Sin Brothers: Total Surrender Part 33

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"They're quite the bunch, right?" Josie sighed, her fingers tapping on her gla.s.s.

Laney shook her head. "Don't get maudlin. We'll save them. We have to."

The door slid open again, and a pale woman walked in. The one who'd been throwing up. "Hi. I'm Audrey."

"Piper." She studied the woman. "Feeling better?"


Josie moved from the toilet seat and helped Audrey sit down. "Those rumors about morning sickness just lasting three months are plain wrong." She jumped up next to Piper on the counter.

Audrey sighed. "I know, right? This has to stop soon. Nate is driving me crazy with the hovering."

"Control freaks. All of them." Josie took another sip of her drink.

Piper swallowed. "Yeah. About that."

Laney snorted. "It's who they are. Live with it or not... but it's who they are."

Josie nodded. "I usually like the protectiveness, because it makes me feel safe. And we haven't been safe much." She chewed on her lip for a second. "Other times, I kind of want to shoot Shane in the foot." Her laugh was contagious. "I held a gun on Matt and Nate once."

Piper turned her head. "So that was you."

"Yep. Then I held one on Shane and Nate. But that time, Shane got it and threw the thing on top of the refrigerator so I couldn't reach it." Josie's lips curved. "Good times."

Laney laughed. "I held a gun on Nate and Matt once."

Piper stilled and glanced down at her new surgeon. "Why?"

Laney shrugged. "Long story, and it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Josie shook her head. "It rarely is, though. Don't pull a gun on these guys unless you mean to shoot."

Laney nodded. "True that."

Piper glanced toward Audrey. "Any gun stories?"

"Nope." The pregnant woman shook her head. "I don't think Nate would respond all that well if I pointed a gun at him." She shrugged. "Although I did hit him with an umbrella once, and it ticked him off because I didn't swing hard enough. He's a bit intense."

Laney nodded. "I'd like to think that once the chips are out, the guys will relax a little bit."

Audrey snorted, and the sound seemed forced. "You don't believe that, do you?"

"Not really." Laney leaned back to study her handiwork. "I appreciate everyone putting on a good face, but we're all worried and can show it."

Josie nodded, her eyes filling.

Laney cleared her throat. "So, Piper. What's up with you and Jory?"

Piper coughed. "We've only known each other a week."

"So?" Josie said, swinging her feet. "A week with a Dean brother is like a year with anybody else. You know. With the shooting, the espionage, the fighting for their lives."

"And the great s.e.x," Audrey said, leaning her head back against the wall. "Don't forget the over the top, excellent, many times over... s.e.x."

Laney nodded. "Amen to that."

Heat flushed up into Piper's face as all three women stared at her. Finally, with a shrug, she gave in. "The s.e.x is phenomenal."

Josie sighed, a smile brightening her beautiful face. "I knew it. Yep. I called that one."

Laney rolled her eyes. "Yeah. That was a stretch. Not."

Piper shrugged. "We have some issues, though."

"Yes. I heard you're the commander's daughter," Audrey said.

Piper stilled. Would they hate her? "Yes."

"Dr. Madison is my mother." Audrey blanched. "She's crazy, and I think the commander might be right there in loony town with her. Ah, no offense."

Piper relaxed. "No offense taken. They're both scary nuts."

Audrey rubbed her chin. "So true."

Laney set down the needle and thread before taking up her gla.s.s. "Welcome to the gang, Piper. We have to stick together, and it's nice having one more woman in our court."

Piper lifted her gla.s.s in the toast, her heart warming. Friends. She'd just found friends.



PIPER GLANCED AROUND the masculine bedroom after taking a quick look in the attached ma.s.sive bathroom and tried not to think about her mother and Earl sharing a room. Nope. Not going there.

The door opened, and Jory strode inside.

She gestured. "Your room is nice." Lame line. Geez. The guy had seen her naked, rocked her world, and being shy was silly.

"Thanks. We built it after we escaped the Tennessee facility, and now I a.s.sume my brothers will build houses around the ranch. There's a master plan somewhere, I'm sure." Keeping her gaze, he drew his T-s.h.i.+rt up and over his head. "Did Laney patch you up?"

"Yes. I'm fine." Her mouth went dry. Hard, muscled, wounded-d.a.m.n impressive, even with the scars. "What are you thinking?" she whispered, desire sensitizing her skin.

"That your mom shot me, and you should come over here and ease my hurts." Those eyes darkened to molten slate.

She smiled, her nipples peaking. "I like this commanding side of you."

"I know."

Her fingers tingled with the need to touch that amazing flesh, but her feet remained rooted to the hardwood floor. "Thank you for being kind to my mother about the shooting. Most guys wouldn't have quite understood."

"I'm not most guys."

No s.h.i.+t. Not even close. "I don't want to get hurt." Where the h.e.l.l did that come from?

He leaned back against the door and crossed his arms. Even his forearms were masculine and s.e.xy. "I can't offer you forever, Pipe. But I learned the hard way when I was young that life is full of moments, and if you get a good one, take it."

The words rang true. She lifted her chin, even as sadness threatened to swamp her. "You promising me a good one?"

Slow and s.e.xy, his lips curved. A matching sorrow glimmered in his eyes. "Yeah."

What if they had forever? What if she could save him-give him longevity in life? The words hung on her lips, storing in her heart. Sometimes she was a d.a.m.n coward, because she didn't want to ruin the limited time they had with the question. Or rather, with risking his answer.

So she kicked off her boots. "I don't have any other clothes."

"Then we should hang those up."

Why didn't he move? If he'd just kiss her, just take over, then she could get lost. "We should."

His chin lowered. "Come here, Piper."

The dominance in the tone, the order instead of request... all demanded her compliance. As if he wanted her to make the move, to cross to him. As if he needed it.

So she paused. Just how much did she want to push him? A part of her wondered how far he'd go, or how long she'd last. The other part wasn't as curious and wanted to just get to the overwhelming s.e.x and power that was Jory. "Why?"

"Because I told you to."

She slowly tilted her head. "Maybe that's not enough."

He held her gaze, and no way could she move an inch. "You sure you want to play?" The Southern accent again, and this time it wound through her body as if he'd licked a path from her nipples to her c.l.i.t. "One chance, baby. Come. Here."

Her body kicked into motion as if he held the controls. Well, at least she could drive him crazy as she followed his command. For the moment, she let go of fear and sadness to just feel. Grasping her s.h.i.+rt, she dragged the light cotton over her head to drop onto the floor.

His sharp intake of breath boosted her confidence, and she stepped toward him.

Her bra followed the s.h.i.+rt, and she took another step. Several more, and she could actually feel his heat. Smell his masculine scent.

Stretching up on her toes, she slowly brushed her mouth over the three bullet hole scars. One still had a fresh scratch across it. "Tracker?" she murmured.

"Tracker," he confirmed. One big hand tangled in her hair, and he drew back her head, elongating her neck.

Taking control.

"What do you need, Jory?" she breathed.

"You." He ducked his head and nuzzled her forehead. With a growl, he released her hair and lifted her, his hands flexing at her hips. "Wrap around me," he said, his mouth already at her collarbone, a desperation in his tone.

Like Josie had with Shane. Full abandonment and absolute devotion. Jory wanted that, too. At the thought, Piper's heart hitched.

She slid her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. Holding him-surrounding him the best she could, even with his size. Trying to hold on when fate might rip him away. "I've got you."

The soft kiss above her breast, right over her heart, shot tears to her eyes.

Too much emotion. Way too much. She grabbed his hair and yanked back his head, pressing her core to his c.o.c.k and her mouth to his. Hard and fast, she kissed him with her entire body.

He shuddered and then took over, as she'd known he would.

His tongue played with hers, his lips firm and demanding, his hands gripping her b.u.t.t while she finally forgot about the danger. Need and want, l.u.s.t and desire, hope and despair all collided inside her, creating a painful ache.

A desperate hunger only the man overtaking her could appease.

She rubbed against him, the rough planes of his chest providing friction to her sensitive nipples.

He moved easily across the room, holding her. When they reached the bed, he lay her down, his mouth continuing to obliterate any thinking.

Graceful hands removed her jeans and panties, and within seconds, they were both nude.

He sprawled over her, all delicious male hardness.

"I love your body," she breathed, running her hands down his chest.

"My body loves you." He licked the sh.e.l.l of her ear, chuckling when a shudder trembled through her body.

It was way much more than physical love, and an echo of sad need rippled through Piper. She fought back the idea and any emotion, trying to stay in the incredible moment. For once, she was with a good guy who gave a c.r.a.p. Who'd step in front of her and any danger.

That was something to be appreciated.

"Hey." Jory nipped beneath her jaw, levering up to capture her gaze. "I lost you for a minute. Where did you go?"

Into fantasyland and lost dreams. "Nowhere." She caressed down his flanks to sink her fingers into his d.a.m.n fine a.s.s. His c.o.c.k jumped against her, and she let out a soft whimper. "We only have three hours, so maybe you'd better get to work."

His gaze remained intense and probing, and then, with a small nod, he rubbed his nose against hers. "You're special, Piper. Don't ever forget it."

What he didn't say was as important as what he did. "You really don't think you're going to survive, do you?"

"No." He softened the word with a kiss to the corner of each eye. "Tonight, the chips are set to explode. We know the day-they made sure of that-and it'll be close to midnight." He kissed her, going deep and then keeping his lips on hers. "I'm sorry."

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Sin Brothers: Total Surrender Part 33 summary

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