Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 28

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Schotzie had picked up on Rio's angst and poked her head over the seat. Rio stroked the dog's neck and calmed herself. She listened as the ICE agent who'd been undercover as hotel staff reported on the situation in the room. He described how many men he'd seen. The routine had changed. He hadn't been allowed access to the room when he dropped off the food. Instead, one of the guards received the food at the door and shut it quickly.

"Copy that." Gavin looked at her. "What do you think?"

"We have the warrant. He's not an Iranian citizen, so we have grounds to enter the room."

"You know this could turn into a cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k real quick."

"That's exactly what I've been thinking about for the last two hours."

"Cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k or not, we have a warrant to serve, and a bad dude to take into custody," Gavin said, reaching behind the seat for his tactical vest. "Wait until I call for you. When you get in there, me and Van will cover you while you sweep the place," he instructed, getting out of the car. He stuck his head inside before closing the door. "Do not move, until you hear from me, understood?"

"I can take care of myself."

"No doubt, but your fiance will kick my a.s.s if anything happens to you again."

Sitting back, she picked up the radio and listened to the chatter while she waited for her signal. The mention of Danny made her feel for her ring and stare at it while she waited. She smirked as she mentally heard Danny crack a smarta.s.s remark about kicking Gavin's a.s.s. She seriously doubted that her partner would take an a.s.s kicking from anyone, but she knew Danny would certainly make good on his threat if she got hurt. Only a few minutes ticked by before she heard Gavin's voice over the radio. "K-9, come on up."

It amazed her that Schotzie always seemed to know when it was time. She yipped when she heard "K-9".

"Come on, girl. Time to go to work."

When she and Schotzie arrived at the room, she saw three men dressed in black kneeling and cuffed. She surveyed the small a.r.s.enal of weapons laid out on the desk, and the man she a.s.sumed was Minister Bakri standing off to the side, looking very frightened. She swept the suite looking for weapons but mostly for any indication that there were more EMP devices. After a couple of sweeps through the place she came up empty-handed. The New York CBP took the Iranian guards into custody and left. Gavin turned to Bakri.

"Minister Bakri, you're under arrest for illegal entry into the United States."

The man straitened himself. "I don't think you know who I am. I have diplomatic immunity. I can come and go as I wish while conducting the business of my country."

A sudden storm erupted in the room as Gavin charged toward the minister. Before anyone could move to stop him, he grabbed the man and lifted him off his feet. Fear etched Bakri's face as he struggled to get free from Gavin's iron grip.

"You're under arrest, c.o.c.ksucker!" Gavin said menacingly.

"I have rights!" Bakri shouted when Gavin shoved him against the wall as he struggled.

"You have the right to remain silent; you have the right to legal counsel. If you can't afford legal counsel, a lawyer will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights? Translation, you're going to prison f.u.c.khead, where I'll see to it that some Aryan infidel makes you his new b.i.t.c.h." Gavin emphasized his point by slamming Bakri against the wall with a sickening thud.

It had been h.e.l.l justifying an arrest warrant for a foreign diplomat. Now the man who'd hunted Bakri for over five years had just put this investigation in jeopardy by tossing Bakri around like a rag doll. They'd managed to obtain the warrant on a technicality and used Rio's kidnapping as a secondary reason to seek the minister as a person of interest. If Gavin wasn't careful, this arrest and all of their careful planning would be lost.

"Gavin!" she warned.

"Quit resisting arrest!" Gavin snarled as he shook him violently. There was no mistaking the fear in the minister's eyes. He tossed the man toward Van and Alan. "Get him the f.u.c.k out of my sight."

As Van helped the minister to his feet, he and Rio exchanged worried glances. What Gavin had done bordered on abuse. Alan snapped the cuffs on the minister and tapped Bakri's shoulder as he nodded toward Gavin. "He hates it when people try to resist arrest. Now you're not trying that again, are you?"

Rio had never seen anyone spin into such a rage so quickly. He stalked all the way down to their vehicle and glared as Van and Alan loaded Bakri into the awaiting Suburban. She pulled the radio from the pa.s.senger's seat and called ahead letting the CBP field office in New York know that Minister Bakri was on his way. They got into their own vehicle and followed. She watched Gavin carefully. The tension in the car was palpable. She wondered if Danny got like this when he'd go into full-blown SEAL mode.

"So is that why they call you Bada.s.s?"

Just as quickly as he had spooled up, the storming giant had calmed.


Chapter 22.

Naval Special Warfare Command Coronado Naval Amphibious Base, California September 14, 2010/0045 Zulu "I think the best option would be to wait. Now that we've found that collapse close to the entrance on the other side, we need to be cautious because, at this point, we're over the Mexican border," Major Evans said.

"Now we know why no one's used it," Shaq said, sitting back in his chair.

"How long do you think it'll take to clean it out and make sure it's stable?" the admiral asked.

"I think we can have it done by the end of the week as long as you want us to press forward. Based on observations by Marine Recon, it's best to work during the day," the major responded.

"How's it looking, Reese? Your guys have been watching that area for over a month. Do you think we should use the tunnels as our primary means of getting in and out?" Rock asked.

"There are a lot of strategic options for the tunnel. Now that the team has a good feel for the area, we've come up with a few ideas both overland and underground. Whatever you want us to do, Rock. I wish we could get close to those buildings. How's the intel on that coming, Dan?" Lieutenant Colonel Thompson asked.

"We can't tell what's going on around there, but it's something big. Satellite picks up a fresh set of tracks every couple of days, and they look like heavy equipment. But we've never been able to peg when they're going in and out and what they're taking in there. The Mexican government is still stalling about giving up any access to information regarding that area," Dan said.

"What kind of info are you looking for, Dan?" the admiral asked.

"Permits, any sort of request for use of the property. We've got the investment company who owns it working on getting the information, so it doesn't look like we're on to anything."

"Rock, what do you think we should do to move forward?" the admiral asked.

"I like using the tunnels for a lot of reasons. But something tells me we're making a mistake banking on using them as our primary option. I think we need to use them as a secondary exit and collapse them as we go."

"It's no secret that the cartels employ a lot of mining engineers. Some of the holes CBP have found tell us they have some of the most sophisticated knowledge and resources to go underground. I think that's what's going on. I think they figured out what's there, and now, they're trying to make it viable," Shaq said.

"Shaq, let's work on an alternate overland insertion and extraction plan, and make it as tight as we have this other one," Rock said, turning to the young JG.

"Aye, sir."

"Dan, find out what the h.e.l.l is going on with those buildings."

"Let me lend a hand, lieutenant, I know a guy with good eyes when it comes to satellite photos, and we'll work on a recon plan," Thompson said.

"Aye, sir. I'll see if I can get some information another way."

"You do whatever you need to do, Dan. I'll deal with the politics. Take off the gloves, son, and get your information anyway you have to. We're done playing nice," the admiral said. "Major, is there any way the Army can drill through the mess and set up a scope or some kind of surveillance to keep an eye on the other side?"

"Yes, sir, I think Captain Jensen of the Recon team has already set that up. We did it as a precaution to make sure we don't run into the bad guys once we break through."

"We've got eyes on it Dixie; it's being watched twenty-four/seven, and there hasn't been any movement inside the tunnel that we can see," Thompson confirmed.

"All right, boys, let's get back to work, and get me a plan before I have to leave for Was.h.i.+ngton on Friday," the admiral said.

"Congratulations on your nomination to the Joint Chiefs, sir," Major Baker said.

"Thank you, Major. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, yet."

Dan and Shaq got up to leave the meeting to hit it again. They'd have to tighten this plan up if they wanted Rock and Dixie to sign off on it.

"Dan, Shaq hang back a second," O'Malley called.

They glanced at each other and returned to where the captain and the admiral were seated.

"I need you to keep close eyes and ears on this thing. I'm not allowing any ops in that region until November when Congress breaks for the holidays," the admiral said.

"Yes, sir," they answered.

"When I testify before Congress, I'd like to answer the questions and not have to answer for a scandal if this op turns into a cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k, understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"You boys are doing a h.e.l.l of a job and making me proud, but you're getting in a hurry. Don't f.u.c.k this up, and listen to the old men who've made the mistakes you're about to make. Take your time, and plan this thing solid."

"We'll watch it, sir," Shaq said.

"We'll be careful. There's still a missing case of weapons that Montenegro has holed up we don't want to risk losing, sir," Dan said.

"I know that. I'll let you know when the eyes in his compound find it. I don't need you guys rus.h.i.+ng the planning and making a mistake because you're itching for an op, understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"All right, get your back to work."

The admiral sat back and took a long drink from his bottle of water. He waited until the door had closed, and he was alone with the man he trusted almost as much as he trusted his former command master chief. The three of them had been through a lot together. JJ and Dixie went back as far as their first op together in Grenada. The taking of the radio station at the airport had been one seriously messed-up operation, and they were both lucky to be alive. As he thought about the two men that had just left, he wondered if they were as hardheaded as he, JJ, and Rock had been back in the day.

"You think they'll listen?"

"Those two?" Rock thought a moment as he considered the two young men who'd just walked out. "I think they will. They're a whole new breed. They're smarter than we were," his captain said. Pausing, he frowned. "It's not them I'm worried about."

"You really don't like this, do you, Rock?"

"No, I don't. Something about this doesn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. I felt this way back in Bosnia before that op went to s.h.i.+t."

"That's the last thing I need right now, a deep black op going to s.h.i.+t."

"Even if it does, I'll make sure it never sees the light of day, Dixie. We need you to sit on the JCS. Move Switchblade over from Little Creek to take your position here. He knows the score, and he'll do whatever you tell him to do."

The admiral laughed. "You've been hanging out with JJ too long. A little over a year ago, he sat here and told me the same thing. Would you like to know where he said you needed to be?"

"I ain't going anywhere. I like my home in San Antonio and so does my wife."

"No, you and Anna better get used the idea of DC. If I make it, I'm making you my chief of staff."

"Are you out of your f.u.c.king mind?" Rock asked with wide eyes. "You don't want to do that, Dixie. Remember that fitness report where you said I had to work on my people skills? I still struggle with that, just ask the former base commander at Randolph."

"I'm not interested in your people skills, Rock. I need someone to dig the knives out of my back while I'm there."

Wes Macey sat waiting for his prospective buyer to show. His visit to Mexico would only last a couple of days, but it would be productive. On his last trip a month ago, he'd managed to find a loophole in the law that would allow the Mexican government to permit the land development without the consent of the Jensen Estate. Montenegro's front company had begun to improve the buildings and use the front entrance of the tunnel. Now they needed to somehow seize the Jensen ranch. Wes had recently watched the proceedings in a case of imminent domain where a development company had been able to get private property condemned and then purchase it for private development. He'd been working with some contacts in the Arizona state legislature to get the Jensen ranch in the same sort of situation. Because it sat on an old mine, he was attempting to get it condemned as an environmental hazard. He'd finally seen the light at the end of this project.

"Senor Macey?"

"Yes. Mr. Montez?" Wes stood and extended his hand. "I'm glad to finally meet you."

"I know your time is valuable. How is the purchase of the property in the United States coming along?"

"Slow. The family refused to sell, but I've found a way around it. I'm using an environmental law to get it condemned, and then I'll s.n.a.t.c.h it up for development."

"My client is getting anxious because this deal has been in the making for some time, and he advanced you a lot of money. He wants some results or at least something saying we're about to close this deal."

Wes had been fully prepared to offer some kind of proof to Montez and the man he represented that indicated he'd made some headway in his acquisition of the land. He knew time was running short for him, and he had to come up with something positive. He took out an envelope and slid it across the table. It was the proposed bill that would condemn the ranch and hand it over to his development firm for cleanup and sale. Mr. Montez opened the envelope, scanned the contents, and smiled.

"This is very encouraging. I'm sure my client will be satisfied for a little while longer. How much more time do you think you need?"

"Going this route, it may be the end of next month. My contact at the legislature plans to attach this to a school funding bill that should be pa.s.sed and signed next week. That bill has very little opposition, and the governor will sign it by the end of next week. Then it'll be all ours."

Getting back home couldn't happen fast enough for Dan. He called the airline and had been able to take an early flight back. Now that time had come to go home, his mind turned to his tiny Domme waiting for him. When he boarded the flight, he knew in his head that this would be a short flight. But as it got underway, the flight seemed to take forever.

Before he left he'd made a bet with Rio that he could obey her unconditionally. At dinner a few nights before he'd left for Coronado, they'd been talking about his commitment to what he'd told her he wanted their life to look like. During the conversation she'd mentioned to him that she didn't believe he was as ready to embrace that lifestyle the way he claimed. She'd pointed out those times when he fought the very thing he said he wanted. It p.i.s.sed him off that she'd kept track. Besides, he wasn't fighting, he informed her. He'd been helping her.

They'd argued about how he wanted the lifestyle but only when it suited him. Daring him to complete a simple task and to do, unconditionally, what she asked without debate she'd suggested he wear the chast.i.ty device while he was gone. To prove that she was so wrong about him, he agreed to it and would do so without fighting or questioning her motives. Because he couldn't predict what might happen, she'd given him the key to the cage before he left just in case he needed to remove it. As the time wore on, he realized giving him the key had been the biggest part of her challenge.

The worst part about having this d.a.m.n thing encasing his c.o.c.k had been his morning woody. It was painful, and there was no way to relieve it, but he'd been faithful and kept his end of the deal. No matter how much his d.i.c.k made him crazy, he hadn't touched that d.a.m.n key. He never took off the collar she'd given him once she put it on and had figured out a way to keep it hidden under his uniform. The collar had been innocuous, and to anyone who saw it, it could simply be seen as a nice piece of tribal jewelry of two leather braids with a ring in the center.

As his time away from her went on, he thought about her more and more until she was all he focused on. He remembered every detail of her-the smell of her skin, every inch of her body, the texture of her hair-it all burned in his mind. When he closed his eyes, he could see her clearly, as if she were in front of him and within his reach. His c.o.c.k stiffened, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled, willing himself to get a grip. His eyes flew open when he inhaled again.

Candy apple? Holy s.h.i.+t I'm going out of my mind.

Finally reaching the airport in Sierra Vista, he raced out of the aircraft as soon as the doors opened and found her right outside the secure area. Holding her was like a cool breeze in the middle of an unbearably hot summer day. She wrapped her arms around him and squealed in delight. He finally exhaled.

"Are you happy to see me?" she asked.

"You know I am."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 28 summary

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