Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 29

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Rio pulled him close, tapped the key where she'd placed it two weeks before, and whispered, "Have you been good?"

Dan's c.o.c.k couldn't get any more cramped or uncomfortable, and he whispered urgently, "Please, let's just go home."

Pulling away, he didn't like what he saw in her eyes. She had other plans and intended to keep him locked up longer than he wanted.

"I'm sure you're starving. I wanted to take you out to dinner."

He couldn't stand another second in this d.a.m.n device. He put his arm around her and led her to the exit. "No, I'm not hungry."

She blinked and frowned as she pulled away.

"I want to, and we're going."

He understood what she intended by the tone she'd just used and he'd be locked in this d.a.m.n cage until she chose to release him.

Evil b.i.t.c.h.

He hated and loved her all at once. Saying nothing as she led him out of the airport terminal, she drove them to her favorite restaurant near the house. He resigned himself to enduring at least another hour in this h.e.l.lish c.o.c.k cage. Any other time, he would've devoured whatever had been placed in front of him because this was one of his favorite restaurants, too. Instead, he sulked and picked at his food. As soon as they walked through the door to the house, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, dumped her onto the bed, and stripped in record time.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Get this f.u.c.king thing off of me!"

"You have the key."

Lifting his hand to rip the braided leather from his neck, he touched the key and froze as he watched a sly smile cross her lips. It was a trap, and he'd almost fallen for it. He knew what he wanted and what this meant. There would be no way in h.e.l.l he'd let her be right. If he touched that key now, she'd win. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and dropped to his knees.

"Please, Mistress. I've been faithful."

"Right here," she said as she sat up at the edge of the bed and pointed to a spot in between her knees. He moved closer, and she took the key off of his collar. "Go take a shower and come back here. I'll be waiting for you."

After his quick shower, he returned to the bed, and when he laid back, his senses kicked into overdrive. The bedspread touching his back scratched like sandpaper, and when she ran her hands over his body, her touch burned. If he hadn't seen it for himself, he would've sworn that she blistered him with fire. His nerve endings were raw to the slightest touch, and he jerked his hips when she lifted the cage.

"You've been so good, and you want to win, don't you?" she said, running her finger over his sensitive c.o.c.k through one of the openings.

"Please, babe..." he whispered as he closed his eyes and threw back his head.

Rio toyed with his release, holding it just out of his grasp. Dan squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as she took his caged c.o.c.k into her mouth and f.u.c.ked him agonizingly slow. She'd stop long enough to let him get his bearings, something almost impossible to do with his cramped c.o.c.k aching to be released.

The steel cage surrounding his already tender confined d.i.c.k made her b.l.o.w.j.o.b even more painful and uncomfortable. As she fingered his sac, the first rush of adrenaline and dopamine shot into his system, making him tremble. The delicious agony she caused him wasn't the way he liked it but managed to achieve the same effect. Releasing a low guttural moan, the torturous pain and sweet pleasure of her touch frustrated him as she dangled his climax just out of reach. He was so close, but there would be no way he could come in that d.a.m.n cage. Suddenly, he felt himself floating, and he didn't realize she'd stopped until he heard the click of the padlock that secured the cage together. It amazed him that she could get him where he longed to be without the harsh pain he craved.

"Oh f.u.c.k!" He groaned as she slowly lifted his hard c.o.c.k out of its prison.

A heavy weight had been lifted and every fiber of his body felt lighter as a result. Freedom never felt so good, and he would never again agree to have his d.i.c.k locked up. Ever.

"So hard," she whispered. "Do you want me?"

The soft hand stroking his c.o.c.k was like a velvet glove. Her slow caresses made his body shake as the pleasure and pain merged, making it so he couldn't answer right away. He held his breath and mustered control over his urge to dominate her and give her a taste of her own medicine.

"Yes. Oh G.o.d, yes!" He panted as he licked his lips.

While he watched her take off her clothes, he realized the two weeks of h.e.l.l he'd just managed to get through would be nothing compared to what he would need to withstand now. The second he made contact with her p.u.s.s.y it would all be over, and after two weeks in that h.e.l.lish cage, he couldn't wait for her. He had to get control. Remembering he was a SEAL and what he'd endured when he didn't think he had anything left, he prepared himself as she straddled his hips. If they couldn't break him, neither could his Mistress. She rubbed her p.u.s.s.y over his c.o.c.k, and he almost pa.s.sed out as the pain fled, leaving behind a tingling heat.

"Mistress, oh, Mistress..." he whimpered breathlessly as he squeezed her thighs.

"You know the rule," she said as she slapped his belly. His c.o.c.k lurched, and just as quickly, his impending release vanished. He couldn't stand it; he needed to come so badly, and his c.o.c.k was almost as painful as it had been in that d.a.m.n cage. He took a deep breath and relaxed his death grip on her thighs.


"Say it."

"You come first, in everything."

Rio rewarded him with a bone-melting kiss. He focused and dug deeper than he'd ever thought possible as she slipped his c.o.c.k inside her warm, inviting p.u.s.s.y. Heaven and h.e.l.l came together as one while she rode him. He did everything he could to maintain his self-control as she wiggled her hips over him pus.h.i.+ng him deeper inside of her delicious c.u.n.t. His b.a.l.l.s tightened, and he willed himself to relax and back off of the blissful apex within reach.

When she clenched her p.u.s.s.y around his d.i.c.k, his precarious control slipped. He grabbed her a.s.s and roared when his climax hit him like a brick wall. The rush of pleasure hit him with a force that left him breathless for several heart-stopping seconds as every muscle in his body locked. He arched his back and thrust himself as deep as he could go inside her p.u.s.s.y. For a moment he thought he'd lose consciousness. Nothing in his life had ever felt so good. He had nothing with which to compare the relief he felt at this moment. He didn't care about the consequences. He'd turned into a heap of hypersensitive nerves that had been rendered boneless with the climax he'd just experienced.

When it was over she leaned in close and nipped at his ear as she whispered, "Did that feel good, babe?"

"Yes," he panted in relief.

"Was it worth it?"

"Every f.u.c.king second of it," Dan murmured as he relaxed.

"I hope so because you broke the rules," she said. Dan's eyes flew open, and he lifted his head slightly to see his Mistress's s.a.d.i.s.tic smile. "It's my turn now."

There was no telling what she had planned for him. The c.o.c.k cage had been a shocker when she'd suggested it a few weeks ago.

Oh, dear G.o.d, please, not the cage again. She slid over his chest and straddled his shoulders.

"Eat it," she commanded as she covered his face with her p.u.s.s.y. "Every single drop."

Dan grabbed her a.s.s and shoved his face into her p.u.s.s.y. One of his soft limits had been eating his s.e.m.e.n, but she'd blown past it when she unlocked the c.o.c.k cage and replaced it with her succulent p.u.s.s.y. He felt dangerously primitive because she'd stripped his inhibitions, and there was nothing he wouldn't do now. He needed this after his last few weeks, the release that only his Mistress could give him by forcing his surrender. He licked and sucked her p.u.s.s.y as if he were a dying man and she were his lifeline. When she ground her p.u.s.s.y into his mouth, his d.i.c.k got rock hard again as he drank down every drop of their combined juices. He'd gone past thinking as his feral instincts took hold. This time, he'd have her on his terms. He sucked her c.l.i.t just the way he knew would take her over the edge, and she screamed as her body shook with her climax.

Pus.h.i.+ng her backward, he opened his legs so she could fall in between them. Grabbing her wrists, he pushed her hands over her head as he climbed on top driving himself b.a.l.l.s deep into her p.u.s.s.y. Being in the middle of her climax, her tight c.u.n.t milked his c.o.c.k as her hips jerked against his. The delicious torment of her p.u.s.s.y convulsing around his d.i.c.k drove him quickly to the edge once more. This time he didn't hold back or think of anything else but his own pleasure as he shoved deep inside her and released himself again. This o.r.g.a.s.m had been just as intense as the last one. f.u.c.king her hard and fast, he'd lost any sense of restraint as he pushed harder and rougher than he ever imagined taking a woman. When he came back to reality, he found himself gasping for air. His throat was raw, and his arms shook with fatigue. He released her wrists and cradled her as he lowered himself.

"Babe, let me hold you for a minute," he panted, burying his face into her neck.

His body had been spent, and the low hum echoing in his nerve endings relaxed him. Her hands running over his back sent a s.h.i.+ver through him, and all of his work over the last few weeks faded into the background as the stress he'd been under melted away. He loved his job and the rush that came with what he did, but nothing compared to being close to the woman he loved so deeply and completely.

Suddenly, what she'd been trying to tell him before he left became crystal clear. She'd been right. He fought her while she tried to give him what he'd been asking for, and he'd put her in a no-win situation. Not everyone would change their life to give another what they needed. Rio had been willing to change her career, move anywhere he had to go, and still accept him without any reservation. In return, he tried to control what he gave up to her with his games. He realized just how much he'd topped from the bottom only to be resentful when she tried to bring him in line with what he'd asked for. He lifted himself onto his elbows and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, babe."

She frowned. "For what?"

"For being such an a.s.s sometimes."

His heart warmed when she smiled and cupped his face. He turned his head and kissed her palm, and for the first time in days he felt safe and secure. Her touch and being so close made him go still and calmed him like nothing else could.

"Is there a confession you need to make?"

"No, I just realized how much I fight you sometimes. I promise I'll try to do better."

Sliding her arms around him, she sighed. "We're both learning. We'll figure it out."

Later that evening as they were watching TV, Dan caught her up with the latest. She knew about the land grab in Mexico and with the ranch since she had to give the estate lawyers the go-ahead to block Macey's attempts to essentially commandeer the ranch.

"I'm tempted to talk with Davey and Vivian and sell this d.a.m.n thing outright to Mr. Macey once this is all over. We probably would've done it if Macey hadn't been the one that tried to get us to sell to begin with."

"Wait a minute," he said. "Wes Macey has been the one after your dad's land?"

"Yes, that's how all this c.r.a.p started, remember? He made an offer before you came home on leave. He had some buyer in Mexico that he said wanted to re-open the mine and start working it again with some kind of new technology."

"What did you just say?"

"Danny, everyone knew that. Where the h.e.l.l were you?"

The bill before the Arizona State Legislature had been designed to take the Jensen's family property and Wes Macey suddenly connected together. All the doc.u.ments that he and a JAG officer had been reviewing showed a connection between Macey Land Development and a Montenegro puppet conglomeration that included a Mexican mining company. He suddenly understood why Montenegro needed the Jensen ranch and the old mining facility in Mexico.

"Oh s.h.i.+t! Get dressed. We need to get out to the hunting shack."

Chapter 23.

Jensen Ranch Near Bisbee, Arizona September 23, 2010/1058 Zulu Dan paced back and forth like a caged animal while they waited for key members of the team to arrive. When he and Rio got to the hunting shack, Davey and his team of observers were listening to the chatter of the cartel in and around the abandoned buildings. His gut told him the cartel had no intention of clearing the mine. Montenegro had been using part of the underground facilities for something else.

Over the last couple of years, they'd discovered a sleeper cell in their ranks, and now he had a suspicion that the special ops guys working for Montenegro could be infiltrating their teams. When the ring leader, Special Warfare Group 5's executive officer, Commander Rafe Wilson, had been killed, the captain felt that some of his followers had gone deep and decided to wait for another opportunity. Part of what they wanted to do was smoke out the new leader of the cell. Two cases of EMP devices had gone missing during one of the rotations of SEALs coming and going to the base.

Dan had been charged with devising a way to track the weapons without the enemy knowing. He'd marked each one of the devices with a clear paint-like substance that emitted a signal. The SEALs knew the marked devices had gone to Sonora, Mexico. When they kidnapped the minister's secretary, they'd done it in an attempt to find out who had delivered the stolen devices and where they'd made contact. Something else he'd read while he'd been at Coronado suddenly clicked. The Russians had developed those weapons in an underground facility in order to minimize any accidental damage.

When the team arrived, they discussed what had been going on with the surveillance detail that had been initiated. Afterward, he asked about the facility in Mexico.

"It doesn't look like they were working on any of the mining equipment or replacing what was there. From the recon we did, there were some slews that were hanging by a thread from the ceiling, but they were focused on the tunnel entrance. No one was working the mine like you say," Friday said.

"There were a lot of guards, but they weren't really guarding anything that we could see," Jim Williams said.

"So what you're saying, and what we've been seeing on surveillance is that everything seems to be underground, right?" Dan asked.

"Well, so far," Davey said.

"I don't get it. Isn't that what we're expecting them to do? Work on the tunnel?" CBP Salas asked.

"But there's no tunneling going on because debris would be coming out if they were clearing, and they've been there for a few weeks now. If they were clearing, they should be within range of the surveillance cameras. We can see that the area's clear. What the h.e.l.l are they doing? They're hanging near the entrance, but not doing anything above ground."

"What do you think they're doing?" Shaq asked Dan.

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't feel right," Dan said.

"Are you at least gonna tell us what we should look for?" Major Williams asked.

Dan shrugged. "Maybe equipment going in and out that isn't mining related? Sorry guys, I guess I was grasping at straws."

"No worries, we'll all be on the lookout. Jim, I have an idea," Shaq said, nodding to Dan and taking the Marine aside for a quiet word.

Dan watched Shaq and Jim walk to the kitchen and whisper. If anyone in this outfit knew him, it was his dive buddy. Very few people outside the SEAL community understood the tie that dive buddies had. When you found the right one, that connection was deeper than family. You eventually got to the place where you could almost read each other's minds. On many missions, he and Shaq could communicate with a glance and synchronize their thoughts and movements. They'd been together for a long time, and it could be scary sometimes how much they understood each other without words pa.s.sing between them. Afterward, Dan, Shaq, and Jim all discussed changing the focus of the mission and developing a new plan to destroy the entire facility to such a degree that it would remain unusable.

Dan was a million miles away as they drove out to the main road that would take them back to the house. He'd been so deep in thought that Rio's voice startled him.

"Danny! Did you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, babe. What was that?"

"Go to the Dairy Queen in Old Bisbee. I want a shake."

"Why the h.e.l.l do we need to go that far? Can't we go to the Burger King near the house?"

"No, go into Old Bisbee, and then go to the hill you took me to on the Fourth of July to watch the fireworks."

The last thing he wanted to do right now was fool around. He needed to think. He started to argue but knew it was pointless because he'd end up doing what Rio wanted anyway. After they got their shakes, he drove her to the hilltop overlooking the old city.

"Give me your phone," she said, holding out her hand.

"What? Why?"

"Give it to me!"

What the f.u.c.k?

He handed over his phone and watched as she took the back off and pulled out the battery. She took her phone and did the same, then opened the door and got out of the truck.

Had she gone crazy? He followed her.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"You tell me."


"Stop! Just stop, please. I'm not an idiot, and I'm on your side, remember? Do you expect me to believe that you called leaders.h.i.+p for this operation in the middle of the night because you were grasping at straws? What the h.e.l.l is it, Danny? What's going on? And please don't pull this sneaky s.h.i.+t on me and tell me you can't talk about it."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 29 summary

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