Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 5

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"Love 'em," he whispered.


Danny chuckled, and she marveled at how deep his voice had gotten and remembered when it had changed in middle school. She thought about last night again and the way he stood up to the town bully, and the profound change she'd noticed in him. Anyone could see how he had changed, but the more she thought about him, the more she noticed some subtle things hadn't. He still had the same playful coal-black eyes that lit up when he was up to no good. His naturally tan skin reflected his mixed Native American and Latin heritage. When he smiled, he still had the same heart-melting dimples that his five o'clock shadow couldn't hide.

When they were in school, he'd worn his hair short. It was even shorter now and spiked. She recalled how she ached to run her fingers through it when he'd been on his knees looking at her. To anyone who didn't know what he really did, he looked like a young professional. It was odd to her that he didn't have the typical military haircut; as a naval officer he should be setting an example. A lot of things that seemed odd about him now made sense.

Turing her attention back to the screen, she tried to focus on the previews flas.h.i.+ng in front of them. It was hard to pay attention with him sitting so close to her. He leaned in closer, and her heart flip-flopped, something she'd come to accept as the norm whenever he'd get close. She s.h.i.+vered.

"Want some popcorn?" he offered.

Rio put her hand out for the container, but he pulled it away from her. The constant prankster, she wondered what kind of joke he was playing now. She gazed into his eyes in the dim theater and swallowed hard as a tremor of excitement ran through her. Her s.e.xy demon had returned and started round two of his erotic game. He picked up a piece and held it close to her mouth, teasing her with the salty morsel. She had to make a decision. How far did she want to go with him for the short time he was here? It was a sure thing that she'd get left behind, but the images of him on his knees and in her handcuffs haunted and fascinated her. She had to find out why she reacted so strongly.

"Trust me," he whispered.

Attraction and a little fear made her close her eyes to avoid the intensity of his stare. The seductive tone of his voice didn't leave her guessing at his intent. Determined to call his bluff, she steeled herself as every nerve ending in her body tingled when he brushed the popcorn against her lips. She opened her mouth, and he placed the piece on her tongue making her heart race and her breathing quicken with antic.i.p.ation. He traced her lips with the second piece, tempting her as he placed it in her mouth and brushed his finger over her closed lips.

The sweep of his finger sent a zing straight to her p.u.s.s.y. He could've been stroking her c.l.i.t with the way it made her throb and gush. Her nipples beaded and she found it unbelievable that he could arouse her to the point of self-combustion with a piece of popcorn and his finger. If he kept this up, she'd come without him touching anything other than her lips. He paused, and she opened her eyes. He'd moved even closer. The beautifully dangerous tiger had returned and looked as if he'd devour her where she sat. Looking down into his lap, she saw the bulge in his jeans and licked her lips as her imagination went wild with thoughts of restraining him, pulling out his c.o.c.k, and sucking it until he pleaded for her to stop. The raw s.e.xual need he pulled from her without effort made her squeeze her legs together as her p.u.s.s.y clenched. She looked back at him and blushed because the smile that played on his lips told her he'd seen her look down. It almost annoyed her that he was proud of his hard-on and seemed to know the effect it had on her. He traced her lips with his finger again.

"Do you want more?" he asked.

h.e.l.l yeah, she wanted more, but the wicked images he conjured frightened her. Clearing her throat, she reevaluated her next move and forced a cool exterior as she said, "If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you were flirting with me."

As close as he was, she ached to kiss him but didn't dare move. That didn't stop him from moving as he leaned forward and gently rubbed his nose against hers.

"I guess we need to get reacquainted."

The movie began, and she settled back into her seat and took a deep breath. At one point in the movie, she'd been so distracted with him sitting next to her and what it did to her, the sudden action in a scene startled her. He snaked his arm around her and pulled her close. She tensed, and he stroked her arm in rea.s.surance. The tiger was in protection mode. There was no l.u.s.tful intent this time when she glanced into his eyes. There was nothing but pure warmth and comfort. His touch was sincere, allowing her to relax into his hard chest. He rubbed his cheek against her hair, and she sank into the sanctuary of his arms. The sound of his beating heart convinced her that this was no fantasy. This was her Danny, and it was real this time.

"It's all right, babe," he murmured as he squeezed her closer to him.

After the movie was over, he walked her outside to her car and joked with her. He'd always known how to make her laugh, and when they got to her Jeep he did something she should've expected, but he'd disarmed her with his humor.

"Can I treat you to dinner again?"

His sudden mood changes were a new facet of his personality she'd need to figure out. She wanted to tell him no. After all, he'd only be here for a short time, and he wasn't hers. She still wasn't clear about his intent. Could she be a diversion while he was home on leave? She realized she knew nothing about him anymore other than what she'd been able to find out earlier. An evil, jealous thought crossed her mind. Could he be using her to mess around on another woman he had in San Antonio? Taking control, she decided to see what his plans were. By the way his coal-black eyes sparkled with mischief, she saw her devil was back, and round three had just commenced.

"I need to go home and take care of dogs," she said.

"I know where you live," he said with a s.e.xy smile. The remark had been laden with innuendo. A sudden gust of hot desert wind blew through the parking lot where they were standing. The heat made her flushed body even hotter as he brushed her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her shoulders and ears. His slight touches throughout the movie had made her feverish and left her longing for more than just the brush of his hand. She had visions of lying back and letting him explore every inch of her. "Can I bring something over while you take care of dogs? Maybe we could watch another movie? I think I remember you saying you were off work for the next few days."

The questions remained unanswered as she considered his offer. He was on leave, and he wouldn't be here long. If she got involved with him, he would break her heart, leaving her lonelier than ever. But her fascination with these feelings Danny had awakened and her rampant curiosity convinced her to accept. Why did she feel this way, and why the h.e.l.l did it turn her on so d.a.m.n much?

"All right, Danny, but I need you gone by nine. I need to be at the station tomorrow morning before I go out to the hunting shack. Understood?"

Gone was the mischievous demon. As she dictated her terms, his gaze took on a smoldering, almost feral quality.

"Understood," he whispered as he lowered his eyes.

Not wavering, she waited for him to look at her again. His response puzzled her. This man didn't back down that easy, so why was he doing it now? What kind of game was he playing with her? She always knew what to do with him before, but these sudden changes in his moods left her at a loss and without a plan. As she drove off, she wondered how to ask him about what he really wanted from her.

Dan took a deep breath as he leaned against the rail and stared at the store across from him. It'll take ten steps to walk inside and do what needs to be done, so move, dumba.s.s. After he'd seen Rio to her Jeep, he walked back inside the mall and stopped in his tracks just before he entered the store. While he stood there watching the store like a tango he'd been sent to recon, so many things ran through his head. Will she take me seriously? What if I f.u.c.k this up and get one she doesn't like? Ah, shut the h.e.l.l up! Go inside! He approached the door, and the chime indicating a customer had walked in startled him. They were lucky he hadn't been armed and doing a recon mission. The place would've been leveled by now.

"May I help you, sir?" a young woman asked.

"Um-sure. I'm looking for a ring."

"Is this a gift?"

"YYeah, sort of."

"Is this for an anniversary? Or something else?"

What am I doing? She's not even my girlfriend yet!

"I'm proposing to the love of my life."

It was a mostly true statement he reasoned. Once he'd seen Rio again, he knew he couldn't walk away without her this time. He had one small problem. She had no idea how he felt, and he doubted that she'd take him seriously unless he gave her a firm no-f.u.c.king-around indication that he was serious, and that this would be permanent. What if she says no? Do I keep the receipt? Or maybe gift it again to someone else?

"Oh, congratulations! Well, we have these pet.i.te engagement rings that are cut from..."

Losing interest in her words, he spotted the perfect ring and honed in on it. He walked away from the saleslady and looked closer at the ring in the case.

"I like that one." He pointed to a collection set apart with a few others.

"That's a Lane Williams, sir. Ah...are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I like that one. Can I see it?"

"OOf course." The lady took the ring from under the gla.s.s and handed it to him. From the corner of his eye he could see the security guard in the store step closer to him. What the h.e.l.l? I'm not asking to touch the crown jewels for chrissakes. The saleslady continued her pitch. "It's a large round diamond set in a circle of smaller diamonds cut the same way. If you notice the additional diamonds weave an intricate pattern around the center stone. This lovely engagement ring contains a total diamond weight of one carat, and is set in fourteen-carat white gold..."

"You've sold me. I'll take it," Dan said, handing it back to her.

"Do you know your fiancee's ring size?"

"No, can I bring it back and her with it if it doesn't fit?"

"Of course, sir. We can size it whenever you're ready."

Walking to one of the registers, she scanned a bar code in a small book and placed the ring in a delicate box. "That'll be three thousand twenty-four dollars and sixty-seven cents. Cash or credit?" she asked.

Dan's heart skipped a beat while he dug into his pocket and handed her his credit card. I'm not doing this more than once, so go big or go home. He took the box and the receipt. As he walked out of the store, he knew his countdown had begun. He had nineteen days. He glanced at the receipt again and realized he'd just dropped a whole month's pay on this ring.

Holy s.h.i.+t! She'd better not say no.

Chapter 7.

1515 Santa Cruz Bisbee, Arizona June 20, 2010/0119 Zulu When Rio got home, Schotzie walked out of the bedroom and did a long doggie bow and stretch with a sleepy yawn. Rio used her nervous energy to clean up a couple of dishes and feed the dog. The doorbell startled her as she contemplated what to do once Danny got inside her house. What was she supposed to do? She sure as h.e.l.l wasn't about to be a short-term hookup for him while he was on leave. She sincerely hoped he had enough respect for their friends.h.i.+p not to expect that from her. Releasing a long exhale, she made up her mind to play it cool and not get wrapped up in what his head games were doing to her. She opened the door and frowned.

"Jax? Why are you here?"

"We need to talk."


"I understand you're two-timing me; is it true?"

Is this idiot having me followed now?

Jax and his bulls.h.i.+t were getting more annoying by the second. She didn't need this right now.

"Good night," Rio said, closing the door.

Jax stopped the door with his ma.s.sive hand and braced his foot firmly in the doorway as he demanded a little more loudly, "Is it true?"

"Are you insane? Get the h.e.l.l out of here, and leave me alone."

When Danny's truck pulled up in front of her house, she was relieved. The way Jax was acting could turn dangerous. When he got out of his truck, he slammed the door and stalked up her front walkway obviously furious. His dark features got darker and more malevolent with every step he took toward her house. His fists were clenched, and his lips thinned in anger as he approached. She almost shrank back and thanked G.o.d his fury wasn't directed at her. When Jax turned around and got a look at Danny, she didn't miss the brief flash of fear that crossed his face when he saw Danny storm toward them.

"How many times do you need to be told to f.u.c.k off?" Danny's tone emphasized his anger.

"f.u.c.k you, nerd! This is my woman, and you'd best back off," Jax replied.

Danny looked at Rio a brief second and then looked back at Jax who took a step back as Danny stepped into his s.p.a.ce. The look he gave her seemed to be a plea for her permission. He glanced at her again, and she raised her chin in a subtle nod. It floored her at how well they seemed to read each other after having been apart for so long.

"I told you yesterday, she's not yours and never will be. She's mine. So, quit f.u.c.king with my woman. Understood?"

"I'll kick your a.s.s!" Jax's expression changed from arrogance to anger in a split second.

"Bring it," Danny said, nudging his head.

Tired of the sudden flood of testosterone, Rio stepped between the two men. "That's enough from both of you!"

She realized her mistake as soon as Jax smiled. The interruption had given him the mistaken idea that she defended him. Danny took her arm and guided her behind him. The protective action made her go liquid.

"Now, for the last time, get f.u.c.king lost."

"Rio-" Jax started.

"Go, Jax. He's right."

For a moment, Jax actually looked hurt, but his expression changed to anger again as he turned and marched away.

"This ain't over!"

They watched him leave, and Danny turned to her. She smiled and shook her head. She cupped his face and felt a warm flush when he closed his eyes and caressed her hand between his cheek and shoulder. For so long, she'd wanted to be his, and to hear him say it was confusing. While it made her go soft, it also frightened her. He wanted something deeper, and she wasn't sure if she understood it the way he meant it.

"Why?" she asked.

"Why what?"

"You missed your chance," she said, grinning.

"I did?"

"You didn't give him a wet willie."

Danny laughed and turned his head and kissed one of her palms. The shock of the gentle kiss sent a jolt of electricity through her making her release him. The visions this time were lazy and serene as she pictured lying in his arms and having those gentle kisses after some seriously wild s.e.x.

"Let me go get the stuff and bring it inside."

When he returned, he followed and set the bags on the table. Schotzie wagged her tail and greeted him with a warm, playful bark.

"Hey, Schotzie! I brought you something, too." He knelt to rub behind her ears.

"I don't feed her from the table," Rio said as she pa.s.sed him on her way into the kitchen.

"I brought her a rawhide bone. Is that okay? I also brought Nightmare on Elm Street," he said, holding up a DVD.

"Are you trying to impress me?"

"Did I get it right?" he countered.

"You brought my favorite movie. You're bribing my dog. Let's see if you can do three for three. What did you bring for dinner?"

"Pad Thai."

The answer made her pause. It was the last meal they'd shared before he and Davey left for college. There'd been a Thai restaurant in Sierra Vista, and he'd asked her to go instead of Sylvia. As p.i.s.sed as she'd been about him and Sylvia being together, there was no way she'd turn him down. That impromptu date had also been her introduction to Thai food. He'd ordered for her, and it had been part of the tenderness and caring he'd shown her that day that made the experience so special. The romantic gesture had been one of the things that had endeared him to her.

They'd gone to the mall where she helped him pick out a few more things for his dorm room. When he dropped her off, he walked her to the door and gave her a hug. For two days afterward, she'd floated on a cloud until he told her how glad he was to move on and leave everything behind. Being a nineteen-year-old guy, he didn't understand that "everything" included her. The off-handed comment plunged her from floating on the cloud to drowning in tears for the next week.

She also remembered him telling her when he got back in between semester breaks he'd take her back to the restaurant. He'd broken his promise. Instead, he'd taken Sylvia to the hunting shack for the three weeks he'd been home. Rio went to see the recruiter then and joined the military after that break. That broken promise had sealed her heart and made her hesitate whenever she dealt with men on a romantic level.

"Where did you find that? The restaurant in Sierra Vista closed since you've been gone," she said.

"The cook at Chinaland made it for me. I remembered how much you liked it."

"I still do."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 5 summary

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