The Outpost An Untold Story Of American Valor Part 46

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Chapter 39: Two Purple Hearts and Just One Scar

The Swan report; McChrystal's December 27, 2009, "Memorandum for the Record"; and Brown's January 2, 2010, letter acknowledging his formal reprimand are here quoted from directly.

Brown's personal response was described by him in an interview.

The quotes from insurgents were taken from videos of the attack posted on the Internet by enemy forces. Translations were furnished by Javid Nuristani.

The Taliban spokesman was quoted in Todd Pitman, "U.S. forces Leave Isolated Afghan Base after Attack," a.s.sociated Press, October 9, 2009.

Details about the end of Ed Faulkner, Jr.'s time in the Army, and the end of his life, came from interviews with his father (Faulkner, Sr.), sister (Faulkner Minor), Hill, Faulkner's own Facebook page updates, Brown, Casey, police reports, Kology, Shane Brown, and the North Carolina medical examiner's autopsy report.

Similar accounts of Hill and Carter's conversation were shared by both men in interviews.


The author's visit to FOB Bostick took place in October and November 2011.

Casey told his story and expressed his thoughts in an interview.

The RAND study referenced in the text is Rerri Ranielian and Lisa Jayc.o.x, eds., Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to a.s.sist Recovery Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to a.s.sist Recovery (Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation, 2008). (Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation, 2008).

Information about Newsom and his Special Forces work came from interviews with him.

Obama's press conference was held in Chicago on May 21, 2012.

1 A squadron comprises some five hundred to six hundred soldiers. A squadron comprises some five hundred to six hundred soldiers.

2 The noted Nuristan linguist and expert Richard Strand suggests that a more accurate spelling of "Urmul" would be "umur." Here as elsewhere, however, for the purposes of narrative ease for the reader, this book will defer to the more popular-if not necessarily the more accurate-Afghan spelling and reference. The noted Nuristan linguist and expert Richard Strand suggests that a more accurate spelling of "Urmul" would be "umur." Here as elsewhere, however, for the purposes of narrative ease for the reader, this book will defer to the more popular-if not necessarily the more accurate-Afghan spelling and reference.

3 These words are commonly translated into English as "G.o.d is great," though a more accurate translation might be "G.o.d is the greatest" or "G.o.d is the most transcendent"-meaning, "G.o.d is the most powerful being in the universe." In the context of military operations in Afghanistan, "Allahu Akbar" might best be rendered as "G.o.d is greater than our enemy." These words are commonly translated into English as "G.o.d is great," though a more accurate translation might be "G.o.d is the greatest" or "G.o.d is the most transcendent"-meaning, "G.o.d is the most powerful being in the universe." In the context of military operations in Afghanistan, "Allahu Akbar" might best be rendered as "G.o.d is greater than our enemy."

4 ISAF is the acronym for International Security a.s.sistance Force, the formal name of the coalition fighting the war in Afghanistan. Formed in October 2001 to establish security in Kabul, ISAF in 2003 had its charter extended by the United Nations to cover the entirety of the country. In October 2006, ISAF officially expanded into the region this book is focused on, eastern Afghanistan. The coalition has consisted of personnel from more than forty countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Latvia, Poland, and Australia. This book will generally identify the forces as "U.S.," since that was overwhelmingly their nationality, except where otherwise noted. ISAF is the acronym for International Security a.s.sistance Force, the formal name of the coalition fighting the war in Afghanistan. Formed in October 2001 to establish security in Kabul, ISAF in 2003 had its charter extended by the United Nations to cover the entirety of the country. In October 2006, ISAF officially expanded into the region this book is focused on, eastern Afghanistan. The coalition has consisted of personnel from more than forty countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Latvia, Poland, and Australia. This book will generally identify the forces as "U.S.," since that was overwhelmingly their nationality, except where otherwise noted.

5 Sergeant Kevin "Big Ake" Akins of Burnsville, North Carolina; Sergeant Anton Hiett of Mount Airy, North Carolina; Specialist Joshua Hill of Fairmount, Indiana; and Staff Sergeant Joseph Ray of Asheville, North Carolina. Sergeant Kevin "Big Ake" Akins of Burnsville, North Carolina; Sergeant Anton Hiett of Mount Airy, North Carolina; Specialist Joshua Hill of Fairmount, Indiana; and Staff Sergeant Joseph Ray of Asheville, North Carolina.

6 Technically, Able Troop was at this point still "Ares" Troop and would not change its nomenclature to "Able" until a few months later. But for simplicity's sake, this book will call the company Able Troop. Technically, Able Troop was at this point still "Ares" Troop and would not change its nomenclature to "Able" until a few months later. But for simplicity's sake, this book will call the company Able Troop.

7 Frank L. Holt, Frank L. Holt, Into the Land of Bones: Alexander the Great in Afghanistan Into the Land of Bones: Alexander the Great in Afghanistan (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005), pp. 2021. (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005), pp. 2021.

8 p.r.o.nounced so it rhymes with "fig." p.r.o.nounced so it rhymes with "fig."

9 Another Hezb-e-Islami faction, Hezb-e-Islami Khalis, also fought in the 1980s. On November 12, 1987, its leader, Mohammed Yunnus Khalis, in his capacity as chairman of the Islamic Alliance of Afghan Mujahideen (which at the time was fighting the USSR), met in the Oval Office with President Ronald Reagan. According to intelligence officers, Khalis helped bin Laden escape at Tora Bora in 2001. He "died in his sleep" in Pakistan in 2006. A third Hezb-e-Islami faction-named simply Hezb-e-Islami-is a political party whose members sit in Parliament, though they do not act as a cohesive group. Another Hezb-e-Islami faction, Hezb-e-Islami Khalis, also fought in the 1980s. On November 12, 1987, its leader, Mohammed Yunnus Khalis, in his capacity as chairman of the Islamic Alliance of Afghan Mujahideen (which at the time was fighting the USSR), met in the Oval Office with President Ronald Reagan. According to intelligence officers, Khalis helped bin Laden escape at Tora Bora in 2001. He "died in his sleep" in Pakistan in 2006. A third Hezb-e-Islami faction-named simply Hezb-e-Islami-is a political party whose members sit in Parliament, though they do not act as a cohesive group.

10 Lance Corporal Nicholas Anderson of Sauk City, Wisconsin. Lance Corporal Nicholas Anderson of Sauk City, Wisconsin.

11 Not his real name. In a number of cases in this book, including Snyder's, the real names of Special Forces troops, military intelligence collectors, and Afghans who worked with the Americans have been withheld, either at their own request or out of concern for their safety. Not his real name. In a number of cases in this book, including Snyder's, the real names of Special Forces troops, military intelligence collectors, and Afghans who worked with the Americans have been withheld, either at their own request or out of concern for their safety.

12 The members of the original SEAL team killed were Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy from Patchogue, New York; STG2 Matthew Axelson from Cupertino, California; and GM2 Danny Dietz from Littleton, Colorado. Lost on the Chinook were FCC Jacques J. Fontan of New Orleans, Louisiana; ITCS Daniel R. Healy from Exeter, New Hamps.h.i.+re; LCDR Erik S. Kristensen from San Diego, California; ET1 Jeffrey A. Lucas of Corbett, Oregon; Lieutenant Michael M. McGreevy, Jr., from Portville, New York; QM2 James E. Suh of Deerfield Beach, Florida; HM1 Jeffrey S. Taylor from Midway, West Virginia; MM2 Shane E. Patton of Boulder City, Nevada; Staff Sergeant Shamus O. Goare from Danville, Ohio; CWO3 Corey J. Goodnature of Clarks Grove, Minnesota; Sergeant Kip A. Jacoby from Pompano Beach, Florida; Sergeant First Cla.s.s Marcus V. Muralles from Shelbyville, Indiana; Master Sergeant James W. Ponder III from Franklin, Tennessee; Major Stephen C. Reich from Was.h.i.+ngton Depot, Connecticut; Sergeant First Cla.s.s Michael L. Russell from Stafford, Virginia; and CWO4 Chris J. Scherkenbach from Jacksonville, Florida. For more on this mission, read Marcus Luttrell with Patrick Robinson, The members of the original SEAL team killed were Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy from Patchogue, New York; STG2 Matthew Axelson from Cupertino, California; and GM2 Danny Dietz from Littleton, Colorado. Lost on the Chinook were FCC Jacques J. Fontan of New Orleans, Louisiana; ITCS Daniel R. Healy from Exeter, New Hamps.h.i.+re; LCDR Erik S. Kristensen from San Diego, California; ET1 Jeffrey A. Lucas of Corbett, Oregon; Lieutenant Michael M. McGreevy, Jr., from Portville, New York; QM2 James E. Suh of Deerfield Beach, Florida; HM1 Jeffrey S. Taylor from Midway, West Virginia; MM2 Shane E. Patton of Boulder City, Nevada; Staff Sergeant Shamus O. Goare from Danville, Ohio; CWO3 Corey J. Goodnature of Clarks Grove, Minnesota; Sergeant Kip A. Jacoby from Pompano Beach, Florida; Sergeant First Cla.s.s Marcus V. Muralles from Shelbyville, Indiana; Master Sergeant James W. Ponder III from Franklin, Tennessee; Major Stephen C. Reich from Was.h.i.+ngton Depot, Connecticut; Sergeant First Cla.s.s Michael L. Russell from Stafford, Virginia; and CWO4 Chris J. Scherkenbach from Jacksonville, Florida. For more on this mission, read Marcus Luttrell with Patrick Robinson, Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 (Boston and New York: Little, Brown, 2009). Luttrell was, as the t.i.tle of his book indicates, the only member of the original team who survived. (Boston and New York: Little, Brown, 2009). Luttrell was, as the t.i.tle of his book indicates, the only member of the original team who survived.

13 Some maps located the Kotya Valley just outside of Nuristan Province, in Kunar Province, the result of a dispute over the Ghaziabad District between the two provinces. The borders on the 2002 map drawn up by the interim Afghan government placed Kotya in Kunar, a designation that many experts considered woefully divorced from reality. Berkoff at one point told the Afghan police chief in Naray, in Kunar Province, that his forces needed to head to Gawardesh-technically in Kunar-only to be informed by the chief that the map was wrong, and Gawardesh was in Nuristan. The Nuristan expert Richard Strand would advise military officers who consulted him on the matter that such errors led to needless jurisdictional disputes and were too often seen by Nuristanis as part of a scheme to steal their land. Joshua Foust, a civilian who worked for the Human Terrain System, would advance a similar argument, maintaining that the bad map-making also caused confusion about which U.S. troops should be in charge where. Some maps located the Kotya Valley just outside of Nuristan Province, in Kunar Province, the result of a dispute over the Ghaziabad District between the two provinces. The borders on the 2002 map drawn up by the interim Afghan government placed Kotya in Kunar, a designation that many experts considered woefully divorced from reality. Berkoff at one point told the Afghan police chief in Naray, in Kunar Province, that his forces needed to head to Gawardesh-technically in Kunar-only to be informed by the chief that the map was wrong, and Gawardesh was in Nuristan. The Nuristan expert Richard Strand would advise military officers who consulted him on the matter that such errors led to needless jurisdictional disputes and were too often seen by Nuristanis as part of a scheme to steal their land. Joshua Foust, a civilian who worked for the Human Terrain System, would advance a similar argument, maintaining that the bad map-making also caused confusion about which U.S. troops should be in charge where.

14 On this mission to retrieve his goggles, Private First Cla.s.s Daniel McClenney of Flat Creek, Tennessee, took with him Lance Corporal Juston Thacker of Princeton, West Virginia, and Lance Corporal Brian Molby of Troy, Michigan. Molby was the lone survivor. On this mission to retrieve his goggles, Private First Cla.s.s Daniel McClenney of Flat Creek, Tennessee, took with him Lance Corporal Juston Thacker of Princeton, West Virginia, and Lance Corporal Brian Molby of Troy, Michigan. Molby was the lone survivor.

15 Technically, this group of infantrymen, Charlie Company, was nicknamed the Gladiators at this point and would become Cherokee only later in the deployment. But for ease and consistency, this book will refer to the unit as "Cherokee" for the duration. A "troop" and a "company" are the same thing-each comprising three to four platoons of anywhere from one hundred to two hundred soldiers-but the first term is used for Cavalry, and the second for Infantry. Thus, while 3-71 Cav was itself a Cavalry unit, Cherokee Company consisted of infantrymen. Technically, this group of infantrymen, Charlie Company, was nicknamed the Gladiators at this point and would become Cherokee only later in the deployment. But for ease and consistency, this book will refer to the unit as "Cherokee" for the duration. A "troop" and a "company" are the same thing-each comprising three to four platoons of anywhere from one hundred to two hundred soldiers-but the first term is used for Cavalry, and the second for Infantry. Thus, while 3-71 Cav was itself a Cavalry unit, Cherokee Company consisted of infantrymen.

16 Literally, "State." Literally, "State."

17 Camel spiders, like spiders, are members of the cla.s.s Arachnida, but they're of a different order, Solifugae. Camel spiders, like spiders, are members of the cla.s.s Arachnida, but they're of a different order, Solifugae.

18 The Waygal Valley in Nuristan. The Waygal Valley in Nuristan.

19 From the acronym DShK, for "Degtyaryova Shpagina Krupnokaliberny"-named after its creators, Vasily Alekseyevich Degtyaryov and Georgi Shpagin. From the acronym DShK, for "Degtyaryova Shpagina Krupnokaliberny"-named after its creators, Vasily Alekseyevich Degtyaryov and Georgi Shpagin. Krupnokaliberny Krupnokaliberny translates as "large-caliber." translates as "large-caliber." Dushka Dushka means "sweetie" in Russian. means "sweetie" in Russian.

20 Some intelligence a.n.a.lysts read such "possibly Chechen" labels as meaning, more accurately, "light-skinned persons whose language we can't identify." Some intelligence a.n.a.lysts read such "possibly Chechen" labels as meaning, more accurately, "light-skinned persons whose language we can't identify."

21 No relation to Major Richard Timmons. No relation to Major Richard Timmons.

22 A Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, a very large transport aircraft used by the military. A Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, a very large transport aircraft used by the military.

23 The National Risk and Vulnerability a.s.sessment 2005 The National Risk and Vulnerability a.s.sessment 2005, published by the Afghan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and the Central Statistics Office.

24 Ibid. Ibid.

25 First developed in the USSR, AKs are gas-operated, selective-fire a.s.sault rifles, said to be the most widely used weapons in the world. First developed in the USSR, AKs are gas-operated, selective-fire a.s.sault rifles, said to be the most widely used weapons in the world.

26 Matthew Cole attended this shura and wrote about it in an influential Matthew Cole attended this shura and wrote about it in an influential story ent.i.tled "Watching Afghanistan Fall" (February 2007). The dialogue here is taken from that story. story ent.i.tled "Watching Afghanistan Fall" (February 2007). The dialogue here is taken from that story.

27 The valley in which the outpost was located was actually named Nichingal, but few Americans knew that or referred to it that way. For simplicity's sake, this book will call it the Kamdesh Valley. The valley in which the outpost was located was actually named Nichingal, but few Americans knew that or referred to it that way. For simplicity's sake, this book will call it the Kamdesh Valley.

28 Steven Pressfield, Steven Pressfield, The Afghan Campaign The Afghan Campaign (New York: Broadway Books, 2006). Excerpt copyright 2006 Steven Pressfield, used with permission of the author. (New York: Broadway Books, 2006). Excerpt copyright 2006 Steven Pressfield, used with permission of the author.

29 Tahkim Tahkim means to "reinforce" or "strengthen," and means to "reinforce" or "strengthen," and sulh sulh means "peace." means "peace."

30 PTS originally had nothing to do with the United States, but in some ways, the Americans tried to co-opt this co-opting scheme. They figured if the bad guys were reintegrated through a program in which they played some role, their intel collectors could interview them and obtain useful information. This made perfect sense to the Americans, though from the perspective of the Afghan government, it was not the way PTS was supposed to work. PTS originally had nothing to do with the United States, but in some ways, the Americans tried to co-opt this co-opting scheme. They figured if the bad guys were reintegrated through a program in which they played some role, their intel collectors could interview them and obtain useful information. This made perfect sense to the Americans, though from the perspective of the Afghan government, it was not the way PTS was supposed to work.

31 U.S. Combined Forces Command Afghanistan had by that point handed over all operational responsibilities to NATO/ISAF and would soon be deactivated. U.S. Combined Forces Command Afghanistan had by that point handed over all operational responsibilities to NATO/ISAF and would soon be deactivated.

32 No relation to Master Sergeant Terry Best. No relation to Master Sergeant Terry Best.

33 A POG is a "person other than grunt." A POG is a "person other than grunt."

34 Legion Company belonged to the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, and had been "attached" to 1-91 Cav. Jacob Lowell had been a member of Legion Company. Legion Company belonged to the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, and had been "attached" to 1-91 Cav. Jacob Lowell had been a member of Legion Company.

35 A 2011 study of aid projects in Afghanistan would conclude that though the root causes of unrest and conflict in Afghanistan were often political, international stabilization projects "tended to lay more emphasis on socio-economic rather than political drivers of conflict, and therefore primarily focused on addressing issues such as unemployment, illiteracy, lack of social services, and inadequate infrastructure such as roads. As a result, aid projects were often not addressing the main sources of conflict, and in some cases fueled conflict by distributing resources that rival groups then fought over" (Paul Fishstein and Andrew Wilder, A 2011 study of aid projects in Afghanistan would conclude that though the root causes of unrest and conflict in Afghanistan were often political, international stabilization projects "tended to lay more emphasis on socio-economic rather than political drivers of conflict, and therefore primarily focused on addressing issues such as unemployment, illiteracy, lack of social services, and inadequate infrastructure such as roads. As a result, aid projects were often not addressing the main sources of conflict, and in some cases fueled conflict by distributing resources that rival groups then fought over" (Paul Fishstein and Andrew Wilder, Winning Hearts and Minds? Examining the Relations.h.i.+p between Aid and Security in Afghanistan, Winning Hearts and Minds? Examining the Relations.h.i.+p between Aid and Security in Afghanistan, Tufts University, 2011). Tufts University, 2011).

36 p.r.o.nounced "FRITCH-ee." p.r.o.nounced "FRITCH-ee."

37 According to Richard Strand, the Kom have a reputation for being "wild and crazy" and often make bets involving outlandish behavior. One Kamdes.h.i.+ friend of Strand's was well known for betting he could climb up a log ladder with a heavy tripod-used to hold large stone pots over a fire-hooked over his erect p.e.n.i.s. "He did so and insured his place in local lore forever," Strand says. According to Richard Strand, the Kom have a reputation for being "wild and crazy" and often make bets involving outlandish behavior. One Kamdes.h.i.+ friend of Strand's was well known for betting he could climb up a log ladder with a heavy tripod-used to hold large stone pots over a fire-hooked over his erect p.e.n.i.s. "He did so and insured his place in local lore forever," Strand says.

38 Baird had suffered nerve damage to, and a loss of mobility in, his right arm but was able to remain in the military. Sultan had lost an eye and was subsequently discharged. Baird had suffered nerve damage to, and a loss of mobility in, his right arm but was able to remain in the military. Sultan had lost an eye and was subsequently discharged.

39 "Kinetic" operations are combat operations. "Kinetic" operations are combat operations.

40 Sebastian Junger's excellent book Sebastian Junger's excellent book WAR WAR and doc.u.mentary film and doc.u.mentary film Restrepo: One Platoon, One Valley, One Year, Restrepo: One Platoon, One Valley, One Year, which he shot with the late Tim Hetherington, provide captivating looks at fourteen months in the Korangal with one platoon from the 173rd Airborne during this period. which he shot with the late Tim Hetherington, provide captivating looks at fourteen months in the Korangal with one platoon from the 173rd Airborne during this period.

41 Specifically, Shabbaz moved east toward Bazgal. One late afternoon a few weeks later, a Predator drone detected a group of enemy fighters near the road west of the Bazgal Bridge, heading toward a cave. Kolenda gave permission to fire, and the Predator launched a missile from eighteen thousand feet. Shabbaz, severely wounded, never bothered anyone again. Specifically, Shabbaz moved east toward Bazgal. One late afternoon a few weeks later, a Predator drone detected a group of enemy fighters near the road west of the Bazgal Bridge, heading toward a cave. Kolenda gave permission to fire, and the Predator launched a missile from eighteen thousand feet. Shabbaz, severely wounded, never bothered anyone again.

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The Outpost An Untold Story Of American Valor Part 46 summary

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