Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 4

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Unable to look away, she watched Danny's muscular forearm flex as he curled his fist. The sideways defensive stance he took told her he knew exactly how to handle himself in a fight. She watched in fascination as his hard body tensed, and the deadly stare he'd mastered left no doubt he'd taken on more than one bada.s.s and come out on top. Frightening, primitive power fit him like a glove and made him the most attractive man she'd ever seen. Danny was no longer the beta in this pack. He was the alpha in more ways than one, and his commanding self-a.s.surance let everyone in the room know he had full control of this situation.

This time, she took a more-than-pa.s.sing glance at him. Something huge had changed since high school, and it was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. Her heart skipped a beat with primal excitement as she saw him raise his jaw slightly, daring Jax to swing. Unlike when they were growing up, he actually looked like he could kick Jax's a.s.s without breaking a sweat. The fierce protectiveness Danny displayed did something to her that was hard to identify. It softened her, and she longed to feel it surround her every day for the rest of her life. The wave of heat that washed over her made her breathing heavy, and her chest rose and fell as she looked on. She vividly recalled when he tried to stand up for her back in the day. Things had definitely changed, and as she studied him, it was clear that his body was something he'd worked religiously in order to make it a prime fighting machine. He'd honed his tactical skills and had perfected the art of intimidation.

For the first time, everyone watched Jax blink, and little Danny Gamez had been the one to make it happen. Jax seemed dazed by the fact that his scare tactics had no influence on someone who'd been brutally abused by him for so long.

"Stay away from my woman, nerd!" Jax said.

Danny's lack of fear made the statement sound lame and juvenile. Instead, he got closer and, with a menacing stare, antagonized Jax further by entering his personal s.p.a.ce. It reminded Rio of watching two boxers bow up and stare each other down before a fight. She watched with pleasure as Jax's eyes widened in astonishment. No one had ever confronted him this way.

"She's not your woman and never will be."

Danny's quiet statement echoed in the room. A pin dropping would've sounded like a metal beam cras.h.i.+ng to the dirty concrete floor. She'd wanted to protect herself from being left behind by him again and had made the decision to guard her heart. Nevertheless, in this moment, she wanted Danny more than her next breath. To the astonishment of everyone watching, Jax dropped his fists in bewilderment. Little Danny was no longer the victim who'd always tried to make peace and used humor to pacify him. His hard demeanor and the physical changes made it crystal clear that making a deal was an option that had been taken off the table long ago.

Jax glanced at her, confused. "Rio-"

Danny cut him off. "She told you to get lost, now I'm telling you, get f.u.c.king lost."

The air in the small tavern evaporated as the men stood staring at each other. Danny had just crossed the line and left Jax no alternative but to lash out or lose face. The tension in the small room was palpable. Her fellow CBP agents tensed while they watched the two men square off with each other. Everyone in the bar sat on edge waiting for the next move. Some of them who had grown up here knew the risk Danny took, and he wasn't just fighting for her. He fought to give them all righteous justice. To a person, the patrons in the tavern were backing Danny. Everyone's silent support and Jax's confused demeanor made Danny the clear victor. He'd been smart enough to sense a dangerous change in Danny, but Rio knew this wasn't over, and they'd need to be vigilant. Jax never gave up that easy.

"Jax, go sit down with your buddies and relax. We're just celebrating my birthday. Rio isn't doing anything wrong, neither is Danny," Van McKay said.

Van was as big and mean as Jax could be, but he chose to throw his weight in the right direction. Jax eyed Danny and Van before he stomped away.

"Man, that guy's an a.s.s!" Alan mumbled into his beer.

The feral, tiger-like stalk Danny took on as he approached Rio made her back up against the bar. He placed one hand on the bar next to her effectively blocking her path from that direction. She knew if he placed his free hand on the other side, she'd be trapped. He'd force her to make a choice-escape or surrender. A slight tremor ran through her because his territorial body language left no doubt she belonged to him, and n.o.body better f.u.c.k with her again. It reminded her of an alpha wolf protecting his mate. He smiled at her as he tucked the strands of her hair that had slipped out of her scrunchie behind her ear. His soft touch made her blush. No man had ever made her feel this secure and prized.

Looking down at her drink, he waved the bartender over. "Tim, can you get her another one?"

"Sure thing, Danny," he said, clearing away her watery drink.

She didn't need to turn around and see Jax scowling at them as Danny handed her another Diet In fact, it made her want to rub it in that much more, and she sincerely hoped Jax would take the hint and leave her alone from now on.

"It's good to see you, Danny. How's the Navy?" Van asked as he stuck out his hand.

"It's been good to me," he replied as he shook Van's hand. He nodded toward Jax and his gang. "I guess some things never change."

"Watch yourself. He's still a mean b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Van warned.

"I will." He smiled at Rio, and she had to curl her fingers and fight the urge to touch his heart-melting dimples. "How about I take you home?"

It was more of a statement than a question. He left no doubt in her mind that he'd be taking her home tonight, and she'd let him.

"I think that's a d.a.m.n good idea," Davey said as he walked up to the bar. "Maybe dumba.s.s will get the idea and back off."

When Friday joined them, he handed the car keys over to him and told him he'd call him later. Danny caught up with some of CBP agents that he'd known in school, and after a few more minutes of conversation he asked her if she wanted to leave. Despite the teasing catcalls from her men nothing would've kept her from being with him even if it was for the ride home.

While they were walking to the car, she thought about what had happened, and her suspicious nature began casting doubt on his motives. Had he done this to finally put his demons to rest with Jax, or did he really want to be with her? When they got to her Jeep, she decided to test his resolve. After all the times he'd left her behind, she needed to ensure she wasn't just reading things into his actions that might not be there.

"Danny, I appreciate what you did in there, but I'm fine. You don't need to take me home," Rio said.

The feral tiger returned and backed her up against the vehicle. Her eyes widened when he stepped into her s.p.a.ce. He planted his hands on either side of her and stared for a moment. When he leaned in closer, her heart sped up because for a split second she thought he'd kiss her.

"Do you think giving him a wet willie would've really p.i.s.sed him off? I've always wanted to do that," he said.

The picture of Danny giving Jax a wet willie threw her into fits of hysterical laughter. Just as she'd done when they were growing up, she pushed on his chest to move him away.

"You're such a clown," she said.

"Give me your keys."


"So I can drive."

"I know how to drive."

As she rested her hand on his chest, acute awareness of the hard muscles under his thin T-s.h.i.+rt radiated through her. She wanted to take his s.h.i.+rt off and run her hands over every inch of his hard body. Touching him now sent an even more violent need racing through her. Her whole body flushed and heated as she held her hand against his chest. He glanced down, and when she tried to move her hand away, he caught her wrist and stopped her. The glazed look of desire and his increasing heartbeat under her palm told her he wanted her touch as much as she wanted his. She ached to kiss his Adam's apple as it moved up and down with the hard swallow he took. The rush of moisture between her legs dampened her panties and reminded her of the deep carnal need he drew from her every time he looked at her that way.

"Give me the keys," he whispered, releasing her.

Hypnotizing her, she couldn't deny him, so with regret, she drew back her hand and fished the keys from her pocket. He laced his fingers into hers as he led her to the pa.s.senger's side and opened the door for her. The small show of affection reminded her that she was in good hands. He'd already demonstrated he'd take good care of her. She couldn't remember the last time a man opened a door for her, much less fought for her.

"Ow!" he cried as he climbed into the driver's seat.


"I hit my knee. You have the seat all the way forward. Do you have blocks for the pedals when you drive?"

"Shut up! I'm not that short," she said, giggling. "I told you I'd drive."

Chuckling, he slid the seat back. After leaving the parking lot, when he took the first turn, he made it apparent he had no intention of taking her home. She attempted to hide the smile that played on her lips and wanted to ask what kind of prank he intended to pull now.

"Are you lost?" she asked.

"No, why?"

"Because I live the other way. Where are we going?"

"I'm hungry."

"You just a.s.sumed I'd go with you?"

Pulling into an empty parking lot, he looked at her again, and she hid the excitement that ran through her. The dash lights revealed that the spark of mischief had been replaced by smoldering desire in his midnight-black eyes. The need to call his bluff this time made Rio hold her ground. She wouldn't allow him to influence her with his overwhelming sensuality. An intense wave of excitement made her p.u.s.s.y clench, and she inhaled in an attempt to rein herself in and keep her cool. He moved close to her.

"If I ask, you might say no. So, I'm kidnapping you."

This wicked game they were playing kept getting more risky with every move, and now it was her turn. Her headstrong nature kicked in. He started this, but she made up her mind to finish it. This was no prank; the sly, s.e.xy smile on his face told her he was hungry all right but not for anything on the menu at a restaurant in Bisbee. She wasn't about to be bested. If he wanted to play, so be it.

"Kidnapping a federal agent is a felony. I'd have to arrest you," she said.

Knowing her words would drive his dirty mind straight in for the kill, she waited for his countermove and planned her next step. Danny closed his eyes and groaned. The reaction took her by surprise because he seemed more enthralled than ever, and the smoldering look took on the faraway, glazed expression of an erotic trance.

"Does that mean putting me in handcuffs?"

He'd rendered her speechless. Did he actually want her to put him in cuffs? The image of cuffing him to her bed and exploring every inch of his hard body for as long as he could stand it sent a shudder through her. A second s.h.i.+ver shook her when she pictured mounting him and riding his c.o.c.k for all she was worth while he lay there helpless to do anything but take it. She wiggled on the seat when her nipples beaded, and her p.u.s.s.y clenched. The vision of him handcuffed and naked had just given her a mini o.r.g.a.s.m. She quivered again and caught her breath. She wrestled her control back and lifted her chin to meet his eyes. The steady stimulation of their lecherous banter and, the images he'd planted in her head had taken her over the edge without him touching her. She refused to let him have this kind of power over her.

Moving in as close to his lips as she could without touching, she whispered, "Is that what you want, Danny, a taste of my cuffs?"

With satisfaction, she saw his jaw drop slightly and the wanton trance deepened as he inhaled with a hiss. The breathy hiss screamed louder than any yes he could roar. She didn't move and dared him to take the next step. This time he backed down, leaning back into the seat and facing forward.

"We'll never make it to dinner if you keep talking dirty to me like that."

Satisfied with her win, she relaxed into her seat. The ideas he'd seeded in her made her arousal level reach a new zenith and gave her a new dimension on her s.e.xuality that she didn't know existed until now. Why did it spur her to the point of combustion to think about doing whatever she wanted to him as he lay helpless?

Having almost the same reaction she'd experienced when she saw him down on his knees petting her dog, she tried to grasp what was happening to her when she thought about Danny compared to other men. What had changed? Or had it ever changed? It used to p.i.s.s her off that his high school bimbo girlfriend could crook her finger and he'd go running like a hyper puppy chasing after a ball. She'd been through enough with men to know she'd end up with dogs as her companions because dogs accepted her as is and didn't try to change her. She looked down at her grimy uniform to avoid thinking about what he'd just done to her because, on some level, it frightened her.

"I'd like to go home and change, and then I'll go wherever you want," she said.

"No," he said with a sultry chuckle. "You're perfect just the way you are."

Chapter 6.

Mall at Sierra Vista Sierra Vista, Arizona June 19, 2010/2119 Zulu Friday and Dan took a short drive to the more affluent Sierra Vista to meet with the FBI agent attached to an anti-terrorism task force. Senior Chief Petty Officer Gavin "Bada.s.s" Walsh had just landed in Tucson and was on his way. Navy Special Warfare Group 5 had been designed to meet the ever-increasing threat of cyber terrorism and other unconventional methods of warfare being carried out by enemies of the United States. Much like the Navy Special Warfare Development Group known as DevGru or SEAL Team 6, they were comprised of best-in-cla.s.s SEALs and support personnel to address threats that didn't meet the specific criteria of Navy Special Operations. They also had a reserve unit that recruited members from federal agencies. Special Agent Walsh was the first in a long list of federal agents who could operate where the Navy couldn't-US soil.

While Friday stuffed his face, Dan surfed his phone and thought about his impromptu date with Rio the night before. They'd gone to his favorite pizza place, and he'd behaved himself for the rest of the night while they were out. By the time he got home, he was sure he'd have permanent indentations of his zipper crisscrossed on his c.o.c.k. Her offer to grant his wish and restrain him had kept his d.i.c.k hard enough to drive railroad spikes for the rest of the night. He ended up taking a cold shower at two in the morning because visions of being tied down and at her mercy almost compelled him to get up and drive to her house. He'd push every b.u.t.ton she had to goad her into following through with her threat.

When she backed him into a corner and demanded he tell her what he really wanted last night, it solidified his conviction that she was his perfect woman, and leaving her behind wasn't an option this time. The decision to behave centered on what he'd seen in her eyes as he pulled back on the road-her dominant spark had given way to some fear. It had stayed there the rest of the night, but he'd also seen excitement and curiosity. She kept a little more distance between them, and he respected her need to think about how she felt. He was sure that no one other than the men or the dogs she worked with had ever experienced her a.s.sertive behavior, and for someone to encourage it had to be confusing her.

This would be a slow process. He had to be patient and let her wrap her mind around what she was and that it was everything he wanted. The first thing he'd noticed about her was the way she guarded herself and guessed it was from the years of being misunderstood. Her strong personality was what made her d.a.m.n good at her job but kept her lonely when she got home at night. He'd struck the spark as he played his erotic game. Now he had to fan and carefully tend the dominant fire he'd started in her. As he'd painted the picture of her taking him in hand, the excitement and arousal in her eyes was irresistible, and he noticed the way it made her squirm. He'd bet the balance of his bank account that she'd been as wet as he'd been rock hard. When he looked up as Gavin took a seat, he knew he had to get his meeting over with as soon as possible.

"Hey, guys, what's the latest?" Gavin asked.

"You'd better load up, Bada.s.s. Bisbee is out in the middle of nowhere, and you might not get to eat for days," Friday suggested as he stuffed his face.

Gavin shot Dan a confused look and he shrugged. "He's been weird the whole trip."

"Anything new?" Gavin asked.

"No, they're still in the hospital under guard."

"Okay, I'll get down there and see what's happening."

"Do you want us to go with you?" Friday asked, stuffing the last of his burrito into his mouth.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to come with me, Friday. Dan, why don't you hang out until I need some technical a.s.sistance?"

"What capacity do you want me in?" Friday asked.

"Administrative support. While I'm talking to the commander of the station, I want you to go through whatever paperwork CBP has processed on these guys. Some of it we may need to cla.s.sify until we know what we're dealing with," Gavin said.

"If you need me, I'll be catching a movie and then heading back to my sister's house." Dan nodded in the direction of the theater in front of the food court.

They split up, and Dan stood in line for a movie ticket. He had an ulterior motive. The opportunity he intended to make for himself presented itself in an unexpected way. He'd seen Rio walk to the window and purchase a ticket when Bada.s.s took his seat. As he stepped into the lobby, he spotted her immediately. She hadn't changed. It was obvious to him she wanted to be alone and invisible. She'd duck and read movie posters that had one line over and over again to avoid eye contact with people.

Giving her s.p.a.ce, he followed way behind as she walked through the theater. He smiled when he glanced at the small marquee because he'd bought a ticket for the same movie. As he watched her find her seat and settle in, he thought about all the times he'd wanted to ask her out to a movie or just hang out. He hung back and watched her relax into the seat and guessed this was one of the few times she truly had a quiet moment to herself.

As the lights dimmed, his mischievous intent grew, and he came up with several ways he could tease her again. He glanced down at his popcorn and smiled as a deliciously evil plan took shape. He knew exactly what he'd do to stoke the embers again. When the first preview flashed on the screen he made his move.

Rio melted into the seat in complete relaxation. Her bliss was short-lived, however.

Son of a b.i.t.c.h! What the h.e.l.l now?

When the previews started, d.a.m.n it if someone didn't take the seat right next to her! She gave the side-eye to the person who'd dared to invade her s.p.a.ce. She'd purposely chosen to sit at the edge of the nearly empty theater in order to avoid people.

"What are you doing here?" Danny whispered.

"Watching a movie," she replied.

Rio leaned back in her seat. Since last night, he'd been the center of every free thought. She'd gone to the station today to speak with the officer investigating her shooting incidents. He'd cleared her for duty on Monday, but she had one final interview before he filed his report. While she'd waited between interviews, she decided to do a little snooping on her own. The FBI agent who mysteriously knew they had suspected terrorists in custody had called the station again to inform them he'd just arrived. It had been hard to concentrate. All she could think about was Danny and what he did to her every time he looked at her. Her reaction to his nasty game last night had shaken her. Having an o.r.g.a.s.m without being touched was new territory, and a little scary. She'd become accustomed to guarding herself and adjusting her behavior to avoid being judged. In less than forty-eight hours Danny had busted right through the wall she'd built around herself for the last eleven years.

Last night after she'd dropped him off, she sat and thought for a long time. In all those years, he hadn't looked back. She recalled seeing her brother off and Danny with him, and it occurred to her what he'd said to her just before he walked out of her life. He was glad to be moving on and leaving home. With that single off-handed comment, he'd cut her heart out and never even knew. She'd never forgotten that life lesson, and since then, she proceeded with caution in any relations.h.i.+p. Seeing him again stirred feelings she'd tried to forget, and his constant stimulation brought back those feelings like a breaking wave pulling her under.

As she looked at him in the flickering light of the movie screen, she saw mischief dancing in his eyes-a good thing. She needed the familiar prankster to help her regain her equilibrium, not the s.e.xy man who gave her wicked visions of her domination and his submission.

"Do you like horror flicks?" he asked.

"Yes, you know I do," she said.

"Freak," he said under his breath.

Rio giggled. "What are you doing here?"

"Watching a movie, eating popcorn." He held up the container.

"Do you like horror flicks?"

She knew the answer to the question. He loved them as much a she did.

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 4 summary

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