Love At Last Part 16

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aAlana, Alana,a Toni said desperately as she continued. Her hands roamed over Allieas soft skin, her arms, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her stomach. aG.o.d, I love the feel of you.a She slipped her hand farther, her fingers swirling around Allieas navel. Allie arched her back and instinctively parted her legs.

She was frantic for her touch. Allie tried to unzip her own jeans, and Toni pulled back and gently pushed her hands away. She sat back on her heels and looked down at the woman she knew she loved.

Allieas breathing was ragged and coa.r.s.e. She looked up into the want in Tonias eyes and felt all the moisture pool between her legs.

aI want you, Alana, more than Iave ever wanted any woman in my life. I want you to know that this is not just about s.e.x, not with you. It can never be just that with you.a Allie just swallowed and nodded, she couldnat speak if she wanted to.

Toni unb.u.t.toned her s.h.i.+rt, never breaking eye contact. aIave thought about this for such a long time now. Thought if I had the chance, how I would love you,a she whispered as the s.h.i.+rt came off. Allie was amazed as Toni easily slipped out of her bra. aHow would I show you just how beautiful you are? How you make me crazy with desire,a she continued. She then reached down and gently ran her fingertips along the side of her arms, smiling as the gooseflesh instantly appeared. She took Allieas arms, raised them over her head, and kissed her deeply. Allie whimpered and squirmed as she allowed this woman to love her.

aIave noticed how soft your skin is. How it begs to be touched,a Toni whispered, no longer looking into the green eyes, but raking over her body. She knelt next to Allie and ran her fingers once again over the quivering flesh. She gently traced the line of her waist, to the outside of her breast, feeling the fullness of Allieas heaving breast. aG.o.d, you are beautiful,a she whispered in awe. Allie was biting her bottom lip not to cry out. She could see where the ladies loved this womana Her hands felt every curve, every line of her upper torso. She closed her eyes and smiled as if committing it to memory.

aKiss me,a Allie pleaded. Toni shook her head.

aSoon,a she promised. aI just need to know you.a Allie groaned and twitched once again.

Toni bent down and lightly placed a kiss on her stomach, smiling as the muscles fluttered against her lips. G.o.d, sheas kissing my stretch marks, Allie thought. She s.h.i.+fted a bit uncomfortably, and Toni sensed her apprehension.

She moved her body over Allie, so she was nearly nose to nose. aI know what youare thinking. Please donat. I love your body. I love how you gave it up for your children. It is truly the s.e.xiest thing I can think ofayou pregnant, alive with life growing inside you. G.o.d, youare amazing.a Allie stared into the gray eyes, dark with pa.s.sion. aYouare unbelievable. My G.o.d, I see what the women love about you.a Toni shook her head. aNo more. I only want you to love me.a She kissed her dry lips, then ran her tongue sensually across them before kissing her way down the length of her torso, stopping to feast on the full heaving breast. Allie was squirming and gasping as she felt strong, gentle hands unzip her jeans. Lifting her hips slightly, she opened her eyes and watched Toni slip the jeans down her legs. aRemarkable,a Toni whispered and slipped her fingers in the waistband of her panties and gently pulled them down, discarding them, as well.

Completely naked, Allie was now quivering uncontrollably. She felt the moisture running down between her legs. aToni, please,a she begged quietly. Never had she felt such a need to come. G.o.d, if she doesnat touch me soon, I will die, she thought.

Toni stood next to the bed, and Allie watched in awe as she unzipped her jeans and pulled them down over her hips. Allieas eyes were glued to the magnificent body before her. If she thought Toni had a nice body in clothes, she was near apoplexy as she gazed at the muscular, yet unbelievably soft and feminine body before her. She didnat know what to expect, never really thought about it.

Toni OaHara was like a sculptureamuscles defined, curves soft, b.r.e.a.s.t.s small but firm. aIam going to paint you,a she whispered stupidly. Toni chuckled and Allie shook her head. aI mean it. Youare stunning,a she whispered in awe. aI need to feel your body against mine.a Toni swallowed and lowered her body over her. Allie instinctively parted her legs, and Toni, as if she belonged there all her life, easily and naturally lay between them. Both women gasped at the feel of skin on skin, b.r.e.a.s.t.s compressing, lips blending into a heavenly kiss.

Toni s.h.i.+fted and lay next to Allie, her hand immediately wandering to the soft dark curls. aYes...a Allie hissed and parted her legs farther.

aI need you now,a Toni said. Allie s.h.i.+vered at the low timbre of her voice. Toni wanted her, needed her, and she wasnat asking. Her fingers lightly danced and entwined in the saturated curls, then dipped lower between the plump folds.

aOh, G.o.d,a Allie whispered as she clung to her. Toni kissed her neck, gently nibbling at the soft flesh. So many sensations flew through Allie. Tonias teeth, her tongue, her fingers.

Toni slipped her fingers through the wetness. aG.o.d, youare so ready,a she whispered sensually.

aYou did this. Iaa aWhat, Alana? What do you want?a aYouare asking?a Allie asked nervously.

aI wonat know unless you tell me.a Toni licked her ear. Allie groaned and held on as the muscle invaded her ear, sending a s.h.i.+ver through her body. She felt the strong fingers dancing and teasing but not satisfying.

aI want you to touch me. I want you to make me come,a she whispered frantically. Toni smiled and immediately parted the thick folds and slipped her fingers up and down the length of her, causing Allie to cry out at the contact. The pressure between her legs built as she felt herself rising. aOh!a she cried out as she arched her back. aDonat stop, please,a she begged as her hips started moving of their own volition.

Toni felt her c.l.i.toris harden as she stroked back and forth. aG.o.d, youare beautiful,a she murmured against her ear as Allie hung on, lifting her hips, wanting and needing more.

aToni, inside, pleaseaa She whimpered as she thrust her hips shamelessly higher.

aYou want to feel me inside you? Deep inside?a Toni asked in a low growl and inserted one finger deeply, then drew it back. Allie whimpered. G.o.d, she needed to come.

aToni!a she cried out as she reached down to pull her hand into her. Toni quickly pulled her hands above her head and held them both with one hand.

Toni continued and easily slipped two fingers into the warm soft haven. She let out a low groan of pleasure, feeling the walls clamp around her fingers.

aMore?a she asked in a coa.r.s.e voice. She was panting, trying to keep up with the bucking hips.

aYes, more!a Allie cried out, and Toni responded with a third finger, spreading them out as much as she could, filling her completely. Allie groaned her pleasure as Toni thrust furiously. aG.o.d, almost,a she cried out.

Toni continued, then pressed her thumb against the engorged c.l.i.toris, and that was it. Allie screamed out her name as the o.r.g.a.s.m raked through her body. Wave after wave swept through her, and Toni slowed, bringing her back down.

Allie was a ma.s.s of quivering flesh as Toni gently held her. aOhG.o.dohG.o.d.a Allie sighed helplessly as she clung to the strong shoulders. Toni kissed her damp hair. aYouareawell, I donat know what you are,a Allie whispered and heard the small chuckle. aG.o.d, Toni. That was remarkable. Iave never felt anything like that.a aNeither have I.a Toni kissed the salty flesh beneath her jaw line. Once again, she needed this woman. Allie held her close as Toni nibbled at her neck, her teeth lightly nipping. Allie shook, her legs clamped shut as the jolt of electricity shot between her legs. She felt the moisture cascading once again. Allie then thought of the fantasy, picturing Tonia She gently pushed on her shoulders, and Toni smiled into her task. She nibbled her way down to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aAlana?a she whispered into her soft flesh.

aYes?a Allie voice was a mere whisper. Toni moved completely over her and looked down into the green eyes filled with desire. She kissed her slowly and deeply, her tongue teasing her lips, then slowly seeking entrance. Allie parted her lips, welcoming the satiny muscle as it flicked and explored. Allie moaned, desperately wanting to feel that tonguea aMay I taste you?a Toni whispered against her lips. Allie immediately felt the moisture seeping from her. She couldnat speak. aTell me,a Toni repeated as she slid down her trembling body.

aYes, please, I need to feel your tongue on me, please,a she begged and pushed on the strong shoulders.

Toni kissed and gently licked her way down the quivering torso, settling herself between the soft thighs. She sighed and groaned as she lifted Allieas legs over her shoulders. aG.o.d, Alana.a She moaned as she kissed her inner thigh, her cheek brus.h.i.+ng against the saturated curls. Alanaas scent invaded her senses and Toni could wait no longer. She leaned in and gently kissed the dark curls. Allie groaned and reached down gently to rake her fingers through the graying hair.

Toni felt her own arousal start as she slowly licked up and down the length of Allie. Hearing the woman moan and hiss with pleasure, Toni moved farther and snaked her tongue through the thick folds, tasting the love that flowed from her. She groaned against her, causing Allie to cry out and pull the dark head closer to her.

aOh, G.o.d, Toni. This is amazing.a She sighed and closed her eyes. Tonias tongue artfully lapped back and forth, teasing her, causing her to squirm uncontrollably. Just when she thought she would start, Toni would ease up and barely touch her. aPlease,a she begged quietly and tried to pull her head closer. Toni resisted and growled lowly as she backed off.

Allie stopped, realizing that Toni wanted control of her. This excited Allie even more. She placed her hands above her head and held on to her new headboard. Toni looked up, realizing that Alana was offering herself.

aThank you,a she whispered into the curls. aNow keep them there,a she said in a low growl. Allie let out a small groan and held on.

Soon, Toni had her writhing on the bed. Only Tonias strong arms around her thighs kept her from flying off the newly christened bed. aOh, my G.o.d!a Allie cried out as the o.r.g.a.s.m tore through her body. Tonias tongue was pure evil as it relentlessly milked her o.r.g.a.s.m for all it was worth. With every flick of her tongue, Allie jumped and shuddered, helpless to do anything but come again and again.

aPlease, enough!a She nearly sobbed as her hands flew to Tonias wet hair and roughly pulled. aPlease!a she begged as her body quivered and shook.

Toni relented and quickly moved up the trembling body and held her close. Allieas body jerked with the aftershocks of the powerful o.r.g.a.s.m. In a few moments, she quieted as Toni gently held her.

aYou just had to make me beg, didnat you?a Her ragged voice squeaked.

Toni laughed and held her close, pulling the covers up over them. aI read the back of that s.h.i.+rt you gave me,a she scolded the well-satisfied woman. Allie chuckled wickedly. aI got a h.e.l.luva lot of ribbing from the guys at the firehouse.a aYouall live,a Allie a.s.sured her as she s.h.i.+fted and rolled Toni onto her back.

Toni swallowed and looked up into the pa.s.sion-filled green eyes. aI never thought I could feel so alive, Toni. My body is still hummingaI want you to feel that way, too,a Allie said, and Toni noted the hesitant quaver in her voice. She gently reached up and took Allieas hand, bringing it between her legs. Allie gasped as she felt the heat between her legs.

aYou did this to me, as well. Touch me, please.a She gently guided the innocent fingers through her drenched curls. She groaned and closed her eyes, and Allie gently pushed the hand away.

She kissed her then, taking Tonias tongue into her mouth, tasting her own arousal. It made her s.h.i.+ver all over again. She moaned into the sensual kiss, then lowered her head and kissed the small firm breast, loving the feel of the soft skin against her lips. Tentatively, she took the small nipple and sucked it between her lips, smiling as the more experienced woman arched her back into the touch. aG.o.d, yes, Alana.a She moaned and ran her fingers through the silky blond hair. aWonderful,a she whispered her encouragement.

Filling Allie with confidence, Toni lay back and parted her legs. aTouch me now, please,a she said in a low voice that went right through Allie. She slid her hand down the taut abdomen, pausing to allow her fingers to tease around her navel. Tonias stomach muscles clenched and quivered, much to Allieas delight. Seeing this confident woman succ.u.mbing to her touch was intoxicating. She grew bolder and slipped her fingers through the saturated black curls. Toni groaned deeply, her breathing was ragged and her body immediately broke into a cold sweat. aGeezus,a she growled as she arched her back.

aDoes this feel all right?a Allie kissed her breast. G.o.d, who knew I would love this so much, she thought happily. Toni couldnat speak; she merely nodded.

Where Alana Sanders found her boldness, she didnat know. Perhaps it was from Toni, who lay there, trusting her with her body and soul. Knowing that Toni knew Allie would never hurt her filled Allie with such love and desire to please her.

aToni, look at me,a she whispered firmly. Gray eyes popped open as they gazed into the ocean of green. aI want to please you as you have pleased me. I want to know your body, what makes you tremble, what drives you crazy. I want to know all of it.a She kissed her deeply. Toni groaned as Allie plunged her tongue deep into Tonias awaiting mouth. She slid her fingers through the hot moisture, amazed at Tonias state of arousal. Her fingers slid back and forth, gathering the moisture with her fingers. Toni was gasping and bucking her hips.

aNow, Alana!a She groaned, and Allie felt her c.l.i.toris distend and harden. She flicked her fingertips over the swollen shaft, and Tonias body stiffened tight as a bow. Allie watched in awe as muscles contracted and bulged. The strong body glistened, rigid with the onset of her o.r.g.a.s.m.

aYou are magnificent. Now,a she whispered in her ear. aCome for me,a she ordered sensually. She plunged three fingers deep within her, amazed as the warm plump flesh clamped around her fingers.

aOh, G.o.d!a Toni cried out as she felt the o.r.g.a.s.m knife through her body. aAlana!a she cried helplessly as she came. She rode Alanaas hand, bucking into it, feeling her wetness pouring out. She was slightly embarra.s.sed. Never had she let go with such abandon before. Never had she felt this much pa.s.sion and desire.

aG.o.d! No more!a Toni cried out and roughly pulled her hand away. She was near hyperventilation. Allie grinned as she loomed over the helplessly spent Toni, who was trying desperately not to faint.

Allie ran her fingers through the wet head, and Toni opened her eyes. She looked at the woman she loved with amazement. as.h.i.+t!a was all she could say.

aI did good, huh?a Allie asked, grinning wildly. Toni gave her a horrified look, then laughed.

aGood? I nearly fainted. If this is what youare like in bed, woman, I will have to retire early,a she said and pulled her close.

Both women lay in each otheras arms, souls and limbs entwined.

aWe are definitely keeping that s.h.i.+rt,a Allie mumbled, and Toni laughed and pulled her close.


Lidia stood behind the counter watching as Toni proudly stood outside of the new Rising Sun Cafe looking up at the sign across the top of Lidiaas bakery.

aCrazy woman got me. Now we have a bakery and coffee shop. I still do not know what a smoothie is.a Behind her, Kevin leaned in and kissed her neck. aItas a good thing, Lidia Walinski. Now with Toni as your business partner, you donat have to work so hard, and youall have more time with me.a Lidia leaned back against Kevin and grinned. aYou are lazy Irishman, but I love you.a aMy good luck.a He wrapped his arms around her waist.

Lidia laughed and pulled away. aEnough of the Irish charm. I have things to do. They will be here soon.a Toni walked in, sending the bell tinkling over the door. aLove that sound,a she said and looked around. She picked up a towel and wiped off the tables and rearranged the sugar and creamer, the silverware, and napkins. aAll set. I hope we get some new customers with this grand opening, Mrs. W.a aWe will, Antonia. Do not worry.a It was the end of summer in Chicago. The streets teemed with vacationers; Toni hoped some of them would be sitting in her coffee house. This will work, she thought positively. Perhaps the younger ones would stop by instead of heading for the streets. Perhaps some wouldnat. Remembering her own miserable childhood, Toni vowed to make a difference, even in a small way.

She sighed happily and walked around the counter. The aroma of fresh-baked pastry filled her senses and had her stomach grumbling. They had tastefully decorated the coffee house with artwork of an up-and-coming artist. Beautiful scenery and bold colors expressed the pa.s.sion of the artist. Toni grinned, forever grateful she was the lucky recipient of some of that pa.s.sion.

With that, the object of her musing walked into the coffee house. Alana stood there, smiling and happy. Toni watched her, grinning like a schoolgirl.

aMay I help you?a Toni leaned on the counter.

Alana walked up to her and chuckled. aIam looking for a place that has great coffee and conversation,a she said, mirroring her loveras position.

aWell, youave found it. Welcome to The Rising Sun Cafe,a she said. aAnd we have some wonderful artwork from a local. Sheas a bit on the eccentric side, but you know how odd artists are.a Allie hid her grin. aYes, they tend to befriend other crazies.a Toni laughed. aThank G.o.d for that.a She pulled Allie into her arms and kissed her. aAre you nervous? Paul and Donna said theyad come by for the opening.a aNo, not really. I just want this to be a success for you and Lidia.a aIt will. Ia"a The tinkling bell had them looking at the door. There was Paul, smiling and looking decidedly happy. Allie hadnat seen him in almost four months. He looked well, and Allie couldnat help but be happy for him. Donna stood next to him, but she walked up to Allie.

aHi. Iam Donna.a aItas nice to finally meet you. Iam Allie. This is Toni.a Allie stepped aside as Toni took the offered hand.

aItas good to meet you, Donna.a aSame here.a Donna looked around. aYou know, Iave come here so many times. It looks the same but different somehow. Oh, itas the artwork on the walls.a She looked at Allie. aYours? Theyare beautiful.a aThanks,a Allie said, feeling a little awkward.

aAnd for sale,a Toni added and grunted when Allie elbowed her ribs.

aGet used to that,a Paul said, leaning into Toni.

Lidia came out of the back with Kevin behind her; he carried a large tray of pastry. aWelcome,a Lidia said, wiping her hands on her ap.r.o.n.

Toni made the introductions, and soon, everyone arrived for the opening.

Nick arrived with his new girlfriend. He was on the verge of taking the plunge and getting married. Toni laughed as she remembered sitting in the backyard with Nick, discussing the topic. Nick was as nervous as a cat, while Toni was the picture of calm rea.s.surance. It was only afterward, Toni revealed to Alana she was the one who was sick to her stomach. It was sweet of Alana to hold the cold cloth to Tonias forehead.

When Jocelyn walked in with her boyfriend, Paul and Toni gave him a wary look.

Donna leaned into Allie. aIam going to kill Paul if he doesnat leave that poor boy alone.a Allie agreed. aI feel the same. Toni gave him the third degree when Jocelyn brought him over for dinner. I had to explain to that goof shead get arrested if she kept skulking around the hospital watching the poor kid.a Donna grunted and glanced at Allie. aMen.a Allie shot her an incredulous look, then both women burst into laughter. aSorry. I couldnat resist,a Donna said.

aI have to remember that one,a Allie said, still laughing. aYou know, when Jocelyn graduated and started at Loyola Hospital, I had already moved in with Toni and wanted to just give the house in Oak Park to Jocelyn. Paul agreed, but Jocelyn wanted to work out a payment plan to buy the house when she could. I refused to take money from her.a Allie looked at Toni, who was talking with Paul and her children. aIt was Toni who gently explained how I needed to treat Jocelyn like an adult. This was her right as a grown responsible woman to make her own way. Iam a lucky woman, Donna.a aWeare both lucky,a Donna said softly.

Allie smiled. aYes, we are.a Jocelyn came up to them, giving them both a kiss. aDonna, can I steal you for a minute? Truman wants to talk to you.a She pulled Donna away as Paul walked over to Allie.

aWho names their kid Truman?a he asked, watching them.

Allie rolled her eyes. aStop being a protective dad for a moment.a aOkay.a Paul snorted. aLike that will happen.a aLook at her, Paul. Sheas in love.a All color left Paulas face. aYou think so?a aYes, I do.a aWell, if thatas love, what about Nick?a aHe looks ill.a They laughed as Toni walked up with two of champagne. She handed one to Allie, then Paul. aThanks for coming, Paul. It means a lot to us.a aYouare welcome,a Paul said. aI hope it works for you. Itas a good idea. And I like the new name of the place.a He looked at Allie, who grinned. He then glanced at Toni. aDoes she do her cleaning routine to that song anda"a aYes,a Toni said, hiding her grin. aEvery She laughed at the glare from Allie. aWell, I think Iall go talk to Nick and Jocelyn.a She then lowered her voice. aWhat kind of a name is Truman?a aGo,a Allie said, gently pus.h.i.+ng her away.

Paul and she stood in silence for a moment. Paul swirled his gla.s.s of champagne. Allie watched Toni as she laughed and talked to Nick and his girlfriend. They watched Donna with Jocelyn and Truman.

aYouare happy.a Allie looked up at Paul. aYes, I am.a Paul nodded and finished his champagne. Unexpectedly, he leaned over and kissed Allie on the cheek. aAt Thanksgiving when Toni came over, I wanted so much to hate her guts. But she was too nice. I saw that right off. And then she called you aAlana.a When she said it, Allieaa He stopped and thought about it for a moment. aIt sounded right. Like she had tapped into a part of you I didnat know, and part of me resented her for it.a aI can understand that.a Allie looked up at him and smiled. aBut youare happy now, arenat you?a Paul grinned and took a drink. aYes.a He looked at Allie then, tears r.i.m.m.i.n.g his eyes. aItas okay, isnat it? I mean, itas right that you and I can find love after all this. And I donat mean to say I didnat love you.a aPaul,a Allie said quickly. aItas okay. We raised two great kids and tried so hard for so long. Weare due some happiness. Without any guilt. Weave found real love, at last. I for one am going to build on it and be grateful for the rest of my life that Toni came into my life when she did. I think you might say the same.a aYes,a Paul said and laughed. aG.o.d help me, Allie. Iam happy.a He pulled her into a strong embrace. aWeall be okay. The kids are fine.a As he pulled back, they saw Toni standing there. She held two of champagne. As Paul reached for one, Toni pulled back. aAh, ah. Youave got your gal over there with a gla.s.s for you.a Paul chuckled as Toni looked down at Allie and said softly, aThis is for my gal.a Paul quietly slipped away unnoticed as Allie took the fluted gla.s.s. aSo Iam your gal, huh?a aYep.a Toni raised her gla.s.s up to Allie. aWeave found the beautiful day, Alana,a she said with a tender smile.

aAt last,a Allie whispered softly.

They leaned in for a soft loving kiss filled with the promise of more beautiful days to come.

Behind them, the bell tinkled as the door opened. Several young people walked in. aAre you open?a one asked.

aYes,a Lidia said. aWelcome to The Rising Sun Cafe. Come to the counter, please. What would you like? Please donat ask me to make smoothie.a Toni held on to Alana and watched the young people as they sat huddled around the small table by the window. With steamy cups in hand, they laughed and talked of their lives and pa.s.sions, their misfortunes, and their hopes.

Each of them looking beyond the blue horizon for the rising sun.

About the author.

Kate Sweeney, a 2010 Alice B. Medal winner, was the 2007 recipient of the Golden Crown Literary Society award for Debut Author for She Waits, the first in the Kate Ryan Mystery series. The series also includes A Nice Clean Murder, The Trouble with Murder, a 2008 Golden Crown Award Winner for Mystery, Whoall Be Dead for Christmas? a 2009 Golden Crown Award winner for Mystery, Of Course Itas Murder and What Happened in Malinmore.

Other novels include Away from the Dawn, Survive the Dawn, Before the Dawn, Residual Moon, a 2008 Golden Crown Award winner for Speculative Fiction, Liaras Moon, The OaMalley Legacy, Winds of Heaven, Sea of Gra.s.s, and Paradise.

Born in Chicago, Kate moved to Louisiana, and this Yankee doubts sheall ever get used to saying yaall. Humor is deeply embedded in Kateas DNA. She sincerely hopes you will see this when you read her novels, short stories, and other works. E-mail Kate at

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Love At Last Part 16 summary

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