Genocide Reality Chapter 20

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Thank you to G. Sadewa, Parker, J. Luke, and DL for funding my patreon!

This chapter has such a promising name…. let’s hope it lives up to our expectations. ;3

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 20 - Fall to h.e.l.l

Taking Kazuha, I step into the dungeon and descend down the stone stairs.
There isn’t any signs of orcs or goblins near the entrance.
The treasure boxes lying around are open.

“I wonder if anyone has gone ahead.” (s.h.i.+njou)

From the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, it seems the Student Council has advanced a lot.
Since trouble might occur again when we meet another group, I’ll go through the shortest route that goes down.

It seems that it is much more troublesome to meet humans than monsters, so I want to pa.s.s quickly.
I wondered if my bad premonition was realized right after, as the armed men from before entered the hall.

“Oops, this is a dead-end.” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

Ronke¹ with blonde hair that is tinted similar to pudding-colored hair, he is standing in my way while holding a long sword.
Orcs are to some extent becoming flabby giants, a garihyoro² with sharp eyes, a little younger face similar to a rat with protruding teeth.

Feeling a sign and looking backwards, from there the mob of 4 people appear.
It seems we were surrounded by four people in the front and four people in the back, or 8 people in total.

A little while ago, these guys were opposing the group of Nanami.
When I thought that, the blond hair opened his mouth.
Well, is this guy the leader?

“s.h.i.+njou-ku~n, what is that ferocious bunny woman doing~?” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

“Ahhh? She has been placed in the city.” (s.h.i.+njou)

The tone that seems to be hating hurts, but I will tell you because I am not hiding it separately.
I want to avoid trouble, but I don’t think that this atmosphere will honestly diffuse.

“Hehehehe, this is convenient. If he doesn’t have that rabbit woman, I’m not scared of s.h.i.+njou-kun.” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

Apparently, it seems that he is misunderstanding that it is only Ussah.
After all, he won’t be convinced if he isn’t shown the difference in power.
Well good, because these guys are obsessed, I was thinking of doing it in a while.

Threatening lightly, even if I don’t listen to what they have to say, I will break 1 or 2 of their bones, so let’s draw it.
I grabbed the sheath on my back and prepared a position where I can draw my sword at any time.

“Uhyo-, aren’t you accompanied by a woman again?” (Garihyoro)

“Hey, isn’t this fellow the cla.s.s leader Kazuha? U-hehe, I guess I’m getting tired, I thought he was doing it from before.” (Chibi)

From behind Ronke, the garihyoro and chibi raise a cheer, so Kazuha is scared and her legs are trembling.
Those guys were looking like they wanted to lick Rindou Kazuha, and everyone smiled all at the same time.

It was clear he was attacking me, it must have been his acc.u.mulated revenge he had towards Ussah.
But, are they seriously planning to attack girls who were in the same cla.s.s?

No, the thought of them not attacking a woman is too sweet.
Even in the city where negative acts couldn’t be done, Kazuha was in danger of dying.

If you take one step into the labyrinth that is a step from the city, there is a lawless zone where they can do anything.
Nine days have already pa.s.sed since the metastasis, it’s almost impossible for the management of the Student Council of Nanami to be so good that the murder and rape didn’t stand out.

If they are in an illegal state in a closed environment and continue to receive strong stress, people naturally do things like that.
Sooner or later, for the reason why Nanami’s student council was fitted, those disconnected guys will appear.

I think that they are a waste if they have already lost morality as a person.
To try to say it or call out.

“You guys, this is the last warning. If you don’t want to die, don’t mind us……” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Oh, scary scary!” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

“Uhahaha, in this situation, to be bluffing still!” (Gairhyoro)

My warning seems to have been useless after all.
The blonde haired Ronke says that in a tone that this is the utmost concession.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, there is Yos.h.i.+mi that was in Cla.s.s-F as well, let’s appreciate that you invited Kazuha-chan from the city. If you hand over the woman quitely, and you peel off all your possesions, it will end pleasantly.” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

I won’t talk.
I keep silent and measure the distance of the 8 people surrounding us.

I have gotten stronger, but it is the first time I’m against armed men.
If I were alone, I would only have to hit the enemy in front of my eyes and break through, but today my feet are somewhat tied.

With this number of people, I can’t win unless I am seriously prepared to kill.
The problem is I wonder if I can kill them now because I have never cut a person…….to kill them.

If I don’t kill, I will be killed.
I always came around in the dungeon, so I’ll just do the same thing.

“Hey hey, s.h.i.+njou-kun, rub your head on the ground and beg for your life.” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

“Heeeeelllloooo, 8 to 1, there is no chance of winning.” (Garihyoro)

“If you don’t want to die, hurry up and go!” (Chibi)

Well, it is this line of dialogue.
If you weren’t this stupid, it would be finished without you dying.

“Ha~a……” (s.h.i.+njou)

A deep sigh blew through my chest.
People’s minds as well, at the same time I breathe while casting it aside.

“Kyaaaaa!” (Kazuha)

A scream came up.
The 4 people in the back, they flock to Kazuha and hug her, trying to kidnap her.
With the laughter of the men, biritto, the sound of Kazuha’s pulled skirt breaking sounded.

“……you truly got out of hand.” (s.h.i.+njou)

The battle began, my head feels cold.
With a whole-hearted spirit, I draw out the nodachi『Isolation』 that I have been carrying on my back at once.

s.h.i.+ng, the fierce blade s.h.i.+ned brightly and powerfully with the one meter blade, and I felt the four people in the front with blonde haired Ronke had signs of fear.
Still, the men who are trying to violently surround Kazuha, who got caught and grabbed, were still pulling down on her skirt and trying to peel off her skin armor.

Even though the blade of their enemy is before them, they only think about filling their desire in front of my eyes.
It’s stupid everywhere.

Towards the screams of Kazuha who had been gathered by men, I waved the long nodachi in a causal manner.

The men who are cl.u.s.tered around Kazuha are full of gaps.
I slashed the backs and shoulders of 2 people with my sword.

Screams and blood spray flew about flas.h.i.+ly.
Not only the 2 who were cut, the remaning 2 who surrounded Kazuha also raised their hearts with a miserable voice saying “Hi-yah!”.

It’s too weak, this one is a decoy.
Certainly, blonde haired Ronke and others’ methods.

Sure enough, at the timing when I attacked the side that surrounded Kazuha, blonde haired Ronke and others all come attacking at once.
Blonde haired Ronke’s attack, which he quickly slashed with a long sword, I dodged by a paper-thin margin.

“d.a.m.n……” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

“Orryaaahhh!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Accepting the battle axe of the fat stature trying to knock me out with a bold voice, it is returned with the sword.
The metal sc.r.a.pes, making a nasty sound.

As one would expect from the hundred pound fat, it’s a rather heavy blow.
I received the momentum of a heavy blow I couldn’t catch on to, barely avoided it by flying obliquely backwards.

Sparks were scattered in the air with a giritto.

At the same time as I land, I re-attack the giant with dull movements.
I swung up the sword to the top, the full length spring using my right hand with all my power to start slas.h.i.+ng the sword diagonally from his shoulder.

“Slow!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Gyaaaa!” (Garihyoro)

The giant with slow movement, as he was still unprotected from the battle axe swinging down, the top of his shoulders was deeply slashed and destroyed which pushed down the fat man. Isolation, which is never chipped, will tear apart iron armor if the force is enough.

To kill someone with a sword, that feeling in my heart to kill, because I can still afford to scream, I won’t die.
The fat man’s thick fat defends him.

Running into the crowd, I slash and cast aside the chibi’s arm with the short sword who was on the right side of the fat man.
The feedback was similar to cutting into tofu completely.
It’s a small fry.
But still, the enemies remained.
I again poised without guard, waiting for the next attack but for some reason no one will attack.

Despite all of us holding weapons, the enemies didn’t seem to be able to respond to my speed.
While thinking that they were really dull, I slashed the flank of the slender guy who was on the left.

The armor worn by the tall student is made of strong steel, and it didn’t go until the armor broke, gushatto but his torso was crushed, and his tall body folded and was thrown into the wall.
Even if the armor is hard, there is no point if there isn’t a skilled enough men inside of it.

The whole body was satisfied after killing the 3 people.
As it is, I turned the sword behind to slash the people who were left in the back.

“Hey, what are you doing, cover with magic!” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

Finally, the blonde haired ronke gives directions.
The two people who were left in the back, their figures regained sanity with the voice of the blonde haired ronke, and the chant of magic of fireball came from every mouth.
So, these guys were magicians.

The projectiles are good, but here, this magic is a poor plan.
If this was a well-targeted arrow or a throwing knife, it might not be avoided.
My body would collapse if so, and I may have been able to get hurt.

Attack magic in Geno-Real, it doesn’t fly in front of one’s self.
The angle of the trajectory is quite limited.
If you used a huge advanced attack magic in an unavoidable narrow pa.s.sage, you will definitely hit, but there is no chance of a small lower cla.s.s fireball hitting.

It flies at such a low speed that I can see it, so I broke through between the 2 fireb.a.l.l.s and clean sweeped the magicians right after.
Zakutto, both reaction sounds are pleasant, and bright red blood was thrown out.

I plan to kill all of them anyway, but if a weak point is made in the battle now, I may die or live.
Well, now it’s only the blonde haired Ronke.

“Hii!” (Chibi)

Leaving the leader the blonde haired Ronke, the chibi who had his right hand slashed off showed his back.
Perhaps he is planning to escape alone.
His judgement was a bit late.
I have decided to kill all of them, it’s too late to escape to the city.

“Med Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

I calm down and cast the magic of the intermediate cla.s.s fire ball.
If you calm down and lie down and dodge, although if you try to escape in a blatant way, it’s an unavoidable attack.

“Gyaaaa!” (Chibi)

The flames were blazing up violently on the Chibi’s back who received the fire ball on his back.
His body covered in flames collapsed, and he writhed on the ground.
The fragrent smell of burning meat, although the fire mostly disappeared as he rolled on the ground, but he is suffering in agony because of the horrible burn.

“Well, after that, you are the only one, blonde hair.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Wait, please wait……you can talk and understand!” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

To the blonde hair who hands down the long sword, my heart froze.
Do you think that you will be forgiven if you surrender now?
Enclosing people in groups, and when it is known that you can’t win you surrender, I was amazed from the bottom of my heart.

“Completely boring, this is the mediocrity of evil from that.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“What is it?” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

Because the same Cla.s.s F as me are students at an advanced school, these studies should be done at the minimum, but do these guys not know Hannah Ardent?
Because I won’t think about things with my own head alone by studying at school, I wonder what makes such a stupid thing.

“Why did you guys attack me or Rindou?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No, I didn’t mean to attack! They did it without permission!” (Blonde-Hair Ronke)

I told the blonde haired Ronke to spit out so towards his companion that had been slashed by me and was groaning.
That comment about surrounding us.

“Kato, you did it Kato!” (OneOfTheWoundedPeople)

“I didn’t say such a thing, I didn’t lie to you!” (Blonde-Hair Ronke->Kato)

The wounded people swore that they were ordered by blonde haired Ronke named Kato.
Well, I know that he is the leader, but after all it wasn’t because of who ordering anything but because of the flow of nature that anyone would have decided to attack.

In the vicinity, not only the smell of blood like iron rust, but also the smell of ammonia poking at my nose.
It seems the men who were hitting the floor leaked grandly from the shock of getting cut.
If one doesn’t hold their stomach, something like that will happen.

They are miserable guys.
They hit me without preparing themselves for being cut.
If you ask why, they speak the excuse as though they were being swept away by the atomosphere.
Just being ordered by someone, not only you are bad.

For example, is there little room for inquiries from the small villian guards who have a clear motive simply because their heart was weak against a subjective evil like Jinguuji?

It’s impossible!
Even though there isn’t any motivation, guys who attack people while being swept away by the atmosphere are evils that must be cleared first.

Jinguuji and others are people who have their own will.
The evil with awareness will change to good with awareness depending on the situation.
I hate Jinguuji’s fellows, I guess they were supposed to be able to hold down these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

I think the orders of the Student Council are f.u.c.king stupid.
However, Jinguuji, Nanami and me are just different in our beliefs and no one is right.

In contrast, the guys who attacked people, they are an absolute evil that is no longer a human being.
The same brute as a monster without intelligence.
I don’t recognize the guys as the same people anymore.
Therefore, there isn’t any blame on the piece of conscience to settle.

“Understood. In other words, you guys aren’t worth keeping alive.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“St-, stop it. Help me, please help me.” (Kato)

Listening to my voice that sounds from the bottom of the earth, the blonde haired Ronke hurriedly puts his face on the ground and rubbed his forehead against the cold stone floor.
Saying that material while doing dogeza towards me, hoping to receive help for himself.

“Alright, let’s do the possibility of being saved. Blonde hair, join and restrain everyone’s hands with this rope.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I took out a rope from the rucksack, then tied everyone’s hands, and ordered them to be restrained while linked together.

“What are you going to do……” (Kato)

“Listen up quickly, everyone! After being restrained, injuries can be treated with potions.” (s.h.i.+njou)

The blonde haired Ronke restrained his companions, and while recovering with a potion, I looked after Kazuha.
She was severely frightened by the men who caught her and when her clothes were about to be stripped off.

“Is everything okay, Rindou?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, I……” (Kazuha)

Maybe because she was pulled by strong men, her hair clip was torn and her long hair was getting fuzzy.
Although the skirt was torn down without surviving, the upper body was almost alright.

She hadn’t equipped it for such a thing, but it was fortunate to have worn skin armor.
I took off the『Diminished Cloak』, and put it on the shoulders of Kazuha who is crying.
I’ll lend it to her for a while.

“……the dungeon is dangerous. You can go back to the city if you are scared.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No, I want to go still. I’m sorry, but I still want to accompany you.” (Kazuha)

Tears were floating in her eyes, but still, Kazuha asked to accompany me without crying.
She should judge whether or not to go on her own behalf.
Even if she returns to town right away, I wonder what she is supposed to do.
Well, it is the ending of the men.

While I threatened to stab his b.u.t.t with a katana, I took him to『h.e.l.l』near the stairs to the ground.
Those who don’t move will be taken even if they are dragged.
I was going to slash them if they ran away, but they don’t run even though they know they are going to be executed.

It is still close to the safety area of the city from here.
Besides, it is『h.e.l.l』near the entrance.
It is foolish, though one person may be saved if they all escaped at once by checking the timing.

“Alright, blonde hair. Drop your friends in this hole.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Please stop, please don’t kill……” (Kato)

“Even if you fall into this hole, you won’t die. So do it quickly!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Uuu, sorry everyone.” (Kato)

As I ordered, the blonde haired Ronke kicks each other into the abyss one by one, and the men who are enclosed in the rope stepped out one after another and fell down.
Even if some people fall, they are still resisting trying to desperately pull them up with the ropes desperately.

Even though they dropped quickly, the blonde hair is also troublesome.
After poking blonde hair with the point of my katana, at last the blonde hair drops.

Indeed, those who don’t understand even if they say it from their mouth, I didn’t have any trouble if I told you what to say like this from the beginning.
I don’t know the feeling that Jinguuji tried to let me hear threatening things.

“Hey, stop it Kato, please stop.” (???)

“Sorry, I can’t help it……because I was told to do it, I’m not bad.” (Kato)

“Kato, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” (???)

“Sorry!” (Kato)

A tall student, who decided to be hyorotto who was resisting without failing until the end, was abusing Kato in a tremendous manner.
He clung to the cliffs desperately with bound hands, but he couldn’t endure the weight of those falling and slipped down.
I wonder what the names of those people who fell just now where.
I barely remembered their faces, so I guess it mostly seemed to be from the same Cla.s.s F as me, but I couldn’t remember their names at all.

Well, whatever.
At any rate, there is no choice but to live.

After dropping all 7 people, the last is Kato the blonde haired Ronke’s turn.³

“Alright, Kato. You also go down this hole. Weapons and luggage can be carried as much as they are here.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Well, such a thing……please help me. I did everything that s.h.i.+njou-kun said!” (Kato)

“What are you talking about now! After letting all of your colleagues drop, you won’t be the only person dismissed!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“It’s awful, that’s right, I will be s.h.i.+njou-kun’s loyal brother and chief, I will do whatever. So please let me live!” (Kato)

Even if he is kneeling, I don’t need a younger brother reipa⁴.
At the stage when they attacked me, you were already done.

These guys have fallen so low to the devil to attack humans.
When you cross that line, you have to do away with them all.
The bear who remembered the taste of human flesh can only be destroyed.
I think it’s just a warm heart to give a last chance to survive there.

“Well, down here is 10 floors underground, but there are also water fountains on the other side. There are cases that fallen newbies survived and returned home. You go, there is a possibility that you will be saved if you help the 8 people and explore the surroundings well. If you want to survive, prove that you are worthy of living.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Even though I advised him, the blonde haired Ronke doesn’t listen to my story and calls out “I don’t want it, so please help me!”, so I got tired and grasped his neck, then kicked him to the bottom of the abyss.
Following the blonde haired Ronke who fell while screaming, his luggage and sword were also released in the hole.

“In that case, 9/10 cases die.” (s.h.i.+njou)

No, it’s definitely death.

It isn’t a lie because there is a possibility of survival.
If I didn’t have knowledge of Geno-Real, even now I couldn’t go down to the 10th floor and return for sure.

To raise the survival rate in a crisis environment, it’s the strength of will to survive.
Because they don’t have it, they will surely have an ugly dispute and everyone will die.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Anyone have a better term than ‘ronke’? Or is the best term for this ronke? It just feels weird as it is…. ▲

² - No clue what garihyoro is, but from how it’s described later I think it’s a term for being a giant. Does anyone know for sure? ▲

³ - Ara? Didn’t you say he dropped already? ▲

⁴ - Probably raper, but I don’t know for sure…. ▲

MC was just so savage this chapter…, these aren’t tears!

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya tomorrow!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 20 summary

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