Risk. Part 9

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Watching Denny go Olivia gave me a sad look.

Shrugging I said what she already new, "We're a messed up bunch."

After eating I took Olivia back to my room so I could get ready for work. I switched on the TV for her to watch but instead she lay on the bed watching me.

"How come you're taking out your tongue piercing?"

"I take out all my piercings."

"You had your tongue ring in last night."

"Ah well I was having a bad week, felt like being a rebel so I left the tongue ring in." And my gun at home, Vinnie would have kicked my a.s.s for both.

Hopping off the bed she pulled my s.h.i.+rt off and slid into her dress from last night. Folding the s.h.i.+rt she put it into her purse. Looking up she smiled, "I'm stealing your s.h.i.+rt."

Laughing I kissed her once, "Ready to go?" Nodding her head I picked up my keys and reluctantly walked her to my car.

Despite being fifteen minutes late because kissing Olivia goodbye turned into a full on making out session up against her car in the parking lot, I walked into the Club with a smile. d.a.m.n I couldn't wait for work to be over with, I told her I would call her tomorrow after I woke up but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to wait that long.

Opening the door to my office I froze, the smile dropping.

"Don't look so surprised Jonah, I own the building." Vinnie said sitting at my desk.

"What can I do for you Vinnie?"

"I want to know who you left the club with last night?"


"A girl." I said sarcastically.

Nodding to one of his boys a hand smacked me in the mouth.

"You're walking a thin line Jonah. Be lucky a smack is all you're getting. Walk out on me again you'll find yourself in a world of hurt." Standing up Vinnie walked to the door. "Bring the girl to dinner. I'm dying to meet her."

The sounds of a belt hitting the floor woke me from my sleep. Before my mind caught up with what I was hearing the bed dipped and warm hands circled my waist. "Jonah?" I whispered panic heavy in my voice.

"Yeah baby it's me."

"What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to go home to a bed without you in it."

Wow, I liked that.

"How did you get in?"

"Ty let me in he was just getting home."


"Yeah baby?"

"I'm glad you came here."

"Me too baby now go back to sleep."

Chapter 10.

My first week with Jonah flew by. It had been very busy so I didn't get as much time with Jonah as I would have liked, but if I wasn't in cla.s.s or at the shelter and Jonah wasn't working then we were together, most of the time with Denny and Mason too. I learned quickly that the saying *when you date someone you also date their family' was very true. Jonah, Mason and Denny were great together, their b.i.t.c.hing back and forth at each other was hilarious and the way they took care of each other was beautiful to witness.

Since the first night we spent together we hadn't spent the night alone. Jonah would crawl into my bed in the early hours of the morning, this was becoming my favorite time, there was something about knowing he couldn't sleep without me that made my heart beat a little faster.

But right now I was dreading the clock counting down to midnight, my hands were already shaking and the fear and panic were staring to cloud my good judgment. I knew I should just take the medicine to knock me out but I couldn't make myself do it, even though I knew I needed to so I didn't run. It wasn't safe for me to be out right now, not with the black car that had been following me all week.

At first I thought it was nothing, I mean there are black cars everywhere it's not a big deal to see one a couple times a day but this black car was everywhere I was and this afternoon when it followed me from the animal shelter to my apartment I knew something was wrong.

Without looking at the clock I grabbed the medicine but my hands were shaking so bad the pill bottle dropped rolling under the bed.

Getting up my eyes locked on the clock it was a minute past midnight and just like every year something inside me snapped, pulling off Jonah's t-s.h.i.+rt I threw on the yoga clothes laying on the floor, pushed my feet into my boots, grabbed my jacket and cell and started running for my brother's grave.

Turning the key in the door I felt a little shot of joy at using the key Olivia had given to me. It was a little after three in the morning but I was going to have to wake Olivia up and thank her properly.

Relocking the door I walked down the hall slipping into Olivia's room as quietly as I could so I didn't wake Darcy and Ty although from the sounds of it Darcy wasn't sleeping or alone.

Honestly I didn't get her friends.h.i.+p with Darcy the girl was nothing like Olivia.

Dropping my suit jacket over the desk chair my fingers froze on my s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.tons, the room was too quite where was Olivia's soft breathing that had become my greeting or the rustling of the bed sheets from her restless sleep that could only be stopped by pinning her to my side.

A cold sweat broke across my skin and fear bit at my heart as I turned around. The bed sheets were crumpled and the T-s.h.i.+rt of mine that she'd been sleeping in for the last week was on the floor.

Spinning on my heels I had my phone out calling Olivia's cell before I hit the hall.

The bathroom was empty and she wasn't picking up her cell. Ending the call I banged on Ty's door before doing the same to Darcy's.

"What?" Darcy snapped opening her door just a crack.

"Have you seen Olivia?" I barked ignoring the glare she was giving me.

"Not since she went to bed awhile ago."


"What's going on?" Ty asked stepping into the hall.

"Olivia is missing." I yelled loosing my cool.

"I completely forgot." Ty said looking at Darcy with a guilty look.

"Forgot what?" I stomped towards Ty managing to keep my hand at my side and not put it around his throat like I wanted too.

"Tomorrow well now today is the fourth anniversary of her brother's death she must have taken off already."

"Her brother is dead?" I asked my blood turning to ice.

"You didn't know?" Ty asked.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eye, "Please tell me her brother did not die of an overdose?"

"He died of an overdose." Darcy answered.


"I'm guessing she didn't tell you?" Ty sighed running his hand over his face.

f.u.c.k no she didn't. It was bad when I thought her brother was on drugs but dead because of an overdose, it was far from bad now.

"How could you not know about her brother being dead but know it was an overdose?" Darcy asked swinging the door open, hands going to her hips att.i.tude on full display.

"When she was drunk a couple of weeks ago she told Mason that her brother cared for drugs more then he cared for her. Now where does she go when she takes off?" I asked turning back to Ty.

"We don't know. Olivia doesn't talk about Alex much." Ty said leaning into the wall. "Before we lived together we wouldn't see her for a couple of days. Last year she only disappeared for a day."

"It's fine she'll come back when she's ready Jonah." Darcy shrugged.

"It is not fine. It's the middle of the night, she's not picking up her cell and G.o.d only knows how upset she is."

"What are we going to do?" Ty asked shooting Darcy a glare.

"We're going to do nothing." Darcy snapped, "Jonah's going to go home. She'll call you if she wants." Her voice had turned to ice and something was working behind her eyes.

Ignoring her I started walking to the door, "I'm going to call Denny to call the boys, you think of places she might go then me and my boys are going to go look for her." I said over my shoulder dialing Denny's number.

Letting the door shut behind me I heard Ty and Darcy yelling at each other.

"What?" Denny answered voice already horsed by sleep.

"Olivia is missing apparently she takes off every year on the anniversary of her brother's death. Her roommates aren't worried but it's the middle of the freaking night and she's not picking up her cell."


"s.h.i.+t doesn't even cover it Denny her brother died of a f.u.c.king overdose."

"I'm on my way. Text me the address, do you want me to call the boys."

"Yes." Ending the call I took a deep breath trying to calm the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and redialed Olivia's cell.

I could breathe again not great because I was freezing a'yoga pants at night in December not a good ideaa' but at least it wasn't from a panic attack. The attack had calmed down once I got to Alex's grave. For the last couple hours I had told Alex all about the last year but mostly about the last four weeks since meeting Jonah. Alex would have loved Jonah.

Kissing my fingers I pressed them against his grave stone, "I love you, Alex."

Standing up I took a deep breath and made my way towards the gates to go home.

My hand reached for the cemetery gate as my eyes caught the s.h.i.+ne of a black car sitting across the street.

Oh no.

The car doors opened and two figures stepped out onto the dark road.

Panicking I ran back through the cemetery, praying the back gate wasn't lock.

Side stepping a gravestone at the last minute my boot slipped on the wet gra.s.s sending me falling to the ground, my right knee landing painfully on a rock.

Lifting myself up on to my hands I looked behind me to see two figures coming towards me. Ignoring the pain in my knee I pushed to my feet running the last remaining steps to the gate that was, thank G.o.d, opened.

Running down the deserted street I pulled out my cell.

"Did you try her cell again?" Ty asked nervously looking around the living room that was packed with Denny, Mason, Cole, and Ben who all had at least 90 pounds of pure muscle on the kid.

"Haven't stopped calling it." I said feeling more helpless than I'd ever felt.

Gripping my shoulder Denny gave it a squeeze giving me a small smile.

"Maybe the girl is just out getting her freak on?" Darcy's date unwisely offered.

Stepping towards him to beat the little s.h.i.+t Denny pulled me back. "Darcy is it? You don't know Jonah well enough yet but your boy is about one smart comment away from getting a facial courtesy of his fist."

My cell ringing broke through the tension and my G.o.d I had never been so happy to hear the awful ring tone Olivia had put on my phone. "Olivia where are babe?"

"Jonah." The panic and fear in her voice would have taken me to my knees if it weren't for Denny's hand still on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

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Risk. Part 9 summary

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