Sin Brothers: Total Surrender Part 32

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"Of course not." Brian yanked down his disheveled s.h.i.+rt.

Piper nodded. "I guess sometimes an a.s.shole is just an a.s.shole." She turned toward Jory. "We need to run."

He lifted his shoulder and slammed his fist into Brian's jaw.

Brian's head crashed back against the siding, his eyes closed, and he slid to the ground.

Jory snorted. "I barely tapped him. Moron."

Piper grabbed his hand. "We need to go." He nodded and enfolded her in gentle strength. They sloshed across wet gra.s.s, and he helped first Piper and then her mother into the helicopter. Riley jumped in, and the boys all reached for the dog, wonder in their eyes.

Rachel started to speak, and Piper shook her head. "Later."

Earl splashed water as he ran from his house, a backpack over one arm and his cat in the other. "Payton Manning has to come, too."

Piper reached for the cat, her eyebrows lifting.

Rachel patted back wet hair. "I very well can't leave Earl. He knows too much."

The guy didn't know a d.a.m.n thing. "Of course," Piper said, hiding her smile.

Jory jumped back into the pilot's seat while Nate took the pa.s.senger side.

"We'll meet our brothers at the base of the mountain and switch helicopters. Then we'll head to headquarters," Nate said.

Jory turned and met her gaze. "The chips will detonate at midnight."

Jory lowered the helicopter through the night sky, his shoulders finally relaxing once reaching Montana airs.p.a.ce. Nate had spent serious time and money securing the property, and the control room under the main cabin was strong enough to withstand a direct missile blast.

The ride had been made in silence, but just having Nate next to him in the pa.s.senger seat had provided rea.s.surance.

Dawn rose on his last time on earth. They'd picked up Matt and Shane earlier, and now he'd get the chance to save them like they'd saved him so many times through the years. But they had to hurry.

Plus, they'd make sure to protect Piper, which would allow him to die in peace. Sure, they'd be p.i.s.sed he died, and he'd try his best to figure out his chip after taking theirs out, but chances weren't good.

Once a wireless link was broken, there wasn't much of a chance to repair it. Not really.

Considering he was the computer geek of all computer geeks, regardless of his ability to fight and kill, he understood the impossibility of the challenge before him. How ironic that the one thing he truly excelled at was computers, and one would soon kill him.

The idea of leaving Piper alone cut him deep, and he exhaled some of the pain.

But he'd save his brothers first, and that was a good death, if he had to die.

He set down with a silent thud, and switched off all electronics.

Nate jumped out and opened the back door while Jory stretched to his feet and loped around to help him.

Matt and Shane leaped out and a.s.sisted Piper, Rachel, Earl, and the three kids.

The front porch light on the ranch house flipped on, and the door banged open. A pet.i.te blonde ran out with a happy yip, raced across the lawn, and jumped full bore into Shane's outstretched arms. She peppered his face with kisses.

Riley the dog jumped around their feet, catching the excitement, barking.

Another woman walked out of the house, her brown eyes soft and concerned.

Next to him, Matt blew out a soft breath. Relief? He strode through the darkness and up to the porch, gathering the woman and dropping his head into her neck.

Jory rubbed his chin. Interesting. He'd never seen Matt in love before. Looked good on his brother.

A sixty-something rancher type in blue flannel and worn jeans a.s.sisted a really pale woman to the door. Jory squinted. Audrey Madison. He remembered the sweet girl from when she'd dated Nate years ago. Now, pale as h.e.l.l, she was just as beautiful as he remembered.

Her eyes widened, she turned, and promptly threw up into the scraggly leaves of a hibernating geranium plant.

Nate sighed and walked her way. "Still having morning sickness, darlin'?"

Audrey nodded and waved him back, bent over the bush. He continued on and gathered her hair into one hand while rubbing her back with the other.

Wow. Nate in love turned him, actually, nice?

"Who's the rancher?" Jory asked Shane.

Shane smacked the blonde on the mouth in a quick kiss and then grinned. "Senator Nash."

Piper gasped. "I thought he died."

"He did." Keeping hold of his blonde, Shane made introductions and then introduced the three boys as new Dean brothers.

The entire group eyed the boys and then smiled.

Accepted. Jory watched the boys feel it and accept their new reality. With hope and a sense of wonder.

Seeming entirely comfortable remaining wrapped around Shane, Josie Dean waved at the kids and held out a hand for Jory. "I'm so glad you're not dead."

Yeah. He instantly loved his sister-in-law. "Me, too. I'm glad Shane found you again and was smart enough to keep you this time."

Josie grinned. "I had to hit him over the head a couple of times, but it's all worked out." Then she lost her smile. "I mean, if we can get rid of the chips."

"We can," Piper said, reaching for the mangled hard drive tower. "I need to get working, actually."

"After Laney patches up injuries, I'm ordering three hours' sleep for everyone," Matt called from the porch without looking back. "Everybody take three hours, and we'll meet up then. None of us are any good if we pa.s.s out." He lifted the brunette and quickly disappeared inside the sprawling ranch house.

Shane snorted. "Good plan." He eyed the boys sitting so quietly, surveying the ranch. "I'll show you guys to the bunk room." He started for the house.

Chance glanced at Jory, and he nodded. "I'll be in to check on you in a few."

The other two boys waited for Chance to start after Shane. The second he moved, they fell in step. Just like soldiers.

Jory rubbed his chest right where a pang hit. If it were the last thing Jory did, he'd figure out a way to make them boys again. Even if he didn't survive, his brothers would take care of the kids. Help them to be kids.

He wished he could be there. Help them overcome the training and pain.

The three hours weren't for sleeping-they were for saying good-bye. Just in case they couldn't deactivate the chips.

Waiting until his family had entered the house, Jory turned to Rachel. She hovered a foot below him, her face pale, her hands wringing together. Had he scared her by punching Brian? "Are you all right?"

She swallowed, her thin neck working. "Um, no."

Piper grasped her mom's arm. "Let's go inside, Mom."

Rachel drew back. "No. I, uh..."

Earl frowned and patted her back. "What's wrong, Rachel?"

"I shot you," Rachel said, staring up into Jory's eyes.

Jory rocked back. Why would the sweet woman make that up? "Excuse me?"

Piper released her mom and grabbed Jory's hand. "It was an accident. She didn't mean to shoot you."

He swung his focus to Piper. What in the h.e.l.l was going on? "Excuse me?"

"It wasn't an accident. I infiltrated the people who had you, the PROTECT people, eased my way in by giving yogurt samples, found you, and shot you." Rachel patted his chest. "I'm the one. I'm so sorry."

Jory blinked, the world narrowing in focus. "Yogurt samples?"

"Yes, dear." She sighed. "I owned yogurt shops, and it was an easy way in when the commander blackmailed me." She frowned. "If it helps, he didn't know you were the target."

Jory grit his teeth, his brain flaring. "That doesn't help, believe it or not."

"I know." She rubbed her eyes. "He said he'd put Piper in jail, and since he'd set her up as a hacker, he could've done it. But at least I didn't kill you."

So much heat burned down Jory's throat, his larynx spasmed. "You didn't kill me? That's the upside here?"

Earl stepped in front of Rachel. "Leave her alone."

"No." Rachel pushed him to the side and visibly steeled her shoulders.

Piper touched Jory's arm. "I can explain."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Sweetie, I'm a crack shot. If I'd wanted you dead, you'd be dead." Her sigh echoed through the morning, and she turned toward Earl. "I'm sorry about my past."

Tension vibrated around the group during the peaceful morning.

Earl rocked back on his heels. "That's okay." He grinned. "It's not like you killed him."

Jory's neck began to ache. "You tried to murder me."

Rachel's eyes widened. "Again, no I didn't. Crack shot here. Don't be such a baby."

His shoulders launched back in an effort to keep from striking. "Baby? I was in a coma for two years."

She pressed her lips together and nodded. "I am sorry about that, although not entirely sure that was a bullet problem and not substandard medical care."

He shook his head, his thoughts zinging around like a ricocheting bullet.

She patted his arm. "Listen, Jory. I was scared, and I did the best I could to keep my only daughter out of prison and not end your life. Not one of my shots was a kill shot."

Jory glanced from Rachel's steady gaze to Piper's worried one and then back. His shoulders settled, and his mind cleared. He'd been on missions before, and he understood trying to save family. And he loved the woman's daughter, which made her family. No matter what. "I guess you didn't try to kill me."

The relieved sigh from Piper eased over him and helped him the rest of the way. "I forgive you, Rachel." There went his big plan of revenge up in smoke. He still reeled from the information, but he did understand. "No more shooting people."

Tears filled her eyes. "I really am sorry."

"Apology accepted." For some reason, the woman needed to hear those words, so he gave them. Frankly, it was a f.u.c.king relief to know who'd pulled the trigger. Finally, he could concentrate on something else-namely, saving his brothers. "I'm sorry I've dragged you into this mess."

Her lips curved in a smile. "So long as Piper is away from that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I'm fine here." She glanced around. "Where are we?"

"Montana." Jory slid an arm around Piper's shoulders and maneuvered her toward the house. "We have a few guest rooms and bunk rooms scattered throughout. Do you want one room or two?"

"One," Earl said firmly.

Jory bit back a grin. "One, it is. Follow me." He glanced down at Piper. "Have Laney patch you up, and then we're getting in three hours. I'd love for you to explain why you didn't tell me your mother had shot me."

Piper sat on the main bathroom counter and held her breath while Laney, Matt's girlfriend, slowly st.i.tched up her shoulder. She'd removed her s.h.i.+rt and now tried to suck in her stomach. "So. You're a doctor?" Hopefully.

Laney bent closer as she worked, her brown eyes narrowed. "I was a surgeon. Now I'm a bartender."

Piper frowned. "Where?"

"Nowhere." She breathed in, carefully st.i.tching. "You sure I gave you enough lidocaine?"

"Yep. Don't feel a thing." Piper gave up on trying to have ripped abs and sank against the mirror, which cooled her back. "It's probably difficult being a bartender while hiding out on a Montana ranch."

The door slid open, and Josie clipped inside, her hands full of and a bottle of champagne. "I thought we should have mimosas, but we're out of orange juice. So champagne it is." She quickly poured three This close, she was even more pet.i.te than Piper had thought.

Piper accepted one and lifted an eyebrow at Laney. "After I'm st.i.tched up?"

Laney grinned. "Fine. Spoilsport."

Josie took her gla.s.s and sat on the toilet seat. "How's the wound?"

"Not bad," Laney said, drawing out string. "She'll live."

Josie drank deeply. "Shane is so happy right now. Finally. We've found Jory."

Laney blew out air. "Thank G.o.d. Matt has been tortured for too long."

Piper bit her tongue to keep from spilling the truth about Jory's chip being unreachable. He'd want to be the one to tell his brothers. "It's nice to see them all together."

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Sin Brothers: Total Surrender Part 32 summary

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