Love At Last Part 15

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Allie walked in and tossed her a T-s.h.i.+rt. aItas Nickas. Iam sure itall fit.a Toni laughed and plucked it out of the air. aThanks.a She proceeded to strip off the tattered s.h.i.+rt.

Allie blinked and tried to look awaya"no, she didnat. Toni was in excellent shape. Her taut abdomen flexed as she slipped the T-s.h.i.+rt over her head and tucked it into her jeans. As she turned to sit down, Allieas eyes widened in horror. Printed in big red lettersa"Remember my name, youall be screaming it latera"was written on the back of the black s.h.i.+rt.

Toni sat and looked up at the flushed, red face. aWhatas wrong?a she asked seriously.

Myriad s.e.xual images bombarded Allieas poor brain. She shook her head roughly. aN-nothing, nothing. Have you eaten dinner?a aNo. I havenat had much of an appet.i.te this week.a Toni played with the salt shaker.

Allie nodded in understanding. aNeither have I, to tell the truth,a she said in a soft voice.

Toni looked up with sad eyes that broke Allieas heart.

aYou must be hungry after your mission, Inspector OaHara. Itas a little late, but how about some bacon and eggs?a Toni nodded with a small grin but said nothing.

They sat across from each other as they ate. aThis is good. Thanks,a Toni said quietly as she finished.

aWhat were you doing in Oak Park?a Toni shrugged. aJust went for a drive.a aAnd found yourself in my driveway?a aCar had a mind of its own.a Allie nodded. aSo you hopped a fence to get me lilacs.a Tonias face turned an adorable shade of crimson. aUh-huh,a she agreed, playing with her fork.

Allie smiled happily. aNearly got your a.s.s bit off because I love flowers?a Toni swallowed, then chuckled nervously. aIt would appear so,a she replied. aI didnat like this week, Alana. I was miserable the entire time. I couldnat work. I couldnat eat. Well, thatas not exactly true. Mrs. W. made some killer apple strudel. But even working out did nothing for me,a she said helplessly.

Allie said nothing. She needed to know exactly what Toni felt.

aI never thought Iad be in this position again,a she said.

Allie looked up then and watched her. She knew what she was thinking. G.o.d, Marcie, you should go into psychiatry. Toni floundered for a moment.

aWhat position? In love or in love with a perceived straight woman?a Allie asked, and Tonias head shot up and her mouth dropped to the floor. Allie sported a superior grin as she drank her coffee. aI understand that straight women are the kiss of death to you lesbians.a Toni just blinked. She looked like a poor deer stuck in the headlights of an oncoming pickup.

aYouare afraid because Iam newly divorced, that Iam vulnerable and looking for a change of pace. That Iall tire of you and revert to the straight life. Am I right?a aI know you had a brief encounter in college but nothing since.a Toni shrugged and grew silent.

aI understand your fear. Mine comes from a different angle. Iam scared to death because it is so totally opposite of what Iave experienced. True, Iave been married for over twenty-five years. I have only known biblically,a she added and Toni hid her grin, aone man and no women. I donat know what it is about you, Toni OaHara that stirs something so deep in me that no one else ever has. Does this and one brief time in college make me a lesbian?a Toni offered a tender smile. aI canat answer that for you. I donat like putting labels on people. Gay, straight, black, white, who cares? We are only on the earth for such a short time,a she said in a low caring voice. She then leaned in and smiled. aWhat does your soul say to you?a Allie blinked several times. She c.o.c.ked her head in contemplation and looked into Tonias eyes. Suddenly, she had tunnel vision. All she saw were the gray sparkling eyes pleading with her.

All her life, shead wondered if a beautiful day did indeed wait beyond the blue horizon. She had lived her life for her children. If she were honest with herself, she would admit she never contemplated her soul before this. She was too afraid. If she had, she and Paul would have been divorced long, long ago. But perhaps now it was time to live.

With that, Tonias beeper went off. aToni, your a.s.s is beeping.a Allie laughed as Toni grudgingly pulled it out of her belt and looked down.

as.h.i.+t!a She read the number and frowned deeply. aJust a sec.a She pulled out her cell and dialed.

Allie saw the worried look and nodded.

aOaHara, whatas going on?a She listened and muttered an expletive under her breath. aRight. On my way.a She set the phone down.

She looked at Allieas worried face. aThereas a fire. A big one. Theyare calling everyone in on this. I gotta go, d.a.m.n it.a Allie put her arms around her. aPlease, be careful.a Toni gave her a tight hug. aSure, I will. We still have a few things to talk about.a Toni kissed her deeply. aI have to go,a she whispered and let her go.

Allie nodded and stepped back.

aIall call you later, not sure when, though,a Toni said, quickly kissed her, and ran out the door before Allie could say another word.

Chapter 25.

Allie watched the news in horrified amazement. It was a horrendous fire downtown. The eight-story building was an inferno. She watched as the news showed the blaze and the amazing number of firefighters. She hoped to get a glimpse of Toni, to no avail.

She fell asleep with the phone on her chest and the remote in her hand and had no clue what time it was when the phone rang. Bolting up, she answered it. aToni?a aNo, this is Kevin Murphy,a the tired voice said.

Allieas heart sank. aKevinaToniaItas Toni, isnat it?a aHold on, Allie. Sheas at Northwestern Hospital at the emergency room. Now Ia"a aIam on my way.a Allie hung up the phone.

She never drove so fast in her life. It was three in the morning, not a soul on the streets. Please donat let me be pulled over, she begged frantically as she fought the tears blinding her vision. She parked the car and ran into the emergency room and up to the desk.

aIam looking for a firefighter, Toni OaHara. I believe she was brought here,a she said in a panic.

The nurse leafed through the admittance records and shook her head. aWeave had a few this evening. But Iam sorry. I donat find the name.a aYouave got to. They told me she was here.a Suddenly, she thought of what would happen if Toni didnat make it to the hospital. aPlease, look again. Please.a aAlana,a a low gravelly voice called from behind her.

Allie whirled around to see Toni standing there. She looked exhausted, her face smudged with soot and dirt, the hair on the right side singed and frayed.

Allie flew into her arms as Toni groaned. She pulled back. aAre you all right? Donat lie to me.a aIam fine.a She ran her dirty hand through her hair. aI wanted to cut my hair anyway.a Allie tried to laugh, but it came out a strangled cry as she covered her face with her hands.

aAlana,a Toni whispered and pulled her into her arms again. aPlease donat. Iam just tired. Why are you here? Didnat Kevin call you?a aWell, yes. He said you were here and I justaa Toni gave her a scathing look. aYou didnat hear him out. You just took off, didnat you?a Allie blushed and nodded. Toni chuckled quietly and kissed her forehead. aI came here in the ambulance with another firefighter. Heas in bad shape, and I wanted to stay with him until his wife got here.a Allie let out a small sob of relief and buried her face in her hands once again.

aDonat cry now.a Toni pulled her into a fierce hug.

Allie sobbed quietly as Toni gently rocked her. aIs your friend going to be all right?a Allie sniffed and pulled away from the warm embrace.

aYes, Ruthie is with him now. Letas get out of here, okay?a Allie nodded. aIall drive you to your place. Itas closer.a aIt was a nightmare. Iam getting too old for this.a Toni sighed as they walked out of the emergency room.

aYou should retire and get your coffee shop.a *******

aOkay, a hot shower, then bed,a Allie ordered as Toni nodded obediently and headed for the bathroom.

She emerged from the hot shower, clean and exhausted, wrapped in a huge terrycloth robe. Allie pulled back the covers. aGive me that towel and sit down,a she gently ordered.

Toni sat on the bed and Allie stood in front of her. Toni instinctively parted her legs, and Allie quite naturally stood between them as she toweled her wet head. Grinning as she heard the m.u.f.fled groan of pleasure, Allie gently rubbed the damp thick hair.

She then brushed her thick mane as Toni swayed and sighed happily. an.o.bodyas ever done this for me before,a she whispered tiredly. She then groaned as she felt Allieas nails gently raking through her hair. aGood Christ, you have a marvelous touch.a aAnd you need to stop moaning. Lie down before you fall asleep sitting up,a Allie whispered and started to push her against the pillows. Toni was already there, sound asleep. Allie chuckled quietly as she brushed the graying raven hair off her forehead and pulled the covers over her.

aSleep well,a she whispered and kissed her dry warm lips and turned out the light.

Allie stood by the windows in the dark living room, looking out at the Chicago skyline. Off to the south, smoke still billowed through the night sky. Allie glanced back at Tonias room and said a prayer of thanks that Toni was safe in her bed. It was a terrible fire, big enough for the department to need all firefighters, including inspectors. When her cell phone went off, she quickly looked at the caller ID. She frowned curiously and answered. aHi, Paul. Whatas wrong?a aNothing. I just heard on the news about the fire and how they called out every firefighter, and I thought of Toni. Was she there?a Allie smiled in surprise. aYeah, they called her. Sheas fine. Exhausted and singed but otherwise okay. I can still see the smoke from here.a aGood.a Paul breathed a sigh of relief. aWait a second. How can you see the smoke from Oak Park?a Allie hesitated for a moment. aIam not at home. Iam at Tonias.a Now Paul hesitated. aOh, um. Are youaa aYes, I am.a aHmm.a Allie heard the smile in that grunt. aWhat hmm?a aI guess I was right about you and Toni, huh? I mean, for a guy, Iam pretty perceptive. Wouldnat you... Hey!a Allie heard the slap through the phone and laughed. aPlease tell Donna thank you for that. And Iad like to thank her in person, but never having met heraa aI know. Iam sorry about that. Itas just that it was so soon, and weave been so wrapped up in everything.a He stopped and chuckled. aIam getting the evil eye. Thatas not entirely true. It was awkward, I guess with you and Donna. I wasnat sure how it would go.a aYou worry too much.a aThatas what Donna says, too. She, um, she wants to meet you.a Allie heard the slight trepidation in his voice and laughed. aThat would be fine. Whenever youare ready.a aIam glad youare happy, Allie.a When she heard his voice catch, she fought the tears, as well. aMaybe we both deserve to be happy.a aWe did good, though, didnat we?a aYes, we did.a Allie swallowed her tears. aWe made two wonderful children and no one can take that away from us.a aYouare right. Out of everything, we have that. Iam glad Tonias okay. We were worried.a aThank you, and thank Donna for me. Good night, Paul.a aGanight, Al.a Allie quietly closed her phone and gazed once again at the city below. aTonias city,a she whispered. She thought of Toni safe and sleeping, and an overwhelming feeling of contentment settled into her bones. She walked through the dark living room to Tonias bed.

Toni lay on her back, her arms stretched out and her mouth slightly open. Allie chuckled when a small snore escaped. She had intended to sleep on the couch, but right now, her only thought was to be safe and warm next to the woman she loved. She slipped out of her slacks and s.h.i.+rt and crawled in next to Toni and snuggled as close as she could without waking her. As she rested her head on Tonias shoulder, Allie reached over and brushed her singed hair away from her face and kissed her cheek.

aGood night, Toni.a *******

Toni woke slowly as she opened her eyes. Sunlight streamed into her loft. Good grief, I pa.s.sed out, she thought and smiled, remembering how Alana took care of her. Glancing next to her, she saw the rumpled blanket. She turned over and hugged the pillow, inhaling the sweet scent of Alana.

aShe slept with me,a Toni said with a happy grin, then looked around the room. aAnd sheas gone.a She dragged her body out of bed and looked around her apartment to find she was indeed alone. Fighting the wave of insecurity, she took a quick shower, then slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top.

It was nearly four in the afternoon. aG.o.d, I slept the day away.a She picked up her phone and walked out onto the deck. She started to dial Alanaas number.

aWell, youare awake!a Toni turned to see Alana standing on the adjacent deck attached to her new art studio. Toni grinned wildly. aGimme a minute. Iam calling you to find out where you are.a Alana laughed and leaned against the railing. aI know where I am.a Tonias grin grew exponentially. aYa do, huh?a She walked over and leaned on her railing.

aI think so. Come on over and Iall show you.a Alana disappeared into the studio.

Toni raised an eyebrow. She nonchalantly took a few steps, then ran next door just as Alana opened the door. Alana grinned and stepped back to let Toni enter.

Toni was shockeda"pleasantly, happily shocked.

Alana had brought all her artwork and set up her new studio. She placed the large easel in the window where it received the wonderful suns.h.i.+ne she predicted with paints, canvases, and brushes all placed strategically around the studio.

A painting was already coming to life on the large canvas. Both gazed at it.

aIsnat it horrible?a Alana asked happily.

aIt is not.a aOh, itas bad. But I donat care. It wonat be for long.a aWell, youare the artist. So when did you do this?a Toni asked as Alana dried her hands off and grinned.

aWhile you slept like a log.a She looked around. aWhat do you think?a aI think itas wonderful. You did so much. Are you happy?a She walked over to Alana, who put the towel down.

aI am extremely happy. Are you rested?a aI am extremely rested andaa aHungry,a Alana added the obvious.

They sat outside in the beer garden of the North Side pub. It was a gay-owned restaurant, and Allie knew Toni brought her here purposely.

aNice little place,a Allie said honestly. aCome here often?a Toni laughed as she perused the menu. aYep, when I want a disgustingly greasy burger. Iam starving.a She eagerly rubbed her hands together. aSo tell me. How is it that you are a wealth of lesbian information all of the sudden?a Toni asked as she constructed the huge burger.

Allie was astounded at the size of the burger the waiter set in front of this woman. She watched in awe as Toni precisely added the tomato, lettuce...

Allie chuckled at the question, remembering her conversation. aJocelyn.a Toni shot her head up from her construction work. aY-you told Jocelyn?a she asked in amazement.

aYes, go figure, but it wasnat Jocelyn who informed me. It was her roommate, Marcie.a Toni nodded while Allie told her the whole conversation. Toni listened and laughed as she finished her masterpiece, adding the top bun.

aKids these days, where do they get it?a Toni asked playfully.

Allie smirked but said nothing.

aSo what do you think?a aAre you honestly going to get that thing in your mouth?a Allie asked dryly.

Toni winked as she held up the burger and took a healthy bite. After swallowing, she wiped her hands on the napkin, which Allie was happy to see, instead of the blue jeans.

aAnswer my question,a Toni prodded and sipped the chocolate malt through the straw.

Allie watched her. After the previous night, when she was petrified of losing her, she realized how much she loved the woman who was making a pig out of herself right now. She raised a curious eyebrow. How in the world did this happen? She no longer cared. She only knew she loved her.

aLast night, you asked me what my soul was saying,a Allie said quietly. Toni looked up from her burger and blinked several times. aMy soul speaks to yours, Toni OaHara. It has never spoken to another.a She blinked back the tears that leapt into her eyes.

Toni looked as if she couldnat believe what she was hearing. aG.o.d, are you sure?a She reached across and took Allieas hand.

Allie grinned and nodded. aFor the first time in my life, yes.a aGood. I feel the same,a Toni said honestly.

aWeare a pair, arenat we? Discussing our lives over a greasy hamburgeraa Allie reached across and snagged a fry. aAnd French fries.a aSo what now?a Toni tried not to show her hands shaking. She picked up the burger and took a bite. As Allie was about to speak, she held up her hand to quiet her. aWait, my mouth is full.a She quickly chewed and swallowed. aYouare not going to make me choke this time, schoolmarm. Okay, go ahead.a Allie smirked inwardly. aWhile you were sleeping, I decided to do a few things around my house.a Toni was confused. aLike what?a aWell, Iam changing the living room, getting new bedroom furniture,a she said absently.

Toni shrugged and picked up her burger, figuring it was safe to eat now. aThatas nice. How come?a she asked as she took a healthy bite.

Allie leaned in. aBecause when I take you into my bed, OaHara, I want to make sure itas on virgin territory,a she whispered in a low seductive voice.

That did it. Toni was stunned as she gaped at her, dropped her burger in her lap, and started choking.

Allie chuckled as the waiter came running out. Toni sounded like a goose as she honked, trying to catch her breath. The waiter slapped her on the back, and Toni coughed up the remainder of the burger.

ad.a.m.n it, you do that on purpose!a she accused as she sat down.

aWell, you had so much in your mouth,a Allie reminded her.

Toni narrowed her eyes as she drank her ice water. Allie laughed happily as Toni sat back and offered a s.e.xy smile. aSo about this new bedaa

Chapter 26.

aDo you want to stop?a Allie asked breathlessly. She ran her fingers through Tonias thick hair. This is so right, so natural, she thought helplessly. aBecause I donat want toaa She pulled Toni down once again.

Toni groaned and was helpless to argue. The feel of the woman was amazing. Never had Toni OaHara been so aroused. Never had she wanted nor needed anyone more. This feeling of love was new to Toni. She adored this woman.

Allie reveled in the soft, yet muscular body over her. She never thought shead feel this much pa.s.sion for anyone, especially not for another woman. She loved Toni and only her.

The new bed wasnat the only virgin territory to be explored. Pa.s.sion now took over.

aKiss me again, Toni, please,a she begged, and Toni pulled her into her arms and kissed hera"good.

Allie took Tonias hand and brought it to her breast in a bold move that left Toni gasping.

She gently cupped Allieas breast and ran her fingers across the hard nipple. Allie moaned into her mouth as she pulled Toni incredibly close.

She lowered her head and nibbled at Allieas ear. aG.o.d, Alana,a she whispered, then smiled as Allie s.h.i.+vered uncontrollably in her arms.

aDonat stop,a Allie pleaded as she ran her fingers through her hair. Toni slowly kneaded her full breast, then quickly slid her hand under her sweater and in one movement, had the front closure opened.

Allie hissed and arched her back as the warm fingers danced across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aG.o.d, Toni,a she whimpered as her hips twitched with antic.i.p.ation. Toni was murmuring into her ear, kissing and nibbling the tender lobe. Allie ran her fingers down Tonias back and slipped them under her s.h.i.+rt, feeling the strong back, now covered in a sensual sheen of perspiration. The feeling was intoxicating to Allie as she pulled her close.

Toni lifted the sweater, Allie leaned forward, and in one movement, Toni had the sweater and bra discarded. aOh, G.o.d,a Allie cried out as Toni growled and took the aching nipple into her mouth.

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Love At Last Part 15 summary

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