A Place To Dance Part 2

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"No bribe needed, ma'am. Though if she looks p.i.s.sed when she sees you tell her Mimi told you. The boss has the hardest time getting mad at that sweet girl," said Buck.

"Deal," answered Christina pulling out a pen and paper to write down the address.

It added to the mystery of Jolly, when Christina turned her car back toward the city. The address the two carpenters had given her was in the warehouse district down by the river. Over the years the area had become a sea of abandoned s.p.a.ces, its buildings victimized by vandals as the businesses that had utilized them moved south of the border. Over time smart developers bought them cheap and started turning them into high priced lofts and condos.

The district had made a total turnaround thanks to the young business people willing to pay the outrageous prices for what was basically an apartment. Christina was having a hard time picturing the person who was creating the beautiful home on the lake for her living in the area. The street address on the piece of paper in her hand turned out to be an old furniture store warehouse on the cusp of the district. It was one of the only ones with enough floors and was close enough to have a descent view of the river a few blocks away.

After she found a parking spot close to the front entrance, Christina ran to follow some residents in so she wouldn't have to buzz Jolly's number. She figured it would be harder to turn her away from the front door than from the sidewalk. The lobby was not what she expected when Christina looked at the pieces of old warehouse equipment that had been left as pieces of interest. Someone had painted them in outrageously colorful patterns giving them new life as pieces of art instead of their boring utilitarian past existences. The second surprise was the old time elevator that was large and had a door you pulled down instead of one that slid closed. Christina leaned against one of the sides and waited for it to make its way to the fourteenth floor.

A soft curse escaped when it stopped one floor short and no amount of b.u.t.ton pus.h.i.+ng would make the thing move. Without getting out, Christina pulled out her cell phone and called the one person she could think of that could help her. Two minutes after her phone call with Mimi the elevator started back up again and when it stopped, Christina found herself at the entrance to Jolly's living room.

The blonde never noticed the amused figure at the head of the stainless steel staircase when she got a good look at Jolly's walls. Everywhere there wasn't exposed brick someone had painted a huge mural that made you feel like you were in a submarine. The underwater masterpiece had been done by a genius with a lot of time on their hands.

"It's beautiful," whispered Christina to no one but herself.

"It's Mimi," said the deep voice from somewhere above her.

"Don't jump," teased Christina looking up. Her smile grew bigger when she saw Jolly standing there wearing only a robe. "I can see why the elevator doesn't come all the way up without a little prompting on your part."

"I don't know, Ms. Griffin, it might spice up my showers a little if I took the lock off. Make yourself at home while I get cleaned up. Feel free to look around, and if you want anything, the kitchen is through there," Jolly pointed to the area directly under her.

Christina hoped the owner of the s.p.a.ce took her time in the shower since she planned to take her up on her offer to look around. The room she was in with the underwater fantasy world was spa.r.s.ely furnished; she guessed it was so it wouldn't take away from the art. The only thing that could have given Mimi's work a run for its money was the floor. She could see the wood strips were probably the originals despite the pristine finish that coated them. There too, there was nothing too much to take away from the beauty of the wood.

A quick scan found two guestrooms and a complete gym just off the living room. The kitchen was huge with all stainless steel appliances and white tile. Not being able to resist the urge, Christina opened the refrigerator to see how Jolly lived. She was convinced you could tell a lot about a person by what was in their icebox.

The first shelf was filled with fruit juice bottles, the second with soda, the third with four types of beer and the last with a variety of breads. The detective shook her head at Jolly's apparent non-culinary skills. Christina moved on and found it was the last room that she loved the most.

The big open area was a studio much like the one she hoped Jolly would build for her when the house was done. The only difference was the wood working tools that lined the walls. So many of them, Christina didn't know what most were used for, much less be able to name them.

Jolly found her a little while later running her hand over the piece of wood clamped to the worktable. Jolly thought the carvings along the edges of the piece were a poor imitation of the paintings in the living room, but no less amount of love and devotion had gone into its creation.

"So beautiful." Christina said as she looked at the fish chasing each other along the edges of the wood.

"It's a lap desk for Mimi. Not as good as the original but I figured she might like it when she's sketching in bed."

"You're wrong, Jolly, this is gorgeous. I can see there's more than one artist in your family. You aren't mad that I just barged in on you, are you?"

"I'm glad you're here so no, I'm not mad. Trust me if I didn't want you here, you'd still be on the thirteenth floor trying to figure out how to get up here."

Christina smiled and stepped closer to the woman who had been consuming large parts of her daydreams since Thursday's opening. "I'm glad too, and I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the day you jumped me."

Jolly laughed and pointed toward the kitchen. She was in her bare feet so a walk through the studio was not in her plans. "If I get you to marry me, I refuse to allow our grandchildren to hear that story from your point of view." She would have to listen to Mimi more often when she talked about women. Jolly wasn't any stranger to dating, but starting at square one was always awkward. Christina had snagged her attention from the moment Jolly had wrapped her hands around her and looked down at her at the house site.

Christina's smile grew bigger as a small part of her brain wanted Jolly to drop to one knee and pop the question, already certain of what her answer would be. "That's negotiable."

"You want something to drink?"

"Grab something for the both of us to go with the food I brought with me," said Christina. It was then Jolly noticed the large paper bag sitting on the counter. When Jolly opened a drawer and took something out, Christina was surprised it wasn't a fork when it was pressed into her palm.

"Here I think anyone who can't stop thinking about me and brings me Chinese food deserves a way to make the elevator go all the way up when she comes over."

The small blonde looked at the key Jolly was offering her and said, "Let it go and I'm keeping it."

"That's why I offered it. What do you want to drink?"

Christina could not resist the attempt to play so she opted for the one thing the icebox didn't have. "I'd love a bottle of water if you have it."

Jolly laughed at the confused look she got when she held up two different kinds. "You didn't look in the door, and before you ask, there's an alarm upstairs that let's me in on unauthorized entry."

"Funny, you're so funny. Mimi forgot to mention that to me."

"This is my 'I'm trying to date you' witty personality - Mimi's unfamiliar with it," teased Jolly. "Want to eat down here or go up a little?"

"Up sounds interesting," answered Christina.

Jolly packed the food back in the bag and grabbed Christina's hand for the walk upstairs. She opened one of the sets of doors in the master suite and walked her dinner date out to the private terrace.

From the brick lined enclosure Christina could see there was a great view of the river traffic as well as a comfortable looking set of teak patio furniture. Jolly pulled out her chair at the table and went to the outside bar to get plates, utensils and some drinks from the box under the high countertop. When she came back to set it all up, Jolly was happy to find Christina had kicked off her shoes and had propped her feet on the chair across from her. The arrangement meant Jolly had to sit next to her if she didn't want to push the small feet to the floor.

They started to scoop food out onto their plates as the first date questions started flying. "Did you become an architect because your father was one?"

"My grandfather had more of an influence on me than Anthony did. My father believes bigger is better, and conformity is the name of the game. Not that thinking that way is wrong, it's just not for me," explained Jolly.

"Was your grandfather in the business?"

"Papa was a carpenter, and since I was old enough to form any kind of intent on what I wanted to do, it was to be just like him. My mother's father had a way of making wood become the pictures in his head, and it fascinated me to watch. Becoming an architect taught me what would last and what was possible, but standing next to him at his work table taught me to love doing it."

Christina looked at Jolly's face as she spoke about the man who was her mentor. It was apparent that she loved him. "He sounds like a wonderful man."

"He was. We lost him last year to a stroke. Funny, the one thing he never taught me was how much you could miss someone." Jolly shook her melancholy when Christina slipped her hand into hers.

"He's not really gone if that workshop full of tools downstairs is any indication. The gift he gave you will make him live on for years to come. Until you pa.s.s that gift on to your children."

"Thanks, that's a nice way of thinking about it. How about you, what made you pick an art gallery?"

"I studied art for six years before I decided I needed a real job to supplement my hobby. With the education, I had the background to know what was good, and with a little luck I've been able to find new talent." Christina shrugged her shoulders as a way of saying it was the best explanation she could come up with.

"I seriously doubt anyone who studies something for that long is just a hobbyist. You'll have to invite me to the new house to see your etchings," teased Jolly.

"What about you, any other hidden talents I haven't discovered yet?"

"Are you talking hobbies or some sort of hidden s.e.xual talent I might possess?" asked Jolly.

"Let's finish eating before we move on to your inner layers of secrets, shall we?" As they continued their talk, Christina was glad she had taken the chance and come over.

The dishes lay forgotten as their information swapping continued and when Christina looked at her watch and saw it was after eleven, she was shocked and sorry their time was coming to an end. The thought of going back to her apartment alone was something she was not looking forward to.

"Hot date?" asked Jolly when she saw Christina looking at her watch.

"Yes, I'm on it right now. I just can't believe I took up most of your day, but I don't want to leave. Would it make me sound easy if I told you I wanted to spend the night?"

"That depends," said Jolly.


"If you slept with me or not." Jolly dodged the slap heading for her head as she laughed. "Do you have to run off?"

"Not really."

"Then come on." Jolly pulled her up and walked her to a room off the living room Christina had missed in her self-guided tour.

Mounted on the wall was a large flat-screened television with a comfortable looking couch sitting in front of it. With a bowl of popcorn between them, they sat to watch a movie before Jolly walked Christina to one of the guestrooms. Pointing to the locations of towels and sleepwear if she was interested, Jolly s.h.i.+fted from foot to foot in the doorway wondering if a good night kiss was going too fast. Christina helped her out by pulling her head down and pressing her lips softly to Jolly's.

"Thanks for a wonderful day," said Christina when they parted.

"I should be thanking you. If you hadn't shown up, I'd be knee deep in wood shavings by now. When that happens, Mimi screams at me for not getting out more." Jolly kissed her again to thank her for her thoughtfulness before moving to her own room.

"Good night, Chris. Call me if you need anything."

"Sweet dreams, Jolly." Christina answered to Jolly's back. The night had been wonderful, but it amazed her how many times Jolly could bring up Mimi's name in a conversation no matter what the subject had been.

"Can I ask where you are?"

"You'll think I'm s.l.u.tty if I tell you, so I think I'll pa.s.s," answered Christina as she put stuff back into her purse. The ringing coming out of the leather bag had woken her up and dumping everything out was the only way to make it stop.

"Chris, you dog, I already think that about you so now you have to tell me," said Lisa, her reasons for calling forgotten.

"I spent the night at Jolly's." The silence from the other end made Christina think she had lost her connection with her a.s.sistant. "You still there?"

"Um, yeah. You can't see me but I'm on my knees wors.h.i.+pping you at the moment. I can't believe you bagged your carpenter, and so quickly. This must be a new record for you," said Lisa with a little too much gleefulness for the hour.

"Calm down, crude one. We ate, watched a movie then she kissed me goodnight at the guestroom door. There was no bagging involved."

Lisa laughed from her end trying to imagine Christina trying to keep her hands to herself all night. In a way, Christina had learned all her womanizing ways from a very good teacher who was thankfully out of her boss's life. "I'm sure not from your lack of trying." The groan coming from the other end got Lisa to stop kidding around and get to the point. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Your parents called looking for you and considering the early hour didn't want the whole skinny on your personal life. This prompted them to call me at six on a Sunday. I guess it's all right for me to dial your cell and take the chance of finding you doing something naughty. Hillary and Dell love you, but even they have their limits."

"Is anything wrong?" asked Christina as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"Honey, calm down. If it were important they would have called you even if you had Jolly tied to the bed. They just were moving to their final destination and called to check up on you. Forgive me for calling you so early, but it was pay back for disturbing my beauty sleep. Do you have time to give me the scoop on last night?"

Christina looked at the equally sleepy Jolly standing in her doorway and turned her phone off. Lisa would have to accept her apology later but this was too good to pa.s.s up.

"Hey, I didn't mean to barge in on you, but I heard you talking and I wanted to make sure you were ok." Jolly looked like a piece of forbidden fruit standing in the door and Christina's mouth watered at the thought of taking a bite.

Jolly walked closer when Christina crooked her finger at her and gave her a warm smile. "Aren't you sweet, but you look tired."

"Your second floor beams have done a number on my back. I was just going to take some aspirin when I heard you talking." Jolly put her hands in the small of her back and stretched much to Christina's delight. Years of woodworking had done wonders for the tall architect's body, as the muscles, which stood out in relief while she tensed, attested to.

Christina patted the bed and scooted over to make room for its owner. "I have a better cure, so come over here and lie down." The first moan out of Jolly made Christina want to peel the borrowed t-s.h.i.+rt she was wearing off and do the ma.s.sage naked.

"Everything ok? You don't have to run off do you?" asked Jolly picking up the discarding phone. The small hands working on her lower back were loosening spots she didn't even realize were sore.

"I have all day for you."

"You do that like a girl."

Christina looked down her body slowly before looking back up at Jolly. "No one has ever complained about that before."

"I didn't say I didn't like the fact you're a girl. You just swing a hammer like one is all."

"Leave me alone, this is the first time I've done this," said Christina b.u.mping shoulders with Jolly. After going out for breakfast they had driven out to the work site to check things for the next day when Christina had asked for a carpentry lesson. It would make a good story to tell her friends once the place was finished. None of them would believe she had a part in constructing even a small part of the house.

"If you're a fast learner then I can go back to the office tomorrow and you can supervise the construction," teased Jolly.

"No thank you, I'll leave the building to the experts and stick with my finger paints. Now take me somewhere and feed me."

"Feed you? We just ate breakfast."

Christina held Jolly's hand up and showed her the time. They had been there for over three hours and the heat was starting to get to her. "Tell me you aren't this clueless when it comes to designing things?"

"Just for that, no nice cabinets in the kitchen for you." The small blonde trailed after Jolly like a puppy when she went to put away her tools before heading out. Jolly had admonished herself all day to go slow, but her heart was falling. She had never felt so comfortable around another person except for Mimi, and she was quickly learning Christina Griffin was someone who was hard to say no to about anything.

Once everything was put away, Jolly drove them out to a restaurant on the lake for lunch and afterward offered to take the blonde to a movie as a way to keep her a little longer. The weekend was turning out to be one of the best in memory and despite the work she had waiting for her, Jolly wanted to spend the night on the couch again watching Christina instead of the television.

Christina was thinking the same thing as they walked hand in hand back to Jolly's vehicle. The woman walking silently beside her was so different than all the women who had gone through Christina's life. Jolly was rough around the edges, but she was so genuine.

"Are you going to be building more of my house tomorrow?" Christina asked when Jolly opened the pa.s.senger door for her and gave her a boost into the seat. She grabbed her date around the neck before she could escape to the other side of the car.

"I'm going to help the guys with the second story floors then I have to get back to the office so I can design nice things for other people. Why, you want to learn how to use a screwdriver?"

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A Place To Dance Part 2 summary

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