Genocide Reality Chapter 15

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TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 15 - Collision of the First Floor Underground

I climb quickly to the first floor, packing gold coins and backpacking items.
The rucksack that I have has infinite storage, so in theory you can put in anything.

The weight becomes heavier by that much, but it is forged for that purpose.
Try drinking a strength potion that increases your strength, then proceed to brute force it.
In fact, gold is nearly three times as heavy as metal.
Therefore, no matter how much your strength is intensified, your movement slows down.

“Well, it’s only possible to go up.” (s.h.i.+njo)

A lot of enemies come out, but for me who wields the strongest nodachi『Isolation』, they are small fries which are crushed with armor’s sleeves.
Even if it is obstructed by the rucksack which becomes heavier each time you go up a floor, there is no problem at all.

“Med Soaring¹ Flame!” (s.h.i.+njo)

It was an intermediate level fire-ball that I could now shoot without fail due to my mana being able to afford it, and it erases a group of enemies in a moment.

No, I no longer use a sword anymore against the orcs and kobolts.
Repelling the rusty sword with your fist inside of leather gloves, you can beat them by knocking them in the side of their face.
I’m looking forward to see how high I’ve ranked up when I check it at the oracle’s temple.

By the way, even if I am wearing the『Diminished Cloak』above, the hard leather armor which has reached its limit for durability is thrown away, and a set of steel armor that was worn by the boss of the third floor is equipped instead.
I can always buy light equipment again, and the steel armor that has a good balance of defense, power, and weight can be brought as a souvenir to Seji.

I climbed steadily up to the first floor which would soon become a stage looking like a city.
Ussah, who was running side by side with me, stopped her feet and issued a warning.

“Please wait husband. Ahead……In the hall 2 blocks away, there are lots of people that are screaming and crying masu~. It doesn’t appear to be a battle desu~ga.” (Ussah)

Ussah stretches her long rabbit ears with a ping and says so.
I can not hear anything, but Ussah seems to have good hearing.
Well, those ears did seem to have that kind of advantage.

Her long ears and pointlessly big chest being caught in one door of the labyrinth after another.
If her hearing had been bad with that, what advantage would her person have had.

“Hmm….loud….even if you say so, it’s a very long way to detour here.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Do you want to breakthrough, Danna²-sama?” (Ussah)

With that kind of momentum, it’s a situation where you can’t go without going.
In the relatively safe first floor, it is within the range of a.s.sumption that students are just hanging out, but it is troublesome to get caught up in something.

However, there is no chance of stopping here, so I nod to Ussah and proceed.
As the hall approached, the bustle that seemed to have many people crowded here was heard in my ears.

When I entered the hall, a group of around 15 people on the left and 8 people on the right are arguing with each other from my perspective.
Everyone is threatening one another by throwing weapons, the air was blistering.
Of course, everyone is a student.
Because they are armed as is, it seems to be a labyrinth search group with combat power.

“We don’t have a school now, a student council, or anything else! We are tired of your way of doing things already!” (???)

“Now it’s time people, we can’t fight if we fail to cooperate. Aren’t we going back to our original world together?” (???)

The group with the larger amount of people in the combat group is lead by Vice Chairman Nanami Shuichi, the other has blonde hair and is wearing an iron helmet that is stretched to the cheekbone, and he is currently shouting while swinging a longsword.
I wonder if they are fighting against each other because of policy difference.
I don’t know the circ.u.mstances, but apparently it seems I have come at the worst timing.

“s.h.i.+njo Wataru-kun!” (Nanami)

“Oh, s.h.i.+njo-kun, where are you going?” (Blonde-Hair)

Both Nanami Shuichi and the blonde noticed this.
Again, f.u.c.king annoying trouble.

I can’t remember it well, but the blonde long-haired dude may be in the same Cla.s.s-F as me.
I can’t remember his name, but he seems to know my face.

“It’s a return adventure from the lower floor, I just want to go to the city, I’ll pa.s.s on by because I have no relation here.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I brought Ussah hoping to avoid getting through the conflicting groups, and the 8 people led by Blonde-helmet came and surrounded us with satisfied grins.
A fat man armed with an iron baton spread his hand out while holding a giant battle axe in front of me to indimidate.

“Hey hey, aside from going high or so, ~I guess!” (Fat Man)

A blonde haired guy with an iron helmet on his hair, with hundred-pound consistent fat like a sumo wrestler, he moved forward in front of me with an unpleasant smile that ridicules.
They are equipped with harder iron than the Nanami group.

Probably, it’s fairly strong.
The first floor orcs got to be lightly knocked down, and he earned money on equipment by earning it.
So overconfident in his power, he feels like he’s getting bigger.

“Hey, s.h.i.+njo-ku~n, do you have money back from the lower floor?” (Fat Man)

“s.h.i.+njo~ooo, I don’t care about killing you from the front³.” (OneOfThe8)

“Give us a share, I don’t mind why any woman with you is to oppose me.” (AnotherOneOfThe8)

Cries of the sc.u.m who want to talk argue unanimously.
I don’t understand what you are saying loudly, ensuing confusion from behind, who told me to die by name.
If you didn’t hang out with friends, those who are unable to say what they want to say will appear.

“Listen carefully small fries! This rucksack is full of money, but there isn’t any money for you guys!” (s.h.i.+njo)

I bashed him while roaring once.
……I mean, I thought these guys were really stupid.
I had guessed most of them had came from the same stupid cla.s.s as me, but I am amazed to hear they’re from the higher cla.s.s.

In order to bother to predict my ability, “I came up from the lower floor” taught them to take hostile action.
If it is only 2v8 with just us and the Blonde Hairs, I still understand how you can misunderstand if you just looked at the number of people and enclosed them to try and beat them.

When you are already hostile against Nanami’s group who has more people, what are you doing by increasing the number of enemies?
The long haired blonde really doesn’t think about anything.
Hence, it is an impossible action to oppose me.

To choose that unlikely option straightforwardly.
To that incredible low power, I am amazed and can’t say anything.
Even though it is still the first floor level, you guys are supposed to have experienced a battle that led life to death.
Where is your caution?

Maybe, are you thinking that such enemies are still unconditionally weaker than yourselves?
I wonder if this is an ordinary high school student.

A fool will not heal until he dies.
These idiots aren’t worth killing, but if they get in my way I will have to show the difference in power.

Whether swinging big swords and blowing them all off at once, the moment I put my hand on the sword’s handle…..
The fat man in front of me glaring at me with indimidating eyes, he disappeared cleanly as if blown away.
Then, the long blonde-haired helmet dude also disappeared from my sight.

“What?” (s.h.i.+njo)

The male student, who had been standing infront of me, was blown to the wall in a moment where I couldn’t react to.
Instead, Ussah is standing in front of me with a proud face and is sticking out a slim leg from her skirt poised without guard.

Like an arrow released from a drawn bow, Ussah, who had jumped high, kicked their heads while rotating mid-air….is it?
With speed difficult for even my eyes to follow in the last minute, she launched 2 people with a kick.

I didn’t even know if she kicked it or not, as sometimes the movement of her legs was hard to see due to the skirt of the long ap.r.o.n dress which fluttered in the air.
A lovely skirt with frills, it was like a hakama of Aikido, but what kind of kung-fu is this?

“It’s Harvest Willow・Ussah Style desu~!” (Ussah)

“Is there a proper skill and technique game?” (s.h.i.+njo)

What mystery martial arts is it?
When Ussah leaps quickly, she tramplessly steals the back of a male student, who is falling down suddenly with an expression as if cruelty itself.

Gugyutto, something sounded like it was crushed.
Perhaps some sort of bone in the body crumbled.
This person, I have to seriously stop her motivation to kill.

“I am trying to chase these guys now for you, Danna-sama. That’s a rogue desu~, you can kill him desu~” (Ussah)

“After stepping on him, will you listen Ussah? Stop it, don’t kill him!” (s.h.i.+njo)

I seriously stop Ussah who is about to stab the nail into the coffin in a hurry.
Those who were surrounding me, even though their friends are being killed, they are stubborn and hurt.
I think that excessive defense will be too much, but it is better to do intimidation to this degree.

The technique of forestalling victory while reaping the fighting spirit of the opponent.
Although it can be said that it’s impressive, it makes me feel subtle when I take my beliefs first.

“You are awesome, the iron armor is completely dented.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Those who were kicked into the wall by Ussah, I think that it’s just fainting from shock with the strong force of their heads. .h.i.tting the wall.
However, it may be slightly dangerous for blood to come out of their mouth and nose.
If the impulse is bad, you may die this way normally.
Without equipment made from iron, it would be an instant death.

It’s a cheap item like the one sold from the shop in the beginning, it’s hard and fragile iron armor, but it should have the strength to endure even if you hit it with a sword instead of being fairly heavy.
The armor has just been kicked by Ussah, and he is dizzy as if he had been beaten many times with a blunt instrument.
If her impatience is bad, the kicking technique could kill life in a moment.

The pet.i.te rabbit eared girl who flew out and attacked, it’s probably was because it was so impressive.
Both sides who had been fighting in the hall were now silent, swallowing their breaths and looking over here.

Now it’s an alright result as the noise has stopped.⁴
While I was in the dungeon, Ussah who had been mildly behind me was showing her power for the first time, and even I was a bit frightened.

“I can’t do anything else desu~ga, but Warrior Rank is at Martial Arts fighter desu~.” (Ussah)

Tanttantto, While stepping on the spot like a boxer, the rabbit with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s proudly shoots a sharp fist that sounds with a chirping and a wind noise.
Along with the long rabbit ears, the resilient big b.r.e.a.s.t.s pus.h.i.+ng up the ap.r.o.n from below also sway slowly.⁵

Why is such power coming out from that pet.i.te figure and slim limbs?
Is anything there just because it’s a game?

“Master Cla.s.s…….” (s.h.i.+njo)

If you think about it, Ussah was a member of a party that had reached the 6th floor underground.
If you are an avant-garde of elite members, it isn’t amusing to have reached that rank.
If you are a fighter, you can understand why she was empty-handed.

However, the girl who wore an ap.r.o.n dress is too surprising as an avant-garde.
Because she was unfit for battle, I thought she was a magician or priest.
In Geno-Real, it is better to not judge the ability by appearance.

Ninjas and fighters, although I think that it is preferrable to have light equipment, I think that there is a limit to the ap.r.o.n dress if you do it.
Anyway, thanks to the great success of the battle fighter Ussah, I can slip through while they’re fighting without difficulty.

I don’t think that I robbed the active scene.
If I rampage here, I might get caught up in the guys trying to get to the strong ones this time.
There is little trouble if I try to hide my ability as much as possible.

Like Ussah, if you are involved in unknown creatures like this, you may be able to say that it is the best choice to avoid trouble by instinctively remaining pa.s.sive.
The result of this treatment was an alright result.
Nice big breasted rabbit, I will praise you.

“Hey, hey you guys! Wait a moment!” (Nanami)

Nanami Shuichi, who is a character who doesn’t read the air, cried while caught up on courage.
But ignoring that, I go on carrying a rucksack.
Because Ussah is threatening with a rabbit punch cutting through the sky, who could restrain us?
Let’s get away quickly.
Anyway, there is no use for those who are hanging out in the town.

It’s the city after a long time of absence.
How long have you been swinging?
The sunlight that floods in from the ceiling gla.s.s is dazzling.

“But it is said that students are rough enough to counter each other, I’m worried about Seji.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“You don’t need to worry.” (???)

From out of nowhere, k.u.miko Kujo appeared.
It’s been a long time since this girl came, but I couldn’t sense any signs of her approach.

“Perhaps, is it a skill? I didn’t feel any sign…….” (s.h.i.+njo)

Even I am ranked Samurai of the top position.
Masking out that sight as a disguise, it is too strong, no matter how shocking you are.

“Yeah, that kind of skill. Since I became a spy, I became able to walk secretly in ordinary conditions.” (k.u.miko)

“Spy…..really?” (s.h.i.+njo)

I return it in a straightforward manner, but I was surprised at my inner heart.
Whether to maximize these jobs, as a thief or ninja, you can use the foul level skill 『Hidden Walking』.
It becomes difficult to detect your sign until you approach into a close range.
If you do it you won’t be able to notice it until you’re attacked.

Because it is the serious k.u.miko, I guess she trained hard to get the skill of such a foul-level.
There is no enemy on the upper floor.
It is ‘Ninja’ that is difficult to raise, but k.u.miko ranks up too quickly.

No, wait, k.u.miko was a senior from the beginning, so it doesn’t matter how much it will rise, isn’t it different from my acc.u.mulation on experience values.
I gained a lot of experience, so I may be able to rank up.

I have to go to the Oracle at once.

“More than that, I was worried. Wataru-kun, for these 8 days and 23 hours, I was looking for you for a long time since you disappeared before my eyes!” (k.u.miko)

“It was inexcusable, I’m sorry.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I haven’t thought about being sorry at all, but for the time being I said so.
But has it really been so many days since I’ve dived?

“But, who is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a bunny girl who hangs this unpleasant meat on her chest with Wataru-kun?” (k.u.miko)

“This girl…..” (s.h.i.+njo)

“I am Wataru-sama’s wife desu~. You are the only danna-sama!” (Ussah)

Faster then I could answer, Ussah had peppered her with her punch of words.
k.u.miko, who shrugged her eyes and strengthened her expressions with a cranky face, cried.

“I am the first partner of Wataru-kun!” (k.u.miko)

“Buh, what are you guys!?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Wha~aa? I did my first kiss with Wataru-kun, I did it! You will not say that I robbed you of my first time and forgot about it!” (k.u.miko)

“Oh, is that so. What kind of meaning is that?” (s.h.i.+njo)

Don’t say it in such a misunderstanding way, I will be impatient.
I felt that I took the first kiss, or rather I was robbed, but indeed it wouldn’t be undeniable.
When I was thinking whether it will be a quarrel with the word of bargain in the selling word, Ussah had a rough expression for some reason.

“……Although I am a wife, I haven’t been kissed yet desu~.” (Ussah)

It had been noticed in the c.r.a.p.

k.u.miko, who had been listening to it, had an irritated tongue.
While staring at Ussah, she withdrew a Kunai from her bosom and threw it suddenly.

The Kunai flew through the sky while cutting――。

The blade thrown at Ussah’s big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it falls to the ground with a potori just before it hit.

Why did you do that so suddenly, k.u.miko!
I am surprised, but Ussah laughed with a foolish face while protruding her jaw.

“Ahahahah, a slim body with no brain. You can’t do negative things in a town. You didn’t even know such a thing desu~?” (Ussah)

“I know that kind of thing, you meat rabbit. For now, you can kill anytime you like with this girl power……just a warning.” (k.u.miko)

k.u.miko, that is not a warning, but a declaration of war.
And that is your fighting strength, not girl power.

“Wait wait, stop your skirmishes.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Why do I have to mediate like the hero’s protagonist
You can not attack in town, so I can leave it alone, but I’m in trouble if you guys are killing each other in the dungeon.

Do not fight me or something, it’s like a heroine pa.s.sing through the hetare hero.
Considering the extreme character of foolish females who supplement these insufficent girls’ ability with fighting power, I can’t stop it because I will seriously make a battle.

“Hey, by the way k.u.miko! You, why do you have a Kunai?” (s.h.i.+njo)

I heard that would forcibly devastate the bad air, but I was also worried really.
The Ninja-exclusive weapon Kunai is a much more powerful throwing weapon than a throwing knife.

Although it is available on the middle floor, they are valuables with a low apperance rate.
They are a cla.s.s of fine rare items.

By the way, k.u.miko is wearing chain-mail.
This is also light and durable equipment that isn’t sold in town.
It’s about good equipment I want, but the pulling of this item is too strong.

“I found it on the treasure box of the fourth floor while I was looking for Wataru-kun, who was gone.” (k.u.miko)

That’s right, I also have the Trap-out skill, did you catch treasure boxes that I didn’t open?
Although she doesn’t have knowledge of Geno-Real, she had gone to the fourth floor.

No, did she hear that capture information from the MOJA?
To do so, the other guys fighting at the first floor, but they are too staggering.

Perhaps, k.u.miko is doing solo play?⁶
I had thought that I was the strongest, I didn’t like being overwhelmed by k.u.miko.

“Anyway, I will go the Oracle’s temple.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I am tired of trying to tear apart Ussah and k.u.miko.
I can’t go out with these skirmishes, it’s better to go to the Oracle’s temple.
I don’t want k.u.miko to follow, I don’t want k.u.miko to follow…….

I want to rank up, I should rank up.
Even I can rank up.

When I went to the front of the Oracle, I put my hands on the granite with a feeling as if I’m praying.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Changed “Flying” into “Soaring”.

² - Going to use Danna-sama for when she adds a sama, husband for when it’s just Danna.

³ - Don’t really understand this one, I probably TL’ed it wrong.

⁴ - Gotta look at the positives.

⁵ - Why we needed an extra sentence on that, I don’t know….but I approve of it.

⁶ - That’s an innuendo.

And that wraps up this chapter! Sorry if there are more errors than last time, but I tried my best.

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Genocide Reality Chapter 15 summary

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