Genocide Reality Chapter 25

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Thank you to G. Sadewa, Parker, J. Luke, DL, and Stewy for funding my patreon!
Enjoy the chapter!

TL: Thy Unsus
ED: EstrdNxlea

Chapter 25 - Corridor of Flame

Once I had descended into the 8th floor, it was a scorching red h.e.l.l.
Reddish lava was flowing in several places, and walking on it dealt damage.

“It’s a wonderful sight to see for real. This is beneath the underground water area, but I wonder why the upper water isn’t boiling or evaporating.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I think it’s some kind of magic.
Or rather, I wonder if the upper floor shuts out influences because the water collects up there.

Come to think of it, I felt that the water above was a little lukewarm.
Thanks to the moderately warm water, I think the piranhas are breeding.

“At any rate, it would do the water good if it had a shark. It would be great if banana trees were planted afterwards as well.” (s.h.i.+njou)

While proceeding to walk on the lava, I said that carefreely.
There was a sizzling sound every time I take a step, but there’s no damage.
That’s because I’m wearing the『Water Spirit Boots』.

It has high performance as normal equipment, but the best effect of the rare boots is neutralizing the damage in this corridor of flame.
Only the area wearing the boots becomes invincible against attacks of fire.

When you take a step with the『Water Spirit Boots』, the lava cools and solidifies into a black rock.
Over time, I think it will go back to normal, but like this I can always go back.

The obstacle of the 8th floor is the drifting magma, and even though you can avoid it by walking endlessly in a zig-zag fas.h.i.+on, you can do quite the shortcut if you go straight like this.
This advantage is very appreciated as I’m currently in a compet.i.tion with Nanami’s group.

“Uoooohh!” (???)

Without warning, a man covered in flames raised a war cry, and ran swiftly from the opposite side on top of the lava while his flesh burned with an unpleasant sizzle-sizzle noise.
He’s smoking a bit, but he isn’t a ma.s.s of flames, merely a human whose body is on fire, so he shouldn’t be a strong enemy.

“Fire Fighter!” (s.h.i.+njou)¹

It’s a monster with such a name.
The man whose body is being scorched with flames jumps at me……I can say that seeing the real thing is very scary.

“Uoooooooh!” (???->Fire Fighter)

“Such a thing, die!” (s.h.i.+njou)

I swung and killed him with『Isolation』.
An enemy can be easily cut down in an anticlimactic way if you lay an ambush and slice them.
These guys’ attacks of jumping over here and rus.h.i.+ng in while screaming are weird and scary; I don’t know the meaning of it.

Their actions resemble zombies or something like that.
In addition, they aren’t like the zombies of the 4th floor that come out slowly, as this type of monster sprints with all of its might.

“Uooooooooh!” (Fire Fighter)

“d.a.m.n. Die!” (s.h.i.+njou)

Even without any weapons, it commences an attack while on fire even though I don’t understand the reason why it has no regard for its own life.
It truly looked like a madman.
I’m not particularly scared of anything, but I’m not very good with monsters that are similar to living creatures but have movement that isn’t like a living creature.

For example, spiders that don’t know which was is front or back because they don’t have a head.
I don’t hate insects, but creatures that have movements while not knowing the significance of living or thinking about why make me feel somewhat disgusted.

However, on the contrary, I can say that this is a good opportunity to cure my phobia.
I try to calm my mind while deliberately adjusting my breathing.
With the resolution that they were coming rather quickly, I happily confronted and slashed the men who were running swiftly whilst on fire.

Because they are plunging at me vigorously, they are violently colliding into my body while I slash their legs and arms, but I endured the feeling of disgust and shock.
If I feel psychological hatred towards these kinds of attacks, it might become a gap.

The tiny gap could become fatal in the future.
I must have a heart that isn’t scared of any surprise attacks, an immovable heart.

“Uuaaaaahhhh!” (Fire Fighter)

“Ha~, that’s it!” (s.h.i.+njou)

They will die if they are slashed.
If you see this type of enemy, they will die quickly if they are stabbed in the heart once or if you cut off their head with a sword.

It’s a simple fact, the simple function of the fear vanishes if your body remembers that.
To kill the enemy you are confronting, kill it faster than it can think.

Before I had noticed it, the vicinity of me had turned into a mountain of burning flesh.
If there was something called a fiery h.e.l.l where a sinner is burned in flames, this was the sight.

“When all’s said and done, I think I’m a demon of h.e.l.l.” (s.h.i.+njou)

As the floor is lava, I can’t lay down my knees.
I adjusted my breath while I pushed my back against the wall and restored my health and stamina with potions.

“Alright.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I continued after that.
On this floor, dangerous enemies won’t go up to the boss’s room.
It also serves as spiritual tempering, and I proceeded without taking a break as much as I could.
I changed my weapon from『Isolation』into the spirit sword, Onsatsumaru.

As expected, a fire spirit appeared as I went forward.
It was in the same family as the water spirit monster that was one floor above, but these guys were shaped like a burning lizard.

I wonder if it’s a salamander.
You have to have a calm spirit, as these spirits can’t be killed by magic.

“Fo fo.” (Fire Spirit)

Along with a strange cry, the spirit spits out a fireball from its mouth.
Although they are low cla.s.s, two of them were launched at once.

“Of course they still don’t chant, I envy that.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I ran away to avoid the flying fireball, and shouted the fireball chant while holding my left hand out in front of my bosom.

“Low Soaring Flame!” (s.h.i.+njou)

In front of my eyes, the identically ranked fireb.a.l.l.s collide and cancel each other.
As the enemy shot 2 of them at a time, one of them hit me, but I received it with the『Diminished Cloak』and swung Onsatsumaru.

When I swung it twice, the form of the fire spirit became smoke and disappeared.
It’s lonesome that there isn’t any definitive response when I kill the spirit.

“It’s become practice of fighting a subst.i.tute magician instead.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I think the speed of swinging the ma.s.sive nodachi has risen considerably, but I can’t follow the speed of a no chant.
A lot of practice is needed to shoot magic for this reason.
Receiving a fireball to the extent where I don’t die is training for raising my fire resistance.

“Oh, another 2 are coming already?” (s.h.i.+njou)

While going towards the 2 fire spirits that had come from around the corner, I rapid-fired low ranked fireb.a.l.l.s whenever possible as I ran to cut and kill them.

The 3 fireb.a.l.l.s soared and blocked one.
I barely avoided a fireball as it burned my bangs with a sizzz, but without feeling it, I went towards the spirit and swung, which erased it.

Crash…during that time, I took the brunt of 2 fireb.a.l.l.s from the front.

“Ugh, I’m not familiar with this yet!” (s.h.i.+njou)

I shouldn’t be shaken even if I directly receive magic attacks.
If such a thing is able to make a gap, I will be attacked and killed there.
A steady heart and a firm spirit are what raises defense against magic.

An immovable mind.

While my body received a violent impact, I swung Onsatsumaru with all the strength I could, scratching and erasing the 2nd flame spirit.
I have heat resistance; I’m wearing the『Diminished Cloak』which reduces magical damage, and underneath that I’m also wearing the ring mail.

Being careful so my spirit isn’t shaken by the impact of the violent explosion, I slashed and killed the second one.
Quickly using a potion to restore my health and stamina, I quickly proceeded through the corridor of burning flames while killing any flame spirits I could find.

“Uh oh.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I saw a new enemy in the distance.
Putting away the spirit sword, I quickly pull out『Isolation』from my back.

What came out was the Flame・Face.
It looked like an ogre, but it had a huge face and body.

A huge and ugly face about one meter in diameter, and it’s burning intensely like a fireball.
The lower half of his face split, looking like a large demon.
It seems to have opened its mouth.

“Fugegya, bugerya.” (Flame Face)

Along with a shout with an unknown meaning, fwoosh, fireb.a.l.l.s were spit out from its large mouth.

“Hmph.” (s.h.i.+njou)

I barely avoided it, but the blast is incredible.
It feels like intermediate level.
It isn’t as high as advanced level, but it’s an intense explosion.
The fireball may even be seen as a fire breath.

Well, how should I kill it……
I don’t want to be attacked with a fireball directly.

I should be able to counter it if I shoot an advanced fireball at the intermediate fireball, but since I had come here without a break, any more mana is unreliable.
The fact that I can’t see my own amount of mana is terrifying.

If you don’t have enough mana when you need to use magic, it will only lead to your death in the dungeon.

“Then, how about this?” (s.h.i.+njou)

I leapt and skillfully kicked the large fireball with force.²
Sizzle, it made a noise and completely disappeared.

Good, the『Water Spirit Boots』also have an effect on the soaring fireball.
I rushed in and kicked the Flame・Face’s face with all my strength.
The feeling was similar to kicking a soccer ball, the Flame・Face fell over with a ker-thump as its balance was destroyed.

I guess it has bad balance because more than 1/3 of its body is a face.
The unsightly form that was attempting to stand up with its limbs unintentionally made me laugh, but I shook it off quickly and swung『Isolation』into its large head without caring.

Just like a watermelon, its big head split with a crack, and red blood scattered with a splash.
The Flame・Face’s cracked head and all of its limbs started convulsing with a twitch for a bit before it stopped moving.

“I can say with confidence that there’s no pity.” (s.h.i.+njou)

After all, it’s only to this degree that you can deal with the fireball monsters on this floor.
But because I’m running out of mana, I’m saved that it was weaker than it looks.

In the manner of that is essentially of watermelon splitting, I kicked the Flame・Face’s face, then sliced and minced it.
I’m already close to my goal from cutting straight across the corridor of flames.
At this minute, I’m near the boss room.

The enemies had been mostly dealt with, and I had a lot of mental fatigue as expected.
To prepare for the boss, I should let my mana restore while I take a small break.
When I was about to plan to do so, I immediately s.h.i.+vered.

With a clank sound, a large knight wearing black armor walks into the flame corridor.
The Black Knight.
It’s a powerful monster that shouldn’t have appeared on the 8th floor.

For a minute, I was thinking whether or not I had seen an illusion because of the heat in the corridor of flames.
I realized that it was an『Invasion』instantly.
The Black Knight is the boss of the 10th floor.³

No, the boss, which is the guardian of the door, can’t come in the『Invasion』.
It’s likely that it is from being an ordinary monster that exists on the 14th or lower floor.
However, an『Invasion』from the 14th floor up to the 8th floor usually isn't possible.
Regardless, after thinking, I need to deal with the reality in front of my eyes.

As I was thinking so, I unintentionally went stiff.
Even despite me telling myself “Don’t create a gap” even to the extent of something unexpected.
From the other side of the Black Knight, another knight wearing the same black full-body armor appeared.

“Impossible……” (s.h.i.+njou)

It’s absolutely impossible for 2『Invasions』to happen at once.
As it is happening now, it means that the balance of the game has collapsed.

Any kind of powerful enemy isn’t good.
If it’s just one, there is means to escape from the back if you are careful.
It’s the extent to which you can say that the game is fair.

However, if 2 monsters come in the『Invasion』, there is the danger of being surrounded by strong monsters with higher ranks.
Genocide・Reality has a system to preserve the risky balance.

The monsters that could destroy that order are staring at me with eyes full of killing intent that peep from behind the slits of the black armor.
The Black Knight drew its sword and turned towards me who had stopped moving, then swung its deathly black sword with ominous movements similar to a machine that was being manipulated with invisible threads.

Translator's Notes

¹ - Quite a creative name indeed. ▲

² - Well, I mean…..if it works, it works? :p ▲

³ - If you fought evenly against the 8th floor boss, and this is the 10th floor boss……you’re f.u.c.ked. ▲

Editor's Notes

ED: Zelgius? Is that you?

If you guys notice anything wrong, please let me know!
See ya next week!

-Thy Unsus

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Genocide Reality Chapter 25 summary

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