Risk. Part 8

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"Oh really because I'm at your apartment looking at your bed that hasn't been slept in all night."

"What are you doing at my apartment?"

"Whatever I want, I pay for it." Leaning my forehead on to Jonah's chest I shook my head. "I don't know what has gotten into you lately but I do not like it."

Putting his hand under my chin Jonah lifted my face up, concern and anger were written all over his face. "What's wrong?" he whispered.

"I'm being yelled out for not being in my bed." I whispered back.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you talking to?" My mother shouted loud enough for Jonah to hear.

"Tell her where going through a tunnel." Jonah chuckled.

"Mom I've got to go we're going through a tunnel."

My mothers screeching voice sounded from the phone as Jonah took the phone and hung up. "So, your mom sounds nice." Jonah said sarcastically putting my cell down on the nightstand.

"Oh yeah she's the best." I said giving him two thumbs up in mock happiness.

Sitting up more Jonah pulled me into his lap so that I was straddling his waist. "Truth baby because honestly I did not like the way she was talking to you." He said running his hands through my hair making me awfully aware that I was completely naked about to answer questions about my mother.

Leaning over the bed I grabbed a black t-s.h.i.+rt off the floor. Pulling it over my head Jonah lifted my hair out of the back.

"I can't decided what's hotter you naked or you wearing nothing but my t-s.h.i.+rt." Kissing my lips lightly once, he pulled back, "Now answer my question."

"My parents are kind of awful and very controlling."

"Yeah, I kind of got that from what happened at the coffee shop."

"What are your parents like?"

"From what I remember of them, they were great." Tilting my head to the side Jonah answered my unspoken question. "My parents and baby sister died in a car accident when I was thirteen."

"I'm sorry Jonah." I said hugging him tightly, "Where did you go after they died?"

"Foster care with Mason for a couple months then the state let Vinnie and Denny take me in."

"I like Mason and Denny."

"Don't tell Denny that he already has a big enough head." Jonah said amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice.

"Does Mason work with you and Denny?" I asked leaning back so I could look at him.

"No, Mason works for a private security firm."

"That sounds cool. Tell me about your job?"

Wincing slightly he shook his head, "I want to know what you do first."

"I'm studying to be a vet."

"You like animals huh?"

"Love them. Truthfully I like animals better than I like most people."

"You like me more then the animals though right?"

"Of course." I said in a mocking voice bating my eyelashes, "Now tell me about your work?"

Scooting off the bed with me still on his lap Jonah stood up. "No."

"No?" I repeated while he sat me on the bed and started to pull on a pair of blue jeans.

"Yes, no it's almost noon I need to feed you."

Standing up I walked towards Jonah and couldn't help running my hands over the tribal art that started on his upper left arm and wrapped around his shoulder and ran into his chest. Trailing my hand down his chest I stopped at the roses tattooed across his rib cage and side. The tattoo was a yellow and black rose over lapping with black words written underneath in a different language. "What does it say?" I asked tracing the words.

"It's their names."

Sadness swept through me. I knew the pain of losing people you loved. Thinking of Jonah going through that at such a young age had tears welling up in my eyes.

Cupping my face Jonah leaned his forehead against mine. "You never knew them nor did you know me at the time it happened yet still you cry. I haven't felt compa.s.sion like yours since my mother died."

Taking a shaky breath I kissed him tenderly. "I like your tattoos and piercings why are you constantly coving them up or taking them out?"

"Vinnie doesn't think they're professional." Jonah shrugged. "Now stop distracting me put your panties on and hop on."

Grinning I pulled my panties on, "You know normally that sentence is said a little differently."

Lips twitching Jonah leaned down so I could jump on his back.

Me giggling like a five year old and Jonah flat out laughing, we bounced down the stairs and into the hall.

"s.h.i.+t." Jonah mumbled stopping in the doorway of the kitchen.

The kitchen was filled with big men, Denny sat on the counter top, Mason was leaning against the stove and Kay with two other men sat around the kitchen table.

"Is there a reason you're all in my kitchen?" Jonah asked.

"Denny called us," a guy with light spikey blond hair answered, "told us you finally spent the night with a girl."

No freaking way Jonah was aa No.

Loud laughter broke into my momentary freak out.

"Your girl has the wrong idea. She's thinking she deflowered you." Denny choked out between laughter.

"Can you deflower a guy?" The other guy I didn't know asked.

"What they mean Olivia is Jonah doesn't spend the night after s.e.x and he has never brought a girl here." Mason said despite Jonah's obvious anger.

I wasn't an expert on how one acts when finding out there boyfriend was a man wh.o.r.e but all I could hear was that I was the one exception.

Screw breakfast I was going to have something way yummier.

"Jonah, put me down." I said to the back of his head.

"You're a dead man Mason." Jonah promised letting me slid down. Once my feet hit the ground Jonah pulled me around to face him. "Olivia I can explain." He said both hands held up in surrender.

"Take me upstairs."


"I'm not hungry for food anymore."

Flipping his friends the bird Jonah hurried me back to his bed.

Coming out of the bathroom I found Olivia wrapped in a sheet siting at my drawing table. Her small frame was leaning over the table, her hands were tracing a drawing her eyes alive with wonder.

It amazed me how she could look at something so simple as a drawing but still look at it like it was the best thing she'd ever seen. She looked at the world with the eyes of a child, pure, innocent and sweet. I was none of those things and my life was none of those things. Would it be me that would taint those eyes?

Starting to feel like s.h.i.+t when I was the happiest I'd been in long time I pushed it all to the back of my mind, there would be time for guilt later.

"You could've joined me in the shower you know."

"I know," she said turning to look at me, "I was on my way to join you but your drawings caught my attention." Walking towards me her hand came up cupping my face, "Those drawings are amazing Jonah."

G.o.d she was sweet.

"Shower while I cook."

Nodding she pulled my face down and kissed my cheek.

Turning my head I caught the sheet fall off her body and her naked back disappearing into the shower. Just the exposed skin of her back turned me on; add dripping water to the mix it almost sent me flying into the shower.

Tearing my eyes off the closed shower door I pulled on a pair of blue jeans and shrugged on a white t-s.h.i.+rt. Grabbing another s.h.i.+rt from the closet I put it on the bed next to her dress so she could choose what she wanted to wear then left for the kitchen.

"Where's your girl." Denny asked sticking his head into the fridge.

"Showering. The boys?"

"Mason got called into work. The other three went to get ready for work."

Ah s.h.i.+t work, how the h.e.l.l was I going to get my gun. Thank G.o.d for her phone this morning if it wasn't for her phone ringing her hand would have gone into the nightstand looking for protection and found my gun instead. Talk about mood killer.

"I need a favor."

Coming out of the fridge with enough food to feed a small army Denny grinned, "Yes I will show your girl what it's like to have s.e.x with a real man."

"You're pus.h.i.+ng it Denny. I should have already kicked your a.s.s for the stunt you pulled this morning, don't push it further."

"Come on you have to admit that was some funny s.h.i.+t."

Lips twitching I shook my head, "You're a pain in my a.s.s."

"Love you too brother."

"Serious now," I said crossing the room, "I need you to bring my gun to the club."

"Where is it?"


Nodding Denny's somber face turned into a wide smile, "Olivia you're looking beautiful this afternoon."

"I'm sorry am I interrupting?" her small voice came from the doorway where she was standing in the s.h.i.+rt I'd laid out. d.a.m.n I liked that she had chose my s.h.i.+rt over her dress. "I can just wait upstairs if you guys are busy."

Shaking my head I opened my arms, immediately she came to me her arms going around my waist.

"You weren't interrupting, we were just talking about Mason." Denny said dropping the food in his hands onto the counter.

Narrowing my eyebrow I gave him a questioning look over Olivia's head.

"Maybe you can help us Olivia."

What the h.e.l.l was he doing?

"I can try." Olivia said giving my waist a squeeze.

"Mason used to live with us, he moved out last year giving us some bulls.h.i.+t about how he never had a home growing up so now that he has the money he wants a home that is all his." Denny explained while starting to make what looked like sandwiches.

"Ok." Olivia looked up at me giving me a confused look.

"The problem is Mason's not looking for a physical home. Sandwich ok for you?"

"Sure, but I don't think that's a sandwich." She eyed the mess Denny was making her nose scrunching up. d.a.m.n I liked that too, it was freaking adorable. "I'm not really understanding this Mason physical home thing." She said looking up at me.

"Mason hasn't felt a lot of love in his life baby." Understanding crossed her face water filling her eyes. Now I really was going to kick Denny's a.s.s.

"He's not looking for a house he's looking for a home." She whispered.

Nodding I kissed her forehead, pulling her face against my chest.

Looking back up I found Denny staring at Olivia with a look of wonder and confusion; Denny could also use all the love he could get.

Shaking his head Denny mumbled something about getting ready for work leaving the room in a rush.

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Risk. Part 8 summary

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