Genocide Reality Chapter 21

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Sorry for all the delays this week. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep the schedule next week.

Thank you to G. Sadewa, Parker, J. Luke, and DL for funding my patreon!
Enjoy the chapter!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 21 - Again, to the Bottom of the Earth

Rindou Kazuha and I pa.s.sed smoothly through the 1st floor and the 2nd floor, but various monster appear on the 3rd floor.
The luggage I had to take with me, Kazuha, from one side to the monsters, she had a certain kind of promise to be able to receive attacks.

A huge poison spider spits up some thread while hanging from the ceiling on its legs.
Because she has a petty knife, it would be better to break off the thread and run away, as it’s just suspended in the air while hanging.

I slash the giant poison spider’s origin with a single stroke, then went to Kazuha.
Because she is suspended upside down in a skirt, it is turned inside out and is fully open.

The shape of Kazuha’s round a.s.s was unintentionally admired, and it was truly magnificent.
She was surprisingly the type that looks slender in clothing, so in this way it was more rounded in porportion than I could have imagined.
These such things are called restless.

“It’s surprisingly black or something.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No~oo! Help me without looking!” (Kazuha)

You said you didn’t have to help it as long as you had clever feet.
After the unexpected admiration of the adult-like panties, I cut and took down the spider’s thread.

The purpose for it was unkind, as although I wanted to purely see the panties of Kazuha, it was because I thought I would be in trouble if I was liked by Nanami’s favorite childhood friend.
Although it became help for going to the surface, it’s troubling if she’s holding strange good will.

Maybe she likes me?
……And, although excess self-consciousness is specific to high school students, I have also become cautious because there was the matter of Ussah.

Anyway, I attend the school as a student with poor popularity.
At this time, I don’t care about my cla.s.smate’s favorability of me, it’s fine for them to be thinking I’m a man without delicacy.

Kazuha, who got off the ground, didn’t truly say “No!”, and forcibly rewinded a torn piece of cloth to hold down the hem of her shortened skirt while her face turned red to her ears.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun is terrible……” (Kazuha)

“You told me to give up sweet ideas of having me help you. Roughly, I don’t even think anything about your panties.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I had carefully observed it because I thought it was interesting, but under such circ.u.mstances where the underwear contained black lace, or even if I saw the healthy and glossy thighs of high school girls, just thinking that it’s beautiful doesn’t lead to erotic feelings.
If you are the handsome Nanami, while turning his eyes and blus.h.i.+ng a bit, he would raise it and help his childhood friend even though he is a gentlemen.

It’s probably like that, thinking that performence results in establis.h.i.+ng an appearance.
Even male senior high school students who want to do it aren’t always erotic.
At the battlefield where life is exchanged, the brain cools.
While being excited to see a woman’s panties, such a circuit is temporarily interrupted.

“You mean I’m unattractive?” (Kazuha)

“It’s not like that, as now it’s the critical situation of life or death. The case of being able to see or not see panties isn’t a case to worry about. You are too innocent!” (s.h.i.+njou)

It’s an easy victory for me against the enemies of the 3rd floor underground.
I don’t know what will happen in Geno-Real, so I don’t care.
If you think that you may die at the next moment, humans are blown away by s.e.xual desire.

If I think about it, the long blonde haired guy who struck Kazuha, he didn’t have enough fatal crisis awareness.
Because he didn’t imagine himself to die, he made the foolish mistake of giving priority to capturing a woman in front of the enemy’s eyes.

In the next moment, if Kazuha suddenly became an enemy, I’m cautious enough to be able to deal with her even if she attacks with the petty knife.
If a person doesn’t have such an imagination, he will die in the dungeon.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong. It’s as s.h.i.+njou-kun said, you don’t have to worry about if you can see panties in the dungeon.” (Kazuha)

That said, Kazuha flipped up her own skirt.
I went unconsciously rigid to the sight that a cla.s.smate had herself wearing a skirt in front of my eyes and showing her panties.

“Oh, you……what are you doing all of a sudden!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ehh, because it’s useless to mind it, but perhaps you mind just a little?” (Kazuha)¹

I panicked, since Kazuha herself was flipping up her skirt with her hand brus.h.i.+ng it aside, it became very bad.
In my denial of my action now, it’s like saying that I care.
d.a.m.n it!

“Ah, enough. You ought to have bought decent underwear in front of the skin armor, I will push through the 3rd floor quickly.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Wait a minute, s.h.i.+njou-kun!” (Kazuha)

This s.e.xy commando, it worked quite well.
The creative power that breaks through the circuit interruption with the unexpected action just now, I don’t know whether she happened to come up with it or if she did it intentionally, but Kazuha might be able to do much more than I had thought.

To be upset by this degree, I don’t feel a sense of crisis yet.
I would like to be a cool man who won’t move in any way, but I’m still immature.

Kazuha was entangled with tentacles one by one and had body fluids blown on her², and it took time for her to be lowered from hanging in the spider’s web as well, but we finally broke through the 3rd floor and stepped onto the 4th floor.

This is the zone of the spirits.
Although the 3rd floor was a laughing matter even if you were attacked, the situation changes from here.
If Kazuha is put down, she will be die in a moment.

“Uwa~, the corpses are walking!” (Kazuha)

“You’ve been informed that this is the zone of the dead. A lot of zombies and ghosts will come out.” (s.h.i.+njou)

A flock of zombies welcomes us at the entrance.
I change my weapon to the spirit sword『Onsatsumaru』and slash the neck of the zombie who is walking while slowly swaying.
Since the undead is physiologically unpleasant, I would like to go straight ahead on this floor while pa.s.sing through the distance quickly.

There is the hidden room『Garden』which Kazuha is planned to be escorted to, therefore if she doesn’t go there to live, it’s no use.
They can’t be cut with just a spirit sword, an oversized fireball must instantly be given to attack them.

“Advanced Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Annnnd, failure.
The flames that had left from the palm of my hand immediately disappeared.
As I thought, advanced level won’t shoot perfectly at my rank.

“Med Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Focus was regained, and the intermediate level fireball attacked.
With this, the first 4 corpses are blown away, and I continued holding and thrusting with the sword.
The large room grew full of the zombie’s limbs, they were chopped up so mobility was made impossible quickly.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun……” (Kazuha)

I had instructed her to be prepared for the battlefield completely, but still, she didn’t get nervous to the extent to escape completely or cling to me like in the city.
Kazuha, who is scared of the undead, has her legs trembling, and is looking around with a kyorokyoro while in the corner of the room.

It’s good for her to not get in the way, but she is still clumsy after all.
I slowly walked to Kazuha and hugged her body strongly.

“Ehh~!” (Kazuha)

“Don’t be careless, stupid!” (s.h.i.+njou)

A ghost was coming from Kazuha’s back.
The range of a human’s vision is lower than the person themself thinks.
Even if you look behind you, there would be no meaning unless you firmly looked at the back.
With one stab from me, the ghost lifted a shrill cry and disappeared.

It’s a troublesome enemy who ignores the terrain and comes out of the wall, but it doesn’t have a strong point to save it to that extent.

“Do you remember the spell that would kill enemies that don’t have a real body?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yeah……” (Kazuha)

“Well, please try it out on the next ghost. They are attracted to us anyway, they will come again.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Weak enemies typically will swarm, so it’s unlikely that just a single one will come out.
As I was thinking so, another ghost revealed it’s face from the wall.
Go ahead, Kazuha!

“Low Anti-spirit!” (Kazuha)

“Once again!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Anti-spirit blades can be seen through like gla.s.s, and it flew towards the ghost, but you can’t defeat it with just one weak attack.

“Low Anti-spirit!” (Kazuha)

“Good! You did it by yourself!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Although it was elementary level, it was amazing to hit 2 shots without failing.
The cook has no physical correction at all, but the magician rank may have some positive correction.

“Well~, s.h.i.+njou-kun……” (Kazuha)

“No, you can do it if you train.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“That’s not it, I won’t leave soon. Sorry, I was told that it was useless to mind it, after all……” (Kazuha)

“Ah, I see. Sorry, it was unpleasant.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Before he knew it, he was hugging her strongly.
Kazuha had her head down and her lips were trembling, and she said something with a busobuso in a mumbling voice.
She was red from ear to ear, so it must be unpleasant for her to be touched by me.

It seems she is blus.h.i.+ng at the degree of just embracing during the battle for life, and because it was proof she wasn’t seriously fighting, I thought for a moment whether to continue with hara.s.sment like this for a while, but I will stop it.
Hard skin armor
Even if I’m embracing a girl with hard skin armor on top of her, there is nothing interesting……wait, isn’t it interesting if you rub the a.s.s and thighs that are magnificently exposed?³

Everything is truly a joke though.
Although there is no problem being hated, it would be obvious for her to escape and shriek if I touch her a.s.s.

Kazuha had just been attacked by men, so it would be bad to stimulate it.
She isn’t k.u.miko, it’s the pinnacle of stupidity for things like pranks in this dangerous place.
I will be hated because I treat Kazuha roughly, you don’t have to guess to that extent.

If the other party was Seki, he would understand a joke about s.e.xual harrasment.
Since girls don’t understand it well, I don’t know what to do.
Let’s get into the safety zone quickly.

“That, well……it wasn’t unpleasant.” (Kazuha)

“Let’s advance quickly, our destination is coming up very soon.” (Yogiri)

Because there are many dangerous enemies on the 4th floor, I want to pa.s.s through it quickly.
If I’m not alone, it tires my nerves.
With Kazuha still saying something, I quickly proceed to explore the next big room.

It’s fortunate, and I wondering if the effect that I’ve pa.s.sed through here twice and killed the undead is remaining, as the amount of monsters wasn’t a lot, and we reached the interior of the small room and continued to『Garden』 without any serious errors.
When you poke the point of your sword into the floor, it generates pitfalls.

Lowering the rope while driving in stakes, and while kicking the wall with my feet, I descended swiftly to the bottom.
When I looked up at the stone where I had descended, Kazuha was intently peering into it from above.

“Hey, wait s.h.i.+njou-kun, I need some time for this……” (Kazuha)

“You’re not descending down because you’re afraid, so go for it and descend down with willpower. Even if you fall, do it quickly as I’ll catch you.” (s.h.i.+njou)

When I rushed her, I wonder if she decided on her decision, as Kazuha descended down along the rope.
I can afford it, but thinking carefully, is it serious for a girl to only fall 3 meters?

“Kazuha, loosen the hand grapsing the rope with courage. You’re wearing gloves, and even the worst happens and you get injured, you can heal with a health potion, so the rest is just having the spirit!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No, it’s no good after all! That fighting spirit isn’t appearing……” (Kazuha)

That’s weakness.
Without having self-confidence, it’s a natural thing to have clung to that desire.

“Your panties are fully visible!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Kyaaaaa~!” (Kazuha)

After stirring her up, she came down in a hurry.
Although I felt that she was basically falling, I caught her firmly from below.

“You’re lighter than I thought.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I’m sorry.” (Kazuha)

“How is it, are your hands okay? Is there a painful spot somewhere?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“No, I’m all right, thank you.” (Kazuha)

After lowering her while she’s being held in my arms, I look at her palms but they’re unharmed because of the leather gloves.
I looked at and checked her body’s front and back, but it seems that there isn’t anything that hit somewhere or rubbed against the rope and burned.

“Hey, don’t be absent minded.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ah~, okay!” (Kazuha)

Since she was staring at her glove indefinitely, I activated Kazuha who was absent-minded.
I was worn out as expected, but our destination is right there.

“Well then, the interior of this will be the safety zone where you’ll live.” (s.h.i.+njou)

With it having iron bars, I move diagonally next to it and pa.s.s behind it.

“Ehhhh~, how did you get in?” (Kazuha)

“From the side wall there, it’s a feeling of going forward and also going left simultaneously.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ehh~, well, I can’t proceed any further with the wall.” (Kazuha)

“Well, I have a trick.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Once I returned, I held Kazuha who was hastily running her body into the wall.
It seems that I was disliked, as it was similar to the degree of touching her skin armor, she was embarrased and reacted sharply each time.

“Ehh~, waaa~” (Kazuha)

“Rindou, stop moving quickly! Calm down and move in accordance to my body, and move slowly to the wall with the feeling of being submerged.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Because she doesn’t understand it even if I say so, while continuing to hug her, I forcibly pushed Kazuha’s body into the wall.

“Ahhh~, I entered.” (Kazuha)

“It’s easy if you try. Although it’s an identical feeling when you leave, you don’t have to leave because you don’t have to come out as you’re staying here until the game is over.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yup, it’s amazing……” (Kazuha)

“What is it? Well, come quickly.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Her movements are slow each time, it may be that girls don’t have a choice.
If it was k.u.miko, she would play around like this but would move more agilely, but it’s impossible to say it to Kazuha.

I pull the hands of Kazuha who is absent-minded and proceeded further down the pa.s.sageway.
When I opened the b.u.t.ton-type door at the end, there is a s.h.i.+ning large room.

“Beautiful……” (Kazuha)

Looking up at the sunlight falling gently from the sky, Kazuha raised a murmur of admiration.
When I saw it for the first time, I was also touched by the mysterious and beautiful sight.
This is the only comfort area in the dungeon, the『Garden』.

Translator's Notes

¹ - d.a.m.n. s.h.i.+njou just got played professionally.▲

² - Did….did we really need this line, Author-san? ▲

³ - Solid logic, 10/10. ▲

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya tomorrow!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 21 summary

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