The Invisibles: Let Me Go Part 12

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"What?" She c.o.c.ks her head, confused by my complete change. "I'm sure you aren't going to get in."

"I know the guy. He'll squeeze me in." I swipe my keys off the garage floor and turn her way. "So?" I ask and she stares at me wearily while rising to her feet.


"Are you coming?" I pull my phone out to text Jed over at Zen's.

Her eyes dart everywhere in the garage. "Sure."

I swing the keys around my pointer finger and head nod to my car for her to climb in.

Once she's securely next to me, my phone beeps back from Jed. I smile over to her, waving it in my hand. "See, connections, baby. It's all about connections." She remains quiet, staring at me and my body as it falls into the seat, almost embarra.s.sed by my see-through veil of arrogance. "I give him a lot of business," I relent, the real reason Jed is available whenever I am.

Her eyes scan over my arms covered with tattoos and her lips curl at the corners. "I can tell."

ROB'S c.o.c.kY MASK exhausts me. I'm not even sure why I'm sitting beside him while he drives over to the tattoo shop. Maybe I'll walk home, or hitch a ride from someone. Sitting there while the fake persona he's mastered so well brings laughter to other people, I'll know I'm right. That my a.s.sumption there's something hidden, he shares with no one lingers so far down, I'm not sure he can retrieve it.

I felt his desire for me all over my body at Ace's. It was there, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. The fact that when I asked him to kiss me, his lips smashed down so hard on mine, my head almost smacked against the wall. Then Rob showed that he's not all about himself. His hands cupped my cheeks, making sure my head stayed in place. Which is probably a reason I'm in the car with him. That, and my body refuses to leave the close proximity of his.

He's so relaxed in his seat as he leans back with his hand resting on the gear s.h.i.+ft, moving it back and forth while his foot presses the clutch. There's something oddly s.e.xy about a man who drives a stick s.h.i.+ft. Rob drives it with such finesse, my core tingles with every movement. Only making me question how good he would maneuver me in bed. There's another reason I'm here.

As my mind races with the million unimportant tidbits that float around my brain every day, we park along the curb. Everyone knows Zen's in Western. The first tattoo place along a row of a few newer shops. They're the go to place and if you can't get in, you try down the street. Smart move on the second best parlor's part on joining Zen's location.

"It's busy," I say, noticing the chairs that line the window packed as well as some people hanging around outside.

"Don't worry." He climbs out of the car, moving around to my side. I open my door before he gets a chance and I notice his shoulders slump that I didn't allow him to do a gentlemanly act. Happiness spurs inside of me that he wanted to.

He recovers quickly, by shutting the door. I barely hear the beep of his lock before we're in the parlor and I'm following him to the back of the building. Huffs and moans release from the other half-drunk patrons waiting.

"That's Rob Winters," a girl says to another and my head whips around. Is he really that well-known around here? Then I notice it's more than some fan girl; she works here and is explaining it to someone else. "He has a standing appointment," she continues and the other girl shakes her head.

"Of course he does," the young girl crosses her arms and plops down in the chair.


I flip back around and find Rob yelling from the back. When I notice him, he waves me over and I zigzag through the stations trying not to accidentally anyone, or anything. Just the embarra.s.sment if I messed up something permanent on someone's skin heats my face.

When I reach Rob, I notice a few private stations lined along one side of the hallway. Is this where the no one knows tattoos get done, or the discrete piercings happen?

"I lost you." Rob's arm weaves across my waist and I'm alarmed by the intimate squeeze.

"Oh." I feel every one of my limbs stiffen. Not because I don't like his intimacy but the fact he s.h.i.+fts moods faster than his car on that drag strip.

He removes himself and guilt racks me because I can't stop wanting to make his face look like a boy on Christmas morning. So, when his eyes turn down, I inch forward fast and s.n.a.t.c.h his hand up. He glances back, a smirk across his face. "Jed's waiting."

He tugs me down the hallway as black curtains forbid me to see what the buzzing devices are marking on skin. Once we're fourth down, Rob steps back to allow me to enter first. A long black vinyl bed sits along a wall with only a doctor-type stool and a small rolling tray next it. There's no extra chair, and I bite the inside of my cheek wondering if I should have stayed out front.

Before I have any time to second guess my decision, a big burly guy plods through the curtained-off room. He's probably six-three, broad shoulders, goatee and piercings popping out in numerous places. If I was in a dark alley, I'd most likely turn and bolt. Then a wide grin splashes across his face and that intimidating, scary as h.e.l.l figure, turns teddy bear with only the s.h.i.+ning of his teeth.

"Jed!" Rob welcomes him into the room with a boisterous chuckle.

"What's up, a.s.shole?" Jed shakes his head, making his way over to the station. "You decide now to cover up your dumb a.s.s idea?" Although his words aren't friendly, his demeanor is. "Don't be shy, b.u.t.tercup; take a seat next to a.s.shole." He points to the spot next to Rob and I step over. Once I'm seated down, he rolls over on the doctor chair. "I'm Jed." He holds his hand out to me and I see something tattooed on each knuckle, but I can't catch it all before he pulls away.

"Paige," I meekly say, sounding way too mousy between these two guys with larger than life personalities.

"Pleasure." He winks his brown eye and scratches his goatee before rolling back over to the cart, a.s.sembling his station. "What the h.e.l.l are you going to cover it with?" He turns, crossing his leg over his ankle, resting back against the wall.

I turn toward Rob and his eyes flicker to mine before back to Jed's. "I have no f.u.c.king clue. I just think it's time that it's gone." My eyes scan Rob's arms and I spot the lips next to the guitar.

"Drunken night of stupidity?" I ask, easing back against the wall.

Jed starts laughing and points to Rob. "Not this one. He was sober. f.u.c.king idiot." He turns to me. "Are you virgin?

"Excuse me?" I know guys like him can be forward, but this is a whole new level for me.

The crinkles around his eyes lift. "s.h.i.+t, sorry. I mean your skin."

"Are you asking me if I have a tattoo?" I clarify and Rob chuckles next to me.

Jed nods. "Yep."

"Maybe I'll entice you after tonight."

Rob swings his arm around my shoulders, urging me into him. "You hitting on my girl, here?"

"Is she yours?" Jed's eyebrow c.o.c.ks up and Rob turns his eyes my way.

"Yeah," he says and my heart hammers against my chest.

"s.h.i.+t, then. Sorry."

"That's alright. Any suggestions on the cover up?" Rob releases me and I cross my legs on the bed, trying to dissect why I didn't argue his claim.

Jed and Rob talk logistics of designs while my mind races with Rob's meaning. It will be the first question once we get out of here, that's for sure. To correct him in front of Jed felt wrong. Maybe because I like the idea of being his girl? Or my lack of interest in Jed. I mean, he's not bad looking, just more bulky than what I prefer. I glance over at Rob and my teeth automatically bite down on my lip from how attractive he is. Those gla.s.s eyes, lean muscles mixed with the unruly black hair. From the moment I stepped out of my car and Rob's eyes pinned me with l.u.s.t, I was addicted. Completely, obsessed with the flutter in my stomach from his smoldering eyes on my body. During the past weeks, I've dressed for him, pranced in front of him, all on purpose. All to bring those eyes that entice the feelings of a s.e.xual want inside of me. Why? When I have no chance of winning his heart-only his c.o.c.k.

Before I have a chance to focus on what's happening, Jed's gone and it's only Rob and I in the small room. Not about to lose my chance to confront him, I s.h.i.+ft my body to face him. "Why did you tell him I was your girl?"

His shoulders shrug as he tucks his phone back in his pocket. "I didn't want him to hit on you."

"Oh." I face the curtain, hoping for Jed to re-enter and free the tension.

"You aren't going to ask me why?"

"Why?" I still don't turn to face him. There's something I can't see in this moment on his face that I can hear in his voice.

"Look at me." My head slowly twists and his eyelids are hooded with anxiety. "I'm not going to deny I like you, Paige. I do." My heart soars out of my chest that he's actually admitting the feelings we've both been denying. "But . . ."


His lips turn down at the corners.

"Yeah . . . but I'm not the one for you. I have a past that I haven't made peace with and it's not fair to put you in the middle of it." His back straightens and he s.h.i.+fts his jaw back and forth. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have led you on."

When I sit there silent for a second, his hand crosses that invisible line between us and he links his fingers with mine. "That doesn't mean I want to see you with someone else though." His voice is such a low whisper, I wonder what he really expects from me.

"What do you want me to do then?"

"I don't know."

"You can't have it both ways, Rob."

"I know."

"I can't keep going on like this." I should really say my heart can't take it anymore. Admit that he keeps hammering away at it and if he doesn't at least try to make this work between us, it's bound to break regardless.

"I know."

I disengage my hands out of his and a huge huff releases out of his mouth. Just as I'm about to ask him more questions, Jed steps through the curtained off area with a transparency of the tattoo.

Rob "A dove, man?" Jed asks me for the fifth time.


"I'm not sure. You aren't the dove kind of guy."

"What the h.e.l.l does that mean?"

"Figure you're the kind of guy that likes his past."

I tilt my head and stare at the guy who has painted most of my body.

"Just do it."

Paige excuses herself and as soon as she escapes through the curtain, I don't have to wait three seconds before Jed hammers me with a question about her.

"Who is she?" His head nods to where she just left.


"What happened to Dex and Chrissy?" He mounts the transparency over Jessa's lips and a feeling of loss. .h.i.ts me square in the gut.

I remember the day Jessa pressed her lips on the black ink pad and then on my arm. I was trying to save a relations.h.i.+p that neither of us wanted. I grasped for any hope that I could live life normally again. My heart wasn't invested, and she saw through it. Grant gives her everything I couldn't.

Paige is different though, she's fighting for me and it feels like the first time I rode on the tallest roller coaster, The Magnum, at Cedar Point when I was ten. How I sat down in the seat staring up at the big hill thinking how on Earth will I gain enough b.a.l.l.s for my friends not to laugh at me? Will I grip the bar, or raise my hands? Then after that gut-checking first hill, it was smooth sailing. The faster the car went, the more I laughed and screamed. I was hooked, but for some reason, that first hill still scares me s.h.i.+tless. Paige scares me s.h.i.+tless. d.a.m.n, she's the first girl to make me want to gamble for a different life.

Jed waves his hand in front of my face and I blink, stopping my rambling of thoughts.

"Them too, but we brought Paige in to save money." I watch him place the inks down and get the gun ready to cover up a mistake I should have never gotten.

"You really tapping it?"


"So, she's fair game?" He places his black gloves on, snapping them at the wrist.


He arches an eyebrow to me. "Then I suggest you claim her quick. Girls like that don't last on the open market." The gun buzzes and I straighten my arm as he brings the silver vibration to me.

"She isn't some cow ready to be taken to the highest bidder." A devilish smirk crosses his lips.

"Like I said, don't take too long." I'm not a moron. I understand what he thinks he sees, and his advice, but I don't need his d.a.m.n opinion on how f.u.c.ked up I am.

"Quit being my therapist and give me the d.a.m.n tattoo."

He chuckles loudly and then a mask of concentration his face. He focuses on my arm, precise as always on my permanent ink.

Jed is seconds from being done by the time Paige returns and gently props herself up on the bench. "Where have you been?" I ask her and try not to pry at the folded piece of paper she's hiding in her hand.

"Just looking," she sing-songs while concentrating on Jed's movements across my arm. "A dove. How very hopeful of you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just that maybe you'll make peace faster than you think." Jed pauses a moment, going back for more ink, and then slyly widens his eyes in my direction.

"Doesn't mean things would change." I have to squeeze her out of my senses, why won't she just allow me to keep her at arm's length? Rage begins to brew that she won't accept that my tainted past haunts me too much to focus on my present.

"All done man." Jed takes a cloth and wipes down the dove that now sits on the edge of the guitar on my arm. "It's a d.a.m.n good cover job if you ask me." He wraps up my arm in the gauze and then I jump down.

"That's why I only allow you to scar my precious skin." I chuckle and slap his back. When I spin around, Paige is perched where I sat and she hands Jed a piece of paper.

"The girl outside said you should be able to squeeze me in."

"She did, did she?" He peruses the piece of paper and then peers back up to her. "Where you want it?"

She scoots off the bench and begins unb.u.t.toning her pants.

"Whoa!" I step in front of her, my hand stopping hers. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

"Getting a tattoo. Excuse me." She sidesteps me and starts to slide the zipper down.

"Paige," I warn, earning me a glare like no other.

"I'm fairly sure you don't rule my decisions."

"If you want this done, I'll get Violet, but the h.e.l.l if you're going to drop your pants in front of Jed." I block any view of her to Jed who's humorously laughing behind me.

"You said Jed is the best." She peers over my shoulder. "I'm sure you've had a lot of girls get it in discrete places?" she asks, and I don't turn around to see the smile I know is splashed across Jed's face.

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The Invisibles: Let Me Go Part 12 summary

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