The Blue Dragon's Geas: Bloodmines Part 12

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It was rather ominous to see a large dragon lunge in your direction, even if it was for the steaming meat at your side. It felt as if he had barely uttered the words before Keensight was gulping down the prang, and he was being pelted with scattering medure. When the dragon was done eating, he settled backwards into his pile to watch Alador. Alador felt as if the dragon was following every morsel to his mouth as he picked at his own steaming piece.

"Why are you still here?" the dragon asked gruffly.

"You told me to stay downstairs, remember?" Alador grinned at the dragon mischievously before speaking a bit more seriously. "I was unsure if we were done. Times and such were not arranged," Alador pointed out. He took another bite, having to work at chewing and keeping the burnt hair-flavored meat down.

"How much time will you need to prepare your part?" Keensight asked, clearly considering the matter.

"I was thinking we would move at the first full moon following the showing of early spring flowers," Alador suggested.

"Easy enough to mark," the dragon nodded in approval. "Then it is settled. You may finish your dinner then return to Henrick."

"You know that Henrick awaits me?" Alador looked a bit surprised.

"That mortal builds a big enough fire for any dragon to find," Keensight harrumphed, and smoke swirled up from his nostrils.

"Well, he does dislike being uncomfortable." Alador grinned. He toyed with his meat, knowing he had one other matter to address. He was not sure if the idea was brilliance or stupid and he took a deep nervous breath. "However, our business is not quite done."

"It is not?" Keensight tipped his head left and right.

"There is still the matter of compensation to Smallbrook," Alador stated casually as he ate from his cut. He very deliberately did not look up at Keensight.

Keensight let out a snort of smoke and soot. "You are not serious?" Keensight sounded totally taken aback.

"I am." Alador stated with a full mouth and paused to finish chewing. "The High Minister of Lerdenia seeks to push the Daezun into starvation through me. I'll need to capitulate to his demands to buy time to find a way to truly unseat him." Alador took a deep breath and continued. "Given this, I think the best way you could make amends for damage done in anger is to either part with a bit of your bed, or you could help make sure villages under his onslaught have meat."

Keensight looked around at his precious pile and back to Alador. "Your insolence and disrespect are boundless," he growled, and Alador was sure that strange grimace on the dragon's face was a pout.

Alador looked up at him. "How have I been disrespectful? I have offered alternatives for the damage done." Alador held out both his hands, palms up as if weighing matters. "I have offered my own life and the lives of many who revere dragonkind to free your young." Alador stood up and moved to the edge of the ma.s.sive mound.

"I would think a simple request to repair the damage you did to an innocent village is very respectful." He turned his back on the dragon bravely, despite the pounding of his heart and moved to the back of the throne, partly to have something to hold to still his shaking hands, and partly to put something between him and the agitated dragon whose tail was twitching much like a cat about to pounce on a field mouse.

Keensight glared at him for the longest time. Alador leaned against the throne, his heart was racing so loudly that he was sure that Keensight was more than aware of his apprehension and fear.

"Are you sure you are not part dragon?" the dragon finally hissed.

"Is that possible?" Alador asked curiously, his fingers white from clenching the throne.

"No! But you bargain as one, and you are as arrogant as one," Keensight bl.u.s.tered. "You are just like your sire."

Alador's eyes went cold and hard as he made eye contact with the dragon, cold rage flooded through him. "I am nothing like my father," he said slowly.

Keensight snorted with amus.e.m.e.nt, "Denying a truth doesn't make it false. You are just like him. Calculating, brash," Keensight paused and pointed a talon at Alador, "and I bet you have that same d.a.m.n temper."

Alador worked to rein in said temper before he proved the dragon right. "He lies," Alador argued simply, as if this was a defense. He held the dragon's gaze. The dragon's eyes held amus.e.m.e.nt and Alador's still held indignation.

"So do you," Keensight pointed out. "Otherwise, you will never get your half of your plan in place, and you would not cave into the demands of the High Minister to buy time."

Alador stared angrily at the dragon as he moved around the throne to the pile. Totally forgetting Henrick's warning to hold his tongue, he snarled up to the looming head above him. "Henrick didn't tell me I was part of some breeding plan." The mage spat out with disdain "He used magic against my mother to ensure he was in Daezun furs."

The dragon shook its great head. "You are a fool to think that you are exempt from the very crimes you press upon your father. You just told me that you will cast spells against your own people for a greater cause." Alador was so close to the dragon's maw that he could see a remnant of a prang hoof stuck within the dragon's teeth. "Sometimes the means are justified in the great scheme of things, boy." Keensight lowered his head as he spoke, the snort of amus.e.m.e.nt from Keensight's nostrils sent Alador's unkempt hair backwards.

"Don't call me boy," Alador snarled. He did not like Keensight's words. He didn't want to admit he was doing the very things that he was mad at Henrick for doing, and Keensight was not the first to point out that he was acting just like his father. Alador rubbed his jaw absently, remembering Sordith's solid blow.

"I will quit calling you boy when you quit speaking as one, not discounting the fact that I have lived many of your lifetimes." Keensight raised his head up, peering down at the angered youth.

"You..." The dragon moved over Alador as he had the prang before gulping it down. His words were terse and cold, "want me to trust you, trust many dragons to this cause, and yet you speak like a fledgling who has been denied his favorite toy." Keensight did not move further as he countered Alador's rants "It does not gain much faith on my part to hear you hold a grudge against a man who, at least as long as I have known him, watched over you with true care."

Alador s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably as the truth of Keensight's words solidified the truth of Sordith's. He finally offered his last excuse for the abuse he had been throwing Henrick's way. "He doesn't even know how many small ones he has. Just recently, I met one of my half-brothers that he didn't even know existed." Alador stared at his feet.

Keensight laughed in that strange huffing manner. "I don't know how many hatchlings I have created," Keensight pointed out. "You going to tell me you have checked every wench who has warmed your bed to make certain you did or did not father a child?" Keensight gave that weird noise that could only be a laugh.

Alador turned a deep shade of red bringing even more of the rumbling noise from the dragon. "I see. Too few so far to have such a care." Keensight continued, "Boy, I have known Henrick for some time now. He is also on a mission of his own, and one he is not yet free to tell you about. I do know he has a genuine care for your well-being. So I suggest you take a step back and make sure you are not flinging the very mud you stand in. You may do more damage than you can fix."

Alador sighed as he clasped his hands behind him. Great, he thought, now I am getting the same lecture from a dragon. Perhaps they all were right, maybe he was expecting his father to be some paragon of virtue like some raptured small one. Had he put Henrick in a category that did not allow for mortal failings? Alador kicked a piece of medure back into the pile of treasure absently as he considered this. Given his love of female attentions and food, was Henrick even capable of being the father that Alador had always longed to have in his life? He also wondered if Henrick had been hanging out with this great beast too long; the two took a similar tone.

"I will consider your points," Alador conceded putting his hands out in surrender. "However, you have avoided the topic of recompense to the Daezun." It had not been lost on him how successfully Keensight had pulled him off that topic.

Keensight let out a huge exasperated sigh. "I still feel I was not in the wrong. Renamaum's bones were disturbed... violated." Keensight's tone was almost pleading "A gift of the G.o.ds, and a practice long standing of the People. One, as a flight leader, you would be well aware of," Alador pressed.

"Who said I was a flight leader?" Keensight said, sidestepping again.

"Renamaum," Alador replied.

Keensight paused then leaned down and sniffed Alador. The dragon's drawing of breath was so strong that his hair flew the other direction, filling his face. "You can speak to him?" Keensight looked at him curiously.

"More like he speaks to me, but I suspect my thoughts and words are not lost on him. It's like a piece of him lives in me. Especially when the same thing makes us angry," Alador admitted. "I don't suppose you can tell me more of the nature of a geas stone?"

"Generally, yes, but Renamaum's would have been different." Keensight rubbed his nostrils with a great paw.

"Oh, why is that?" Alador leaned forward.

"The G.o.ds give a dragon a gift when they come of age. Renamaum did not receive a single gift, but one from each of the G.o.ds. He told me that one of them was that he would not truly die, or something close to that." The dragon waved a claw in almost a dismissive manner. Keensight then arched his back, stretching before he spoke again. "So his death stone would hold more, proven by the fact he guides you."

"So that is not normal to a geas stone?" Alador asked in surprise.

"No. Geas stones are rare to begin with, as it requires a single wound for the blood to flow into a large ma.s.s." The dragon s.h.i.+fted backwards towards his indentation in the mound. "It also requires a highly skilled dragon in matters of magic. Some dragons do not fully explore their potential in magic, preferring a more natural, simple life. However, usually there is a simple impression of what must be done, and once it is done, the drive disappears," Keensight explained. Keensight laid his head down on his paws and closed his eyes.

When the dragon did not speak further, Alador called out. "Go on." Alador was relieved to finally get some educated answers into the matters of his magic.

"If Renamaum speaks to you, then a piece of him still lives. If this is so, then all of his magic still lives, not echoes of it pressed into a stone," Keensight continued.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Alador tried to piece together the difference in his stone and a usual geas stone.

"It means you were not gifted with a bit of a blue dragon's magic." Keensight eyed the Daezun mage. "You were gifted with a blue dragon AND his magic. I doubt you have scratched the surface of what you can do." Keensight closed his eyes again.

Alador stared at him wide-eyed. "You are saying that Renamaum lives in me somehow, with all his powers and skills?"

There was a long sigh as if Alador was trying the dragon's patience. "Yes, that is what I am saying. You are likely as much a dragon in skill as your limited mortal form will allow." Keensight frowned. He raised his head as if considering something then added in an offhanded manner. "Maybe I should kill you. It could drive you quite mad, I suspect. Yes, It could. Having any crazy thoughts or ideas?"

"I came to see you after I stuck an arrow in your throat," Alador pointed out. "Many would consider that a bit crazy."

"Yes, that is probably enough evidence. We should probably put you out of your misery before you become miserable," Keensight said solemnly. "Why ... you could become a danger to those around you. One should always get rid of a possible threat while the threat is only possible.

Alador frowned at the sudden riddled speech of the dragon. Realizing the dragon's tactic, he smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt. "You are just looking for a reason to avoid making a choice of compensation." The beast was rather good at redirection. "How can I learn more of what Renamaum gave me?"

"Well, I cannot teach you. My skills lie in another area," Keensight admitted with a snort of frustration.

Alador noted that the dragon did not acknowledging the statement of avoidance. "What of Pruatra? Does she still live?" Alador felt a sudden sense of urgency to know that answer and the words spilled out his lips before he could bite them back. "The eggs she was sitting when Renamaum died, what of them?"

Keensight's head c.o.c.ked sideways as he surveyed Alador. "So you do lay in there, my old friend." Keensight's sad tones were not lost on Alador. "Pruatra lives, as do the two fledglings. Much time has pa.s.sed, and they have each had their own blessing. A female and a male that would have made you proud."

"Could you arrange for her to come?" Alador's eyes filled with tears, and for the first time, he felt that the dragon had risen up and truly taken control. It was a sense that he had only had hints of in the past. He was aware of the words and feelings spilling out, but it was as if he was behind bars, unable to exert any control.

"I do not know if she will come, but if she will, I will have her meet you by the lake when the boy departs," Keensight offered.

Alador felt a sudden release and took a deep breath. "Okay, that has never happened before," he muttered. He sank down, as it felt as if his legs would not hold him, and his hands were shaking.

"I doubt it will happen often, for Renamaum was ever a respectful beast. Wise beyond his turns, with hopes for mortals that seemed impossible." Keensight seemed a bit melancholy.

"Pruatra can teach me?" Alador again asked hopefully.

"If you and Renamaum can convince her that he rests within you, I have no doubt she will teach you," Keensight said..

"Can you go fetch her now?" Alador asked with growing hope and excitement.

"I am not your carrier pigeon, boy. I only returned from flying a fair distance. I intend to sleep till the morning birds sing. Then, and only then, will I go and speak to Pruatra." Keensight plopped down and rolled about shoving treasure left and right as if trying to find a more comfortable position before continuing. "She would not take kindly to a male dragon invading her lair in the dead of night, and she is not a female I ever plan to cross," Keensight firmly stated. "I suggest you find your bed as well, unless you plan to sit in my chair, staring at me as I sleep.

Alador nodded. It was a clear dismissal and one that he was not going to ignore. As he started to move away from the large dragon, he realized that once again Keensight had sidetracked him. He turned back. "I will leave you to your rest when you have given me your recompense," he challenged boldly. He set his feet firmly with arms crossed.

"You are like a hatchling with a bone that it just will not give up," Keensight growled out without opening his eyes.

"Nevertheless, I expect an answer. You and I both know that the villagers that perished in your fires were innocent of any harm to you," Alador pressed.

"Fine," Keensight snarled as he raised his head. Alador could see the remnants of fire when the dragon flared his nostrils.

"Fine is not an answer. A bit of your bed or meat through the winter?" Alador pressed.

Keensight eyed his treasure pile with frantic consideration of what he could bear to release. Alador could not help but grin, because the dragon acted as if Alador had asked for a piece of his wing as he nuzzled and touched various places on his pile.

"Well?" Alador pressed.

"d.a.m.nation, mortal. I am thinking." Keensight spat a bit of fire at Alador..

It stopped just short of Alador, but he was fairly certain that his eyebrows were now truly curled from heat. He had gambled the dragon would not hurt him, so he still stood cross-armed, waiting for the dragon to make up his mind.

Finally the dragon slumped down. "I will take them meat as there is a need," he morosely answered.

"Good enough." Alador nodded. As he turned away, he could not help but smile in amus.e.m.e.nt. Leave it to a dragon to agree to hunt all winter rather than give up a few slips of his treasure. For some reason, it helped to build a bit of trust more than if the dragon had given over a part of his bed.

He made his way back down the stairs and crawled fully into the comfortable bed. He pulled the covers over his head to keep the gentle mist from his face. He did not fall asleep right away as he had hoped, however. Keensight's words about his father haunted his thoughts for a long while before he finally fell asleep.

Chapter Seventeen.

Alador slept peacefully through the rest of the night with no dreams or nightmares to disturb his sleep. The sound of falling water had been comforting. He would have slept longer, but eventually, the damp of the fine spray sank through the pile of blankets. Even then, he stayed where he was, merely using a cantrip to dry them before nestling once more in their depths.

He felt surprisingly safe here. The fact that a dragon with jaws and a gullet so large they could swallow him in one gulp was lying in the chamber above him did not cause him any alarm at all. He rather liked the beast. He was everything Alador had always dreamed dragons would be.

Keensight had a sense of honor. He was arrogant and very possessive of his treasure h.o.a.rd. He was intelligent, and skilled in the ways of magic. Alador wondered whether life would have turned out more favorably for him if he had been blessed with a father such as Keensight.

However, the dragon so affectionately in his thoughts seemed to lack the patience Alador had been told his kind had in abundance. "And I was told dragons sleep excessively long," Keensight called. "Are you alive down there?"

He groaned as the guttural tones bellowed down to him, and uncovered his head enough to shout back: "I'll be right up!" He pulled the blankets back over his head in annoyance.

"Oh good, because I went and got bacon and bread from Henrick, and if you don't get up here, I may be forced to eat it out of a sense of obligation to my stomach." Keensight could be heard lumbering off.

Alador chuckled and threw back the covers. He had no doubt that Keensight would devour his breakfast as promised. He saw to his own needs and drank from the pristine falls before hurrying as fast as he dared up the creaking stairs. He stepped into the cave to see the table now held a variety of breads, cheeses, and - as promised - there was bacon.

"I know for a fact that Henrick did not bring all of this with us." Alador sat down in the throne and began devouring the food before him. He was actually quite hungry.

"Well, umm..." - Keensight lumbered up onto the pile before continuing - "I might have stopped by and borrowed a bit from a neighbor," he confessed.

Alador paused in his eating to study the fare laid before him. He gave a small private smile of amus.e.m.e.nt before looking up at the great beast and grinning. "I do not think you know what 'borrowed' means."

"I surely do," Keensight responded defensively. "It means to relieve your neighbor of something he is not using." He sounded almost hurt. "Why... these paltry provisions were just lying on a shelf for the taking."

Alador wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He picked up a large pastry and waved it at the dragon. "That is called 'stealing', Keensight. The 'shelf' was probably for mounting a display of goods for sale at a market." Alador eyed the dragon, certain that he knew d.a.m.n well the difference between stealing and borrowing. "Borrowing means you intend to give it back."

"Well, I hardly think anyone would want their food returned after it has pa.s.sed through my digestive system," Keensight answered with a toothy grin. At least, Alador sincerely hoped that was a smile.

"No, I am sure they wouldn't want it back after you were through with it." He shook his head, chuckling. "Did you at least leave a slip or two behind for their trouble?"

"Why would I do that?" Keensight protectively eyed the pile of slips and unrefined medure that made up the bulk of his bed.

"Because without payment and without return of said borrowed item, it is stealing." Waving the large piece of pastry at the dragon, Alador grinned in triumphant amus.e.m.e.nt as he ate the pastry. "How did you get into a pastry shop anyway?" Alador eyed the large dragon from nose to the twitching ball at the end of his tail "Well, the door was a little on the small side in my opinion; so I..." -Keensight paused as if searching for the right word - "expanded it for them," he admitted.

Alador almost choked on the sweet pastry as he tried not to laugh. "So you ripped out a piece of their wall?" Alador started to laugh outright. "I hope this was a Lerdenian neighbor and not a Daezun one."

"Of course... Daezun hardly ever make more than they need. Lerdenian people seem fond of excess." Keensight eyed Alador from head to toe. "I do not see you complaining, given you are filling your mouth with my ill-gotten gains," he huffed indignantly.

"Damage is already done..." Alador shrugged and popped a bit of cheese in his mouth.

Keensight snorted. "When you are done eating, you may show yourself out." Keensight flopped down into his glittering pile, medure and slips clinking noisily down the pile.

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The Blue Dragon's Geas: Bloodmines Part 12 summary

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