Alpha. Part 14

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She set her knife and fork down and stood. "If not now, then when?"

I faced her, seeing the challenge in her eyes. There were three ways I could go about this: tell her the rest of the truth, which would only upset both of us, refuse to tell her anything, which would p.i.s.s her off, or distract her. My c.o.c.k preferred the last, and I grinned, walking toward her.

"When the time is right, which is not now. In fact, I think now is the time to make good on that promise I made earlier. Do you remember what it was?"

A deep crimson warmed her face.

"I see you do. Go upstairs and get ready for me. On the bed, naked, on your hands and knees, your a.s.s to the door. Time for me to claim that last part of you."

"Zane, I don't know if I can...take you...there."

I smiled, rubbing her arms. "I'll admit it'll be a tight squeeze, but I'll go slowly - to start - and I'm sure you'll manage. Now, be a good girl and get ready for me." I reached for the hem of the T-s.h.i.+rt she wore and dragged it up over her head so she stood naked. "See, I'm already helping you." I turned her and slapped her a.s.s once. "Go get ready. I'll be up in a few minutes. You don't want more belt strokes, do you?"

She shook her head.

"Good. Go on."

It took her a moment, but soon, she was walking obediently up the stairs and my c.o.c.k twitched in antic.i.p.ation.

Chapter Seventeen.

Aria He was going to f.u.c.k my a.s.s.

I'd always fantasized about a.n.a.l s.e.x. It was something I always thought I'd want and like, but Zane - he was huge. His c.o.c.k was eight inches at least and thick. There was no way I'd be able to stand having him in there.

But even while those thoughts were going through my head, my p.u.s.s.y was throbbing at the idea of him really doing it, of Zane claiming me there. It would be the ultimate in submission to give that part of myself to him. He wouldn't take it without my permission, but I would give it. There was no doubt of that.

I climbed up onto the bed and positioned myself as he'd asked, on my hands and knees, my a.s.s to the door, feeling the heat of embarra.s.sment on my face and neck. But, given that, I was equally aroused and curious. I'd liked his fingers inside me there. I'd liked his tongue licking me. I wanted him to f.u.c.k me there, too. I wanted his c.o.c.k inside my a.s.s and, most of all, I wanted to feel his c.u.m spew inside me, inside my a.s.s. I'd be wholly his then, in every way.

The door opened. I glanced back to find Zane standing in jeans, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

"Now that is a sight I will never tire of."

I wiggled my a.s.s for him but still felt more embarra.s.sed than anything else.

From a drawer in the nightstand, he retrieved a bottle of lubricant. Watching me, he opened it and squeezed a generous amount onto one hand.

"Lay your face on the bed and reach back to spread your a.s.s cheeks open for me."

My mouth fell open. G.o.d. No. I couldn't. I couldn't do that.

The smirk on his face told me he knew what was going through my head, but he only kept rubbing the lube over two fingers. "You want this, Aria. You want me to claim your a.s.s. You want me to f.u.c.k it just like you wanted me to lick it earlier. Now, do as I say, or I'll take my belt to you first."

He was right. I did want this. I wanted every part of it, and his words, as much as they humiliated me, made me wetter than ever for him.

"One more thing. I want your eyes on me while you present yourself to me. And I want them on me while I lube your pretty little a.s.shole up. You're not to hide while I play with that little hole of yours."

Christ. He knew exactly what b.u.t.tons to push.

I lay my face down, keeping my eyes on him as I reached back to pull myself wide for him, exposing myself wholly.

"Good girl." He walked behind me, his gaze locked on my a.s.s. He kept his jeans on as he climbed up between my knees and squeezed lubricant onto my lower back. I sucked in a breath at how cool it felt. "Eyes on me."

I nodded as he met my gaze, our eyes locked as he smeared the lube down toward his goal, and when he began to rub circles around it, my mouth opened, the sensation of him touching me there so f.u.c.king different from anything else.

"It'll be easier on you if you push against my fingers."

I nodded, trying to do as he'd said but struggling. My body didn't want to obey.

"Give it up, Aria. Just like before."

And as he said it, I did, and felt one finger breach the ring and slide into my a.s.shole, smearing lubricant inside me while I held my breath, wanting so much for him to touch, just touch, my c.l.i.t.

"That's it. I want you nice and slippery in there." He withdrew his finger, to my disappointment, but it was only to smear more lube onto it before sliding in again, slowly pumping his finger in and out of me while, with his other hand, he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down. I panicked for a moment when I saw it again, saw his c.o.c.k unleashed, and I pulled away, rolling onto my side.

"Zane, I'm scared. I'm scared it'll hurt."

He stood and pushed his jeans all the way off. "I promise I'll make you come. Now, back up into position."

I hesitated.

"Do you like my fingers in your a.s.s?"

I nodded.

"Then you'll love my c.o.c.k inside it. I can't wait to come inside your a.s.s, Aria. Do you want that? Do you want to feel me come inside your pretty little a.s.shole?"

He held out his hand and I took it, swallowing, relieved not to have to answer that question. Too ashamed to say that yes, I wanted exactly that.

"Put your face down, a.s.s up to me. Hollow out your back. Just like that. Now stay."

He took more lubricant and smeared it over his c.o.c.k, ma.s.saging it as he did, making it grow even larger. He then twisted both fingers back inside me, making me shudder, pumping in and out a few more times before declaring me ready to take him.

"Up on your forearms now. And face forward."

I did as he said, finding that last direction added to my already-heightened state of arousal, of anxiety. Without sight, I was giving him one more piece of me, one further surrender.

As soon as I felt the head of his c.o.c.k at my entrance, his fingers closed over my c.l.i.t. He worked slowly, rubbing himself against my entrance, taking his time as his well-lubricated c.o.c.k teased me for long moments before the pressure of his entrance made me stiffen.

"Shh. Relax. It will go easier."

I fisted the sheets, trying to relax, knowing he was right, but the pain of his too-big c.o.c.k was too much. Tears in my eyes, I began to shake my head, but, as I did, he gripped a handful of hair and tugged my head backward so I was forced to look at him.

"You're going to take my c.o.c.k inside your a.s.s now, Aria. And when you're ready, I'm going to f.u.c.k it, and you're going to beg me to f.u.c.k it hard. You don't believe that right now, but I promise you will. Now, face forward and feel. Take it. You want this. You want me to come inside your a.s.s. Imagine how that's going to feel."

He released my hair and I nodded, feeling just as he'd said. Feeling the thick head an inch inside me, feeling myself stretch to accommodate him and, slowly, I relaxed, and he moved, claiming more of me. Every inch was pain, each claiming costing me tears. But he moved slowly, taking and retreating then taking more, slowly working his way inside me, pumping gently until, finally, he stilled, and I felt his b.a.l.l.s touch my p.u.s.s.y.

"I'm in. I'm all the way inside you now. Feel me?"


He squeezed my c.l.i.t.


He pulled out slowly, just a little, then pushed back in, and each time he did it, the thrusts came a little harder until, finally, he was almost all the way out and easily sliding in and out of me. He was right.

"Harder, Zane."

I wanted this. I wanted him to f.u.c.k me. I wanted the pain that came with the pleasure. And I wanted to feel every moment of it.

Twisting my hair in his palm, he turned me to face him, his grin saying I told you so.

"You know what I like?" he began, alternately looking at me then at his c.o.c.k disappearing inside my a.s.s as he moved faster and faster, thrusting harder and harder. "I like seeing your a.s.s like this, stretched to take me. I like knowing that I'm your first."

"I'm going to come soon, Zane." He was working my c.l.i.t too fast and with the sensation inside my a.s.s, the feel of him thrusting, growing thicker, combined with his words, it was all pus.h.i.+ng me over the edge.

"Come then, baby. Come so I can fill you up."

He held onto me, watching me as he f.u.c.ked me harder, squeezing my c.l.i.t hard when I came, making me call out, feeling him swell inside my a.s.s. I watched him, his face, his eyes as his c.o.c.k thickened and his thrusts grew faster for one moment before he impaled me one final time, his c.o.c.k throbbing as I came once more, feeling him come inside me, fill me up with him and claim me wholly, making me his.

Chapter Eighteen.

Zane Your phone ringing in the middle of the night was never a good thing.

Aria moved beside me as I sat up, picking up my cell phone and looking at the display. It was an unknown caller.

"Who is it?" Aria asked.

"Don't know." I answered the call. "This is Zane Von."

"Zane?" A woman's voice came through, whispering. And from what I could pick up, crying.

"Who is this?" I knew as soon as I asked. My heart thundered in my chest as I switched on the lamp beside the bed.

"It's me. Maria."

"What's happened?" She wouldn't be calling me unless my father couldn't help her.

"It's bad, Zane." A sniffle. "He'd been suspicious of him for months. He should have told you when you were here. I told him to, but he's so stubborn."

"Talk to me, Maria. I can't understand what you're saying." It was as though she was having the conversation with herself. "Tell me what's happened. Is my father -"

She sucked in a breath and Aria leaned in, questions in her eyes.

"Maria." My tone was harsher than I'd intended. I sounded like the Alpha.

If something bad had happened to my father, I'd feel it. Wouldn't I? We were connected. But what if, when I'd severed ties, that was lost as well?

"He's hurt, Zane. Bad. Your father's been hurt."

"How? Who?" I tossed the covers off.


One word. It was all I needed to hear. I was a fool. I was an ignorant, selfish, stupid fool. Fly had been telling me for months. I f.u.c.king knew it myself! But I'd ignored it, disregarded everything. Even when I'd gone to see him, Ace had acted strangely; I'd felt it.

"Where is my father?"

"Ace locked him up. He's in the jailhouse, unconscious. Ace has men on him, keeping him that way. He didn't kill him because he was afraid you'd know."

I slammed my fist into the wall, cursing everything. f.u.c.k. If he was unconscious, this wasn't a good thing. And I had no doubt how Ace was managing to keep him that way: by beating the s.h.i.+t out of him continuously.

"Where's my cousin now?" Each word was accented by a deep growl.

"Somewhere on the compound. He's killing people, Zane."

I didn't doubt for a moment that he had expected Maria to make this call. That he wanted me to come. I'd be on his turf then; his men would easily outnumber me. And that would be the coward's way.

I glanced at Aria, who sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for me.

"Where are you, Maria?"

"I'm hiding in the safe room in the house."

"Ace doesn't know about it?"

"No. Cain never shared that with anyone but me. And you."

He hadn't trusted Ace fully. He never had. Guilt tore through my chest.

"Okay. You stay there, Maria. Do not come out until I come to get you, understand?"

"Yes. Yes, I understand."

"Cameras still work okay?" My father had installed state of the art equipment to keep his family safe in case of any attack.

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Alpha. Part 14 summary

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