The Rules Of Silence Part 24

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The man studied Luquin in the pale, flickering light of the television, the perfect aura for what was about to happen. It was just the right shade of pale. And its jerky light was just the right modulation for horror.

Luquin was motionless, his forearms still raised, wrists still c.o.c.ked back.

"Let us explore together these philosophical questions, Cayetano, you and I. You, el maestro del horrible. el maestro del horrible. And I the And I the novicio. novicio. Between us, surely, we can come to some deep and secret understanding of this timeless subject." Between us, surely, we can come to some deep and secret understanding of this timeless subject."

Chapter 52.

Jorge Macias produced his own cell phone and pushed a b.u.t.ton. "Bring the car around, "he said, his eyes never leaving t.i.tus.

In an instant t.i.tus felt everything s.h.i.+fting. His own stupidity had triggered something here, and he had the sickening feeling that he had turned a very serious corner.

Speaking carefully, Macias said, "You're going to go with me now. At this moment someone is pointing a gun at you, so please cooperate. No problems. Let's go."

t.i.tus's options were few. If nothing else, Burden had hammered into his head the downside of making a scene. A scene had an aftermath, it had ramifications. They didn't want ramifications. Doing as Macias wanted seemed the prudent course. If it wasn't too d.a.m.n late to be prudent.

With a sure and casual air, Macias guided t.i.tus through the courtyard and into the waiting area just outside the bar. A Mexican man was waiting there for them.

"Luis isn't answering, "the man said. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, "Macias said.

t.i.tus's phone rang.

Macias's head snapped around as he took t.i.tus's arm. "Answer it, "he said. "And be very careful."

As t.i.tus answered the phone, Macias and his man walked him toward the men's room.

"Yes, "t.i.tus said.

"There's been a glitch, "Kal said.

"Yeah, I know."

They were inside the men's room now, and Macias's guard put his foot against the door as Macias grabbed the phone from t.i.tus.

"Who is this? "he snapped.

Hesitation. "This's Kal."

"My driver isn't answering his phone, Kal, "Macias said.

Hesitation. "Who is this?"

"Jorge Macias."

Hesitation. "I don't know what you're talking about ... a driver ... ?"

"Listen to me. Cain is standing right here with me, and I've got a gun pushed into his stomach and he's going to stay with me until we get something worked out here. Now do you know what I'm talking about?"


"I can think faster than that, "Macias said, "and you wouldn't like what I'm thinking. Now. Where is my driver?"

"He's been removed."

"Removed. "Macias felt as if he were hyperventilating. "Listen to me, you f.u.c.k"-he was rigid with tension-"you tell your people that we're going to leave here. I want my car brought to the front door of this place. When the driver gets out, have him leave the front driver's door open, and then open the back door. Then tell him to get the h.e.l.l out of the way. And remember this: I do not want to see anybody following me. I a.s.sume you have a bug on the car, fine. But I do not want to see any surveillance."

He punched off the phone without waiting for a response and put the phone in his pocket.

"You heard what's going to happen, "Macias said. "Stay close to me. Be careful, I'll blow your liver all over this place."

Macias was sweating. He was scared, but he was the kind of man for whom personal danger was a fierce motivator to concentration. It didn't rattle him. He became keenly focused.

"When we get outside, "Macias said to his bodyguard, "you get in the front pa.s.senger's seat. Cain, you get behind the wheel. I'll be behind you in the backseat."

t.i.tus stared at him. This sounded like a disaster in the making.

"Hey! "Macias barked, jamming a gun in t.i.tus's ribs. "You understand?"

"Yeah, okay, I've got it. I've got it."

They walked out of the rest rooms and down a short corridor to the main entry. People were milling around, leaving, arriving, waiting for friends. The three of them went to the front door. The courtyard was two steps down. t.i.tus could see the arched entry that led from the courtyard to the parking area.

The casual ambience of the people in the foyer seemed ridiculously innocent to t.i.tus, so enormously rich in its ba.n.a.lity and thoughtless ease.

Then the Navigator appeared in the arch of the gateway, and he felt Macias's automatic gouge into his kidneys, and they were moving. Most of the tables in the front courtyard were occupied, people waiting for tables inside, talking quietly over drinks.

No one paid any attention to them as they crossed to the stone arch where the wrought-iron gates were thrown back. The man who got out of the Navigator threw a meaningful glance at t.i.tus as he turned and opened the backseat door, and then he walked away. t.i.tus and Macias got into the Navigator and closed their doors simultaneously.

"Go to the highway and turn left, "Macias said, "and be very careful."

t.i.tus eased down the narrow gravel drive from La Terrazza to Loop 360. The loop was a divided highway through the hills, and the restaurant drive came out onto the northbound lanes. t.i.tus crossed these two lanes, continued on the crossover to the southbound lanes, and turned left.

The bodyguard kept his eye on the outside rearview mirror, but t.i.tus could only guess what Macias was doing behind him. He could hear him breathing, and the tension inside the Navigator was so dense that it replaced the oxygen.

"What are you going to do? "t.i.tus asked as he picked up speed.

Macias didn't answer.

t.i.tus drove with his right hand and reached up with his left hand, feeling for the mole in the bend of his arm. It was still there.

Macias was silent behind him, and t.i.tus imagined his mind was going wild with calculation. t.i.tus reviewed his options. Macias could kill him. But why? That would only bring him grief and leave him vulnerable. Macias might kidnap him for the ransom that he wasn't going to get now, but t.i.tus guessed that Burden would never let them get out of the United States with it. t.i.tus couldn't even come up with a scenario for what might happen. But whatever it was, he was reasonably sure that Macias knew it was likely they would try to kill him. That had to dominate his thinking right now and determine the scope of his options.

The Navigator was eating up the miles. t.i.tus s.h.i.+fted in his seat, thinking of the pistol pointed at him. He thought of the man who had pulled the Navigator up to the gate. What in the h.e.l.l had his expression been trying to convey? Or had his face simply reflected the intensity of their situation?

The seat belt was digging into his right hip where the buckle side was anch.o.r.ed to the car seat. He hadn't even remembered putting it on and was surprised that he had. He put his right hand down by his right hip to s.h.i.+ft the seat belt clasp and felt something in the crack of the seat. He put the back of his hand against the clasp to s.h.i.+ft it from rubbing him ... and felt the grip of a handgun. s.h.i.+t!

Suddenly he began to recalculate everything.

"Turn off at the next exit, "Macias said, "and then turn back under the highway and head toward the city."

t.i.tus turned off on Highway 2222 and did as he was told. The bodyguard said something to Macias, and he replied, "Bueno. " "Bueno. " t.i.tus guessed that Kal and Burden were following Macias's instructions to keep their distance. t.i.tus guessed that Kal and Burden were following Macias's instructions to keep their distance.

"So you are working with professionals? "Macias asked.



"A guy named Steve Lender."

"Do they know everything?"

"Everything I know. Which obviously isn't everything."

Macias said something in Spanish to the bodyguard, who took out a cell phone and dialed a number. He listened.

"Nada, " he said. he said.

Macias said something else. The guard dialed again.

"Nada, " he said again. he said again.

Without being told another time, he dialed again.

"Nada, " he repeated. he repeated.

"Chinga" Macias swore. "How many people are involved here?" he asked t.i.tus. Macias swore. "How many people are involved here?" he asked t.i.tus.

"I don't know."

He felt the barrel of Macias's automatic at the base of his neck.

"He said it was best if I didn't know, "t.i.tus said. "I just don't know."

t.i.tus was panicked about the safety on the automatic. He had felt it on the left side of his thumb, but he didn't know if it was on or off. How would the guy have left it? c.o.c.ked, he thought. Safety off and c.o.c.ked. This thing was ready to go.

"How long's this guy Lender been involved?"

t.i.tus hesitated. The barrel of Macias's automatic dug into the base of his skull again. He could feel it twisting.

"From the beginning."

"f.u.c.k, "Macias said.

In the following silence, t.i.tus tried to guess where Macias's mind was going. Obviously the bodyguard had tried to contact their other people, with no luck. Now he had to know that by some quirk of chance he had escaped the same fate as his other crews by only a few moments and that his whole elaborate scheme had completely disintegrated. He had to be just about as desperate as a man could be.

Chapter 53.

Burden's surveillance van stayed on Loop 360, pulling off on residential streets whenever they needed to be out of sight. Besides his driver, there were two technicians, himself, and Gil Norlin inside the van, monitoring the rapidly changing events as each element in their four-phased operation was accomplished. In spite of their disadvantages, everything was going unexpectedly well.

Until the last few moments at La Terrazza.

During all of this, the radio and telephone traffic between Burden and Kal and the others at the guest house was continuous. Rita Cain was watching the LorGuides with them, but she didn't have access to the audio transmissions. Whatever she understood about what was happening she had to piece together from only one side of the conversation. And they were being careful about what they were allowing her to hear.

In Burden's van all eyes were on the LorGuides, watching the Navigator as it sped down the highway with its blips from the moles on t.i.tus and on Macias's bodyguard, who t.i.tus had tagged the night before.

When the Navigator slowed as it approached the Highway 2222 exit, and then turned and headed toward the city, Burden said, "Oh, s.h.i.+t."

Norlin leaned in close to the monitor. "I don't believe this."

Cal, driving the chase car, saw it, too. "What do I do, Garcia?"

"Just keep your distance-and wait."

Burden s.n.a.t.c.hed his phone and started dialing the cell number of the man he had left on the sh.o.r.e below Luquin's safe house. The phone rang and rang and rang.

"There's no way he's going to answer, "Burden said. "He's going to think the call is to wave him off for some reason, and he's waited too long for this."

Then he started dialing t.i.tus's cell phone, knowing that Macias had surely taken it away from him. No answer. That wasn't a surprise, either. They could only stare in stunned silence as the two signals closed the distance between them and Luquin's house.

"Why the h.e.l.l's he going back? "Norlin asked.

"He's left something, "Burden said. "It's got to be that. Information, probably, that he can't let get away from him."

"Jesus, "Norlin said. "You've got to get somebody over there."

"There's no one left."

"Cal's behind them."

"He's got a LorGuide in his car, and I'm going to need him out there in the dark if they leave. Baas is headed to the airstrip with the body of the other guard in t.i.tus's Rover. Your people are holding their surveillance van, waiting to hear from us, and besides, they're not trained for what they might encounter when they get there. and Cope are headed to the airstrip with the bodies of the guys from the Pathfinder. Cope could pull away, but he's already fifty minutes out, at least."

"What about one of the guys at Cain's house?"

"I'm not taking a single gun away from Cain's wife."

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The Rules Of Silence Part 24 summary

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