Risk. Part 7

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Slipping my hand in her hair and the other on her lower back I pulled her body up against mine deepening the kiss. Pus.h.i.+ng my tongue past her lips I took as much as she was giving before we were both gasping for air.

d.a.m.n my girl could kiss. s.h.i.+t, did I just call her my girl? Was she my girl now? What if this was just a one time deal? f.u.c.k, once would never be enough. But keeping her was so wrong. f.u.c.k it. "Are you sure about this Olivia? There are still things I can't tell you and if we're going to do this you're mine for a long time. There won't be any waking up next week and deciding you can't take the secrets."

"I'll take the secrets as long as they don't involve a girl on the side." Olivia smirked.

d.a.m.n she was cute.

Dropping my smile I whispered the honest truth, "There is no one but you Olivia."

Smiling, her baby blue eyes glowed. "Then, I'm yours."

"Lets go." I said grabbing her hand and rus.h.i.+ng down the alley unable to wait another second.

"Where are we going?" Olivia half asked half giggled her question.

Stopping us I pulled Olivia into my arms, cupping her face with my hands. Dropping my head I touched my lips lightly to hers before pulling back half an inch and whispering, "My house."

Jonah practically ran us to his house thank G.o.d he only lived a couple of blocks away my heels were not for walking or running in this case.

As Jonah led me to his room nervous turned my stomach into knots and my hands begun to shake and to my horror I started to giggle. I was pretty sure I was about to go somewhere I had never been before.

That is if I could stop giggling long enough.

Shutting his door and switching on a lamp that lit the room in a low glow Jonah turn to me smiling his heart stopping smile. Running his hands up my back he pulled me into his arms finding my lips and begun a sensual a.s.sault that had every nerve ending in my body screaming for more.

Wow, I'd had some amazing kisses in my life but nothing compared to the way Jonah was working my lips.

Sliding my hands up his chest Jonah pulled back abruptly, "You giggle when you're nervous. We don't have to do this Olivia. I'll wait till your ready."

"What are you talking about?" I wasn't giggling anymore his lips had seen to that.

"The first day we meet you told me you giggle when you're nervous."

OhaMyaG.o.d "You remember what I said?" I asked stunned that he'd remembered.

Lowering his head so his forehead touched mine he whispered, "I remember every thing you have ever said to me Olivia."

His words slowed the raging hormones and put everything in perspective. Jonah has secrets yes, but the heart beating under my hand was pure and sweet. He may look like a bada.s.s in his black suit but the green eyes with the yellow flickers told me I was safe and that as long as he was around he would always keep me safe.

Jonah was quite simply everything I'd been looking for.

Pulling his face down to mine I let my kiss tell him everything he needed to know.

"Have you done this before?" he whispered brus.h.i.+ng his lips against my neck.

"No." I said breathless.

Leaning back he looked me in the eyes, "Are you sure you want to give this to me?"

Smiling I melted more into his body, "I've never been more sure."

A beautiful half smile graced his face as his hands ran lightly down my arms causing goose b.u.mps to rise. Turning me around so my back was to his chest Jonah dropped his face into my neck kissing and nibbling as he slowly unzipped my dress.

s.h.i.+vers ran through my body as Jonah let my dress fall to the ground, his hands trailing down my naked chest living goose b.u.mps across my skin as his fingers hooked in the waistband of my panties causing my breath to hitch.

"Do you want to undress me Olivia?" Jonah whispered against the nape of neck biting down softly.

My mind was so clouded in a s.e.xual haze I could only nod yes to his question.

Chuckling quietly Jonah turned me back to face him, "Good girl." He whispered kissing the top of my head. Seeing Jonah for the first time as his eyes locked on to my naked chest caused a wave of desire I'd never felt before to rush through my veins.

I started to undress him, slowly at first, but the more I could feel how hard he was getting the more excited my body became and the faster my fingers moved.

My heart was beating so loud I was afraid he would hear it. I'd thought about this moment many times but I never thought it would feel this way. I was nervous but in a good, excited way because everything felt right.

My hands moved to his belt but Jonah hands stopped me. "As much as I'd love for you to continue I'm losing my handle on my control." Quirking an eyebrow at him, Jonah touched his mouth to mine as his hand let go of mine and started undoing his belt. "I'm standing her with the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen and even though I haven't had you yet I know your going to be the sweetest woman I've ever had. So just knowing that and feeling your hand running over my body as you undresses me, it's pus.h.i.+ng me to the edge baby."

Oh my G.o.d.

I tired to get my breathing under control, which was something very hard to do with my eyes locked on to a hard tattooed chest as Jonah shed his clothes in a rush till only his boxers where left.

Bring his hand to my face Jonah ran his thumb across my bottom lip stopping as I sweep my tongue across it. Grinning at me his wet thumb dropped from my lip and glided down the middle of my body hooking into my panties. "Do you want these gone?" He asked tugging on them.

My breathing was out of control now I was so turned on I wanted to cry out yes but I found the only thing I could do was nod.

"That's my girl." He whispered as his other hand moved along my thigh making me whimper when he stopped. "Touch me Olivia."

I didn't need to be told twice, one hand grabbed on to his shoulder while my other hand griped into his hips causing him to groan.

So fast I missed it Jonah ripped my panties down my legs as his tongue licked across my shoulder and up my neck, the cold metal of his tongue ring against my hot skin making my eyes roll back in my head.

Stopping with his lips at my ear Jonah whispered. "If you want them gone," He nodded his head down to his boxers that I was grabbing onto with a death grip that I knew was going to leave fingernail marks in his skin, "Take them."

Once again I didn't need to be told twice.

Pus.h.i.+ng his boxers down desire hit into me hard and heavy.

Grabbing for each other our naked bodies collided our lips crus.h.i.+ng together in a frantic kiss.

Pulling apart when we both were grasping for air Jonah laid me on the bed.

Crawling on top of me and positioned himself between my legs, his kiss on my lips turned soft and light as he pulled a condom from the top drawer of his nightstand.

Looking into my eyes silently asking for permission he kissed my forehead, "I can't promise this won't hurt baby." He whispered as he slowly pushed inside of me with a husky groan.

A spike of pain shot through my body but was quickly swept away as the room disappeared and the only thing that was left was Jonah and me.

Through our connected bodies I could feel his love and desire and it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever experienced.

Starting to move slowly and carefully a moan escaped my lips causing Jonah to growl and take my lip in hard, powerful kiss.

Breaking the kiss Jonah's lips brushed against my ear, "Olivia." He moaned.

Hearing the desperation in his voice, feeling the tremors running through his body and seeing the burning in his eyes I was done moving slow.

Reading the look on my face so was Jonah.

With in minutes Jonah had my world exploding.

Walking back from the bathroom I felt my heart stop Olivia's naked body was stretched across the grey sheets her black hair swept across her sleeping face.

Afterwards I'd held her until she fell asleep hating when I'd had to leave the warmth of her body. Never in my life had I wanted to stick around after s.e.x. s.e.x had always been a physical acted for me but not with Olivia. With Olivia it had been so much more it was quite simple everything I'd ever wanted.

Crawling back into bed I pulled Olivia to my chest and felt my heart tighten when she curled herself around my body with a content sigh.

Chapter 9.

"Denny what the h.e.l.l?" Jonah's voice heavy with sleep asked pulling me from a dream that was almost as s.e.xy as his voice first thing in the morning.

"Sorry brother but her f.u.c.king phone is driving me f.u.c.king crazy."

Oh no Denny was in the room and I was naked, thank G.o.d I was laying on my front and the sheet was a least covering my b.u.t.t.

"Hand over the phone, get you eyes off my girl's back and watch your d.a.m.n mouth."

"She's not even f.u.c.king awake."

"I'm awake." I said unable to stop myself from laughing.

"Then I take back my f.u.c.k."

"Get out." Jonah hissed while I laughed.

"I'll wait till she turns over." Denny snickered.

"Out!" Jonah yelled.

Throwing my cell on the bottom of the bed and laughing louder Denny left.

Rolling me to my back Jonah covered me with his body, "That was not how I pictured waking up this morning."

"How did you picture waking up?"

"Like this." Jonah murmured his tongue running along my bottom lip then slipping into my mouth. Joining our lips in a hot kiss his tongue ring slid across my tongue causing me to whimper and my body to s.h.i.+ver.

Needing more I gripped a handful of his soft golden blonde hair and pushed hard against his body.

Moaning his hand moved down my side to my thigh. Hooking his hand around my knee he pulled my leg around his waist. "You're so beautiful Olivia." He said breathless moving his mouth on to my neck.

"You're only saying that because you don't have your on." I said swallowing back the moan.

"What if I told you, your beauty is so bright I can see it thought the fuzziness?"

"I would say you're full of s.h.i.+t."

Laughing the cold metal of his tongue ring moved across my collarbone. "Oh G.o.d," I groaned, "I love your tongue ring." His head lifted up and his eyes burned into mine. "What?" I asked.

"G.o.ds name has never turned me on so much." He grinned down at me.

"Stop talking." I said surprising myself.

Chuckling Jonah kissed me gently for all of two second before his kiss became hard and demanding.

It was my hand reaching over to the nightstand this time as my cell rang and Denny's deep voice screamed for me to pick it up before he did.

Mumbling cuss words Jonah rolled off me.

I grabbed my phone and Jonah put on his, d.a.m.n he was hot with his on.

"Wow, you're a popular person." Jonah said looking over my shoulder at the thirty-two missed calls.

Controlled more like. Hitting ignore to Darcy's call I threw my cell on to the nightstand.

Turning into Jonah I kissed his neck as his hand rubbed up and down my back and my freaking phone rang again.

"Just answer it baby." Jonah whispered.

"It's fine, it's just Darcy." I said against his neck.

"Pick up Olivia. If you don't she's just going to keep calling." Jonah said handing me my cell.

Sighing I picked up, "Darcy girl I can'ta'"

"Where the h.e.l.l are you?" My mother hissed down the phone cutting me off.

Jonah's eyes narrowed into angry slits.

"I'm at home."

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Risk. Part 7 summary

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