Genocide Reality Chapter 14

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I was gonna wait a week like normal…but I wanted to read more main story. >.
Thank you to G. Sadewa for being my first patron!

Anyways, onward to the chapter!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 14 - Ussah - A Pill Ball Rabbit Girl called Usausa

The sixth floor, the same kind of Mustard Dragon appeared as the one that had been the boss earlier.
The poisonous dragon boasting a giant form, for me who had gotten『Isolation』, it was no longer a small fry.

“Orahhh!” (s.h.i.+njo)

Soon after vomiting the poisonous breath, instantly turn around and snap at the vital point.
The Dragon’s Breath bag was broken, poison seeped into the body.
The Mustard Dragon struggled and suffered, there was no love.
If it is the me of now, I can beat such a small fry even if it’s 2 opponents at the same time.
Of course I will not bother to take such a risk, as I will steadily destroy one at a time.
By the way, if you do not break the poison sac, you can eat the meat of the Mustard Dragon.

Contrary to the enormous vermin, the meat has no poison.
Poisonous purple scales are only on the surface, so if you off the scales you will find delicious looking red meat.
Bled appropriately, it is good to have delicious parts without poison.
The rest is eaten by the Scavenger Slime.

Looking at the place where the color of the meat is similar, it may have been the same as the Lesser Dragon originally.
The Mustard Dragon, I wonder if it evolved by incorporating chemical poison into its belly.
While making thoughts on the evolution of such monsters, I proceed forward while knocking them down.

In front of me, I saw an NPC that is trapped inside a prison.
I thought ‘Ah, is this the floor where Ussah was?’.
It is called Ussah, Urasa, or Usausa.
The nameless NPC Ususa ear girl.
By the way, overseas it seems that it was called Rabitta・Rabbit.

Speaking of why it is called with such a strange name, when looking to the back it seems to be because of the 2 tails of 『Rabbit Tail』that looked like a big white pill on her b.u.t.t.
Although the rabbit’s tail, which was visible in the game, seems to be hidden by a long skirt.
Unlike the time in the game, since reality is rising the tail isn’t exposed.
Anyways, if you look at that pretty pill, you will see that this NPC is called Usausa.
I much prefer the name Ussah though.

Ussah’s rabbit ears are long and big.
They stretch out from long, vibrant peach-colored hair.
They are real rabbit ears with white outsides and thin pink insides.
While it isn’t uncommon in today’s era, it can be said to be a genuine rabbit-eared girl.¹
When she turned to face here and tilted her little head, the ribbon attached to the blue barrette shook with her rabbit ears.

The appearance is also pretty ordinary.
White skin and clear blue-like eyes, contours of egg-like shapes and round cheeks.
Unless she wasn’t growing rabbit ears, it would be like a very ordinary European girl.
If you say real in the west, it would be a very realistic and scary face, but since Geno-Real is an old game it was becoming like Alice from Alice in Wonderland that was deformed.
It was good to not be a polygon-crunching game.

Just because of the extreme deformity, although the build of the body is pet.i.te, the chest and b.u.t.tocks are large.
With so much protrusion, I wonder if she couldn’t see her feet.
b.r.e.a.s.t.s that are protruding that much would seem to make usual life tough.

Another feature of Ussah is that she is wearing a blue maid dress with white frills.
Thanks to that, she is branded as Geno-Real’s most popular moe-mascot.
In j.a.pan it’s said to be a maid dress, but it was probably a fairy-tale image ap.r.o.n dress as when Geno-Real became popular there was no such culture.

Although she is wearing an ap.r.o.n dress with lovely frills, she had a big backpack on her back as it’s an adventurer setting.
The unbalance embodies the mysterious moe.
In Geno-Real where there are only NPCs that appear in a certain way, it’s a precious existence that adds flowers to the game.²

Incidentally, she came to the labyrinth with a considerable number of rabbit warriors, but it was a very miserable situation as they were all annihilated leaving only her in the trap of a prison.
Of course, as it is Geno-Real, a miserable destiny is waiting as soon as she appeared as a pretty and moe girl.³

As you keep going straight ahead to the path of the prison, the trap will activate and the suspended ceiling falls from above to crush and kill her.
Moreover, the hung ceiling will slowly rise after Ussah’s pressure death, a kind design designed to show the pink-mince after it was bothered with trouble.
I was stunned when I first saw it.

When I played next time, I searched for a trap to somehow help me, but the trap just works if you search for a trap in the aisle, and she dies.
I finally realized it after repeatedly Saving/Loading 10 times after changing Ussah into the floor.
I don’t have to go through the aisle.

Ussah’s movement itself, which is playing with the iron grid to seek help there, is a trap; You don’t have to try to help.
You do not have to go through this aisle, by pa.s.sing around the right side you’ll discover the hidden door to turn around.

After that, Ussah is released from prison if you go in front of said prison.
Traps of these kinds, they become simple to this degree if you know it.
This trap is surprisingly simple which makes it better, you’re caught precisely because it is simple.

Ussah’s prison door is designed to open easily from the outside when pulling the lever.
Judging from the structure of this mouse-trap, I think bait was placed in the cage and Ussah was caught in the attempting to take it.

“A~aaahh, agu….” (Ussah)

“Agu?” (s.h.i.+njo)

A rabbit girl tumbles out of prison while staggering on her feet, her face becoming red and she begins shedding tears with her azure eyes as if she was afraid.
Was she feeling tears of grat.i.tude or because of being saved from a desperate situation, I did not know the reaction, but I wanted her to advance the event quickly.⁴
I didn’t have any spare time.

In other words, I couldn’t order the lovely girl with rabbit ears to “stop crying quickly”.
After waiting patiently so that things could be said, Ussah lowered her head and pekori’d while thanking him.⁵

“I do not know who-sama desu~, but thank you for helping me!” (Ussah)

“Yes yes.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I didn’t even think that I would especially help.
Because I knew how to not kill her, I just didn’t kill her.

If she survives in this way, Ussah will give you the lucky item『Rabbit’s Tail』so you won’t lose any help.
Mukutto, it pushes up the blue skirt from the inside and hits the two white tails that grew above the big b.u.t.tocks which makes it a lucky item.

Like tearing off its tail, although it isn’t a big deal when looking at the dot-like picture in Geno-Real, if it’s in reality it will be a very delicate sight and it’s a little fun.
The Rabbit’s Tail is an item that, if acquired, you can not feel a lot of effects, but I want to get it as a rare collector.

The round pill ball of Mokomoko, it can be said that it is a healing item for comfort in the labyrinth.
Speaking of lucky items, in the West it is a『Rabbit’s Foot』, but in Geno-Real it’s a  『Rabbit’s Tail』.

In such a good place, Genocide Reality seems to be arguing strange originality.
Since rabbits are animals that live by digging burrows, it seems to be appropriate as a symbol of good fortune in the dungeon.

“Oh, my throat is dry….. Would you please give me some water?” (Ussah)

“If it is a fountain, it’s there. Oh really, it’s charming.” (s.h.i.+njo)

As expected it’s poor, so I will give you a flask.
Even NPC’s are living properly in the world of Geno-Real.

“Thank you desu~, using an identical flask is an indirect kiss.⁶” (Ussah)

“Haa?” (s.h.i.+njo)

What is this busty rabbit’s entanglement method, I made a mistake.
It reminds me of k.u.miko’s fascination to tell me about indirect kisses.
Don’t blush your cheeks by yourself.
It’s not needed for such a cheesy development to be in this serious game.

I wished I could pull out the『Rabbit’s Tail』quickly and disappear since I didn’t care.
Gokyugokyu, She was drinking deliciously to water her throat.
I was interested in the NPC’s thirst and hunger, so I tried feeding her.

“Oh, are you going to eat this too?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Ah, that is meat of a dragon. Favorite food desu~!” (Ussah)

Well, rabbits weren’t herbivorous animals.
Since there isn’t any vegetables in the dungeon, I’d imagine it would be inevitable to starve to death if you didn’t eat meat.
Mok.u.mokyu, we eat the roasted dragon meat, but her cute small mouth has sharp teeth contrary to Ussah’s cute appearance.

Even though she’s a rabbit, why are canine teeth growing?
Well, in terms of settings, this girl survives as the last selected member of the rabbit family, she’s a strong creature as is.

The party that came with her is annihilated, and Ussah dies at the last suspended ceiling.
If you help in the game, she’ll pa.s.s you the『Rabbit’s Tail』, and will disappear after saying ‘Thank you’.

But socializing until then, if you can talk like this you might be able to hear the story of Geno-Real.

“Oh, Ussah. Can I talk to you for a moment?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Please ask anything mase~.” (Ussah)

For example, how did you enter this closed labyrinth.
There may be anything because they are NPC’s, but since there is a fine attention to detail, it may be that there is even a route that has properly penetrated.
I don’t want to leave the labyrinth as I don’t care about it, but I think Seji and others may want to get out.
Except for those who withdraw from the original, humans may start fighting from stress if they are in a closed s.p.a.ce for a long period.

That makes it a lot more troublesome, so it’s for the best if you can drive out the disturbing person from the labyrinth.
When I mediated on such a thing, Ussah asked me ‘if I was afraid of being afraid’ while she tilted her head.

“But that, a while ago~I was worried a little, Ussah, who is Ussah desu~ka……” (Ussah)

“It’s about you Ussah.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“What, me?” Ussah pointed to her small face and made a subtle expression.

“I, Alicidia・Adelaide・Alphonsea・Angelique・Alletto・Alebelu・Alinu・Diana, that was the name that has been inherited from my proud ancestors. A name like that monster is kind of noisy.⁷” (Ussah)

“It’s long. If you don’t like Ussah, you can choose from Usausa, Usa-child, or Rabitto/Rabbit.” (s.h.i.+njo)

It’s hard to remember, and I don’t intend to memorize long names, etc, in waste.
Anyway that place is limited, it’s a good setting.

“In that case, Usa-child is pretty cute for a rabbit desu~.” (Ussah)

“Okay, your name is now Ussah⁸. I’ll refer to you as Ussah.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Well, Ussah is pretty good desu~……. And Rabitta/Rabbit is the name of our tribe. Do you know about us?” (Ussah)

“Well, was there such a setting?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Setting?” (Ussah)

Ussah makes a strange look.
Somehow it’s not an engaged story.
Of course.
There is no talk with the creatures living in the game.

“That’s fine, just explain how you and Rabitta/Rabbit came this far. I came from the upper city, but that is closed from the outside and I couldn’t go out.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Yeah, that’s right. This labyrinth, though it allows coming in from the outside, you can’t come out from the inside. We entered from the sky above the city. Stop the collapse of creation/Genocide Reality, I came to save the world.” (Ussah)

Ussah a.s.serts this with a tight face.
I guess it is impossible to escape from here until we clear it.
Hmm,『Genocide・Reality』seems to be translated as ‘the collapse of creation’ in these traditions.

“By the way, what do you know about the collapse of creation?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Yes, the labyrinth of the collapse of creation was born of all sin and sludge that the Holy G.o.d entrapped at the bottom of the Earth at the time of the world’s creation.” (Ussah)

Ussah speaks vividly, as if a priestess is talking about trust.

“People who lived on the Earth had to lose Amour・Mundi desu~. Foolish tragedies and violence that people repeated dropped down to the bottom of the Earth, and finally Roaring・Chaos was born. If we don’t stop the invasion of Roaring・Chaos which bloomed underground, this world will cease to exist. Our a.s.sault group has come to block the collapse of creation desu~!” (Ussah)

Ussah, who had been talking lazily, was reminded of the result, and drooped her neck along with her head and hung her rabbit ears low.
The a.s.sault was annihilated, leaving Ussah.
It’s almost the same setting of the Geno-Real that I know.
These rabbit warriors, I’ve heard that their name is the Rabitto Rabbit tribe.

I thought that it was a common name in English-speaking countries, but it may have been like a backside setting not written in the official doc.u.ment collection translated into j.a.panese.
Again the home of Geno-Real is the United States.
I wish I could read the English site like my native language.
I read while translating difficult words, so there were parts I didn’t understand at all.

“Well…..” (Ussah)

Ussah was talking to me who was in thought again.

“Oh, are you a despiser of a human group?” (Ussah)

“…Well, I’m such a person.” (s.h.i.+njo)

The explanation is bothersome.
Anyway, it won’t be helped to talk with the NPC which gets separated as soon as you receive the item.

“Are you okay if I ask you your family name desu~wa?” (Ussah)

“I’m s.h.i.+njo Wataru.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“s.h.i.+njo・Wataru-sama, it’s a very unusual sound. Black hair with black eyes…’s a rare facial aspect. I saw for the first time a person with pale-orange skin neither white nor brown. You came from a distant place desu~ka?” (Ussah)

“A distant place…..” (s.h.i.+njo)

Somehow Ussah, she is asking about detailed matters that are okay, so I gradually wanted to tell her.
Besides, I’m getting tired of having been talking to a person after a long time.
I think I’ve heard all I can ask, so I ask Ussah to pick up the items quickly and wished to disband.

“Wataru-sama is…….” (Ussah)

“Ussah, why not give me the『Rabbit’s Tail』?” (s.h.i.+njo)

With a signal as I said so, she extended her long hanging bunny ears as if reaching for the ceiling, Ussah made her white cheeks flush red and rigidly stiffened her body.
What a f.u.c.king reaction, it looked like a water heater.

“Th-th-th-th-that!?” (Ussah)

“…..what is it? Did I say something strange?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Saying things like that suddenly desu~ kyaa! That’s something to say once we become more intimate desu~. Everything, everything is rude at the first meeting!” (Ussah)

“Is that so.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Not pa.s.sed in the first meeting, but when are you planning on handing it over?
By the way, if you examine her dead body you can get『Rabbit’s Tail stained in Blood』, but it turns into an unlucky item.

It’s impossible to forcibly remove it.
If you don’t receive it with your will, there will be no effect of good luck.
While waiting silently, Ussah who was frowning with a bright red face, she hesitantly froze her rabbit ears.

“Oh dear, but that……I don’t dislike you as well. If you absolutely want it Wataru-sama, I’ll give it away.” (Ussah)

“Yup, give me it.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Please, wait a moment. To give it easily, to prepare you heart, that order is already strange……but that….. It’s nice to say that you liked me so much.” (Ussah)

With a face full of expectations, I organized my slim fingers in front of me, and her beautiful azure eyes s.h.i.+mmered and sent a sidelong glance.
Her rabbit ears are rampaging from a little while ago.
With this feeling, gooseb.u.mps stand up.
The smell of something troublesome.

“Wait Ussah, if you think carefully, 『Rabbit’s Tail』is no longer necessary.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Well, please wait a bit! You told me to give it up now, didn’t you?” (Ussah)

Something is feeling really bad.
There is a scent of deja vu in this pattern.
It’s a sign that something troublesome will happen so much that it can’t be laughed at.

“No, that’s right. If you think carefully, you will be stiff when you tear off the tail. Yeah, I thought so.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Ma-Ma~, please wait. I certainly heard that it will cause a bit of pain when you take the tail, but everyone does this to a girl as they grow up. I’m thinking that I can give it to you. Please, do not hold back.” (Ussah)

“No, something…..” (s.h.i.+njo)

“I decided to prepare myself for you already. I would’ve been dead if I hadn’t gotten help from Wataru-sama here.  I think that it was fate for me to dedicate myself here masu~” (Ussah)

As she says so, Ussah raised her long skirt and grabbed the white tail of her a.s.s.
Her cheeks flushed and her azure eyes moisturized, she then bit her lower lip.
Taking out her tail of white Mokomoko from her b.u.t.t and b.u.t.tocks, I pressed it firmly against my hand.

“Something is wrong.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“No, not at all. With this, the two of us are the couple who made the contract, I will view it again desu~!” (Ussah)

“Wait…..” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Yes! What is it husband?” (Ussah)

Ussah flushes her cheeks and makes her azure eyes s.h.i.+ne brilliantly.
d.a.m.n it…..
She did this pattern.
Though I had thought it would disappear with a ‘Thank you’, what is it like to be airabyū⁹ view.

“Ussah, I will listen, but you will not go away after this.” (s.h.i.+njo)¹⁰

As a wife, I will stay with you no matter where you go. When I am healthy, even when I am sick, I’m at my husband’s side. Until Death Do Us Part…..” (Ussah)

Ussah kneeled in front of me, and when I put my hands in front of the big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I gave a smile that was just as comfortable as the ecstatic face.
To that pink ambience, I instinctively take 2 steps backwards.

Dangerous….f.u.c.k, is this one of the traps of Geno-Real?
I felt a strong pain around my temple, and I pushed the white Mokomoko pill which I was clasping against my face.

Ah, Mokomoko will heal me.

I like retro games, if anything, it’s rather an otaku hobby.
That’s why, to the talk of saying ‘Give me the『Rabbit’s Tail』’ is a sign of marriage in the Rabitta Tribe, I laugh when I hear that common story.
It’s a common pattern in a misunderstanding comedy.
For everyone else it’s over with a ‘lol’, but for me it’s my reality.

『Traps of these kinds, they become simple to this degree if you know it. This trap is surprisingly simple which makes it better, you’re caught precisely because it is simple.』

My words from earlier.
Geno-Real’s speciality of『The First Letdown』.

No way, I didn’t think that it had become this kind of foreshadowing.
As a critic of Geno-Real’s trap on my own, I was too inexperienced to ask for the casual『Rabbit’s Tail』.

Of course, I explained that Ussah had a misunderstanding immediately.
However, it couldn’t be said that he had misunderstood because it was like this because of game development, as even if he said he didn’t know it, he talked about the tribe name of Rabitta/Rabbit and about Ussah.

My desperate defense doesn’t reach Ussah whom was weeping.

“Uwaaahhhh, wahhhh, it’s already over desu~guuuuuuu” (Ussah)

“Do not cry, don’t cry, don’t blow your nose with the sleeves of people’s clothes.” (s.h.i.+njo)

One tail of the Rabitta/Rabbit Tribe will become able to be taken once you are an adult.
It’s an important thing to hand over to a lifetime companion.
Once I got caught, it was irreversible.

Ussah, who had used that misunderstanding『Rabbit’s Tail』, had used her real name of Alicidia・Adelaide・Alphonsea・Angelique・Alletto・Alebelu・Alinu・Diana.
With this youthfulness, it was that moment that a single bachelor’s lifetime was decided.

Even though I had thought the opponent was an NPC, witnessing the appearance of the girl crying in front of me as if saying “I was made physically unfit to be a bride!”, I couldn’t help but indeed feel guilty.
What has become a troublesome thing.
I underestimated Geno-Real, I was wrong.

“Horrible, horrible, deceitful cheats.” (Ussah)

“No, that’s why you said you didn’t know.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“But straying from the right path, Wataru strayed from the right path so fix it!” (Ussah)

“Calm down and stop crying anyway. You should do something about the tail, you could just re-attatch it with tape.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I explained that there are convenient tools to attach things, like gum and Scotch tape.
There should be some if I go to the cla.s.sroom, so if she held onto it, it would be restored again.

And desperately, Ussah cried and glared at me with bloodshot eyes.

“Please let me die masu~, please let me die!” (Ussah)

“Oiii, stop it.” (s.h.i.+njo)

As Ussah was about to jump into a nearby pitfall and was about to commit suicide, he started hugging her desperately.
It’s awkward and troublesome, but I couldn’t afford for her to slip this way.
Awakening is wrong.

Contrary to her small looks, Ussah trying to run daringly with tremendous power desperately hits me, making it difficult to move while hugging.
She finally lingered and stopped crying.
But that wasn’t the end of it.

Rather, that’s just the start of it.
This time, Ussah’s grudge clause to ‘keep clinging onto me steadily’ starts.

“Ah, Wataru-sama is also a human being. I asked my grandfather, he said if there is a person who sells rabbit’s raw hides and sells them while appealing for animal welfare on one side, hide desu~!” (Ussah)

“Whose story is it…….” (s.h.i.+njo)

“I heard it from Mr. Mont. 『Rabbit’s Tail』is likely to be sold at a high price. A thing that can’t even be forcibly taken from death, that marriage fraud is rampant……Oh, I didn’t think I would be deceived.” (Ussah)

“Don’t say bad things about people.” (s.h.i.+njo)

No way, the result was a fraud marriage.
I just, I just wanted a rare item, but it turned into a pain.

“Please feel a bit more responsible, you decided to stop the pedigree of our proud Diana family arbitrarily!” (Ussah)

“Because Ussah, I have sticky tape when I get to the cla.s.sroom.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Next time you say it, I really will jump and die. I came out and got my life taken possession of. The transfer of the『Rabbit’s Tail』is a sacred Rabitta/Rabbit tribe once-in-a-lifetime marriage ceremony!” (Ussah)

It seems that the proposal that you could stick the『Rabbit’s Tail』back on with tape is a blasphemy of the sacred ceremony.
By the way, I wonder why such customs were born, as the Rabitta/Rabbit people seemed to be annihilated by excessive fertility, so there was too much increase.

There seems to be a law of iron that you could only breed with one companion in your life.
To ignore this ritual is equivalent to departing from the clan.
If you break it, you become 『Dead』.

“I understand, I will get married.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Hey…..” (Ussah)

Attempted suicide and crying in despair, next time when I had gazed at her, Ussah’s face of grudge instantly disappeared.
There was no choice but to say it was quite soggy, and I made a faint face.

“I told you I would get married. I won’t complain if I marry Ussah.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“That…..really?” (Ussah)

It’s true.
I am losing quite a bit of time here.

To slash and kill Ussah with『Isolation』.
Then when Ussah’s ghost appears, also slash it with『Ozakimaru』…….¹¹
I have no choice but to get married, as I am not ready to go there.

Even if I say I’ll get married, it’s only lip-service.
It’s the game anyway.
Take her to the city, wait until the adventure ends here, wouldn’t it be troublesome to say.

This thinking is like a marriage con-artist, but until the poison is to the dish.¹²
Whether I can clear this game anyway, it will be a while until I die.

“Well, we will go as soon as it is decided so. Since I will return to the city once, I’ll collect gold coins and items as much as possible along the way. You will be helping as well.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Ah, yes! Yes desu~ne, I almost forgot the purpose. In order to stop the collapse of creation, we will rebuild our position first. Please wait for me, my husband!” (Ussah)

I will not wait anymore.
Come along if you are coming with me.
Once you start to back-track, it is a considerable loss although it is too late to think about it.
I decided to go back, so I decided to run through the route I had come through as fast as I could.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Oh j.a.pan, you with your Rabbit-Eared girls

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Genocide Reality Chapter 14 summary

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