Genocide Reality Chapter 22

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Enjoy the chapter!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 22 - Relaxation in the Garden

“Well, I delivered you safely, so I will go.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Mission complete, now I can head towards a real adventure.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, wait a moment!” (Kazuha)

“What is it, Rindou? If there’s something, then say it quickly.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Because I had to match the rhythm of the slow-moving girl, I had wasted a considerable amount of time.
There is the possibility that Ussah may chase me if I don’t go early, so I’m in a hurry to move to the next area as soon as possible.

“Um, even though I was suddenly told to live here, I don’t understand the environment……” (Kazuha)

“The log house there has the minimum amount of furniture required. Fruits and vegetables are bore in the fields in great numbers, the water in the pond is clean and if you dangle a fis.h.i.+ng line you can catch some splendid fish. With the drums there, you can make a heated bath. If you lay the sunoko¹ below the drums, it’s good if you get in while burning firewood, and that is the end of the explanation.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I won’t even know what is being said if you say it that fast—” (Kazuha)

“Even if there is barely an explanation, it was said so it could be roughly understood.” (s.h.i.+njou)

While doing this, I’m guessing everyone else is trying hard and adventuring, and it’s only when Ussah and the others notice I’m absent that they will catch up with me.
I have to go ahead faster than everyone else, I don’t have time to relax leisurely in the garden.

“It’s my first time in a bathroom like this, I wonder if maybe s.h.i.+njou-kun should also take a bath!” (Kazuha)²

“I haven’t entered a bath recently now that you mention it……” (s.h.i.+njou)

I entered it everyday when I was a civilized person, but I didn’t get in it because I liked baths.
For the first few days I had cared a little bit, but I felt that after 2 days of not getting in, it didn’t matter.
I have never heard of the fact that someone died from not taking a bath.
Adventurers who are fighting at the risk of their lives don’t have time to afford to care about their appearance.

“You should enter it, I want you to tell me how to take a bath in this……” (Kazuha)

“Rindou, do you want to detain me that much?” (s.h.i.+njou)

Perhaps she’s lonely to be left here all alone.
She can’t handle the rough circ.u.mstances as a girl.
In here, it’s not like she’s playing.

“Yeah……. Well, that’s right. I want to write a letter.” (Kazuha)

“A letter?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yup, for Nanami-kun. I wonder if he thinks I suddenly ceased to exist. So, I’m wondering if it’s okay to write about it in a letter and hand it over.” (Kazuha)

“I see, I didn’t realize that.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Nanami-kun is a good person with common sense, but once he begins to think about something, it will continue in that one direction, so if he thinks s.h.i.+njou-kun abducted me, so it would be a disaster if he were to misunderstand it as expected……” (Kazuha)

“No, it’s as one would expect.” (s.h.i.+njou)

The other party is the most perfect and handsome man on campus, Nanami Shuichi.
If his childhood friend were to disappear from the city, he would worry, and I don’t think that I would be able to communicate with him at that time.

“It’s just to be sure, as because I am in this situation now, I think it would be better to explain so that Nanami-kun can properly understand it.” (Kazuha)

“I understand. You can wait a while if you write a letter.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Although what Kazuha had said is a little exaggerated, Nanami would be worried if he noticed that his childhood friend is missing from the city.
Shuichi Nanami is a safety valve to prevent the students from exploding.
I don’t know when the next time I will be able to return to the ground is, but it would be better to pa.s.s him a letter and make him feel rea.s.sured.

“Well, I’ll try to take a bath.” (Kazuha)

I thought why should I heat the bath in order to write the letter, but I should enter the bath if I have time.
Although fatigue of the body can be cured with a potion, it’s impossible to treat the mind.
Sometimes, it’s better to heal your mind with a bath.

“No, as I prepare the bath, you can write your letter quickly.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Urgh, then I’ll make some food!” (Kazuha)

“Rindou, the letter……well, it’s fine, then you can make some food. If you decide to take a bath, it will be heated quickly.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Since I have to eat food either way, I won’t refuse her from making it.
Even though I’m pretty wild, I don’t want to only eat the raw meat of worms.
I am thankful if I can eat decent things here.

When I took off my ringmail, clothes, and underpants, I lifted up the drums and jumped into the lake instantly.
Then, I sank the drums in the water by forcing them, then lifted them with brute force.

I always do it all at once because it’s a waste of time to draw water with a pail.
With a bashaan sound and the violent sound of the water, the surface of the water became wavy.

“Yoishotto!” (s.h.i.+njou)²

“Amazing, it’s splendid!” (Kazuha)

Kazuha, who seemed to have collected vegetables in the nearby fields, seems to be amazed at seeing me carrying the drums full of water.
It’s a little tough, but this is also done as physical training.
However, I don’t know what rank will rise for carrying drums on my shoulder.

“When you want to take a bath by yourself, since there is a wooden trough, it’s good to draw water because of that.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ok, I understand.” (Kazuha)

I put the drums in parallel to one another on top of the stone structure, and put the firewood stacked beside the loghouse in the gaps of the stones and set fire to them with fireb.a.l.l.s.
After that, wait for it to burn.
Hot water is nice if it’s for me, but if Kazuha goes in, it’s at most 30 minutes.

This time, the won’t sink down.
I alone can enter as is, but if Kazuha is entering, I think it’s a bit too wild, so when the hot water is moderately warmed, I transfered it to another drum with a hose.
Then, it will be safe because it won’t be too hot.
With the principle of siphons, as long as there is a difference in height, hot water can easily be transfered by hose.

“So, what is Rindou making?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Since there are vegetables, I thought that I would make a pot-au-feu.” (Kazuha)

Pot-au-feu is a girlish way of calling it, but it is a stewed dish like a pot.
Roughly cut carrots, onions, turnips, and celery are floating in the pan.

According to Kazuha, since the seasonings such as spices, salt, and consomme was prepared in the cupboard, it seems that there is enough seasoning for it to taste good.

“If it’s a stewed dish, it will be lonely without meat. Why don’t you put this in?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Ueh, what is that!” (Kazuha)

From the rucksack, I took out the raw meat of the worm.
It’s a colorful meat mixed with blue, red, and green.

“You see, there was a worm on the 3rd floor, and I set aside its meat to eat later.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“It will destroy your stomach if you eat that thing raw!” (Kazuha)

That won’t destroy it.
It is acceptable to admit that it is grotesque, but it is more freshly preserved than the other flesh of monsters, its raw meat can be eaten with confidence.

Because it was alright in the game, there’s no danger here either.
Well, even though I’m saying so, at first I was taking precautions and drinking detoxification potions, but it’s been proven to be okay with humans by experimenting.

“It’s all right, I’ve eaten it raw many times.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Urgh, well then I’m a bit……yup, I thought my habit was simple, but now this……” (Kazuha)

I looked over at Kazuha for a bit.
When she cut the worm’s meat into small slices with the petty knife, she washed it with some water and ate it.
I was also in battle after battle, so because my mind became insane, I could eat it, but for her to eat the raw meat of the worm in a cheerful state, there’s something wrong with her (It’s a remark of praise).

“As one would expect from your job: You are a cook.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I don’t understand that cooking skill at all. Because I have never played any games, I just make it normally.” (Kazuha)

Kazuha quickly handled it, and when she threw the meat of the worm which had been cut into moderately sized pieces into the large pot, the pot-au-feu became a poisonous purple.
Although it appears to be unappetizing when you look at it, when I got a wooden plate, received a cup of it and ate it, it was very delicious.

Or rather, what’s this?
When it fell into my stomach, my stomach became really warm.
My body felt strange with a nice and warm feeling.

The worm meat stew’s taste quickly changed to the taste of your mother’s home cooked food.
No, because my family was only my father and I, I don’t know the taste of a real mom’s home cooked food, but it had a nostalgic taste to it somewhere.

This grotesque meat will be so tasty if you give it a decent flavor.
Somehow, it’s strange that laughter is being raised.
If you eat delicious things, people will laugh.

“Rindou, were you orginally good at cooking?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yeah, because both of my parents worked, I had a lot of things to make so I am good at it. I have seen the taste……was it delicious?” (Kazuha)

I quietly nod.
Originally, I liked soup dishes, but this is the first time that I’ve tasted such a flavor.
Perhaps jobs aren’t random, but are decided according to the actual ability of the person.

k.u.miko and Ussah are a ninja and martial artist, as although they appear to be graceful, they are actually rough if speaking honestly, and Seki, who is a smart and gentle person, is a monk.
It was acceptable but unjustifiable that I was a middle fighter from the start, and Kazuha who seems to have only cooked dishes from the start is a cook.

My own hunger has diminished, and I’m laughing with a face that seems to be happy as if I’m saying what I ate before was delicious.
While watching Kazuha, I’m thinking it’s charming that she truly likes feeding people.

It’s likely that the initial job is decided by the person’s suitability to it.
Thanks to Kazuha, another Geno-Real mystery was solved.

“Well, the meal has been finished and I’ve prepared the bath, so Rindou can enter it first.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Well, I, that……. Because you are so dirty, s.h.i.+njou-kun should enter first!” (Kazuha)

I’m dirty, but Kazuha, I wonder if she hasn’t had the time to take a bath.
Speaking of being dirty, I’m slightly more than her.

“If you are dirty, then I’m a lump of dirty mud. If you are concerned, I will change the hot water later, so please enter first.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Because she’s a girl, she doesn’t want a man she doesn’t like entering her remaining bath water.
It’s well understood phsyiology that you wouldn’t like someone entering the bath water you dirtied yourself.

“Then in that case, I will go first……but s.h.i.+njou-kun, please absolutely don’t peek at me.” (Kazuha)

“I’m not a junior high student who came to a school trip, so I won’t look at you.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“….once I warm myself, I will go out and wash my hair slowly, and if you look during the meantime and observe calmly, it might not be obvious, but it’s absolutely not allowed for you to look at me!” (Kazuha)³

“I’ll be taking a nap, so please call out to me when you’re done.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I used my remanining mana constantly by creating the necessary strength potion and then using it.
I laid down on the bed.
Feeling the comfortable soft bed for the first time in a while, I lost consciousness in 5 seconds.

Since I have come to Geno-Real, I have really gotten better at sleeping.
Because I can even sleep well on the hard stone floor, it’s even more so on the bed.

“……s.h.i.+njou-kun, s.h.i.+njou-kun!” (Kazuha)

“Nnn……what is it……” (s.h.i.+njou)

My peaceful sleep was immediately awakened by a call from outside of the log house.
It’s quite noisy, was Kazuha already out of the bath?
I got up soon and went outside of the log house, but Kazuha was still remaining in the drum bath.

“What……you haven’t come out of the bath yet, why did you call me?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I’m sorry, please take a change of clothes and a bath towel from my backpack.” (Kazuha)

That blockhead, she forgot to prepare a change of clothes and a bath towel.
Since Kazuha would have been tired because of various things, I guess it can’t be helped.

However, I have resistance to fis.h.i.+ng inside a girl’s bag.
For a change of clothes, underwear……that’s troublesome.

“Hey……. What panties would be good if I were to carry them to you?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Since any color is fine, don’t look so much!” (Kazuha)

It was an unreasonable request to bring it without seeing it.
I will see it still, I searched through the adult underwear as much as possible, red, yellow……hey, see-through purple, I definitely can’t bring this one out.

I managed to find underwear with a cute ribbon with a blue and white striped pattern, and I also took a bath towel, a s.h.i.+rt, shorts, and what seemed to be sleepwear.

“Your change of clothes is on the stone. The bath towel……no, I’ll leave the bath towel here, so please call out when you are done.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yup……” (Kazuha)

For I moment I thought that I should give her the bath towel, but I can’t do that.
You can see that there is tension and gloss in her wet black hair by looking at it, and her skin makes me slightly dizzy, she is too poisonious for my eyes.

“Indeed, she’s way too defenseless.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I turn back and sigh.
I like women as well.
I would gladly see a woman’s soft skin if it was as usual, but I didn’t want to see it now and I didn’t want to be conscious of it.

I wonder what it could be.
My entire lower body has become full of energy.
After eating that dish, my body was strangely burning, so I went to sleep to try to suppress it, but I couldn’t hold it.

Even if I became vigorous like this, it had gotten into the dish.
No, I had confirmed the rare seasonings on the rack just in case, but they were all ordinary, so because of my mind……

If I tightened my lower abdomen, I thought I could hold it down with my spirit, but what is this, d.a.m.n.
I quickly turned my eyes down when I saw the appearance of Kazuha leisurely taking a bath, but the contours of her soft chest, thighs, and b.u.t.t……that’s about it, so why have I become so excited?

Pathetic……being unprotected and immature, that’s my type.
I didn’t intend to see a unprotected woman in the dungeon.

“I’m and idiot, now I’m even thinking like this.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Kazuha is the childhood friend of Shuichi Nanami, if there was any mistake, it would be bad.
Even so, I don’t want to think about such things now.
I have to cool my head.
It’s because I’m tired, surely it’s because I’m tired.

Although I’m about to go on an adventure again from now on, the things that you feel from day-to-day, they make yourself weak.
Maybe it will be unfazed once I get really strong.
Even if a person greets you with a smile, they could become a person who could kill you in the next moment.

But, that is far.
My body still isn’t one with my sword.
In order to slash, you need to have the mental att.i.tude to pull out the blade that is contained in the sheath.
You can’t fight unless you subdue your emotions as much as possible.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, my bath has ended……” (Kazuha)

“Oh, I see. Rindou, please get some more rest.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I tried not to look too much at Kazuha who was flushed after taking a bath, and first jumped into the lake next to the waterfall which was flowing down, and cooled my head.
Then I changed the hot water in the bath, and enjoyed it after a long time of not being in one.
By taking cold water and then hot water afterwards, I finally felt calm.

I discarded the old clothes and underwear as is, and then I wore the jersey on top and dirty pants on bottom which I got from the shops in the city, and entered the log house.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun……” (Kazuha)

“Rindou, did you write the letter?” (s.h.i.+njou)

Kazuha shook her head sideways with a bunbun, I guess she hasn’t written it yet.
It’s a pity.
I shouldn’t get caught up in Kazuha’s slow day-to-day pace any more than this.

What am I, I wonder if I’m just tired today.
I’d better take a day off.
After I cool down, I’ll change my mind.

“……well.” (Kazuha)

“Write it quickly and nicely, and I will get a little sleep in the meantime.” (s.h.i.+njou)

As I had said everything I wanted to say, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.
In this way, I will never react because I will have shutdown.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, you look a bit like Nanami-kun.” (Kazuha)

“Haa……, where is it, I’m the opposite of his character!” (s.h.i.+njou)

There isn’t anything to worry about in what Kazuha is saying, but I need to deny it.
A ruthless samurai, s.h.i.+njou Wataru-sama, and a volunteer spirit justice man like Nanami Shuichi, what do they have to do with eachother.

“Both of you are strong and gentle.” (Kazuha)

“I’ve been thinking from before……. You sometimes give critical hits to the other party’s spirit.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I couldn’t get angry, so I had no choice but to smile.
Even if I am abused from all over the world I will remain calm, but if it’s a friendly woman, it greatly damages my pride.

“I’m sorry if I harmed your spirit, but I wanted to say it was different but also similar. Nanami-kun is a very nice person, he’s strong and gentle, but he never thought about me.” (Kazuha)

“What a woman’s phrase, Nanami cherised you a lot.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Nanami cherished Kazuha and kept her, but it can’t even be compared to a horrible person like me.
Nevertheless, it can be said that……it’s true that Nanami was the cause of Kazuha’s bullying, but it’s not like he didn’t care.

“Does taking care of people mean to keep them in a gla.s.s case?” (Kazuha)

“I don’t understand that sentimental example well. I don’t know your circ.u.mstances, but even if you look at it from the side, Nanami was doing his best. Do you know how lucky you are for it to be said that you are Shuichi Nanami’s childhood friend?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“But, Nanami-kun didn’t say it like s.h.i.+njou-kun!” (Kazuha)

“You are the one who didn’t work hard so that you could fight by yourself with Nanami’s favor. Although Nanami is bad for spoiling you, that kind of relations.h.i.+p is called co-dependance. Whatever the result is, if Nanami who is trying hard by shaving his body and soul is bad……then Rindou Kazuha, you should be aware that you’re 100 times as bad!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, you can properly tell me I’m bad. That’s why……” (Kazuha)

“It’s okay if you can realize that you’re bad. Unrelated people, or you and Nanami, everyone is an individual. Humans can do what they want to themselves at their own risk. That’s what it means to be alive.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yeah.” (Kazuha)

“When you have written the letter so Nanami can understand, you should sleep as well. And, you should persevere to become stronger starting tomorrow. Living humans will  have a tomorrow.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I’m not willing to go on forever with the rambling from her.
I’m going to rest now for tomorrow.
It seemed like Kazuha was still saying something, but it didn’t reach my ears as my consciousness was cut.

After sleeping as much as I wanted, my head was refreshed.
Before I had knew it, I had fallen asleep, and lying next to me sleeping was Kazuha in a short-sleeved white s.h.i.+rt, and she was making happy sleeping noises.

My nose was tickled my a good scent somehow, and when I thought that it was the smell of the soap used by Kazuha, I wanted to cry out unintentionally.
Let’s a.s.sume that the s.h.i.+rt’s chest area is big enough, the only thing that shouldn’t be done is not wearing a bra with a white s.h.i.+rt only.

It’s completely transparent until the point where you can’t see the chest ahead.
It’s more arousing than being naked.
Is this Kazuha’s natural type?

“You……you know that a guy is sleeping next to you, but this is just too defenseless.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I should be relieved that Nanami won’t see this.
I think that it’s impossible because it’s a dungeon where you risk your life, but there isn’t anything to worry about them coming to search.

Anyway, because she had a good meal and had a good rest, Kazuha’s black hair has regained its original glossiness and her complexion is getting better.
It seems that she is getting better, so it’s fine.
As I raised half my body, she mumbled something with her mouth and slightly moved a little, then letting out a mutter as if she’s eating something, she’s half asleep.

“Yeah, s.h.i.+njou-kun……I can’t eat it because it’s bitter.” (Kazuha)

Well, she won’t eat it.
What kind of sleeping talk is this?

“However, I slept well.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Eating delicious food, then being fresh after bathing, I had enough sleep so it was refres.h.i.+ng.
I’m in a very good mood.
There’s sunlight here, so I generally knew the time.
I slept for a long time from evening till dawn, it’s the first time since I’ve came to Geno-Real.

It can be said that I wasted precious time, but I can regain the time I lost.
Now that I feel comfortable like I’ve been reborn, I can work harder.

I got up from the bed, and when I looked at the desk, a letter was written and was properly labeled.
The girl’s pretty envelope is sealed with a heart-mark seal.

She’s truly a girl.
She had to properly send a letter.
But if she does such a pretty letter, Nanami will be happy.

“With this, everything is okay.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I put away the letter, and when I warmed up the purple pot-au-feu that had remained in the pot and was eating it as breakfast, Kazuha woke up.

“Fuaaaa~, s.h.i.+njou-kun is also up?” (Kazuha)

“I woke up. Is this letter to Shuichi Nanami good?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Yup, I wrote it.” (Kazuha)

“Alright, then I will go back to adventuring. I think that it will be a while from now, but I’ll properly give it to your childhood friend Nanami, so you don’t have to worry. You’re going to be fine.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I put the letter in my rucksack, arranged my equipment, and Kazuha saw me off to the exit of the garden.
Kazuha hands me the『Diminished Cloak』that I had lent her.
Oops, I had almost forgotten it.

“I will return this. Because it was a little dirty, I have lightly washed and dried it.” (Kazuha)

“I see, sorry to bother you.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I wonder if she had washed the cloak while I was sleeping.
It doesn’t matter even if it’s slightly dirty, but it never hurts for it to be clean.

“I will wash s.h.i.+njou-kun’s clothes properly……so please come back again.” (Kazuha)

“Eh, ah, I see……well, I may be back in a while.” (s.h.i.+njou)

When I said so, Paatu, Kazuha’s face became bright.
I was planning to throw away the clothes that I had taken off because they were already dirty, but she seems to like it.

Although the state of Kazuha doesn’t matter, I think it would be better if she sometimes lived while facing upward.
The garden is an important place for me.

And since I don’t belong in the Student Council while I enter and exit the city too much, it’s going to cause trouble every time.
Including ranking up at the oracle, unless there is some sort of uninevitable circ.u.mstance, it might be better to take a break in the garden instead of returning to the ground.

“s.h.i.+njou-kun, I won’t meet Nanami-kun anymore.” (Kazuha)⁴

I took a while for Kazuha’s casual words from when I left to be applied to me.
She won’t see him anymore, and I don’t plan to tell anyone about this place, so I guess it will be so as long as she’s here.

Thinking back on it, I may have avoided trouble in advance if I confirmed it and listened back there.
My bad habits of avoiding people, they sometimes cause trouble.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Slatted wood which allows airflow to get through it. Click here for Example ▲

² - An expression of strain, but I didn’t know how to really express this, so I left it as is. ▲

³ - Hmmm, it’s almost like she wants him to look….. ▲

⁴ - At this point, I really hope Kazuha wins over the MC. ▲

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya next week!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 22 summary

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