Genocide Reality Chapter 16

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Thank you to G. Sadewa, Parker, and J. Luke for funding my patron!

Happy (almost) New Years Eve!
Hope you guys have fun with your friends/family!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 16 - Rank up to a Swordsman

When I placed my hands on the granite of the Oracle, letters were displayed.

『Do you want to rank up from a Samurai Swordsman into a Swordsman? YES/NO』(Oracle)

“Of course it’s okay! Of course yes, yes, yes!” (s.h.i.+njo)

I became a『Swordsman』from a『Samurai Swordsman』and gained new strength.
k.u.miko’s『Average Self-Restraint¹』is the same thing, as your ability also improves.
You should be able to hide and approach someone without being caught or seen.

Checking your current rank and ranking up occupations can only be done at the Oracle, so it was only by doing this that it was worth returning to the town.
Of course, you should also be sure to check the rank barometer as well.

『Maki Wataru (s.h.i.+njo Wataru)
Age: 16
Occupation: Swordsman
Warrior Rank: Expert
Acrobat Rank: Adept
Monk Rank: Artisan
Mage Rank: Adept』(Oracle)

The various ranks are growing well-balanced.
Almost as planned.
I think I finally reached expert rank are fighting desperately to that extent, but it’s not bad as I’m still just a single person.

Even if the level was gotten so soon, it isn’t boring with that.
After this, now I’m able to fight as a swordsman from one end.

Rather, I’m excited to think that I can still become stronger.
Oh well, such a margin can be said because it seems it hasn’t lost to k.u.miko yet.

Other than that, I just want to be the strongest swordsman in Geno-Real alone.
If I couldn’t rank up my job, I would just jump and dash into the labyrinth and I won’t go back for a week.

As I mentioned before, if you want to clear the game, you will need to push with numbers while bull-dozing with the character where you nurtured the specialty fields up to the expert level.
In this city, there should certainly be 100 or more students.

If one hundred people become an expert Mage, they can shoot fireb.a.l.l.s and will be able to break through by force.
Ten people might not survive when it comes down to the end of it, but a clear is still clearing it.

Even if we set a condition that everyone should clear so they won’t die, growing up to be an expert on average, I wonder if I can safely go to a party where I train my special skill to an intermediate level teacher.

If it’s only to clear it, you don’t have to raise it to the highest rank.
However, regardless of clearing while crying it’s useless to be stronger, it’s the essence of Geno-Real to train characters to the limits.

“I also checked it masu~.” (Ussah)

Following me, Ussah also attached her hand to the granite of the Oracle.

“Ah, I also ranked up from『Martial Artist』to『Kenpou²』desu~!” (Ussah)

As I was told she was already a lower-cla.s.s teacher, it was a little worrisome how strong Ussah was.
I saw Ussah’s data displayed on the granite.

Age: 15
Job: Kenpou
Warrior Rank: Lower-cla.s.s Teacher
Acrobat Rank: Adept
Monk Rank: Apprentice
Mage Rank: Novice』(Oracle)

Ussah is biased towards the physical direction considerably.
When moving together in a party, it becomes like this because it’s only good at work.
You can see at a glance that it’s a muscle brain who hardly uses magic.

Martial Artists are middle-ranked while specializing avant-garde, but in terms of rank,『Kenpou』lines up with k.u.miko’s『Average Self-Restraint』and my『Swordsman』.
If you are professional, it seems that she has combat experience as an avant-garde.

After finis.h.i.+ng ranking up at the Oracle, it’s the next shop.
First of all, around to the Weapons and Armor shop.
Sometimes I wanted to buy hard leather armor, because I wanted to change the gems that are unnecessary for Seji into gold coins.

“By the way Ussah, are you doing okay in such equipment? Isn’t it better to buy good equipment?” (s.h.i.+njo)

I know that weapons aren’t needed because she’s a fighter, but her armor is an ap.r.o.n dress.
So, I wonder if I can go to the 6th floor or is it too unreasonable.
I would like to say that she was going to be annihilated because of such a thing.

There are plenty of gold coins, so we have plenty of room for us to buy light equipment.
Certainly there are some perverted chicks that train fighters and ninjas to the utmost limit, walking around on the lowermost layer naked.³

Aside from me who’s playing adventure, I don’t think that Ussah is such a case.
It’s useless because heavy armor and small hands and knees will crush the strengths of martial artists, but it will become more secure if you attach a breastplate that doesn’t hinder the limbs or hard leather armor.

“Danna-sama, I will not enter armor here desu~. The size of my chest……” (Ussah)

Ussah gave a shameful blush and gazed downwards.
Indeed, it can be said that Ussah’s physique is pet.i.te and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are large.
Far away from armor, even the uniforms of martial artists don’t fit her body.

The ap.r.o.n dress seems to be order-made, so there are only a few equipment options for Ussah’s body shape.
She is a victim of an extreme deformity that tends to be in old games.
If you didn’t make her real anyhow, you should have considered the character a bit more.

“That didn’t stop me from noticing it.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Ah, but this ap.r.o.n dress is the equipment for the warrior of the Rabitto/Rabbit tribe desu~. It’s tough because it’s made of strong magic cloth desu~.” (Ussah)

Although I think about the sense of the rabbit tribe who wishes to purposefully treat ap.r.o.n dresses for proximity fighting, I decided to leave it at that because there seems to be no obstacle for practical use.

“Hey, Wataru-kun. Why are you wearing steel armor, I’m trying to buy hard leather armor.” (k.u.miko)

“Because, since this armor is heavy and doesn’t match my fighting style, I’m thinking of going to Seji.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Well, then I should give you my chain mail. It’s light weight, and it’s more durable than hard leather armor.” (k.u.miko)

“That is true, but what about k.u.miko’s equipment?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Because I have one more set of chain mail, I’ll wear that now so I can give you this.” (k.u.miko)

“Well……” (s.h.i.+njo)

k.u.miko has sharp intuition, had she noticed I was looking at her equipment with a desperate face?
However, I have no reason to accept it from k.u.miko.
When I was hesitating, k.u.miko whispered in my ear by turning her hand on my shoulder.

“You don’t have to hold back, because my stuff is also Wataru-kun’s stuff.” (k.u.miko)

“What do you mean……” (s.h.i.+njo)

“I have a lot of items, because there were treasure chests that weren’t open all the time when I was chasing Wataru-kun to the third floor.” (k.u.miko)

“Well, that is what I originally left untouched. If so, do you want me to share it?” (s.h.i.+njo)

I decided to obediently wear the chain mail that k.u.miko took off.
The performance is much better than hard leather armor.
Looking at me in that state, Ussah made a dissatisfied face somehow, and k.u.miko began to laugh and giggle.

“What’s funny?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Because……no, I wonder if you feel the warmth of my skin?” (k.u.miko)

Well, it is k.u.miko’s used clothing.
Because the chain mail was worn a little while ago, the warmth of human skin and a gentle smell remained.

“I’m serious now, I don’t care about that.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Well, that’s too late for us.” (k.u.miko)

“Somehow this woman is a mouthful masu~. Go away from Danna-sama, no-milk⁴!”

“Oh, you’ve done it, you meat rabbit.” (k.u.miko)

To k.u.miko who was clinging to me, Ussah’s attempt to touch had been repelled.
Attacking with a hostile intention will be like this in town.

I am starting to quickly learn that it is useless trying to arbitrate these noises.
While k.u.miko intentionally shuts down the noise contested by Ussah, I decided to concentrate on shopping.

As chain mail was obtained, I would only like to renew the hard leather knee pads, and the leather boots and gloves.
I also am the same as k.u.miko, as because it’s a type that emphasizes mobility, the armor is good with equipment of this degree.

“Well, shopping is over, k.u.miko. Where is Seji?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“As usual, I think he’s training in the blacksmith.” (k.u.miko)

Well, he’s training every day like I said to.
It isn’t as enough as training in the back of the dungeon, but if he did it seriously he should have improved considerably.
I am looking forward to the growth of my friend who I haven’t met in a while.

What if his warrior rank rose too much, and Seji’s body became muscular?
That would be a bit much.

“Danna-sama, hey!” (Ussah)

“What?” (s.h.i.+njo)

While I was walking while thinking about such things, Ussah had suddenly pulled my arm.

“Do humans do the act of breeding outside?” (Ussah)

“Eh……” (s.h.i.+njo)

Ussah was looking at the park.
It’s just an area where vegetation grows in a small square, but it makes people’s eyes calm.

There is a spring in the center of the park.
It’s the same as the dungeon, only fresh water is available for free.
It can also be said to be an important spot to support the lifeline.

There was an unusually pink atmosphere, and it had become a lifeline in a different meaning.
A couple, a couple, a couple……besides a bench, a couple of men and women are eating on a sheet on top of the gra.s.s.

It’s cute because they are kissing and hugging.
Vigorously clinging to each other and intertwining violently, perhaps even disgruntled people are saying “is it not in yet?”.

From the depths of the bushes with tall weeds growing upwards, “No good” and “A~hh”, I heard these sweet voices that don’t clearly say yes or no, and a desperate cry was also heard.
Come on……

“What’s this, hey k.u.miko.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“It’s as the small rabbit there says. Everybody sometimes have stress acc.u.mulated, if there is a crisis in their life, humans will want to breed. Because there is a shortage of gold coins, ordinary students don’t have the money to borrow an inn.” (k.u.miko)

Because it isn’t possible to bother to pay the high inn bill to meet secretly, they say breeding in the park is okay.
If this momentum keeps up 10 months later, the population of the city that was decreasing may also increase.

“Ha ha, breeding outside isn’t good…… Ahh, there is no such thing before as everyone’s watching. Such embarra.s.sment is a way that humans breed desu~.” (Ussah)

In her mouth she said she hated it, but in Ussah’s azure eyes, a pink heart mark emerges.
I don’t know whether she’s been doing it deliberately or unconsciously, but she has been pressing my arms against her big b.r.e.a.s.t.s since a while ago.
By the way, as I have said before, the Rabitto/Rabbit tribe has grown too much and is likely to ruin the world, it’s the tribe with a vigorous desire to reproduce.

It is a poisonous sight for Ussah’s eyes, so I wanted to pa.s.s by quickly, but there was one point to worry about.
A notice propped-up stating『Use prohibited without permission from the Student Council』stands on the fountain of the park, which was an infinite water source.

“k.u.miko, what is the Student Council?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“It’s the organization that Vice President Nanami made in the town. Some people are opposed, but in front of you it is supposed that everyone in town is partic.i.p.ating. It’s a mutual help organization that everyone uses to manage parks and adventurer’s gold coins so that they can spread it equally to everyone.” (k.u.miko)

It seems that he made the Student Council as the management organization of the town so that Shuichi Nanami always keeps in mind the fact they are students of Yuan Academy⁵ until everyone can return to j.a.pan.
By the way, because k.u.miko is also a Student Council official, she seems to have received executive cla.s.s treatment.

“Huh, the Student Council?” (s.h.i.+njo)

The idea itself sounds very correct when listening to it.
As expected, it seems Shuichi Nanami has good moral conduct, but……

“Wataru-kun, I think that’s shady.” (k.u.miko)

“Don’t read my thoughts k.u.miko.” (s.h.i.+njo)

It’s awfully suspicious to say that you manage all the parks that anyone can use.
While I was thinking, Ussah turned in front of me unnoticed.

While turning up the frills of her blue ap.r.o.n dress, Ussah murmured to me with lavish eyes.

“Danna-sama, this way of breeding for human beings, I am too embarra.s.sed to bear it, but I want to try hard.” (Ussah)

“Ussah, it’s special play to do it outdoors, it’s not etiquette of mankind.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Make it a little humble, erotic rabbit!” (k.u.miko)

k.u.miko said as she spat at Ussah.
That’s right, don’t say anything you virgin b.i.t.c.h.
Moreover, before k.u.miko and Ussah started to fight, I decided to hurry to the blacksmith where Seji is.

If you look closely at the inside of the city, there were lots of caught entanglements without worrying about people’s eyes.
And now, even me who’s putting on airs of being tough, Ussah if you look on the right, virgin b.i.t.c.h if you look on the left.

Ahh, is there only b.i.t.c.h women in this world.
My mind is damp, Seji is the only one.⁶

“Yo, Seji. Did you grow a little bit stronger?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Ah, Maki-kun. Long time no see!” (Seji)

When I went into the blacksmith, Seji was swinging the Onata sword toward the steel wall.
It seems he had been steadily combat training against the walls of the blacksmith.
Blades that had tattered and blades that had torn, it is the tale of Seji’s hard work.

Seji who was looking at my face was waving his hand happily.
I handed a towel to the working Seji.

“Looks like you’re doing your best.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Fuu, thank you Maki-kun.” (Seji)

Seji wiped the sweat off his forehead gladly with the towel I gave him.
From his bluish hair and skin wet with sweat, a sweet and sour scent noticeably arises.

I got a sharp impression from Seji’s body, which is trained thin and supple.
But, it’s wonder and loveliness is also increasing.

The slender shoulders of Seji, the s.h.i.+rt that stuck to his skin wet with sweat, making his peeled protrusions slightly transparent at the tip of a slightly inflated chest.
To a very glossy appearance, it makes my heart painful when I see it, but is it really good even if I look at it like this?⁷

No, since he’s a man, he shouldn’t have any problem, f.u.c.k……it looks like it’s a lie, but this is a boy.
It’s absolutely wrong in this world.
Well, G.o.d will die and the world will perish.

I wonder if someone cursing their birth says this type of thing, it can’t be helped even if you mourn about it.
I hand the set of steel armor that I was wearing to Seji together along with the bag of gold coins.

“Thank you as always, such fine armor……is Maki-kun’s equipment good?” (Seji)

“I got chain mail from k.u.miko. Although Seji is too rugged to attach the steel armor, it can’t subst.i.tute for life. Oh yes, please accept this as well.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“A ring……to me?” (Seji)

Together with the equipment, I intended to hold out a ring with red jewels casually, but it seems it gave Seji a little embarra.s.sment.
Somehow a strange s.p.a.ce is let loose……well, why is there such air.
Even if it’s called a ring, it doesn’t mean anything deep.

“No, that’s not it, this is a magic item. The『Ring of Warnings』is a handy accessory that vibrates when danger approaches!” (s.h.i.+njo)

“Yeah, I see……thank you!” (Seji)

Looking at me explaining in a hurry, Seji laughed as if to mislead the strange air, he received the ring with both hands while saying thank you.
For a moment, the hand touching me was somewhat embarra.s.sing.

“Hey, what makes it such a good atmosphere between men?” (k.u.miko)

“It didn’t become like that!” (s.h.i.+njo)

Didn’t become like that at all, k.u.miko, say what you want!
k.u.miko caught my eye, and brought out her hand towards me.

“What are you going to do?” (s.h.i.+njo)

“May I also get a ring, please?” (k.u.miko)

I didn’t want to give even if there was one.
……I can’t say that, I got chain mail a little while ago.

“Ah, please also give one to your wife!” (Ussah)

“Ussah, please wait a moment.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I fished through my rucksack, handing down a defense pendant to k.u.miko, and I handed Ussah an amulet of evasion.
Although it’s next to Seji, it was good that some of the accessories for these were also included in the baggage.

“It’s not a ring……” (k.u.miko)

“It’s not a ring desu~……” (Ussah)

Don’t be luxurious, you guys.
It seems that it’s good that you guys have gifts next to Seji.

“Ah ha ha, somehow it’s like Maki-kun, isn’t it?” (Seji)

“I don’t really know how it’s like me.” (s.h.i.+njo)

What was wrong, Seji was looking at the disappointed faces of k.u.miko and Ussah, and he giggled and laughed.
Even if he heard that I was married to a rabbit, Seji was completely unfazed as I had expected.

Then, I was in a state of shock as Ussah and k.u.miko were fighting over which gift they had gotten from me was better.
Whether he was planning to give a.s.sistance to me or not, Seji changed the story.

“Yes, I was thinking of listening to Maki-kun when he came back. After all, it isn’t the same Earth here, is it?” (Seji)

“I think that’s the case, but what happened to the moon?” (s.h.i.+njo)

Seji looked up at the big full moon floating in sorrow in the sky, and muttered a sigh.
I think it’s commonplace that it isn’t Earth because it’s the world of the game.

” It’s a full moon even though it’s day time, which isn’t physically possible.” (Seji)

“Eh?” (s.h.i.+njo)

I don’t quite understand the meaning of what Seji is saying.

“Well……here, the moon is s.h.i.+ning with the reflection of the sun.” (Seji)

“Oh, I see!” (s.h.i.+njo)

I finally realized it as it was pointed out.
Far from highschool, it’s science of the junior highschool level.
The moon reflects the light of the sun and s.h.i.+nes.
When the full moon is out, it’s strange that the sun is not located on the opposite side of the moon.

During the day when the sun is out, it is impossible that『the full moon comes out』at the same time.
The moon of Geno-Real is neither the moon we know, nor the satellite that reflects the light of the sun.

“Good, Maki-kun knew. Even if we say that the moon is strange, we didn’t just say we wanted to clear it quickly or we wanted to return home, so we didn’t get interested in how the world is going.” (Seji)

“Everyone can’t afford to think about such a thing.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Because Seji was in the mathematics department or something, he was floating in Cla.s.s F in a different meaning from me.
It’s not a bad thing, but there is a place that has gone apart from the outset.
Well, everyone desperately won’t be talking to you even if you talk about the moon.

“In order to break through the current situation, I think that we first must confirm where this is. Everyone says it’s the world of games, but why stop thinking from there? For example, that satellite is s.h.i.+ning by itself.” (Seji)

The moon pointed at by Seji was full of unchanging positions 10 days ago.
That moon will always be there at that position and will be s.h.i.+ning on its own.
Is that really just a simple satellite?

“The moon is s.h.i.+ning on its own. With this game setting, it’s said that mana is coming from the moon by wind.” (s.h.i.+njo)

“So, what is the world of games in the first place? I can’t say that I’m honestly convinced. We were only taking in the cla.s.sroom and we haven’t done anything to enter the game world.” (Seji)

“Isn’t that a trigger event?” (s.h.i.+njo)

As I said so, Seji strongly nodded.
Indeed, I realized what he meant.
Seji is talking about the causality of things.

I can’t convince Seji that it is concluded that this is the game world just by being very similar for us gamers like me and that Mojacko.
If you have entered the world of the game, there must be some cause.
At the moment when it isn’t found, the “Game World” theory isn’t perfect.

“This town is convenient, it was selling telescopes. So, I tried to observe the astronomical object, but there were some constellations that we knew well. Of course, the position of the celestial bodies are considerably misplaced from the Earth, so we can erase the possibility that this is somewhere on the Earth. It may be a different planet from the Earth in the same universe. Or it could be a parallel-like world where the celestial bodies are similar in position.” (Seji)

As Seji continued talking as if cutting through a dam, he let out a breath and sighed deeply as if a little tired.
He was saying that such a story wasn’t heard by anyone other than me.

Everyone desperately wanted to live, they only saw their feet.
Even though I was looking up at the sky just like Seji, I didn’t notice at all that the full moon was strange.

No, about only Seji would notice this kind of thing.
In the midst of such an abnormal situation, he noticed the humor that the full moon was out, the thing about thinking of measuring the position of the celestial bodies is about this guy.

Seji also had experimentation tools such as a pendulum and gravity acceleration, and he gladly told me that a number different from Earth’s came out.
I like Seji, as he gives that kind of sort of thing that I don’t think about and it shows me a completely different view.

To break through the current situation, “Don’t stop thinking”……that’s right.
Because it’s a gaming world, we all receive mysterious things as usual, but if you think carefully, it’s a game world.

It’s a fact that the dungeons here are very similar to the game called Genocide・Reality that was released in the year 1989 AD.
However, it is premature to think that we entered the game.

I look at the rabbit’s ears and the girls smiling at me beside me.
With good observation, I start fidgeting it with my fingers.
Pico pico, the rabbit’s ears are stretching and shrinking.

“Somehow desu~, to stare so much is hot. Danna-sama, I’m glad you’re staring at me, but I’m a bit embarra.s.sed if it’s not just the 2 of us.” (Ussah)

This is an NPC.
To me, Ussah looks like a human being.
No, there aren’t any human beings who have rabbit ears, but intellectual bodies that are moving with their own will.

Do you think that Ussah is an artificial intelligence who pretends to be human?
It is the exact proposition of『Philosophical Zombies』, though there is no choice but to think about my intuition, as I thought Ussah was a human being like us.

“Were you in such a place, Maki Wataru-kun!” (Nanami)

Where we were discussing what this world is, the group of Shuichi Nanami came pursuing.
After the skirmish in the dungeon, he says that he searched in a panic.

Well, I found them as troublesome people.
It’s fun to talk with Seji, but I didn’t want to talk so much to Nanami’s group.

“Maki Wataru-kun. Please, I’d like to listen to your story!” (Nanami)

“…the heck, what on earth do you mean you’ll listen?” (s.h.i.+njo)

Strategy information?
I’ve taken all the rares on the upper floor, well, I can tell them if it’s there.

“No, that’s what we want you to tell us about, your girlfriend⁸.” (Nanami)

Shuichi Nanami pointed at Ussah.

Translator's Notes

¹ - I got『Average Self-Restraint』from『中忍』, if anyone has a better wording of it or if I got it wrong, let me know.

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Genocide Reality Chapter 16 summary

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