Give And Take: Taken Part 20

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"She does. And I plan to keep her in line and very busy, but only with me." Beck shoots me a meaningful look.

"You and Joan? Really?"

"Stranger things have happened." He laughs and lifts us off the ground.

I wonder if he knows about us, about our stranger thing that happened.

I see you standing in the clearing waving before we land. I wish I had a parachute. I can't get on the ground quick enough.

When Beck touches down, my fingers are already pulling at the restraints. Beck reaches over to help, lifting the headphones off of me. "Go to him!" he yells when he frees the last buckle. "Go!"

I jump out and run while crouched over until I'm out from under the blades. You're running toward me and scoop me up over your shoulder when you reach me. We spin around in circles, laughing. Then you slide my body down yours and take my face in your hands before kissing me, sweetly, deeply, thoroughly.

"My G.o.d, I've missed you Rachael." You wrap me in your arms and press my head against your chest.

"I've missed you too." I can't keep still and squirm away enough to take your hands. "I can't wait any longer to see the hotel!"

You smile with those dimples I'm addicted to. "Are you sure it's me you missed?"

I run my hand up the front of your s.h.i.+rt. "I'll show you how much as soon as you get me somewhere private."

"I know just the place."

You take my hand and lead me into the trees. I know where we're headed. Our secret spot. "The tree house?"

"The tree house." Your thumb strokes the top of my hand as we hike over brambles and fallen branches.

A brick patio comes into view lined with dozens of tiki torches. A wooden staircase with rope railings climbs up from the far end. "Merrick?" I rush forward. At the top of the stairs, a wraparound deck is filled with colorful flowers vining down over the sides in cascades of green leaves. The tree house has been completely rebuilt. A miniature A-frame house sits nestled in the limbs, the entire front is encased in gla.s.s windows. "It's like a fairy-tale house."

Your arms wrap around my waist from behind. "You like it then?"

I spin and gaze up into your dark eyes. "I love it. I can't believe you did this. Thank you."

"I'll never be able to give you enough." You kiss me softly and lead me to the stairs.

Up on the deck, the view of the island is the same as I remember from our picnic-that-wasn't. Our star gazing night. "I can taste chocolate cake when I stand here," I say, taking your finger and sliding the tip of it into my mouth.

You chuckle, and your eyes spark with desire. "I thought you might." You slide a gla.s.s door open and pull me inside the house. The bottom floor is one large room with a hot tub in the center, a plush white sofa on one side and a mini-bar on the other.

Beside the hot tub, there's a bottle of champagne chilling, two stemmed and a chocolate cake with plump, red raspberries on top. "You never stop amazing me. Not for one second." A spiral staircase runs up the right side to the second floor. "What's up there?"

"The bedroom."

I slip my fingers under the waistband of your jeans and unsnap them. "Perfect."

With one quick tug, you have my sundress over my head and tossed to the floor. "Perfect," you repeat, running your eyes over my body.

I kick off my shoes at the same time you unhook my bra and strip me of my lace panties. You reach for me, but I skitter away, over to the hot tub and step into the bubbles. "Repeat performance, Mr. Rocha?"

You tear your t-s.h.i.+rt over your head and push your jeans and boxer briefs off while you stride over to me. "I'm thinking something new is in order, Miss. DeSalvo."

You step in beside me, but I don't let you sit. I scoop a handful of chocolate frosting off of the cake and cover your hard c.o.c.k from tip to root. "Chocolate's never looked so appetizing." I take you in my mouth and your groan is fire to my soul. I've missed hearing you lost in your desire for me.

Your hands come to my head. I look into your eyes and whisper, "Take it. Take me, Merrick." You control our rhythm; my mouth and tongue absorb every thrust. When you speed and your hands grip and tangle in my hair, and you're so close the air rasps from your throat, you pull out.

"I don't want to waste it. I want to come inside you." I've been on the pill for a couple weeks now.

You kneel and kiss and suck the chocolate from my lips, lick it off my tongue. Your fingers find my center and slip inside, rubbing and stroking. "You're so wet already and not from the water."

"Getting you off turns me on."

You spin me around and pull me on your lap so we're back to chest. I s.h.i.+ft so the head of your c.o.c.k is at my entrance. You lift your hips and push inside me. It's heaven. I buck my hips to take you deeper, to feel you sliding in and out of me.

You hook your arms under my knees and glide us across the tub to the opposite wall. You guide me to where a jet shoots a hard stream of bubbles and rock me up and down so it ma.s.sages my c.l.i.t while you pump in and out of me.

"Oh my G.o.d," I whimper, letting my head fall back on your shoulder. I want it to last forever, but the rush starts building and burning inside me, and I come fast and hard reaching up and gripping your hair.

"Jesus, Rachael," you rasp. Your thrusts are harder and quicker and your body starts to shudder. You groan, and your c.o.c.k throbs as my muscles clench around it. We're holding on to each other so tight, we might never come apart.

Your forehead rests against the back of my neck and you pull me across the hot tub. We recover in each other's arms, catching our breath and sharing feather-light kisses. "I have something to tell you," I say.

You run your hand up and down my back. "What is it?"

"You asked me to tell you when this happens." I smile. "Stockholm Syndrome. I'm falling in love with my captor, Merrick."

You press me against you hard and kiss me like your life is dependent on taking every breath with me. "You were my captor long before I was yours," you say, nuzzling against my cheek. "You captured my heart before I ever approached you."

You stand and step out of the tub, holding out your hand to me. "Come up to bed with me."

I take your hand and together, dripping wet, we pad up the spiral staircase to the bedroom. It's all white walls, carpet and bedding with a king sized, mahogany poster bed in the very center. Sheer white drapes hang from the high bedposts. You lie in the center of the bed and open your arms for me. "One more surprise."

I climb on the bed and lie in your arms.

"Look up, you say, pointing to the ceiling.

I gaze up at the beam the runs the length of the ceiling where the slopes of the roof meet in the center. "Oh..." I cover my mouth with my hand and tears spring to my eyes.

Beside the etched letters A.W. plus I.B. with a heart around them is a fresh engraving, the letters M.R. plus R. D. surrounded by another heart.

I turn my gaze to you, meeting your deep, dark, blazing eyes. "You were right to bring me here. I am home."

Rachael and Merrick's story continues in: No Take Backs A Novella By Kelli Maine Available now.

Continue reading for a sneak peek...

Chapter One.

The sun beats down on us. It's hot. Sauna hot. The kind that makes the air heavy and saturates your skin with a sheen of moisture.

I let my eyes roam over your tan, sculpted chest down to where your fingers thread together resting on your abs.

"Like what you see?" you ask. Smiling, you reach out and trace your finger along my cheek. I wish I could see your eyes behind your black

"You know I do."

You chuckle and link your hands again, relaxing on your lounge chair.

The pool water ripples in the breeze, sunlight glinting off its surface. Pinkish-purple bougainvillea twines up to the palm frond roof of the pool-side bar. How did we get here? Us together. I never thought it would come to this. There were so many obstacles between us.

Over the past few months, Turtle Tear has been transformed from ancient ruins to luxury resort on a private island in the Everglades. In the distance, the work crew bangs and saws, finis.h.i.+ng the last few rooms in the hotel.

"Let's cancel tomorrow," you say. "I don't want to share you."

"We've waited too long for this." Even though it's only been about six months for me, you've waited years for this day to come. Tomorrow is the grand opening of Turtle Tear Resort to our friends and family. After that...well, I haven't decided if I want to open it to the public, or keep it private. I guess I'm not ready to share this place or you with anyone else either. "After they're all gone, you can become a hermit."

You take my hand and kiss it. "At least you promised me we could stay in the tree house and not crowd in the hotel with everyone else."

I roll to my side and run a finger down your arm. "I love our little hideaway."

Footsteps sound from the covered walkway. I sit up and turn to see Riley, your new a.s.sistant, step out from the shade and into the pool courtyard. "Why are you wearing dress pants and a tie?" I ask him. "Are you insane? It's sweltering out here."

You sit up, and your knees against mine. "Riley likes to look professional." You grasp the left side of my red bikini top and tug it closed. "And you're a little too casual. More like falling out."

"No interest in sharing me with this a.s.sistant then?" I whisper.

You clench your jaw, but don't reply. I was teasing, but struck a nerve bringing up the reason I left you last time.

"Ms. DeSalvo," Riley interjects, spots of pink on his cheeks from either the heat or from overhearing my comment, "your mother and aunt are scheduled to arrive at ten a.m.. tomorrow morning. Do you have a preference of which rooms are reserved for them?"

I shade my eyes and glance up at him, wis.h.i.+ng I hadn't forgotten my back in the hotel. "No. I'm sure you'll pick very nice rooms for them. I trust your judgment. But can you do me a favor?"

He nods, eager to please. "Of course."

"Call me Rachael."

A sheepish grin spreads across his face. He's young, twenty-two at most, not that I'm much older. But is reserved manner and uncontrollable blus.h.i.+ng make him seem a lot younger. "Can I get you another drink from the bar, Rachael?"

I pick up my empty mimosa gla.s.s from the small table beside my chair and hold it out to him. "That would be amazing of you. Thanks."

"Mr. Rocha?" he asks, taking my gla.s.s.

You pick up your half-full bottle of water and shake it in Riley's direction. "I'm good, thanks. But that reminds me, when's the domestic staff getting in?"

"Three this afternoon."

Riley trots off toward the bar on the opposite side of the pool and courtyard. "Someone has a crush," you say, squeezing my knees between yours.

The stubble on your face has grown to a soft beard that covers your chin, not quite as full as it was when we first met, but soft to the touch and s.e.xy. I can't resist running my fingers over it. "You're right," I say. "But look at him. Those pressed oxford s.h.i.+rts he wears, the flop of dusty blond hair over his forehead and the way he always blushes when he looks at me. How can I not be crus.h.i.+ng hard?"

You lower your to the end of your nose and arch one brow over your blazing, dark eyes. "You're full of jabs today, aren't you? You know what I meant."

I stand between your legs and take your face between my hands skimming my fingers through your dark, wavy hair. "You know I'm kidding. Look at you." I let my hands run down your neck, across your broad shoulders, down over the bulging muscles of each arm. "Why would I ever want anyone else?"

Your hands find my hips and pull me closer, close enough to rest your cheek against my stomach. "I've already done everything you're just getting to do. I've reached my goals. You could have someone like him-like you. Someone driven, making is way up the ladder. I kicked my ladder down, Rachael."

Why do you think I care that you've decided to retire in your mid-thirties with billions in the bank? Somehow in your head that's a bad thing. "You told me your plan months ago. When we went fis.h.i.+ng, remember?"

"The storm that day." You chuckle, sending vibrations through my skin. "I swear, you wrapped your wet little body around my back so tight when I carried you back to the hotel, I had obscene images running wild in my head."

"Every time lightning flashed, I thought we were going to die." I stroke the top of your head, twisting sun-warmed locks of hair around my fingers. "The fish you caught was good though."

You turn your head and rest your chin in my bellyb.u.t.ton. "Yeah? You hardly touched it."

I bend and kiss the grin off your face. Eating around you leads to kissing you and touching you and meals are quickly shoved aside and forgotten. I've lost eight pounds since I stepped foot on this island. "We need another chocolate raspberry cake."

You growl and lick my stomach sending delicious flesh memories straight to my center. Memories of smeared chocolate frosting devoured with your tongue. "Don't worry. I've got that covered."

"Uh..." Riley stammers, standing at the end of my lounge chair with a fresh mimosa in one hand. "I'll just..." He sets it on the wooden table and shuffles away.

"Thanks!" I call after him. "Think he's a virgin?"

You let out a derisive snort. "Can't imagine why you'd think that."

"I don't know. Maybe he's just modest."

"Hmm. Maybe." With a flick of your fingers, my bikini top falls open. "Glad you're not."

"Not with you." I wrap my arms around your neck and you pull me down on top of you on the lounge chair sucking a nipple into your mouth.

"Ah," I gasp. I'll never get used to the feel of your lips, your tongue. It's too good, too drive-me-insane phenomenal.

I press against your shoulders, releasing my flesh with a drag of your teeth. I have to have your mouth on mine, your tongue sliding over mine drawing moans from deep in my throat.

I devour your lips. No holding back. I held back so long waiting to trust you, but now I need to take and take and never stop until there's nothing left of you. Consume you delicious bite by delicious bite.

Rewarded with a low groan when I nip your bottom lip, I taste my way across your jaw to lap your earlobe and take it in my mouth. Your hands squeeze my a.s.s and slide down between my inner thighs, pulling them apart so I'm straddling you. Your chest is warm under my splayed fingers, salty on the tip of my tongue tasting your hard pecs. You rock your hips into me. I dig my nails into your skin in response making you suck in an airy hiss through your teeth.

The wind blows my hair across your face, cools my bare back damp with heat. You ball my hair in your hands as I trail kisses down your stomach. "I love how you taste."

My hair goes loose around my shoulders and you run both palms down my back. "I never want anyone else here. Just us. Alone."

"Me too," I say, springing your hard length free from your swim trunks. "I'll have you naked whenever and wherever I want."

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Give And Take: Taken Part 20 summary

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