The Book Of Good Manners; A Guide To Polite Usage For All Social Functions Part 9

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WEDDING BREAKFASTS. They pair off with the ushers, and are usually seated at a table by themselves.

WEDDING RECEPTIONS. They stand beside the married couple, and are introduced to the guests.

BROTHER AT DEBUT. A brother, when his sister's debut takes the form of a supper or dinner, should take his sister (the debutante) into dinner or supper.

BUTLER--TIPS. It is customary for a man leaving a house-party where he has been a guest to tip the butler who acted as a valet.

CABINET ( U. S,), MEMBER OF--HOW ADDRESSED. An official letter begins: Sir, and ends: I have, sir, the honor to remain your most obedient servant.

A social letter begins: My dear Mr. Wilson, and ends: I have the honor to remain most sincerely yours.

The address on the envelope is: Hon. John J. Wilson, Secretary of State.

CAKE. is broken into pieces, the size of a mouthful, and then eaten with fingers or fork.

CALLS. Unless close intimacy exists, calls should only be made on the specified days.

ASKING MEN TO CALL ON WOMEN. A debutante should leave this matter to her mother or chaperone.

A young woman, until she has had some experience in society, should be very careful in inviting men to call.

She should not invite a man to call whom she has met for the first time. No man should be invited to call until she is a.s.sured of his social standing and character.

In some parts of the country men first ask permission to call, and in other parts women first ask men to call.

ASKING WOMEN TO CALL ON WOMEN. It is generally the custom for the married or elder woman to ask the unmarried or younger woman to call.






BUSINESS. A business man may call in street dress upon a woman before six o'clock.

Social visits may be made in the same manner.

DAYS AT HOME. Calls should only be made on the regular "At Home" days, and the hostess should always be present on that day.

Very intimate friends may set aside this rule.


DRESS. When making an afternoon call, a man would wear afternoon dress, and evening dress in making an evening call.


HOURS. When no special day for receiving is indicated, calls may be made at any proper hour, according to the custom of the locality.

Men of leisure may call at the fas.h.i.+onable hours from two till five in the afternoon, while business and professional men may call between eight and nine in the evening, as their obligations prevent them from observing the fas.h.i.+onable hours.

LENGTH. A formal call may last from fifteen to thirty minutes. Old friends may stay longer.


MEN. AFTER ENTERTAINMENTS. After an entertainment a man should call in person on host and hostess, whether the invitation was accepted or not. If a card is sent or mailed, it should be accompanied with an apology.

To call on an acquaintance in an opera box does not relieve one of the duty of making a formal call in return for social favors.

When calling on the hostess but not on the host, a man should leave a card for him.

If the hostess be out, he should leave two cards.

Married men can return their social obligations to women by personal calls, or the women of the family can leave the men's cards with their own.

A call should be made the day following a luncheon or a breakfast; the same after a dinner, or at least within a week. A call should be made within a week after a ball.

After a theatre party given by a man, he should call within three days on the woman he escorted, or leave his card, and should call within a week on the remainder of his guests.

MEN CALLING ON MEN. At the beginning of the season it is usual to leave a card for each member of a family called on--one card for husband, wife, "misses," and guest, or rest of the family. Sometimes two cards answer the purpose.

They may be sent by mail or messenger.

MEN CALLING ON WOMEN. A man should call only on "At Home" days, especially when making the first call, unless specially invited.

He should call at the hour appointed.

When no special day for receiving is indicated, calls may be made at any proper hour, according to the custom of the locality. Men of leisure may call at the fas.h.i.+onable hours --from two till five o'clock.

Business and professional men may call between eight and nine o'clock, as their obligations prevent them from observing the fas.h.i.+onable hours.

A business man may call in street dress before six o'clock, and the same dress in the evening, if intimately acquainted.

Informal calls may be made on Sunday after three o'clock by business and professional men, provided there are no religious or other scruples on the part of those receiving the calls.

Evening or other than mere formal calls should not be made, save by special invitation.

The first call should last not longer than ten or fifteen minutes. It is correct to ask for all the women of the family.

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The Book Of Good Manners; A Guide To Polite Usage For All Social Functions Part 9 summary

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