The Iroquois Book Of Rites Part 24

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Watyakwasiharako, we have removed the obstruction, we have unstopped.

_Gasiharongsan_, B., to unstop (_desboucher_).

Watyonkwentendane, we have become wretched, or poor. _GenOenteon_, B., to be worthy of compa.s.sion.

Wedeweyennendane (see under Wete--).

Wedewennakeraghdanyon (see under Wete--).

Weghniserade [wenniserade], to-day. _Enniscra_, B., day; _nonwa wenniserate_, C., to-day.

Wetewayennendane, we have finished. _Gaweyennentaon_, B., to rest, to cease from working.

Wetewennakeraghdanyon [wedewennakeratanyon], we have made the signs, we have gone through the ceremonies. _Ganneraton_, B., "_se servir de regle_."


Yadayakonakarondatye, he may be going with horns. From _onakara_, horn (progressive form, subjunctive mood).

Yadehninhohhanonghne, they two guarded the door, they two were the doorkeepers. _Gannhoha_, B., door; _gannonna_, to guard.

Yaghdekakoghsonde [yaghdegagonhsonde], invisible, (lit., without face); from _yahte_, not, and _kakonhsa_ (_okonsa_) face.

Yaghnonwenh, never. _Iah-nonwenton_, C., never. From _Iah_ (_yah_) not, and _nonwa_ or _onwa_, now.

Yakwenronh, we say. _En_, B., to say.

Yatehhotinhohhataghkwen, they were together at the doorway (_i. e._, they were the doorkeepers). _Gannhoha_, B., door; _atakon_, B. (_sub voce At_), "_ce dans quoi il y a_."

Yatenkarighwentaseron, to finish the business. From _karihwa_ (q. v.) and _awentas_, to finish.

Yejisewahhawitonh, ye have taken it with you. _Gahal_, B., to bring; _gahalton_, to take away.

Yejisewatkonseraghkwanyon, ye have it as a pillow. _Esakonseraka_, B., thou wilt use as a pillow.

Yejisewayadkeron [yetsisewayatakeron], ye are laid together. _Gageron_, B., to be together, to place together.

Yejodenaghstahhere, they added a frame. See _Jodennaghstahhere._

Yendewanaghsende, we will drop (or let fall) into it. _Asenon_ (?), B., to fall; _asenhton,_ to cause to fall.

Yenjontahidah, they will follow. _Gatazori, gatazi,_ B., to run.

Yenyontatenouts.h.i.+ne, they are to be led by the hand. Probably from _gannonna,_ B., to keep, and _atsi,_ comrade.

Yenyontatideron, they shall be placed. _Genteron,_ B., to put any animate thing in any place.

Yeshodonnyh, or Yeshotonnyh, his uncle (properly, "his father's younger brother"); also, as pl., his uncles. _'Atonni,_ C., a relative on the father's side. The prefix _yes,_ in which the signs of the translocative and reiterative forms are combined, gives the sense of "the next younger (uncle) but one."

Yeshohawah, or Yeshohawak, his next younger child but one. See _Rohhawah,_ and _Yeshodonnyh._

Yeshonadadekenah, or Yeshondadekenah, they are brothers. _Rontatekenha,_ C., they are brothers together. This word is made up of the prefix _ye,_ the sign of the translocative form; _s,_ of the reiterative form (see _Yeshodonnyh_); _ron_ or _rona,_ the plural p.r.o.noun (they); _tate,_ the sign of the reciprocal form; _ken,_ younger brother; and _ha,_ an affectionate diminutive affix, generally added to words expressing relations.h.i.+p.

Yeshonarase, his second cousin (lit., they are cousins). _Arase,_ cousin. See _Yeshodonnyh._

Yeshonaraseshen, he was their cousin. See _Yeshonarase._

Yeshotiriwayen, they have again referred the business. From _karihwa,_ q. v.

Yetsisewanenyadanyon, ye are in your graves. Perhaps from _onenya_, stone,--ye are under the stones.

Yetsisewanonwadaryon, ye have taken your intellects (lit., brains) with you. _Ononwara_, C., brain, head.

Yetsisewennitskagwanion, ye have placed it under you. _Ennitskare_, B., to be seated on anything.

Yondonghs, it is called; they call it. _Katon_, C., to say.

Yonkwakaronny, they are wasting, or injuring, us. _Gagaronnion_, B., to do harm to any one; to cause him some loss.

Yonkwanikonghtaghkwenne [yonkwennikondakwenne], we depended on them.

Yontkwatkennison, we are a.s.sembled. _Atkennison_, B., to be a.s.sembled.

Yotdakarahon [yotdarahon], things falling on one. _Ga'raon_, B., to fall upon.

Yoyanere, it is good, it is well. From the root _yaner_, n.o.ble. See _Kayancrenh_.

Yuneghrakwah, solemn event. See _Jiniyuneghrakwah_.

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The Iroquois Book Of Rites Part 24 summary

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