Genocide Reality Chapter 23

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Enjoy the chapter!

TL+ED: Thy Unsus

Chapter 23 - Dodging Pursuers

I returned to the 4th underground floor again from the garden, then I entered the 5th underground floor.
It’s supposed to be an area with lesser dragons and gargoyles when you go through it.

Dead bodies of dragons are lying around, and the treasure boxes are opened and the contents scattered around with a feeling of loneliness.
It’s not what I had knocked down, so is it k.u.miko that opened all of the treasure boxes?

“This isn’t good……” (s.h.i.+njou)

k.u.miko or Ussah, one or both of them have already overtaken me and have reached this far.
No, even if they had advanced with just the 2 of them, it’s still too early.

What k.u.miko achieved should only have been up to the 4th floor underground.
Ussah, with her warrior rank being a lower-cla.s.s teacher, should have gone up to the 6th floor underground, but because her magic rank is beginner rank as she has biased ability, it would be impossible for her to act alone.

“Is she acting in a party?” (s.h.i.+njou)

It’s possible.
I’ll pay close attention and listen carefully while I repeatedly hide.
I’m at ease because most of the monster have been cleared, but as it was from the party that has advanced ahead, I can’t be at ease as I chase after them.

“Hey hey, I’ve arrived at the 6th floor.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Eventually, after hiding and killing all of the gargoyles, then going down the stairs, I was at the 6th floor.
On the level where the ‘Ussah is trapped’ event was, the mustard dragon was squirming there.

However, there are the corpses of violet dragons here again, and the treasure chests have been emptied.
What the h.e.l.l, where did they go……as I was thinking so, I could see the intense light of magic from the previous hall, and I heard the commotion of battle.

“Haaa~!” (???)

“Yaaaa~!” (???)

There’s no doubt, it’s the shouts of Ussah and k.u.miko.
A whistle similar to a gas burner is heard, it was the sound of the dragon breathing.
In order to not be found…….

“Medium Darkness” (s.h.i.+njou)

I cast a spell of darkness.
It has the opposite effect of light spells.
Your surroundings become dark, and the stealth effect increases dramatically.

k.u.miko and Ussah, because they’re in a desperate battle with the mustard dragon, it seems they didn’t notice that I was sinking into the darkness in the corner of the dungeon.¹
Originally it was a magic to prevent yourself from being discovered by monsters by hiding in the darkness of the underground labyrinth, but I never imagined I could use it for this.

“They were in a party after all. Besides that, can they oppose 2 mustard dragons at once?” (s.h.i.+njou)

Ussah’s party is acting with Nanami’s group.
The elite group of 15 people led by Shuichi Nanami is going against 1 mustard dragon, and the other one is fighting Ussah and k.u.miko.

Shuichi Nanami set the『Large s.h.i.+eld of Holy Iron』down, which is bigger than the length of his body, and was receiving the mustard dragon’s poisonous breath, and he continued to receive fierce claw attacks from in front of him.
Five girls from the Nanami’s Special Girl Team in the back, while using an auxiliary magic to increase defensive power, they are recovering and handing out detoxification and recovery potions.

Meanwhile, there are formations of strong men with offensive power that are attacking the mustard dragon’s flank.
It’s quite considerate.

“Yaaaaeehhh!” (???)

Similar to a big-framed samurai with their hair tied in the back, Mikami Naotsugu pierced a steel spear deeply into the dragon’s flank with a shout of fighting spirit.
I see, for them to oppose a dragon, they judged that a weapon with a longer reach was needed and changed their weapons.

He is truly a man you can call unmatched.
Even though the Kendo Club abandoned their style of fighting, they have enough flexibility to skillfully manipulate long objects.
A total of 9 people with the unmatched Mikami leading them, and all athlete groups from the exercise department having steel spears, it’s quite a combat force, even in Geno-Real.

The athletic groups have the courage to confront the brute strength to break through the tough scales of the dragon.
The basic physical height of an elite athlete, I guess it works even in the dungeon.
In the『Invasion』of the 1st floor, the mustard dragon killed 1/3 of the students, but now they are fighting evenly with it.

To do so, the master cla.s.s fighter Ussah and mid-level ninja k.u.miko made a remarkable difference and they actively partic.i.p.ated.
The mustard dragon couldn’t even attack them because they were too fast.

Every time Ussah kicks its belly, there’s a sound of a shockwave and the dragon’s body leans.
k.u.miko was attacking many times with a short ninja sword, but the piercing place of it was the weak point of the dragon, the breath sac.
The movements of those 2 were already beyond normal humans.

Ussah’s impossible attacks and k.u.miko’s skillful sneak attacks were decisive, and the mustard dragon’s breath died out as it rolled into a ball.
Subsequently, as soon as they weren’t fighting, Chintara, the finis.h.i.+ng blow was dealt to the dragon of Nanami’s group.

Nanami’s group relaxes as they defeat the enemy.
However, the struggle continues for 2 people even if they have defeated it.

“Oops, my foot slipped desu~.” (Ussah)

“It’s strange, my hand also slipped.” (k.u.miko)

Even if they have beaten the mustard dragon, Ussah isn’t stopping her attacks.
Her skirt rolled up as she unleashed a high kick at k.u.miko.
In response to the powerful kick that made her long hair blow with the wind, k.u.miko unleashed a counter punch immediately.

Ussah received k.u.miko’s punch quietly, then leaped above her while her huge chest and rabbit ears shook, and dropped the heels of both of her feet with a Gaaan.²
k.u.miko, with a cool face, uses her control to repel the violent kicks, and aimed at Ussah’s flank to counter her by using her hands in a sword-like shape.

Ussah smiled as she caught k.u.miko’s sword-hand that cut through the air, I’m scared, these guys are scary.
Nanami’s group is frozen because they are scared as well.

“To strike a colleague, what a barbaric woman desu~” (Ussah)

“When did you become my friend, you stupid rabbit!” (k.u.miko)

The 2 people who could kick the ground quickly take distance from each other, and a tense atmosphere, that isn’t even comparable with the one of the dragon fight from before, covers the area.
Is Ussah’s current footwork possible a quake-leg?
You could use the master cla.s.s’ Kung-Fu for the dragon, so why are you using it on k.u.miko!

k.u.miko’s venture rank is also considerable, she can easily dodge a low master warrior’s attacks.
There appears to be a rule of fighting bare-handed, but a serious battle with nothing to do with capturing³ is unfolding.

They were attacking the others’ vital points nonstop in a game similar to offense and defense.
Dokatu, Dokatu, even though they were just using their bare hands, a sound similar to hitting something with a blunt object echoes in the dungeon.

“Danna-sama ran away because there was such a rough woman desu~!” (Ussah)

“Ohhh, says the stupid bride who got fled from on their first night!” (k.u.miko)

“If you hadn’t intruded with your useless small with zero reproductive power out of jealousy, I would have bred with Danna-sama 100 times by now desu~!” (Ussah)

“Oh my, you’re a h.o.r.n.y rabbit who needs a lot of nutrition and meat for her useless chest. Wataru-kun is in the well-shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s group, no wonder I didn’t feel like you were an opponent from the very beginning.” (k.u.miko)

Ussah and k.u.miko are hitting each other with punches that would kill an ordinary person if they were hit by one, as even the athletic groups can’t afford to handle them.
Everyone’s gaze gathers at Nanami.
In such cases where mediation can be done, it’s up to the perfect leader Shuichi Nanami.

“Can you stop……” (Nanami)⁴

Nanami, who finished recovering, finally entered and advised the girls to stop.
His voice had the ambition of being fine for talking normally, so it was a little unnoticed.
Nanami’s face was exhausted even if it was viewed from my perspective, he looked like a boxer who fought for 12 rounds.
Even though stamina and health can be recovered by potions, it can’t heal his acc.u.mulated hards.h.i.+ps.

On the 10th day since Genocide・Reality had begun, Nanami, who had clung to his smile, had a dry voice and had mediated disputes and handled them with no days off, coupled with the fact that he was originally a handsome man, had a unique ghastliness appear.
In the extreme situation that always was life or death, it was uncomfortable for Nanami, who constantly warned people not to do things, to not let his spirit die and devote himself to smiling bitterly all the more while he had anxiety deep inside of him.

Both of them lowered their arms while saying complaints.

“Humph, I wasn’t motivated from the very start desu~. I can’t bear not rus.h.i.+ng to Danna-sama quickly immediately desu~, it’s not like the case where I was fighting the b.i.t.c.h desu~.” (Ussah)

“I have to catch up with Wataru-kun as soon as possible also, it’s not like the case where I was fighting the small rabbit.” (k.u.miko)

As if nothing had happened, k.u.miko quickly removed the trap on the treasure chest from the mustard dragon, and Ussah quickly sorted and divided everything as she had plenty of experience in the dungeon.
Ussah and k.u.miko had priority over items that could be used for capturing, and the gold coins and jewels seemed to have been prioritized to be given to Nanami’s group.

Nanami, who turned pale similar a ghost, sighed deeply and said nothing extra, only murmuring “I’ll hurry then”, and carried the rucksack containing the luggage along with the『Large s.h.i.+eld of Holy Iron』.
His severe back is similar to the saint’s that climbed the Golgotha hill while carrying the cross on his back, but he followed after everyone who were all tired.
The only energetic ones are Ussah and k.u.miko who are fighting while they are walking.

Yup, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault…….
Even the normally unaffected Nanami is building anxiety towards Ussah and others, I’m starting to feel really bad.

Well, it can’t be helped, I guess Nanami was born under a star to carry all the labor in the world.
But even so, I understand why Ussah and k.u.miko, who were chasing me, are hurrying, but why is Nanami Shuichi’s group also being forced to come?

Taking advantage of Ussah and k.u.miko’s motivation, are they trying to proceed with capturing as soon as possible?
I think the 1st choice should be to go back and forth on the first few floors and increase the city’s gold coins, but I don’t know their intentions about prioritizing strategy.

Even though I taught you an efficient place to earn on the 3rd floor, you’re still a hindrance to me.
I wonder if this is why you are in charge of 2 combat groups.

Perhaps you were worried about Kazuha, so you came down here to search for Kazuha who had gone missing?
Certainly not, I don’t think that the selfless and fair Nanami Shuichi would move the elite and powerful Student Council for his private affairs.

“Well, there’s no choice but think about it.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I guess there is only Nanami and other’s ideas and thoughts in Nanami and others.
That reminds me, I forgot to give him Kazuha’s letter, so I guess I’ll come back again later.
Since Nanami is taking care of Ussah and others with a lot of effort, I want him to keep doing it as he is now for a little while.

Well, I’m aiming to proceed ahead and beat the boss of the 6th floor, but instead, let’s leave the 6th floor capture to them as is, as they will become stuck.
As a matter of fact, there are pitfalls going underneath the 6th floor, and you will enter a normal pa.s.sage of the 7th floor if you pa.s.s through the hidden opening, so you don’t have to defeat the boss.

The boss of the 6th floor was a blue serpent.
There are quite a lot of bosses in Geno-Real that can be ignored.
If they read the map I wrote well, I think they might notice that, but Nanami and others might not know because they aren’t used to games.

Or maybe they do know and they seriously intend to crush them all.
I think it’s actually the wrong way to go to the next floor without actually defeating the boss, but it’s a compet.i.tion this time.

Well…it’s an irregular cooperative play.

The blue serpent has 8 snake heads, but it’s a small fry boss that’s only troublesome to kill, and it doesn’t have the items I want for playing alone as a samurai.
This time, I’ll leave it to Nanami and others who are seriously capturing it.

I hung my rope down the nearest pitfall and got off on the 7th floor.

Translator's Notes

¹ - I feel like one of them is going to launch a fireball as he tries to sneak by, and it will miss the dragon and will head straight for him……. ▲

² - I probably should have asked this earlier, but how do you guys want me to handle the sound effects in the sentences like this? Should I just translate them as is, or should I do like what the TL of ‘A Monster who Levels Up’ does, and just TL it as: *SFX for growl*, etc. (Won’t apply to dialogue) ▲

³ - This is referring to capturing the dungeon, AKA clearing the dungeon. Should I replace the “capturing” with “capturing the dungeon”? ▲

⁴ - Rule #1 of trying to stop a catfight……don’t, it doesn’t end well for you. ▲

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya next week!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 23 summary

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