Genocide Reality Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Tear in the Town

“Hmm, should I refill my junk before I go to the dungeon?” (s.h.i.+njou)

On the way to the dungeon, I stopped at the red W. M. store.
I hadn’t eaten the Mc Burger earlier.

Seki is a little troubling, because when I eat junk food he becomes angry like a mother.

I’m not hungry because I just ate a while ago, but this kind of junk food is a different place to enter.
For me it is an important nutrient, it can be said to be a luxury good that needs regular supply.

“I also want to drink a vanilla shake, and I can add potatoes and nuggets……” (s.h.i.+njou)

Since my rank rose and my strength also increased, it doesn’t matter even if there is a little more baggage.
The food was luxurious, let’s purchase a little.
I got into a beautiful shop, and I looked at the menu panel.

From below, Guuuuuu~ I heard the sound of a stomach.
Is it from the other side of the counter?

When I gently peeped in, as if caught inside the counter of the shop, there was a girl squatting down.
It is a familiar face.
Nanami Shuichi’s childhood friend, Rindou Kazuha.

“Er, was it Rindou-san? What are you doing in such places?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ah……” (Kazuha)

I barely heard the undertone, instead I heard a loud noise Guuuuuu~ of a rumbling stomach.
The stomach is better than the mouth, it speak eloquently.
To make this girl’s stomach rumble this many times, I think she must be shy.
Kazuha looks at me with lightless eyes, just crouching and crouching.

Somehow, doesn’t it hurt a lot?
A blouse with a white uniform with noticeable dirt.
Even if she’s looking at me, she doesn’t make any movement while squatting on the ground.

There is no gloss on her black hair bundled by a shushu¹, and her pale thin cheeks seem to be weakening.
Rather than crouching down, it’s more correct that she went down in the back of the store, then collapsed and couldn’t move.

“Maybe, you are hungry?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Uuu~.” (Kazuha)

A weak reply.
I bought a set of McBurger for the time being and decided to offer it.
After putting the burger to her noise, she barely bit it.
Bakubakubaku~, it disappeared in an instant.

I was surprised a bit.
It’s not the plain eating of ordinary girls.

“You, wait a moment, if you eat so soon……it will ruin your stomach.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Zuzuzuzu~” (Kazuha)

Kazuha also drank the cola that I gave in the set with tremendous momentum.
Is her throat dry too?
No, juice is useless when thirsty.
When I thought of that I held out the water, and she drank it in a moment.

What’s this, it’s a little funny.
I, in the mood for feeding wild animals, gave potatoes and nuggets as well.²
Kazuha eats them in a trance Bakubaku while holding them in her hands.

She is eager to eat it without hesitation.
She was probably hungry, as it’s more of a feeling of sucking in rather than being a meal.
It seems she finally settled down after eating up 3 servings, Kazuha breathed a deep breath and smiled with an ecstatic smile.

In front of Kazuha who remains crouching in the small gap of the counter, there is a lot of scattered debris littered from eating.
When you are hungry, if you eat this amount in one stroke, I wonder if it will put too much strain on the stomach.

“Incase you ruin your stomach, drink this as well.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I let her drink the health potion and the detoxification potion.
I don’t know whether the detoxification potion will be

stomach medicine, but I think that it had the effect of helping digestion from experience.
I had Seki make it, and the potion helped quickly.

With the potion I pa.s.sed to Kazuha, she squeezed her throat and drank the blue and orange potion.
If it is the current Kazuha, she’ll swallow everything as I pa.s.s it.
Although she had an impression of a girl who tended to hold back for the first time, it seems that she was indeed in an extreme condition.

Finally after the supply and recovery, gloss returned to the hair and skin of Kazuha.
Light returned to her dark eyes, and at the same time her emotions returned, her lips began to tremble.

“That……s.h.i.+njou-kun, thank you u~uuu……u~uuu, u~uuu.” (Kazuha)

If you think she was smiling with a full belly and an estatic smile, this time she began to shed tears.
From Kazuha’s eyes that are downcast, tears like pearls fall with a s.h.i.+mmer and she wipes with her sleeves, but it doesn’t stop them from overflowing.

“Oooh, hey……” (s.h.i.+njou)

“go~, sorry……I, I……” (Kazuha)

Suddenly crying, it also confused me.
Even if she can endure it, the tears from Kazuha’s eyes don’t stop.
Finally the moisture is enough, I can’t watch it with the feeling that the dry tears have overflowed.

To know that she starved and collapsed, she knew she was dry.
Everyone can drink water for free if they go to the park.

“Hey, Rindou-san. What happened?” (s.h.i.+njou)

I ignored mostly everything about everyone else, but I can’t help but ask about this a little bit.

“My money is gone……” (Kazuha)

“I heard that the Student Council properly distributes gold coins to students who can not fight. Besides Rindou-san, aren’t you a childhood friend of Shuichi Nanami?” (s.h.i.+njou)

If you ask Nanami who is the leader of the Student Council to help you, you can’t not get money.
Rather, it shouldn’t be amusing to get preferential treatment as a privileged cla.s.s.

“That’s why……” (Kazuha)

While sighing, Kazuha started talking about the current situation.
In a nutsh.e.l.l, Kazuha received severe bullying from the girl students of the Student Council.

Moreover, the reason was because Kazuha was『a childhood friend of Nanami Shuichi』.
The Student Council members, especially girls, are sympathizers of Nanami Shuichi.

Nanami Shuichi seems to be trying to treat all people equally, but the sharp girls are sensitive to the fact that『Kazuha is special to Shuichi Nanami』.
From somewhere, since Kazuha was treated as a childhood friend of Nanami, it was deadly that the rumor was floating around.

And, Nanami was always standing for everyone at the beginning of the adventure.
He didn’t notice the fact that Kazuha was receiving bullying from the shadows.

No, not only Nanami is bad.
I never thought that I had cured the leg trouble of Kazuha.

Orginally forced to be made into the cla.s.s leader, Kazuha had a place that was cut off from the cla.s.s.
Since her ankle had a mild disability, she was barely escaping from the target of bullying because she was a poor child.

As the result of the subtle balance being lost, Kazuha was completely pickpocketed by girls from the Student Council in the city.
There were no people sympathizing or helping, and it became impossible to receive gold coins.

Kazuha, who became the subject of bullying, no matter where she went she was badly injured, and she wasn’t even allowed to drink water from the fountain where she could get as much as she wanted for free.
Kazuha, who was persecuted by the Student Council, became physically and mentally hurt, so she squatted in the back of the fast food shop where n.o.body was, that was why she was trying to die as she was.³

“You, if you are dying then ask Nanami for help!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Because, that’s……uuuwaaaaaa~!” (Kazuha)

Kazuha, without being able to endure it, burst out crying.
Oh, I see……
This is my bad.
The root reason why Kazuha was bullied from the female students, it was due to being treated specially by Nanami Shuichi.

Shuichi Nanami seems to be the reason why you can’t get help by saying that.
If she cried and Nanami helped her, what happens after that?
Nanami who is going to earn gold coins, he would almost not be in the town.
Even more bullies would become cruel.

This time, pa.s.sive persecution might not be enough.
The very weak Kazuha, she couldn’t do that.
There is more unbearable fear than dry hunger.

“What is the Student Council, it’s f.u.c.ked……” (s.h.i.+njou)

There is a speech variation of mediocrity of evil.
Even the students in town aren’t all bad guys, everyone is a very ordinary high school student.

Perhaps it was triggered by excessive stress caused by the ma.s.s-transition incident.
Very common people, they became jealous and started to persecute Kazuha with half play, and eventually she was hunted to hunger to the point of dying.

It isn’t that we can’t harm people because we can’t do negative acts in town.
Bullying, ignoring, jeering, alienating, persecuting……even if you don’t do it directly, it’s still possible to drive people to death if you pursue them in groups.

If f.u.c.king people gather, what happens in the world is what commonly happens, as it’s now happening in Genocide Reality.
Even though it was only that, a hot emotion that stuck in the back of my chest went crazy like a storm.

I racked up all the remaining gold coins in my rucksack, then presented it to Kazuha.
This, this is absolutely not pity!⁴

“s.h.i.+njou-kun……” (Kazuha)

“This is all the gold coins I have right now, you should hide this somewhere. I will bring more if it isn’t enough.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Kazuha was bullied because I taught her how to cure her leg, so it’s my responsibility.
Although I am unwilling, since I was involved I have to take responsibility to the end.

It would be bad if Shuichi Nanami helped, but if I helped……

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, it’s different! I don’t want such a thing!” (Kazuha)

Kazuha, she pushed away the coins I presented, and clung with her full strength to me.
Unintentionally, I fell on my b.u.t.t.
She knocked into my durable body.
Crying and staring at me with bloodshot eyes, a scream poured into the bottom of my heart.

“But, you do not have any money so you are……” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No, you’re wrong! s.h.i.+njou-kun is going somewhere! I don’t want to stay in this town anymore, please take me as well!” (Kazuha)

Even if I am told to take you, the place I’m going is a dangerous dungeon.
For such a weak girl, it’s not a world that you can live in.

I see……there was a garden in the underground’s fifth floor.
A secure hidden room, you can hide and live without being found by anyone if you’re over there.
You can escape from the persecution of the Student Council.

Truthfully, I wanted to make it a safe area for Seki.
I don’t mind harboring about one person afterwards.

“Hey Rindou Kazuha, if you want to follow me, be prepared to take risks.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“My resolution is decided, there’s no dangerous place beyond this town. If I’m here, death would be better.” (Kazuha)

Is that so.
Since Kazuha is going to be killed in the safe city, she will try to escape.

However, it alone is troublesome.
If you do not have the preparedness to fight, even if I take her, I don’t want to see where the innocent girl dies at her own risk.

“To go to the dungeon, it means to become an adventurer. It’s a place where the safety of life can’t be guaranteed, even I may not be able to help. Do you understand Rindou, don’t run away saying you are going to decide yourself to fight yourself. Do your best to survive.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“That is, as much as possible……so s.h.i.+njou-kun’s footsteps shouldn’t be changed. You can abandon me when it comes to an emergency.” (Kazuha)

While saying so, you know what to do if your life is in danger.
Even so, if I decide to take her, it’s her responsibility.
Kazuha’s preparedness, as it seems like it is real preparedness, should I take her away?

“I don’t mean to threaten Rindou, but the dungeon is really dangerous. Don’t have the sweet idea of letting me save you, please have the will to save yourself.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“There is the will!” (Kazuha)

It may be said that she is in bad shape, but there is power in her voice.
If this determination is firm, won’t it disturb you a lot?

“Hmm, is that so. You are still weak, but had the courage to ask me for help. Let’s be good with that now.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, please. I, I will do anything with you……” (Kazuha)

She’s too slow, in various ways.
If you were to be prepared to do anything from the beginning, you would have established a dominant position in the town by using Nanami, her childhood friend, so she should have decided to prepare before more.

As a drowning man grasps a straw, Kazuha desperately clung to my body and didn’t let go, and I vomited a sigh.
Well good, Kazuha is still alive.
Due to the luck Kazuha had graspsed, she was discovered here by chance by me.
The courage to survive to the last minute, I decided that it’s good enough.

“In the back of the dungeon, there is a safe room where you can hide and live in. I will take you there until then.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Please do it, please take me there.” (Kazuha)

I gathered the gold coins that Kazuha had scattered on the floor.

“In that case, please firmly accept this money. Use this gold to arrange the equipment, and not only equipment. There is food and water in the hidden room, but there is no change of clothes or daily necessities, so please fill the rucksack with your living supplies from town.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I understand, what should I do for equipment?” (Kazuha)

“Before that, Rindou, what’s your job?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I am a cook, but it’s a bad job. Nanami-kun told me that he helped everyone with cooking, so he told me he doesn’t need it because it isn’t helpful to everyone.” (Kazuha)

It’s sad to say, but it’s a losing profession competing for 12.
Even if you eat the raw flesh of a monster, even in this wild game, cooking skills exist.

It would be interesting to do it as role play, but even if the cooking is good and there are differences in the recovery of satiety, it really has no effect.
There are few people who are cooking in the dungeon.
Adventurers are also missing the effort of burning meat, so raw material galling is common.

“It doesn’t matter, but it’s awfully ironic that the chef is hungry.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yup……” (Kazuha)

I look at Kazuha who’s still wearing a school-designated uniform.
It was dirty because it’s too bad for was.h.i.+ng, but it’s durable clothing.
When you attach it from above, heavy equipment is impossible for the physical strength of Kazuha.

“If you put on metal armor, you won’t be able to move. Hard leather armor may be too heavy, so at most Rindou can armor her skin. You seem to be a cook, I think you should also equip it with a Petty Knife.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Although she becomes paper armor, it doesn’t matter unless she is. .h.i.t.
I don’t expect her as an offensive strength, if you throw a stone from behind or shoot even a beginner fireball, it’s honorable.

Since it is only necessary to reach the 5th floor of the underground, we will succeed somehow.
Kazuha and I arrange equipment and buy everyday items.

There is a pharmacy in Geno-Real too, and I was surprised it sold sanitary items for women.
I didn’t check about the shops in the city well, but is there more items than when playing the game?

To teach her about the bath equipped with water in the hidden room, I bought towels and also firmly bought soap and detergent.
Her hair will function easily then, I guess that her life power is stronger than mine.

Translator’s Notes

¹ – Probably a tie or something, but Google-sensei didn’t help me…. 

² – Can we just mention how amazing our MC is? 11/10. 

³ – So…how about you take her down with you? I mean, there is that area you offered Seki….. 

⁴ – All tsun and no dere. 


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Genocide Reality Chapter 19 summary

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