Alpha. Part 9

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She moved, stretching her arms over head, yawning. "Zane?" So f.u.c.king innocent, even the way she called for me. "What are you doing?"

I straightened while she rubbed sleep from her eyes.

"Just looking at you, baby. Thinking about all the things I want to do to you."

She blushed, sitting up and pulling the covers up to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Or trying to. That wasn't going to work for me. I dragged the blanket down.

"No. When you're in my bed, you don't cover yourself."

"Have you had many women in your bed?"

"Only one in here now."

She made a face.

"The only one I want."

I climbed up over her, resting my weight on her, taking her mouth, turning onto my back as I did, pulling her to straddle me. Taking hold of her hips, I broke the kiss to look at her sitting there, her wet p.u.s.s.y on my c.o.c.k, the head of it peeking out between the wet lips. I palmed both b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading them, turning the nipples in my hands while I watched her face. She winced, and I eased off, gripping her hips again and moving her across my length before lifting her so she was on her knees over my c.o.c.k, her hands on my wrists.

"Link your fingers behind your head."

When she did, I turned my attention back to that wet p.u.s.s.y, the lips gaping, hungry to take my c.o.c.k.

"Hard or soft, Aria?"


"That's my girl." I impaled her on my c.o.c.k. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip when I ground her into me before raising her to do it again, but, this time, I cupped her a.s.s cheeks and pulled them apart, my fingers finding that other little hole there, one closing over it. The confused look on her face made me grin, and when she opened her mouth, I pulled her onto me again, this time pressing on her a.s.shole as I did.

She sucked in a breath as I lifted her slightly and dragged her slowly down along my shaft, now wet with her juices. The next time I lifted her off, I waited until she opened her eyes.

"Come here, Aria. Straddle my face."

Her nipples tightened at the command, and she moved slowly, still shy. I liked that. Liked that it was so easy to make her blush. But she did as I said and placed her knees on either side of my head, giving me a view of her pink c.u.n.t.

"Now ride me. Put your hands on the headboard and ride me. I want you to come on my face."

She was as greedy as I because before I finished, she had her c.u.n.t on my mouth, softness rubbing against the coa.r.s.e hair of the short beard I kept.

"Zane, that's so good."

I ate like a starved man, sucking and licking, nibbling while pulling her a.s.s cheeks apart and kneading them in my hands, closing a finger over her a.s.shole again, hearing her gasp when I did it, feeling her press herself into me.

"I'm going to come."

I sucked harder then, that little nub swollen and hard, sliding two digits inside her p.u.s.s.y, another at her a.s.shole. She shuddered as the walls of her c.u.n.t throbbed, and when I pushed into her a.s.s, she called out my name, pressing so hard against my face all I could breathe was her.

And I f.u.c.king loved it. I sucked in breath, savoring the scent, the feel of her coming apart at my hands, her p.u.s.s.y dripping into my mouth, juices covering my chin, my face. Christ, I could come from this alone.

"Oh...G.o.d, that -"

"We're not done yet."

I sat up a little, pulling her down to kiss her, her mouth as greedy as her c.u.n.t. I turned her then so she faced away from me and pushed her down over my c.o.c.k, which she swallowed while giving me a full view of her a.s.s.

"Deeper, Aria." I'd have to help her in a minute, but, first, I wet my finger inside her p.u.s.s.y and put it back to her a.s.shole, playing with that tight ring, smearing her juices all over it. She stopped sucking, panting instead as I pushed in. "Look at me."

She craned her neck to do what I said as I f.u.c.ked her a.s.s with my finger.

"You like having me play with your a.s.s, don't you?"

She nodded, swallowing, unable to hold my gaze for that moment.

I grinned. "You're greedy." Pinching her c.l.i.t, I made her come again. Christ, she was f.u.c.king amazing when she came. Her mouth would go tight at first then soft, her eyes closing then opening again, searching for mine, as if needing to keep me in her sights.

"You..." she said. "Let me..."

She knelt by my lap so I could get a better grip on her hair and worked her over my c.o.c.k. It wouldn't take long and she was a good girl, opening wide, gagging when I pushed too far too fast, but taking me deeper and deeper, and, watching her face, her mouth stuffed with my c.o.c.k, one of her hands closed around the shaft, I came. Holding her still, her mouth wide, I shot inside her, my c.o.c.k throbbing, sending my seed deep into her throat.

Chapter Eleven.

Aria I felt so tender that straddling the motorcycle hurt. When we got to the bar that night, it was already crowded. Zane scanned the lot, paying attention to sounds too distant for me to pick up on. I noticed the lamps that were out had been repaired, lighting up every dark corner of the lot.

"Where's my car?"

"At Mark's garage. He'll get it fixed up for you. You needed a few other things done in addition to the window and hood, like brakes." Zane gave me a sideways glance.

"I still had a few miles left on those."


Inside, although he looked around casually, I knew he was taking in every face there. It was one of the things that had changed about him. Even though he seemed to be at ease, a sharpness in his eyes told me he was wound tight, not leaving anything to chance. Not trusting anyone. "Go into my office and wait there."

"Why can't I stay out here with you?"

"I need to talk to Fly. I'll be there in a minute."

"I want..."

He turned to me, taking hold of my arm and backing me toward the office door. "I don't care what you want right now, Aria. I said I'd be there in a minute. Now get your a.s.s into my office. If I have to take you there..."

He let that hang. His tone combined with the tightening of his jaw told me I should just go, but I'd never been one to take direction very well.

Folding my arms across my chest as best as I could with him gripping one, I squared off to face him.

"What will you do?"

I wasn't sure if I'd pushed too far, but when he grinned, I knew I had. Turning me toward the office, he nudged me forward. "I'll show you."

I tried to pull free as he walked me inside and released me to lock the door behind us.

"Sometimes you act like a kid," he said, unbuckling his belt.

I took a step backward, not sure what was going to happen.

"And you're in some trouble here," he continued, pulling it out of its loops in one go and doubling it over. "There's a lot going on around you, in case you hadn't noticed." He gripped the buckle before turning to me and slapping the folded leather against the palm of his other hand. "And you listen like s.h.i.+t."

"What are you doing?" My heart fell to my belly when the backs of my thighs. .h.i.t the desk.

"I'm teaching you how to do as you're told. Bend over the desk and bare your a.s.s."

The room seemed to shrink around us as he stalked toward me while I stared, wide-eyed, certain I'd heard incorrectly.

"You heard me. Bend over and take your jeans down. You made me walk you in here. You going to make me hold you down for your a.s.s whipping, too?"

"Are you...oh my G.o.d, you're serious." I scooted around the desk fast.

But Zane's smile only grew wider. "I don't mind making you." He came for me, and I moved to the other side. "I like it, in fact." He made like he was taking a step in one direction, but as soon as I took one in the other, he caught me, pus.h.i.+ng me facedown over his desk, knocking stacks of file folders and a cup containing pens and pencils onto the floor.

I fought against him, but he easily kept me pinned, laughing as he did, reaching to undo my pants and tugging them and my panties halfway down my thighs and, with one hand on my lower back, he snapped the belt over my bare a.s.s.

"Ow! f.u.c.k. Motherf.u.c.ker! f.u.c.k!"

He laughed out loud and did it again then again.

"Are you f.u.c.king... Ow! You're insane."

It hurt like - Christ, it just hurt! I spat every profanity I knew at him trying to free myself - which was a joke - while he whipped me. It must have been fifteen strokes before he finally stopped, my a.s.s throbbing and hot with pain.

But he didn't let me up when it was over. No, he kept me pinned, and I craned my neck to glare at him only to find him undoing his jeans, his c.o.c.k springing free, thick and hard as ever.

"Forgot to mention what whipping a woman's a.s.s does to me," he said, kicking my legs wide and positioning himself behind me, slapping my a.s.s hard once before gripping my hips and pulling my cheeks apart, raising his eyebrows when he returned his gaze to mine. "Same thing getting your a.s.s whipped does to you, it looks like?"

I ground my teeth together, feeling the heat of embarra.s.sment flood my neck and my face. "f.u.c.k you."

"Say it again." He smacked my a.s.s again, thrusting into me as he did. "Again."

"f.u.c.k you."

Another smack, and my c.l.i.t throbbed, the sting of his hand on my freshly whipped a.s.s leaving me burning, wanting. I'd always known I was like this. It was what I fantasized about when I touched myself. It was what had always gotten me off. Pain. Humiliation.

And it had always shamed me.

"f.u.c.k you," I said again, this time more quietly, our gazes locked, no grins, no anger, just us.

Zane reached to grip my hair with one hand and dragged my head backward while laying the hardest smack yet. Pressing my face into the desk, he leaned his body over mine, f.u.c.king me. His breath came hot on my shoulder before he licked then closed his mouth over that spot, the action making me moan while his hair nuzzled my face. His thrusts came deep, each one calculated, his c.o.c.k swelling inside me. I reached to rub my c.l.i.t, feeling his b.a.l.l.s slap against my hand as he thrust faster and harder, and at the moment that I called out, he bit into my shoulder, sending me flying.

The only sound was that of our combined, ragged breathing. Zane had stilled inside me, his throbbing c.o.c.k still filling me as he shuddered once more before sliding out of me, his seed spilling down my thighs as he pulled my panties and jeans up, turning me to face him, kissing me so hard it hurt.

"Don't clean yourself. I want my c.u.m on you. I want you to feel me on you and I want everyone out there to smell me on you."

I swallowed, nodding.

"And we're going to talk about this s.h.i.+t later, but, for now, you stay put, understand?"

I nodded again.

"Don't f.u.c.king push me, Aria."

"I won't."

Zane looped his belt through his jeans, watching me. He ran a hand through his hair, his fierce gaze a final warning before he walked out of the office.

I didn't know much about s.e.x. I'd been a virgin until last night. But I'd read enough and seen enough online to know what turned me on. Even before I understood what it was, I'd learned it had a name and that others practiced it, too. I knew what got me off. And now, sitting here with the mess of Zane's seed in my underwear, feeling him there, smeared into me, I felt like I belonged to him, felt like I was his, and, for the first time, I realized it didn't have to be fantasy.

Even though it was hardwired in me, and it was something I had no control over, it had shamed me. Even knowing there were hundreds, thousands, h.e.l.l, millions of people like me, it had still shamed me. Now Zane knew. He was dominant, but there was a difference between being dominant and pus.h.i.+ng a woman over a desk, baring her a.s.s, whipping it, and admitting it gets you off. Knowing that made me smile.

I went into the small bathroom, moving slowly, all of this too much to process. I pulled the T-s.h.i.+rt over my shoulder and saw where Zane had bitten me, remembering the moment when it had stung.

Blood smeared my shoulder. He'd broken skin with his teeth.

Chapter Twelve.

Zane She'd gotten wet when I'd whipped her.

"Hey, Z, get your head out of your a.s.s and get over here." Fly interrupted my thoughts. Just as well. I did need to get my head out of my a.s.s. Or out of Aria's a.s.s.

"Find out anything about the wolves?"

Fly shook his head. "But there's word of a war brewing. Some of Savage Blood turned up here earlier. I'm telling you Ace is up to no good and working against your father."

"You know what? That doesn't concern me anymore."

"Well, it better f.u.c.king start concerning you. Ace is worse than Cain. Cain at least has some remorse."

"And how do you figure that?"

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Alpha. Part 9 summary

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