The Outpost An Untold Story Of American Valor Part 45

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Chapter 30: "Wish Me Luck"

Information about events at the aid station came from interviews with Rodriguez, Cordova, and Courville.

Events in the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds' barracks were described in interviews with Hill, Harder, Frunk, Dulaney, and Adams.

Events at the mortar pit were related in interviews with Rodriguez, Breeding, and Barroga. Thomson's autopsy results were included in the Swan report.

The content of Bundermann's radio call to the mortar pit and his initial actions in the operations center were recalled by him in interviews.

Events in the Red Platoon barracks were detailed in interviews with Romesha, Dannelley, Jones, Davidson, Gregory, and Knight.

The attack on OP Fritsche was described by Stickney and Bellamy in interviews.

"Black Knight_TOC" and "Keating2OPS" communications were included in the Swan report.


Events at LRAS-2 were recounted in interviews with Larson.

The activities of ANA soldiers and ASGs were relayed by Lakis and Dabolins and recorded in the Swan report.

Activities in the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds' barracks and the run to the ammo supply point were covered in interviews with Hill, Harder, Carter, and Francis.

Events in the shura building were described by Davidson, Knight, and Gregory in interviews. Kirk's autopsy results were included in the Swan report.

Activities in the aid station were summarized by Cordova, Courville, and Floyd in interviews, as well as in Stone's after-action report, incorporated in the Swan report.

Activities at the shura building were recalled by Courville, Davidson, Rasmussen, and Stanley. Activities at the aid station were reported by Cordova and Courville.

Activities at LRAS-1 were related by Koppes, Dannelley, and Jones in interviews.

The conversation between Francis and Dulaney was repeated in interviews with both men.

Breeding and Rodriguez described events at the mortar pit.

mIRC chat between and was reproduced in the Swan report.

Accounts of the activities at the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds' barracks were provided by Hill, Carter, Frunk, Rogers, Francis, and Harder.

Activities at the aid station were described in interviews with Cordova, Courville, Floyd, Chappell, Harder, and Francis.

Events at FOB Bostick were covered in interviews with Brown, Portis, Salentine, and Birchfield.

Events outside the Red Platoon barracks were recalled by Romesha, Gregory, Rasmussen, and Jones.

Larson and Carter gave descriptions of the activities in LRAS-2.

Daise's activities were related by him in an interview; myriad troops heard his "Enemy in the wire" call throughout the camp.

Chapter 32: Into This h.e.l.l

and mIRC chat was contained in the Swan report.

Bundermann, Burton, and others in the operations center shared details about activities there.

The F-15 bomb drops were described in the Swan report.

The conversation between Hill and Francis was recounted in interviews.

Activities in the aid station were recalled by Hill, Courville, Romesha, and Floyd in interviews.

In interviews, Koppes, Romesha, and Francis reviewed the events at LRAS-1.

The plan to rescue the men stuck at LRAS-2 was explained in interviews with Bundermann and Romesha as well as in Faulkner's after-action summary, which was included in the Swan report. Griffin's autopsy results were also part of the Swan report. Many troops heard Hardt's last words on the radio.

Thomas described his activities in an interview.

Chapter 33: Taking This b.i.t.c.h Back

Portis summarized events at FOB Bostick.

Carter and Larson's conversation was related in interviews with both men.

Romesha, Lakis, Dabolins, Gregory, Jones, and Dannelley described their efforts to fight back.

Activities in and around LRAS-2 were detailed by Larson and Carter in interviews.

Bundermann and Shrode recalled activities inside the operations center.

Diagram information came from interviews as well as the Swan report.

Bundermann, Romesha, Hill, and Burton recounted their conversations about consolidating the outpost and fighting to take it back.

Romesha, Gregory, Rasmussen, Dulaney, Dannelley, and Jones all talked about the moment when they decided to go out and take the outpost back.

Chapter 34: The Apaches

Interviews with Lewallen and Wright informed this chapter, as did an interview with Bundermann.

Information about Apache weapons systems was provided by Boeing.

Romesha, Rasmussen, Dulaney, Dannelley, and Jones all described in interviews their activities to take back the outpost.

In interviews, Hill, Davidson, Rogers, and Gregory reviewed their efforts in the middle of the outpost.

Thomas recalled the Latvians' coming into the barracks.

Hill and Francis both recounted their conversation in interviews.

Romesha, Jones, Dannelley, Dulaney, and Rasmussen talked about their push to the shura building/entry control point.

In interviews, Carter and Larson detailed their escape from LRAS-2.

Chapter 35: The Fundamentals

In interviews, Harder and Francis described their push to the ANA side of the outpost.

Breeding, Rodriguez, and Barroga covered events at the mortar pit.

Events in the aid station were recounted by Harder, Cordova, Courville, and Bundermann.

Larson and Romesha's conversation was related by both men in interviews. Romesha, Larson, Rasmussen, and Chappell reviewed the activities in the shura building.

The conversation between Brown and Lewallen at FOB Bostick was recalled by both men.

In interviews, Hill and Francis told the story of Hill's shooting the sniper.

Chapter 36: Blood and Embers

Information about the transfusions given to Mace came from Cordova, Courville, and Floyd; a more general explanation was provided by a presentation by Captain James R. Rice, Battlefield Blood Transfusion Battlefield Blood Transfusion (Tactical Combat Medical Care, Fort Sam Houston). (Tactical Combat Medical Care, Fort Sam Houston).

Lewallen, Wright, Bundermann, Harder, Davidson, and Romesha all described the air support.

Carter, Kahn, and Hill recalled Carter's efforts to chop down the tree.

Brown, Lewallen, and Wright furnished information about the helicopters during interviews.

Information about the QRF was taken from interviews with Brown, Sax, and Miraldi.

Information about the MQ-1 Predator was drawn from the Swan report.

Information about the recovery of fallen soldiers came from interviews with Hill, Bundermann, Romesha, Avalos, Kahn, Rasmussen, Grissette, Stanley, Dulaney, and Courville.

Larson and Romesha both recounted Larson's actions in interviews.

Chapter 37: The Long Walk Down

Romesha and Bundermann described their conversation over the radio in interviews.

Information about the QRF's arriving at FOB Bostick, flying in to OP Fritsche, and proceeding down the mountain came from interviews with Brown, Sax, Miraldi, Portis, Bellamy, Salentine, Birchfield, Barnes, and Shrode.

The account of the recovery of Hardt's body was provided by Hill and Francis in interviews. Hardt's autopsy results were included in the Swan report.

Salentine, Romesha, Larson, Grissette, Cady, Bundermann, Portis, Jones, and Koppes supplied details about the end of the day.

Chapter 38: Saint Christopher

Information about Mace's leaving COP Keating was drawn from an interview with Cordova.

Information about Mace's Saint Christopher medal came from his mother, Vanessa Adelson.

Information about Mace's arrival at FOB Bostick was provided by Wilson and Zagol. Mace's autopsy results were included in the Swan report. Hull provided the details about the Saint Christopher's medal.

Information about the ANA was derived from interviews with Sax, Miraldi, Brown, Lakis, and Dabolins as well as from the Swan report.

Brown, Portis, Salentine, Romesha, Hill, and Larson shared in interviews their recollections of their last days at COP Keating.

Portis's interactions with Kamdesh elders were recalled by him in an interview. Portis's journal excerpt was shared by him.

Details about troops' leaving COP Keating were taken from interviews with Brown, Portis, Burton, Romesha, and Larson. Additional information and photographs came from the Swan report.

Anonymous sources supplied information about the drone strike on Abdul Rahman. Other information came from a memo obtained by the author. Local media reported on his death, including Abdul Moeed Hashmi, "Commander Mustaghni Killed in Kamdesh Air Raid: Badar," in Pajhwok Afghan News, Pajhwok Afghan News, October 10, 2009. October 10, 2009.

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The Outpost An Untold Story Of American Valor Part 45 summary

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