Black's Magic Part 12

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Addison smiled unexpectedly and, in a swift, decisive movement, slipped around the corner and executed a sharp chop to the base of the man's neck. He crumpled to the floor of the fortress in an ungainly heap. Skyler followed Addison a fraction of a second later but was only in time to see the agent remove the man's radio from his pocket and pull the earpiece out. Putting the tiny speaker to her own ear, Addison smirked.

"Scottish football. Celtic leads the Rangers one to nil."

Skyler blew out a breath in relief, realizing that man had been listening to soccer on the radio and that they hadn't been discovered. Addison dropped the radio on the unconscious guard and continued down the corridor the man had been watching.

"As we get closer to your mum, the number of guards will increase. They'll also get better," Addison said as she resumed her methodical checking of rooms. In one they found a communications center. Though shut down at the current time, Skyler could tell Addison was noting the location of the room that held both a satellite telephone as well as a short wave radio.

"This wouldn't be untended unless something of greater importance was happening," Addison observed. "My guess is that something is the presence of the eminent Dr. Marlene Tidwell. We're getting close, I can feel it."

The pair worked their way to the end of the corridor that opened into a wide, open area with a stone staircase heading up to the next level. Faint sounds of activity drifted down from overhead.

"She must be up there," Skyler whispered as she moved to the steps. She had just placed one foot on the first step when her arm was grabbed and she was pulled back against the British woman.

"I think you're right and that's why this is as far as you go," Addison said in a lowered voice as her eyes watched the landing at the top of the steps.

"What are you talking about? That's my mother up there and I want to make sure she's safe!" Skyler's voice was intense, but remained at a whispered level.

"If you want to make sure she's safe, you'll stay here. Skyler, look. I can't keep focused on your mum if I have to worry about you and you know I will," the agent reasoned.


"No," Addison interrupted, "No buts. I need to do this alone. Please." The agent's reasonable tone did something that a command could not have done. It gained Skyler's cooperation."

"Okay, I'll stay here. I've got your back." Skyler pulled out the pistol she had received from Addison earlier and a.s.sumed an aggressive stance.

"That's kind of you, Calamity Jane, but if its all the same to you, I would prefer you not to get into any gunplay." She took Skyler by the arm and pulled her over to a door situated under the staircase. Peering quickly inside, Addison p.r.o.nounced it "perfect". She ushered Skyler through the door. There wasn't a room inside the door; rather it was the landing to another set of stairs, this one leading downward into an inky blackness. It was damp and musty smelling.

"Old portal to the moat level I'll wager," Addison stated. As they moved onto the landing, Addison's boot caught a small stone and sent it over the edge. A moment later a small splash was heard.

"It's flooded, Addison! G.o.d knows what kinds of creepy-crawly things are down there. Let me go with you! I won't get in the way." Skyler clung to Addison's s.h.i.+rt as the agent moved to leave.

Gently, Addison disengaged Skyler's hand. "Come now, Doctor. You're a woman of science! You've probably dissected worse things that are down there."

Skyler looked uncertain. "You won't forget I'm here, will you?"

"Not a chance," the agent a.s.sured her. With that, Addison slipped out the door leaving Skyler on a darkened landing, alone with her imagination.

"d.a.m.n, why didn't I ask her for those night vision Okay, I'll be fine. No problem. Mom always said there's nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light." Skyler was comforted by that thought until a distinct splash echoed from below. "And that's what I'm afraid of." Briefly, Skyler's mind weighed the options of dealing with an irritated British spy and the possibility that the splash was caused by a snake.

Skyler hated snakes. Really hated them. A second splash sounded, slightly closer than before. As the sick feeling of fear increased, Skyler made her decision.

She was going after Addison.

Chapter 12.

Addison ran one hand along a rough stone wall behind her. The size of bricks used to build such buildings surprised her. She estimated they were approximately twelve times the size of modern day construction bricks and far superior in quality. When she was younger, Addison had dreamed about living in a home of such magnificence. It reminded her of the stones used in ancient pyramid constructions. As a youngster of five or six, she dreamed of living in a great pyramid, miles away from her parents.

Standing at the foot of large, stone stairs, Addison kicked the first step. Readying her Spas, she held the barrel in her left hand with her right finger poised over the trigger. She looked up the flight of steps. Although the building had been updated and electrical lighting illuminated the dark pa.s.sages, the stairs curved to the left obstructing her view of the next level. There was a strong, dank aroma in that air. It reminded her of an underground dungeon she had visited at a Bastille in France. However, there was the subtle scent of something else that Addison was yet to identify.

Standing tall, her back aligned with the wall, Addison began her ascent. She took the stone steps slowly, her senses on full alert.

"There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman," Addison began in a low voice. "They were climbing a tall mountain in effort to reach its peak. They'd heard a genie lived at the top who would grant every good man one wish." It was an occasional habit of Addison's. Although she loved her work, and thrived in precarious situations, Addison despised the tense atmosphere. She often tried to diffuse it by making up jokes, however lame they would be.

Senses attuned to any oncoming figures from above or below, Addison continued. "So they reached the top of the mystical mountain and found a beautiful, jewel encrusted, lamp. The Irishman picked it up eagerly and rubbed it with his sleeve."

Addison paused as she heard a noise from above. She listened carefully but on hearing nothing more, resumed her trek. "With a puff of smoke the stereotypical genie appeared before them. In a deep voice he said, 'For granting me temporary respite I allow you all one wish... if... you take a leap of faith.' The men looked at each other. 'What does that mean?' asked the Irishman. 'Who cares,' said the Englishman, 'we can have anything we want!' Now being a typical Genie, there was a catch. 'To obtain your wish, all you have to do is jump off the mountain, call out your desire and it shall be yours.' Well obviously this was a fearsome notion but the Scotsman, believing to be the bravest, went first. Standing at the edge of the mountain he took a deep breath and yelled 'Money' as he jumped. Sure enough he landed in a gigantic bundle of cash. As the Englishman moved to go next, the Irishman pushed past him and approached the ledge. With a triumphant call of 'women', he jumped and landed within an endless group of women, all willing to do his bidding. Now as for the Englishman, he thought himself smarter!"

Addison was beginning to reach the last few steps. She looked both ways once more, and continued. "The Englishman thought 'to have the best of both worlds, why not wish for rich women!' It was an excellent plan. Stepping forwards he approached the edge of the mountain but tripped on a stray rock. 'b.u.g.g.e.ring h.e.l.l' he shouted as he fell from the ledge!"

Reaching the top step, Addison froze as cold steel was pressed into her side. From behind a male, Scottish voice said, "I don't get it."

Addison's smirk remained. "I guess it's English humour!"

The guard stepped closer. "Drop your weapon."

"How about this," she replied, unfazed. "A dyslexic man walks into a bra!" Not waiting for his response, Addison thrust her head back. She connected solidly with the unknown man's face and felt, as much as heard, his nose crunch under her impact. Addison spun around, swinging the side of her hand into his throat. As the b.l.o.o.d.y faced man gasped for air, she kicked him down the stairs.

Addison watched him fall, her mind replaying the last expression upon his face. He would have died before he hit the bottom step. Another ghost to fill her subconscious. Pus.h.i.+ng those thoughts to the back of her mind, Addison pressed on. She had to find Marlene before Brodie could find a way to extract the information from her. Addison was beginning to realize the terrible possibilities Project Gemini held.

Unlike the ground level, the first floor had a different aroma. It was the scent Addison had subtly detected, an almost clinical smell, similar to that of an indoor swimming pool. The agent walked down the pa.s.sageway, but stopped by a small room to her right. She looked inside and spied many unmarked boxes. Curiously, Addison stepped closer. She lifted the top lid and peered inside. There she found dozens of Petrie dishes. She opened another and found carefully contained test tubes. A further box contained hardware for a highly powered microscope.

"b.u.g.g.e.r me," the agent exclaimed. "This is more than just a holding facility, it's a f.u.c.king laboratory!" Addison rubbed her forehead. "Okay, Addy, think. They have Marlene here and they obviously think they have the technology to replicate Project Gemini." The agent nodded to herself, she knew she might well have to totally destroy the building.

Suddenly, approaching footsteps alerted Addison to unwanted company. She turned, standing by the door, her back against the wall. The pattern of footsteps suggested four people. Addison decided to wait until they pa.s.sed. Their conversation was in Gaelic. Three of the four were in conversation. When the fourth voice finally spoke, the others fell silent. They were no more than two feet away from Addison.

The soldier stilled her breathing. Her body pressed up against the wall, she gripped the Spas with both hands and waited. Addison's senses detected somebody approaching the room. A hand reached inside to the handle, ready to re-close the door. Hopes that the guard wouldn't look her way, however, were short lived. As the young man turned and spotted her, Addison knew her cover had been blown. It was time to let everybody know who had gatecrashed the party.

Addison swung the hilt of her Spas into the guard. It connected with his chest and he stumbled backwards. She leapt through the doorway, finding three more surprised guards awaiting her. Aiming her shotgun at the nearest man, Addison pulled the trigger.

Nothing She pulled again and again; her eyes growing wide as the remaining men reached for their weapons.

"s.h.i.+t!" Addison cursed.

Throwing her shotgun to the side, the agent's eyes registered three weapons aimed straight for her. As her nerves sparked a flash of alarm, she dived back into the storage room, cras.h.i.+ng into the piles of boxes. Hundreds of gla.s.s test tubes and scientific implements smashed under her weight. Luckily for Addison her thick clothing s.h.i.+elded her skin from splintering gla.s.s causing any harm. Her hands, however, were not so lucky. Multiple shards pierced her flesh causing the agent to grimace in annoyance. She was unable to remove the splinters due to the fast approach of guards closing in upon her.

Rolling towards the right, Addison took shelter by a wall, effectively evading a burst of ammunition. Her palms temporarily out of action; she leapt to her feet. The first man appeared in the doorway and using all her might, Addison delivered a strong kick, knocking him backwards and into the remaining men. Taking advantage of the extra seconds she charged out into the narrow pa.s.sageway, intent on an expeditious victory. Using the strength of only her legs and feet, Addison dispatched a series of powerful kicks. It was a flurry of action, the woman, smaller than her opponents, thrust her booted feet and knees into vital bodily organs and joints. One by one, each guard was incapacitated and rendered unconscious until only Addison was left standing.

Watching the last man slump down the wall with a resounding thud, Addison blew out a relieved breath. There was no point in hiding the bodies. Her time was limited. Addison looked down at her hands. Slender shards of gla.s.s stuck out through her flesh as bright red blood seeped around the wounds. She sighed and began pulling the gla.s.s from her palms. Fresh blood began to flow but she paid little heed. Finding Marlene Tidwell was her primary concern. She started down the corridor but stopped as a sharp gasp alerted her to another's presence. Addison turned to see a middle aged man standing down the other end of the pa.s.sageway. He had greying brown hair and wore a white lab coat. The expression he held was that of an informant ready to run for help. She couldn't allow that.

As the man drew in a deep breath, Addison pulled both Beretta pistols from her back and shot him with her left gun. The blast ricocheted around the narrow walls and Addison knew she had to act fast.

Pistol within each grasp, the agent ran towards a slim archway. Pa.s.sing under the stone crest she was confronted by another three men. They charged her, firing at will. Addison ducked, lunging into a forward roll before coming to her feet and taking out each threat with a single shot. She continued to run, her heavy footsteps pounding the cold, hard floor.

Into view came another set of stairs. She took them two at a time, speedily approaching the buildings third of four floors.

Marlene Tidwell stood between two abnormally large, fully armed, ruffians. In front of her sat Brodie's scientist, while to her left stood the woman herself. Brodie overlooked their conversation as a reluctant Marlene explained vital details to Atkins.

Suddenly, loud shouts from the outer pa.s.sages filtered through to Brodie's ears. Her head whipped around sharply, eyes open in question.

"What was that?" she asked, looking around the room rapidly. "We have intruders? This can't be possible." Brodie turned to the closest guard beside Marlene. "Go and check it out," she ordered.

"Ma'am," he replied and carried out Brodie's bidding.

Approaching the door to the laboratory, he didn't even have time to touch the handle before the barrier was thrust open. Moving with such force, the wooden door flew from its hinges, colliding with his heavy set form and depositing him upon the ground. The door landed on top of him and the guard Addison had used as a battering ram, on top of that.

Brodie stared with bewilderment at the sight. She managed to bring herself around in time to see Addison stride through the doorway. Already the agent was firing at those who attempted to stop her progress.

"Brodie!" Addison yelled. She aimed her right hand forwards; shooting another thug whom approached her. Addison's left arm sprang to the side, firing at a woman carrying a Colt 45.

Scientists and technicians ran for their lives, screaming and diving under tables and behind cupboards.

"Don't f.u.c.k with me, Brodie. Just hand over the Professor."

Agnes' decision was swift. Pulling a hip holstered revolver from Marlene's remaining guard; she pushed him towards a side door. "Take her to the boat," she barked harshly and then turned back to Addison. "There is nothing I enjoy more than f.u.c.king with you, Black."

Brodie fired her gun repeatedly causing Addison to dive for cover. As she fell to the floor, the guard holding Marlene escaped through the side door while Brodie ran through the pa.s.sageway in which Addison had arrived.

Springing to her feet, Addison's eyes switched between the two separate doorways. It wasn't a tough decision. However much she wanted Brodie, the soldier ran for Marlene.

Holstering the left Beretta, Addison felt her congealed, b.l.o.o.d.y hand pull away from the pistols rubber grip. There was no time to a.s.sess the potential damage caused to her hands. She could not allow Marlene to disappear once again. If not for her country and US, UK relations, then she had to do it for Skyler.

Jumping over a wide desk, Addison sprinted after Marlene and her temporary captor. She slammed into the door, pus.h.i.+ng it open with a tremendous clatter. Ahead of her, Addison discovered a long, narrow hallway. The cold, brick walls offered no exit but a single doorway, twenty-five meters ahead of her. It was swung halfway open and in the process of closing; an obvious sign Marlene was not too far ahead of her. The agent could just hear Marlene's voice pleading to her captor for release.

Relieved to be away from the darkness of the unknown, Skyler stepped cautiously through the ground floor entrance hall. She jumped as several shots echoed through the building. With a trembling hand, Skyler reached for the Browning pistol Addison had given to her, but paused.

If she had to, would she actually use it? More importantly, Skyler considered, would wielding a weapon instantly label her a threat for elimination? She drew her hand away from the Browning. Like Addison had said, unless she found herself in immediate danger, and a situation that called for desperate measures, it was not recommended she brandish the pistol at all. Addison wanted her to use it as a call for help. Still, Skyler hoped she would never have to make that call.

From above, the sound of gunshots increased. Skyler paused, realizing the danger that lay ahead. Her green eyes caught sight of a lifeless body lying at the bottom of the stairs. Its face was unrecognisable due to the amount of dark red blood obscuring battered features. Whoever he was, he had died a quick but painful death. Skyler held little doubt it was Addison who had caused that death.

Deciding to press on, if at least to find her mother, Skyler approached the stairs. Don't look, she told herself, and stepped over the dead body blindly.

The stairs curved to the left. Skyler looked up the stone mounts as her confidence faltered. "What am I doing?" she asked herself. "There's a potential war zone up there and I'm running in to it?" Trepidation trickled through her veins. Skyler leaned back against the wall, hearing raised voices followed by more gunshots. She wanted to close her eyes, click her heels and wish herself, and her mother, a thousand miles away from this place, but what about Addison? Skyler's mind moved to the woman who was up those stairs, alone, and single-handedly fighting Brodie's men. Realizing the courage it must take for Addison to carry out her job, Skyler bolstered her own confidence. If Addison could do it, so could she.

Turning to continue her path up the steps, Skyler froze as she found herself confronted with one incredibly angry redhead. Brodie's eyes took on an almost joyful expression.

"We meet again," said the Irishwoman as she pointed her revolver at Skyler. "Interesting," she continued. "Now I am perplexed. Why would Addison Black bring you along, I wonder?" Brodie descended the steps forcing Skyler to back away. She walked backwards, only just managing to miss the body on the ground floor.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but anybody would think Agent Black cared about what happened to you." Brodie prodded her bottom lip with her left fingernail. "But that would beg the question, why would she leave you here, roaming around this place in such a dangerous situation?"

Skyler refused to speak. Suddenly finding herself face to face with Brodie brought to mind the malevolent capabilities of this woman and her fear increased tenfold.

"Miss Tidwell," Brodie suddenly adopted the expression of a scolding mother. "Have you been acting wilfully again?"

"Where's my mom?" Skyler asked. "Where's Addison?"

Brodie smiled maliciously. "They are the least of your concerns now, Miss Tidwell. I'd say I wouldn't be wrong in presuming Agent Black had a soft spot for you. If there's one thing I love it's spoiling anything that woman values."

The cold smile fell from Brodie's lips as she advanced upon Skyler.

Eating up the distance between herself and the door, Addison ran through the pa.s.sageway. She burst through the barrier and came to an abrupt halt, narrowly avoiding collision with a waist high, wrought iron railing. Standing in the cool open air, Addison looked to her right. She was presented by a recently installed, spiral-staircase. The thuds of descending feet sounded beneath her. The agent looked over the railing to see Marlene pushed down the steps by one of Brodie's henchmen. She took after them, keeping her focus on the pair's progress. As soon as they reached the bottom step and touched solid ground, Addison leaped over the railings. She fell eleven feet to the ground, barely landing upon her feet as the soldier tucked her body into a forward roll. Momentum pus.h.i.+ng her back to a st.u.r.dy stance, Addison found herself several feet away from Marlene and her retreating captor.

There was little thought, only a basic instinct, as Addison fired two rounds into the guard's back. Her aim was precise, swift and fatal. Marlene shrieked, terrified by the explosions. Brodies man fell to the ground but the professor kept on running, fear and confusion clouding her mind and sparking a simple impulse for survival.

"Professor Tidwell," Addison shouted.

She continued to run.

Addison started after her. "Marlene, it's okay, it's me, Addison... wait." She easily caught up with the fleeing woman, clasping her arm and pulling her to a halt. Marlene shrieked again but Addison clasped her with both hands, pistol still within her right, as she calmed her. "It's okay, it's me."

"Agent Black." Her relief was evident.

"Yes. You're okay, Professor Tidwell." Addison paused and looked around suddenly. She heard a group of rapidly approaching footsteps.

Taking Marlene by the arm, she led her swiftly over to the spiral staircase, situating her between the iron and the building wall. "Wait here and keep down."

Running back into the open, Addison holstered her Beretta and swiped an MP5 machine gun from the dead guard. She turned in time to see five of Brodie's men appear from the side. Addison fired instantly, releasing a stream of bullets upon the men. To keep moving was essential; it was the only way to dodge the weapon's fire aimed upon her. She ran to the right, feeling vibrations from the weapon aggravate her wounded palms. Cries of pain, as her would-be were hit, filled the air. Addison didn't stop firing. Her finger squeezing the trigger, she ran forwards, ready for more of Brodie's men. When the MP5 ran out of ammunition, Addison dropped it. She picked up another weapon from the scattering of fallen men and looked about. The atmosphere had stilled and the strong metallic aroma of fresh blood flooded her senses.

Breathing rapidly, Addison scanned her surroundings. Feeling a.s.sured that the present danger had eased, she headed back to where Marlene remained huddled behind the iron staircase.

The professor jumped as she felt a light touch upon her arm. She looked up; instinctively knowing the gentle contact would only come from a friendly presence.

"Are you alright?"

Sh.e.l.l-shocked eyes gazed upon Addison. "Is it over?"

The soldier looked around her once again. "I hope so. No doubt Mark Blithe has been monitoring the situation so I am sure company will arrive very soon." Addison helped Marlene to her feet as her thoughts turned to Skyler. "But right now we need to go and get..." her words silenced as the distant hum of a helicopter approached them. She turned to see the large, black aircraft swiftly approach.

Addison frowned; something about the helicopter didn't seem right. It appeared to be a standard military aircraft but its approach pattern was almost erratic. It began to land quite a distance away from them and Addison continued to aim the MP5 in its direction.


Black's head whipped to the left, instantly recognising the voice. Her heart leapt into her chest and Marlene cried out an anguished 'No!' as Skyler, held at gunpoint by Brodie, was dragged into view. The Irishwoman pulled her towards the helicopter.

"Brodie!" Addison bellowed, aiming her weapon. "Release her."

"Forget it, Black." Brodie pushed the steel barrel of her Colt revolver harder against Skyler's head. She pulled her roughly, causing Skyler to stumble in her effort to remain upright.

Addison moved closer, feeling the aircraft's propeller draft thrust against her face. Black hair danced furiously around her head. Her palms began to sweat, stinging the open cuts. Addison knew she had never felt this anxious before. She tried to take aim at Brodie but the redhead s.h.i.+elded the majority of her body behind Skyler. One miss-shot could hit Skyler and for the first time, Addison couldn't bring herself to take that chance.

"Do something," Marlene begged Addison. She called out her daughter's name helplessly.

"What use is she to you now?" shouted Addison, hoping to reason with Brodie before she boarded the helicopter.

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Black's Magic Part 12 summary

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