.

I am continually slas.h.i.+ng as I am going round and round around the group.
The Lesser Dragon is not stupid enough to scoff at the tearing and slas.h.i.+ng of its skin, they try to bite at me with their sharp tusks, sharp claws come at me.
I try to attack its big tail, but it isn’t stupid enough to receive the attack.
After all, their biggest weakness is their dull, monotonous movements and a figure that is easily detectable.
Well, dinosaurs are supposed to be destroyed.
Because it stumbles with pain, the huge body will likely be crushed with its weight if you continue hitting it.
If it is the me of now, it won’t die till it gets crushed, but it won’t be a big deal if I don’t die because I can use a potion to recover health.
I got up quickly, and then returned to hitting and running.

Each time the Lesser Dragon’s skin is slashed, the red scales scatter, and gradually the red-black blood splashes.
Contrary to its ferocious bulk, it’s a small fry only capable of attacking with its sharp tusks and hard tail.
It’s not an enemy that could be defeated if it fights in a calm and offensive posture without fear of its size.

It’s a pleasure to be aware that my footwork had improved considerably compared to when I was against the Mustard Dragon before.
Both my speed and power are different from the me of that time.
That is no longer me.

“Look, die soon!” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Gryaah!” (L. Dragon)

It may have not been aimed for, but there was a fatal injury to the internal organs where I had stabbed the sword deeply.
The final scream of the fellow came out, and flames popped out of the mouth of the dragon and disappeared as the candle of life’s flames flickered out.¹
As soon as it’s movement became sluggish, the Lesser Dragon collapsed with a packed form, like rolling into a ball.
I am out of breath.

“It’s not very much, but you can’t do it unless it’s one by one.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I can’t win if these come from all directions and surround me.
Although they have grown better than before, my ‘Warrior Rank’ and weapons are still not strong enough to beat a dragon with a single blow.

“Well, it’s going to be stronger soon.” (s.h.i.+njo)

The me of now, it’s nice.
Let’s make a meal, I’m looking forward to it because they said the dragon’s meat is fresh and delicious.
It’s difficult because the figure is large, but I try to pierce the heart, cut off it’s head, and then bleed it out roughly.
I don’t mind the taste of monster’s blood, but I’d like to try out the great dragon steak, as much meat as possible.

“Why not grill it and eat it?” (s.h.i.+njo)

Drain the hard scales firmly and sharpen them, then pierce the sword into the side and carve out the flanks that seem to be delicious into moderate sizes.
Then I grilled it on a cooker made with the stone picked up.

“This is a fine treat!” (s.h.i.+njo)

I wonder what to say about the taste of the dragon.
Although it frankly tastes like chicken, there is a crispness like that of beef in it.

Also since it was a reptilian type, it had a very similar taste to the crocodile meat that I ate at the outdoor museum that we went to at the school excursion.
The Lesser Dragon boasting a high level of health and hard scales is also an opponent to train the warrior’s skills.
Besides, there are no creatures that are so convenient because they are coming with a walking food store that’s too big to eat.

While exterminating slowly and steadily, let’s have battle training done firmly here.

As I got tired of eating the meat of dragons, I finished training enough so I decided to go ahead.
The stone statue of the devil waits.
It’s a gargoyle, as you approach it starts to move and attack.

From a distance, shoot a few fireb.a.l.l.s.
Then while it’s in a panic, I attack from here and hit it with my Samurai sword.
If you cope with it calmly, it isn’t a big enemy.
The gargoyle’s neck was cut off, and its body changed into stone and crumbled to the floor.

I feel that I am getting stronger.
This road is a route I played in Genocide Reality several and dozens of times over.
Surely if it can slash you you’ll scream and it will hurt while you try to beat it, and I feel like going crazy if I get my skin burned by flames.
Such a real feeling disturbs it, but even if I suffer from the hards.h.i.+ps of h.e.l.l, if a strong spirit that always swings the sword forward can be trained, it doesn’t change anything from the game.

It is simple to do.
I just kill it when I can kill it, the result will come out.
I can become stronger yet.

If you leave the pa.s.sage of the gargoyles that is arranged to protect the boss, the boss of the fifth floor, the Mustard Dragon waits ahead.
It is the same type as the one I opposed in the “Invasion” of the first floor before, but unlike the ordinary species that is abundant on the sixth floor, the Mustard Dragon that is the boss of the fifth floor has high intelligence.

Not a lower young one, but a mature dragon who has survived for a long time and gained intelligence.
The Mustard Dragon of all Mustard Dragons.

The dragons are a time-consuming race to mature.
After gaining intelligence over a long period of time, it becomes stronger by that much.
It’s thinking routine is different if I say it in game-style.
Simple skills don’t pa.s.s, it responds to those movements.

“But, you can go if you rank up!” (s.h.i.+njo)²

I was ready and prepared my breath, and then I slowly opened the wall of stone blocking the boss’s room.
Geno-Real is certainly a terribly homicidal game.
Still, it’s a game.
Geno-Real sometimes closes the gates as if to laugh at people’s efforts, but the game does not betray the people who put in effort.

If you enter properly, it will return the output properly.
A simple and beautiful world.
I like it so, if you do what you can do, you absolutely will not lose.

“Is it an adventurer to come so far? Unusual.” (Dragon-kun)

When I entered the boss room, I could hear the wrinkled voice like an old man’s.
A purple poisonous Mustard Dragon, same as I had fought on the first floor.
It’s ferocious eyes have a color of intelligence.
The skin on which the scales grew looked a little dull, and the body was also about twice as large.
It is a dragon that has reached maturity over the years.

“Yes, I ran the risk. I came to defeat you!” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Fun~, this child. Okay, you should try it.” (Dragon-kun)

It seems it will not do anything like suddenly doing a suprise attack.
The huge dragon raised while shaking its relaxed and heavy body, raising it’s ivy head towards here.
I have no intention to talk to someone who is going to kill from now.
It seems the same way beyond that, so I got my attention by staring.
A game from right in front.
In my head, the fighting bell rang.

“Urahhh!” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Gufaaahh!” (Dragon-kun)

The dragon aims its jaw and spits a deadly breath.
While I wore the 『Diminis.h.i.+ng Cloak』, I weilded the sword while dodging it.
The basic turn around, but the Samurai Sword that strikes against the enemy’s neck is blocked by hard scales and stopped.
Indeed, it seems to be considerably hard.

Wrapping around sideways, I caught a relatively soft side of the flank as I came over with my weight while rolling.
A gigantic dragon fell down towards here.

Everyone fears and trembles in a moment like this to escape panic.
But, this moment is the only chance to seek life while death approaches.

Advance to the edge of death, one step forward.
I kept the sword straight and pierced, avoiding the dragon’s bulk.

It’s like a dump truck rolling down on its side, I was crushed as it was, screaming for the intense pain that feels like my limbs are going to fall apart.
No, there is no pain any longer.
I intended to raise the scream, it wouldn’t become a voice.

However, the Samurai Sword that stabbed with its weight and momentum pierced deeply into the body of the Mustard Dragon.
I should have pierced through the key point of the dragon, I learned this while fighting dragons in battle scenarios.

“Gouuooohh~ohh” (Dragon-kun)

The Mustard Dragon spit out deadly breath with a cry from its mouth.
Perhaps, it wasn’t conciously.
The part I had stabbed was the “Dragon’s Bracelet”.
The poison of the chemical substance acc.u.mulated in a puddle, now that I broke the bag, it was rampant in the dragon’s body.

Instead of being able to do intense breath attacks such as heavy poisoning and explosions, if you break the poison-breath bag, it will suffer from its own poison.
The dragons of this world have become irregular creatures with such a weakness.

The stronger the poison is, the more you suffer from self-infliction.
Zama~i. I thought that it wasn’t, but I couldn’t afford it.
I was still under the dragon’s big body.

“f.u.c.k, I’m hitting over the edge of my body.” (s.h.i.+njo)

The pain of my whole body is still good, there is no feeling in my left arm since a little while ago.
Perhaps the bones from the shoulder and below have fallen apart completely.
Perhaps the ligament was completely cut off.
I managed to find a gap and escaped from the heavy pressure of the dragon, crawling with my single right arm.

From the backpack rolling on the floor, I drew out a health potion and drank it.
Even though it is far from complete, every time I move, meat breaks and the bone-gnawing pain has subsided.
Even with an intermediate health potion, there seems to be an effect that connects bones.

I gave up on the Samurai Sword as it was underneath the dragon, so I took out the Spirit Sword from my backpack and stood up.

“A little worked, Mustard Dragon!” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Guho..Superb, did you aim for the poison in my womb?” (Dragon-kun)

The opponent is an enemy with intelligence, it can’t be tortured for long.
As I’ll put it to an end, I jumped on the dragon’s large body and scooped the Spirit Sword in my hand, and stabbed it with the whole force of my body.
Perhaps, this is the Heart of the Dragon.

“Geffu…” (Dragon-kun)

Spitting blood from her mouth, the Mustard Dragon broke the big body and stopped moving.
For a while, I couldn’t move.

Although I’m not dead, my body still trembles with intense pain, and my head becomes dizzy.
If the moment of death away, the fierce pain will come attacking like this once again.
I clenched my teeth and endured the pain.
Come on now, the pain is evidence I’m alive.

“Well, d.a.m.n it……hahaha.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Even with such severe pain that the body seems to crumble and scatter, it was a pleasant feeling that I cannot bear with now.
I was satisfied that I could beat such an overwhelming and powerful enemy by just myself only.
Practice at the abyss of death and h.e.l.l, the real feeling of living.
Raw delight for no subst.i.tution of anything.

In the treasure chest of the fifth floor boss room, there is a Samurai Sword in one go, as if blessing me.
Samurai cla.s.s exclusive weapon with the strongest cla.s.s slas.h.i.+ng force, the Nodachi 『Isolation』.

The inscription of Isolation comes from that the blade is made of meteorite.
It’s a sword that was created from a plate of meteorite that flew over into the ground 200 million years ago, and it will never bend nor break.
It increases its slas.h.i.+ng force by the power of the owner, eventually becoming the strongest weapon that can cut off anything.
Therefore, despite being a weapon off of the fifth floor, it becomes a sword than can be used till the end.

When a Samurai advances alone, roughly here『Isolation』comes out.
A single rare weapon in this world, where the condition is to kill an adult dragon while appearing alone.
If you take the sword out slowly from its black sheath with decorative strings, the blade length is long.
It is near one meter.
It is easy to understand by saying nothing, it’s a big sword soon to be a killer sword.

The Samurai of the Kamakura-era, it is a thick, strong longsword that makes you strike to show off your mighty strength.
It’s a sword that cuts warriors off of horses, but it is more convenient to have such a length to oppose a mighty creature such as a big dragon.

By the way, I can’t pull it out of the sheath when I attatch it to my waist.
Like a ninja, I only have to pull it while grasping the handle on my back.
Because I am out of my mind in the labyrinth, the sword will be pulled out of the long sheath.

“Either way, I am grateful that I got a new weapon.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I tried to pull the old Samurai Sword out from under the Mustard Dragon, but it had reached its limit due to the fierce battle, and the blade had broken apart as if exhausted.
If I couldn’t get a new weapon here, I would have had to gone back.

Rather than being twisted, I felt loved by the G.o.d of Slaughter.
Slas.h.i.+ng more, I felt I was pushed back by some big force when I killed more.

I set the comrades that had fought with me on the shelf on the wall.
Then, I go while carrying my new companion.

“I will do it.” (s.h.i.+njo)

In the treasure box are jewels and gold coins.
And『Dragon’s Key』is available.
At last, the road to the 6th floor opens.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Commonly reffered to as “The Flame of Life”, symbolised your life going out.

² - If there was a cla.s.smate behind him stalking him, they would think he has gone crazy from how many times he has spoken to himself….

Ayyy! Another chapter of Genocide Reality done. Next chapter, he seems to run into a girl……what if a loli joins him in his adventure to the bottom….

Well, that’s it for now. See you guys next week!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 13 summary

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