Genocide Reality Chapter 24

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This chapter totally wasn’t late because I binge-watched all 50 episodes of Sousei no Onmyouji, I swear……… ;-;
Also, this will be the 1st edited GR chapter.

Thank you to G. Sadewa, Parker, J. Luke, DL, and Stewy for funding my patreon!
Enjoy the chapter!

TL: Thy Unsus
ED: EstrdNxlea

Chapter 24 - Where the Underground Water gathers

“Uh oh.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Once I got off from the rope and onto the 7th floor, the ground became slippery.
There were scattered things similar to aquatic plants growing on the floor.
After a while, I came to a fast flowing river.
There was the sensation of spray on my face, and I hear sounds similar to a waterfall from the distance.

There was the smell of rich water, and as shown by large amount of underground water gathered here on the 7th floor, it’s the waterfront area.
The acc.u.mulated underground water flowed into here, so it’s become the treasure trove of aquatic monsters.

It’s a level where you can see monsters with slightly different colors.
When I had walked to the end of the pathway that was facing the waterway, I heard something at my feet, and the figure of a merman revealed himself with a splash from the water.

His upper body is covered in blue scales, and he is wearing leather pants on only his lower body.
Three bodies come up from the water while water drops from them, and the 4th, and then 5th, also emerge with a splash.
Everyone of them has a harpoon with a sharp tip in their hands, and they threateningly stand before me.

“Gyi!” (Merman)

It was a strange cry.

“What’s up, aren’t you going to have a go at me?” (s.h.i.+njou)

I wait to take out『Isolation』as well.

Since I am afraid my feet will most likely slip, I don’t want to move too extravagantly.

“Low Flying Poison!” (Merman)

The first merman, chanting while facing me, launched poison arrows.
The small green arrowheads are repelled by my『Diminished Cloak』.

I have considerably trained my poison resistance, so for an attack of this degree, I don’t have to do anything.
Well, I’ll think about it later.

While I’m dodging the poison arrows that are being launched one after another, the head of the mermen prepared to use the harpoons, so I threw the sword at him.
In actuality, it’s easy to kill an enemy with a fraction of intelligence, such as these 4 guys.
They will run away because they will fear my overwhelming strength.

“Oraa~yotto!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Stab~stab, I pierced the hearts of the left and right enemies; two remained.
The two jumped into the water with a splash and tried to escape.

“Medium Flying Lightning Radiation!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Facing towards the bottom, I used lightning magic.
A dazzling flash of lightning was released from my hand.

Only the appearance of it is magnificent, as the strength of it isn’t much, the chant is long, the mana consumption is large, and it’s a spell which is inferior to Fire Wall.
However, it has stronger water resistance than fire.

The enemies who had fled in the water were electrocuted, and they emerged with a pop.
They were convulsing while foaming from the mouth, stab~stab, I killed them with one stab each.
There is no altruism.

“It’s amusing nonetheless.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Ignoring the treasure chest that appeared, I advanced through the pa.s.sageway with water and the blue blood scattered from the mermen while looking so my feet won’t slip.
It was set so that mermen had intelligence, but it wasn’t a tribe that used magic.

I wonder if they were supposed to be a model of an enhanced version of a monster.
However, only the hardness and the amount of monsters would change even if their strength was raised, and they should have never been modified so they were allowed to use spells.

“Perhaps I should think that they evolved?” (s.h.i.+njou)

It has been 10 days since Genocide・Reality started…….
No, this dungeon has been developed for a while, we only just came here 10 days ago.
The killer orgeMad Troll on the 3rd floor said that he had killed over 100 adventures.
The Rabitto/Rabbit tribe’s party that reached the 6th floor had been adventuring for a long time.

With the dungeon acc.u.mulating the experience of battle, I’m starting to think that this have evolved from the Geno-Real that I know.
There’s nothing wrong with an intelligent enemy memorizing a new chant.

Thinking about it……somehow, it’s making me drowsy.

“Wow, this time it’s a mermaid.” (s.h.i.+njou)

On the other side of the waterway, there was a mermaid with a harp.
Unlike mermen, mermaid’s lower bodies are fish-like.
Their upper bodies appear to be a woman with their b.r.e.a.s.t.s exposed, but in my eyes, they are monsters.
I used the lapis lazuli from my handbag.
This jewel will keep those who become drowsy awake.

Mermaids have an annoying style of attacking by making their enemies sleepy.
Even if I fall asleep, I can say that there wouldn’t be a problem as I would awaken with a shock when I get attacked, but it’s dangerous if they are with other monsters.

For a solo player like me, it’s something that could become my natural enemy.
Even though she’s in the form of a woman, if I don’t kill her as soon as I see her, I will be killed.

“High Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

The large fireball flew straight, instantly burning the bodies of the 2 mermaids that were gathered on top of a small rock.
I felt I have grown when I saw the advanced cla.s.s magic succeed.

The next thing that appeared was a sea serpent.
The serpent’s figure is like the underground water running in a river and it is taking up a wide amount of s.p.a.ce, it has a dragon-like neck which can swallow people whole; I can’t even imagine that the extremely long snake’s body is a creature that could live in such a place.

“I wonder what such a big guy is eating to live in such a place.” (s.h.i.+njou)

It opened its big mouth and attacked me, but I instantly swung『Isolation』and bisected it vertically.
I withstood the ma.s.sive impact that my arm took heavily, and the pale body fluids scattered and poured onto the middle of my forehead.

“Sigh.” (s.h.i.+njou)

From the ma.s.s of that attack from right in front of me, and because it’s possible for me to cut down the enemy, my skill is rising.
A sea serpent seems to be boss cla.s.s monster because of its size and appearance, but it’s actually a small fry because it only does monotonous attacks and has low intelligence.

It would be a dangerous thing if I were dragged into the water, but because it thrusts its head onto the path of land, it’s similar to cutting up a person.
It was writhing when I had cut it in half vertically with a slash, and moreover, when I had slashed it with the long blade of『Isolation』, it’s head had fallen too quickly.

Even though its head had fallen, its long body was writhing for a while.
It stopped moving eventually, and the dead body of the Sea Serpent floated on top of the water.

“I should be able to eat this guy.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Taking out a knife, I cut off a little piece from the head and ate it.
I wonder what I should say about the taste.

“Instead of fish meat, I guess it’s more like snake meat.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Its body is red and black.
It’s different from lean meat, and the color of it made me not able to see it as appetizing as there was red blood on the grey body.
Even if they commonly live in the underground water, it appears to be different from fish meat.
The taste of it isn’t as bad as the appearance of it.
It’s hard, fleshy, and has a little bit of grease, the taste of it is in between fish and pork, and the meat tastes crispy.

There seems to be some nutrition, so this is a delicious meal in the dungeon.
There isn’t any peculiarities, as its tasty but also not tasty if eaten raw, so I feel it will become something else if I cook it.

“Should I eat here?” (s.h.i.+njou)

I don’t mind fighting, but because I’ve put a little bit of food into my mouth, my stomach has begun to cry.
Now that I think about it, I brought the rest of the pot-au-feu that Kazuha had made in a container.

I couldn’t hold soup as one would expect, but if I taste the soup that is stained with vegetables along with the dimmed flavor of the sea serpent, the taste becomes a little tense.

This is the only time I can have such a luxury.

“Yes, I got better.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I ate as much as I could on the spot, then I decided to roughly cut and pack the sea serpent’s meat as luggage.
The delicious snake meat is first grade food among the ingredients available in the dungeon.
I have to take important care of it.¹

I went through the winding pa.s.sage for a while.
I met several mermaids that used sleeping magic during that time, but I burned them all with fireb.a.l.l.s.

It’s not because I don’t want to kill a thing that had a form similar to a woman, but rather that they were support types, so they didn’t come close to me.
The monsters on this floor didn’t seem to know anything about cooperation as the different types of monsters never came out together.

As I had awareness of this level, I had kept the stay-awake lapis lazuli for emergencies, but it may not have been necessary.

“Well, I’m close to my destination now.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I’m not going straight to the boss’s room, but instead I am following the path that greatly diverged.

“I think it was around here……” (s.h.i.+njou)

As I gently stepped into the water, there was a place where the depth of the water had become extremely shallow.
You could normally walk in the water without swimming here.
The piranhas swimming in the underground water bit me inside my leather boots, but a stab from『Isolation』killed them.

I should have eaten these guys.
Well, let’s stop at that.

I have a resistance for eating small fish raw, but as the hard scales are tough to eat with my teeth, so it’s troublesome.
Fish cannot be bony or bad.

After crossing the river of underground water, I ran into a big room on the other side as I advanced.
There was a large fountain in the center of the square where a lot of mermen lived.
It’s a large settlement of mermen.

All of them instantly raised a scream of “Gyigyi!” and rushed to attack me.

“Good, you’re doing it for me.” (s.h.i.+njou)

There were 15, no, 20 of them nearby.
I don’t know if I saw too many of them, but on the contrary, it can be said that it is a banquet of easily killed things.
Fortunately for me, I can mow them down at a pace of 2 at a time with a single stroke.

Although they are equipped with harpoons, they aren’t using poison magic like the mermen from a while ago.
It seems that they are different from the previous ones.

As I was thinking so, there was a guy who threw a knife from behind this time.
I couldn’t avoid it as it was unexpected so I took it with my arm, but because I have the hard ring mail, I only received scratches.

“You did it!” (s.h.i.+njou)²

“Gyaa!” (Mermen)

It’s mostly just enemies heading towards me monotonously, but it seems that a few smart ones are mixed in.
You can use magic, but it’s difficult to freely use and measure the distance.

Once I retreat so I’m not surrounded, I kill them while aiming to pull them into the pa.s.sageway.
If I’m in a narrow pa.s.sageway, no matter how many there were, there will only be a few in there.

Even if they are the same mermen, the one who jumps in without thinking is weak, and the one who attacks while behind cover is strong.
While defeating and killing the previous enemies, preparing for a long-range attack is a little laborious, but I’ve considerably gotten used to fighting one-vs.-many.

“Well, these guys aren’t a big deal.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Compared to the huge dragons, these guys are just as strong as human beings by themselves.
Moreover, because they are on the land, it doesn’t matter how many aren’t kicked into the sea.

If I were a merman, I would somehow manage to drag the adventurer to the bottom of the underground water, but they don’t have the intelligence for that.
It suddenly became easy from when I had slashed and killed around half of them.
They stopped attacking then and started trying to escape.

“Even if you try to escape, the only exit from the square is here.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Gyi!” (Mermen)

“Look, try to desperately escape more!” (s.h.i.+njou)³

“Gya~!” (Mermen)

Causing them to panic, I cut and killed those who were moving in confusion and gathering along the walls.
Nevertheless, it seems that some of them escaped while I was killing them.

“Hmph, they escaped.” (s.h.i.+njou)

If I think about it, rather than the students I had as companions on the 1st floor, it can be said that the group of mermen is much smarter as there are those who ran away at the expense of allies.
I also thought of chasing them after killing the rest, but I stopped because it was a waste of time.
There may be a system for the ones who ran away now and they will get more battle experience and become tough enemies.

“It’s an evolving dungeon.” (s.h.i.+njou)

It’s an amusing phrase.
Since I couldn’t kill the them, I thought about stopping the finis.h.i.+ng blows I was giving to the mermen who were writhing in the 4 corners of the room.
I need to be careful and not overestimate my knowledge of the game, but it’s interesting that the enemy seemingly became stronger.

It’s not an unreasonable evolution, but if it’s a fair evolution, it’s not even a matter of accepting it.
If the capturing of the dungeon proceeds as is, it won’t be interesting.
The dangers of life are caused by being unprepared.

While drinking a recovery potion, I noticed that the ring mail had been scratched from the thrown knife.
If an enemy is killed while you are stiffly sitting cross legged while using knowledge of the game, then I was a gamer.

Injury is a sign of inexperience, but on the contrary, it means I can grow stronger by that much.
Humans will learn because they feel pain.
If it isn’t a struggle to the extent where I die, I’ll accept it happily instead.

I switched my weapon from『Isolation』to the spirit sword, Onsatsumaru, then stepped into the water fountain of the uninhabited square.
Then, I thrust my hand deeply into the center of the fountain.

“It’s there……” (s.h.i.+njou)

When I grabbed and pulled out the thing that my hand had touched, the『Water Spirit Boots』comes with it.
However, at the same time, water spirits come out from the 4 corners of the square.

With a spirit body shaped like a tornado of water, they are also monsters.
When the rare item, the『Water Spirit Boots』, are pulled out from the fountain, the seal is released and they will appear.
When I jumped out of the fountain, lightning magic was launched at me from all 4 corners.

“No chanting……” (s.h.i.+njou)

These guys are not bad, it seems they can use magic without chanting.
It is still be low cla.s.s as they were small lightning shocks, but it’s still 4 attacks at once.
I would have received a lot of damage if the lightning had hit me while I was inside the water fountain.

If I had fainted from getting shocked, it would have been game over on the spot.

The first avoidance of death, my knowledge of Geno-Real is still alive in here.

“I wonder how long this will last!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Even though they are together, I cut the nearest water spirit with Onsatsumaru.
I can’t kill it with a single slash, but it disappeared after 2 swings.

In the meantime, the 3 water spirits launched more lightning magic towards me.

Because there was an indication, I narrowly avoided it by crouching.
The 3 lightning magic attacks collided above my head, and sparks scattered with an intense crackling.

“Haha~, barely safe.” (s.h.i.+njou)

It has become somewhat enjoyable.
It’s interesting because I s.h.i.+vered, but I don’t know the reason.

I ran towards the next water spirit with a thud thud sound, then casually swung Onsatsumaru and knocked it down.

The lightning magic came again, but this time it was 2 attacks.
I avoided it by crouching.
If attacks are monotonous, magic useless after all.
It’s a fatal factor that it is limited by only shooting in a straight line.

“I wonder if it would have been different if it wasn’t a low-cla.s.s magic.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I slashed and killed another one.
As it is like cutting a waterspout, it’s saddening that there isn’t any response.

When I slashed and killed the last one with movements that had become routine work, I felt that my breathing had been disordered as expected.
Health and stamina were recovered by a potion, but worn nerves won’t help a person be at ease.

However, I had gotten the『Water Spirit Boots』with this.
They have high performance as normal boots, but they will be a huge success in the next floor.
I immediately threw away my leather boots and wore them instead.

“After that, only the boss is left.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I properly went straight to the boss room while slas.h.i.+ng the mermen that came out.
The cobblestone pavement gradually became beautiful, and the sound of the water went away.
The boss’s room isn’t a waterfront area.
It could be a consideration that people would be troubled if it got wet because the stairs to the next floor are there.

“Well then, I wonder if you are Poseidon?” (s.h.i.+njou)

I said that while opening the gate with a gorgeous blue design.

“It’s not Poseidon, it’s Enos.h.i.+gaosu, adventurer.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

In the middle of the room, a man was sitting on a huge chair similar to a throne.
A half-naked man nearly 2 meters tall was wearing something around his waist.

His brawny muscles make me think of Hercules, but he is the G.o.d of the Sea in Greek Mythology, which is even better than Hercules.
No, he’s at most the ruler of the underground water area because he’s just a degraded copy.

As he sat up, he prepared to use his 3-p.r.o.nged weapon.
It’s the『Triton』.
It’s common for a tough enemy to have a powerful weapon.
When you reach the 7th floor's boss, you should be committed towards technique rather than pressing with force.

“You’re an adventurer but you didn’t do a surprise attack.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

When I stood face to face with him while I held『Isolation』, Enos.h.i.+gaosu, who had prepared his Trident, said while seemingly curious.

“Are the people who do surprise attacks adventurers?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“It was more of other parties doing that, everyone would enter the room and throw magic projectiles.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

Indeed, they would likely do that.

“You are fighting in a similar way to how I fight, so I wanted to kill you from in front of you. My nature is a little different than the ordeal.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Huh~, one person from the front. It’s been a long time since I fought someone who’s fort.i.tude is similar to a military man’s, it’s interesting.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

“Yeah, but I will ask one thing before we fight. Were you the one who taught the mermen the poisonous arrow magic?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Hm? ……ah, there was such a thing. I found a scroll with magic written on it, so I taught it to them out of boredom, it was a fixed blade after all. But seeing that you came here, it doesn’t seem like it was useful.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)⁴

I see, he had taught these guys.

“If you had taught all of the mermen magic and every one of them ambushed me, they could have killed me.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“That’s impossible, even if I said they should wait for an unsuspecting adventurer to come, the stupid mermen wouldn’t listen to me. Besides……” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

“Besides?” (s.h.i.+njou)

“If adventurers stop coming, it wouldn’t be interesting!” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

Enos.h.i.+gaosu struck at me with his trident.
His huge muscles swelled on his figure, and a ma.s.sive blow was thrust down at me.
There isn’t any tricks, he just drove it in with his full power.

I caught it with『Isolation』from in front of me.
I can’t even push it, but I also won’t be pushed.

His strength seems to be equal to mine.
Gaining an opponent that could be on equal terms with me, it makes my body tremble all over with joy.

“You’re strong, it seems I’ll enjoy this more than the Sea Serpent.” (s.h.i.+njou)

“I’m the guardian deity of the fountain, it would be embarra.s.sing if I was the same as the Sea Serpent.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

I think it’s a Splash Trident.
Every time Enos.h.i.+gaosu swung the huge trident, an intense sheet of spray causes a tempest to blow violently.

If he’s just showing off this much, then I can do it as well.
While slas.h.i.+ng to the left and right, a white effect travels while the air quakes from the sound, the Samurai Blast!

“You seem to have some abilities.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

“That’s my line!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Whoosh, while Enos.h.i.+gaosu was swinging the『Trident』, a terrible storm had occurred.
It’s likely for me to be blown away, so I harden my stance.

I’ve been trying to slash him, but I can’t see any gaps whatsoever.
He’s a fool honestly, I’m not just going to fight with a sword only.

“Med Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

I launched an intermediate fireball.
I can’t do the advanced one with confidence, but I just wanted to make the opponent have a gap with this.

“Grrrr.” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

Zooom, the fireball explodes, and the gap I wanted was created.
Enos.h.i.+gaosu has strong magic resistance, so he wouldn’t feel any pain from something like a fireball.

However, because his body has intelligence, his body stiffens in the flames.
I struck quickly at the momentary gap.

Despite breaking his posture, Enos.h.i.+gaosu reacted the sword steadily, but stab, the sword penetrated the tip of his shoulders.
I have the desire to kill him right now, but I can’t push it.
I stepped back once while pulling the sword.

“I will finish you with the next one!” (s.h.i.+njou)

“Don’t think that you’ve won!” (Enos.h.i.+gaosu)

It was like I had thought, Enos.h.i.+gaosu displayed a thrust with all of his might.
The rising violent thrust was filled with spirit like 2 longswords.

The intense strike put my life at risk, and I couldn’t take it even if I received it with my sword.
That’s why gaps were created, as his movements were big.

He hit my sword with his trident, and my blade snapped downwards as it was.
Scraaaaape, the hard steel rubbed against each other and sparks scattered.

I jumped into Enos.h.i.+gaosu’s chest, which had become completely unprotected at the time, and strongly cut the blade into his flank
The sharp blade entered his waist, which was half naked and wasn’t wearing armor, with a slice.

Sliiip, the blade pa.s.sed through his body, and his upper body quickly rotated and tore apart.
While still holding his『Trident』, Enos.h.i.+gaosu’s body had split into two.

“Haa~, haa~…….” (s.h.i.+njou)

His face distorted in shock, Enos.h.i.+gaosu’s goofy face had turned into a near-death one with his eyes wide open; I wonder if I would have laughed if it wasn’t the situation.
I stabbed the sword into his chest again and killed him.

Even though his body had already been sliced in half and he was already at the stage of death, he was the incarnation of a G.o.d.
I don’t know how much life force he has.
However, because he was in the shape of a person, I believe he would die if I crushed his head or chest.

The treasure chest appeared, and I was finally able to be relieved.
That was a reliable signal that the boss was dead.

What can I say, I suddenly became worn-out.
It seems to always happen after I kill a humanoid boss.

If the opponent is a monster, there’s a refres.h.i.+ng feeling similar exterminating monsters, but the feeling after killing something with intelligence is poor.
Suddenly, I felt pain in my head.

I saw it was blood when I wiped it with my hands, and it wasn’t the enemy’s blood.
It was perhaps when I had parried the trident with my sword, I had gotten hit with the intention to dodge by a paper-thin margin.
The enemy’s spearhead had gouged out a lot of the flesh from my forehead.⁵

“Hahaha~, you did it.” (s.h.i.+njou)

The wound on my forehead is from my inexperience, and I’m extremely regretting it.
However, I was more than happy.
If I had been delayed by a single breath, if I had accidentally missed a step, it would have been me who would have been pierced in the head and died.

If he had done so, we were equal.
Us warriors had devoted our desperate effort against each other, but I had lived.
It was refres.h.i.+ng if I thought about it like that.

After recovering from my wound with a potion, I took the『Triton』that had been dirtied with blood and washed it thoroughly in the water fountains that had been placed in the boss room.

I stored the deity’s trident in my rucksack.
As it has infinite storage, if you can withstand the weight of it, even such a long object will enter the rucksack.

“Enos.h.i.+gaosu, I will gratefully accept your trident.” (s.h.i.+njou)

It was a weapon that didn’t fit my fighting style, but I wanted to bring this combat item at any cost.
Well, let’s open the treasure chest.

“Yup, it’s trash.” (s.h.i.+njou)

Along with the『Sea G.o.d’s Key』, a large amount of jewels and gold coins were packed inside.
As there isn’t any meaning for these things to me, it can only be called trash.

Whatever, I’ll take it for the time being and if I think my baggage is too heavy, I’ll leave it behind on the staircase.
It will be recovered later, and if Nanami’s group finds it, they will be sure to pick it up.
Well, it is a small reward for me at this time.

I opened the gate with the『Sea G.o.d’s Key』, and I proceeded to walk to the 8th floor.

Translator's Notes

¹ - My precious food, no harm shall come to you. ▲

² - The monsters know they’re f.u.c.ked if when they hit their opponent, they get congratulated….. ▲

³ - Nice, he’s baiting them…..get it, cause….they’re fish….I need to stop. ▲

⁴ - I have no idea what the 3rd part of the sentence is trying to hint at. 、所詮は付け焼刃 ▲

⁵ -Tis but a flesh wound!…, seriously, how did you not notice yourself getting stabbed? ▲

Editor's Notes

ED: Somehow I feel like Thy Unsus' Genocide Reality translations don't need much editing, but here you go. I guess it still helps a tiny bit.

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya next week!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 24 summary

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