The Walls Of Troy Part 19

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Dalton's lips parted. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Troy swallowed. "Because I didn't want to tell you I'd done something that stupid."

The admiral exhaled, making that disappointed sound my own father had often made when I was a kid, and I couldn't help cringing. "Troy, your personal life is your business, but for G.o.d's sake, if someone is threatening you, I need to know about it."

"I'm sorry, Dad."

Dalton scowled. "So if we don't know how to find this idiot, what do either of you suggest?" His gaze darted toward me.

Troy folded his arms. "Maybe having a plainclothes bodyguard isn't such a good idea. And maybe if it's different guys, like Iskander one day, and Fowler another day-it'll make him think-realize-Iskander's just my bodyguard."

I nodded. "I need to be a more deterring presence. Whoever's f.u.c.king with him needs to know what he's messing with."

Dalton gnawed his lip. "And what if he'd known last night that you were a cop? That might not have been a Taser he hit you with."

"If he'd really wanted to do some damage, he would have. I think he was just trying to spook me. Or Troy."

The admiral shuddered. To me, he said, "And you think a uniformed guard will help deter this idiot? And rotating you with one or two other guards?"

I nodded. "I think so." I hope so. "Now that someone's actually shown up on the property, I think it would be a good idea to step up security around the house. Motion sensors, things like that."

He thumbed his chin for a moment, eyes unfocused. "Good idea. I realize it's your day off, MA1, but I may need your help with coordinating some of this."

"Absolutely, sir. I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you, MA1."

Max, Dalton, and I spent most of the day adapting the security detail to the new-though not completely accurate-information. Rather than waiting for the Navy to approve or deny any additional equipment, Dalton sent us to Home Depot with his credit card and ordered us to spare no expense. Motion sensors, CCTV cameras, anything that could possibly make the home more secure. He was surprisingly good with electronics and such, too-he helped us install the new equipment throughout the property, and by the end of the day, his house probably could've given Fort Knox a run for its money.

After we'd finished installing two sets of baseball-stadium-style lights in the driveway-no one was sneaking up on anyone by those parked cars now-we called it a day.

"That's enough of that." Max pulled on his jacket. "I'm going to go have a beer. You in?"

"No, that's okay. Actually, I should probably go up and talk to Troy."

Max c.o.c.ked his head. "It's a weekend, MA1. You're off duty."

"I know, but Troy and I didn't finish studying last night, so..."

"You really are taking these seriously, aren't you?"

"Well, the old man's making sure I get credit, so I don't have much choice."

"True." He clapped my shoulder. "Do your homework, then, man."

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed, but it was forced. Max headed home, and I left the security office to go upstairs.

To study? Did I really think I had the brain capacity for that tonight? Not a chance.

But after spending all day securing the house from the psycho ex-boyfriend, I had this irrational and irresistible need to check on him. To make sure he was all right.

Is that all it is, Iskander? Really?

All the way up the stairs, my heart was racing. My stomach twisted and flipped. This was a bad idea. Of course it was. But I went anyway, and before I could convince myself not to, I tapped my knuckle on his bedroom door.

When it opened, my heart stopped.

Studying? Checking on him? Not a chance.

I just wanted to see him, and now there he was. He still didn't have on any makeup, and his loose T-s.h.i.+rt and low-slung jeans were just...

I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I, uh, just wanted to let you know we've reinforced the whole property. They're still working on the surveillance cameras, but I don't think anyone will be getting anywhere near the place without getting caught."

"Oh. Okay." He smiled. "Thanks."

I returned the smile. "It's my job."

"I guess it is." He gestured over his shoulder. "So, um, as long as you're here, should we do some studying?"

Do you really think either of us will get anything done?

"We do have an exam coming up, don't we?"

Troy nodded and moved aside.

And against my better judgment, I stepped into the room. The door clicked shut behind us, ratcheting my heartbeat upward.

We faced each other, and I swore I could feel his heart pounding too. Without the eyeliner, the effect wasn't quite as p.r.o.nounced, but his eyes were definitely wide, his pierced eyebrows pulled together beneath his creased forehead.

Then he coughed into his fist and broke eye contact. With a halfhearted laugh, he said, "Well, I guess I could think of worse things than constantly having uniformed cops around."

"You really are into military guys, aren't you?"


"Is that..."

He met my eyes. "What?"

I swallowed, and then shook my head. "It's probably not that important right now."

Troy shrugged. "Just say it anyway."

I hesitated. "You're into military guys. Is that why..." I gestured at him, then me.

For the first time since last night, his lips pulled into a genuine, if shy, smile. "I've only seen you in uniform the one time. To be honest, I'd pretty much forgotten you were military."

"So this..." I hesitated, and then gave a cautious grin. "So this isn't just me pus.h.i.+ng your uniform b.u.t.tons?"

Troy laughed. "No, I guess it isn't."

"Any idea what it is?"

"Not a clue." He held my gaze. "You?"

I shook my head, and when I stroked his cheek, he pressed against my hand.

What was this? Dangerous. That's what it was. f.u.c.king dangerous.

My heart sank. Sighing, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me, ignoring the way this contact made some of my fresh sc.r.a.pes and bruises smart.

"I don't want to put you at risk," he said. "And I don't want to put myself at risk. But I also...this..."

"You don't want to stop?"

He shook his head. "I haven't wanted to get near anybody since I broke up with Ben. But with you..."

My chest ached just thinking about him keeping the world at arm's length. He deserved so much better than that.

Every bit of training I ever had and every cop instinct I possessed screamed at me that this was a bad idea of epic proportions. But as I looked into Troy's eyes, even the lingering pain from his psycho ex bouncing my head off the pavement couldn't keep me from stepping closer. Or wrapping my arms around him. Or pulling him right up against me.

"For what it's worth, I'd stay even if we hadn't...if things hadn't, uh, escalated between us last night..." I cleared my throat and held him a little tighter. "I came here to keep you safe. That's what I'm going to do."

"I know." He drew back enough to look up at me. "You're the only one besides my father who's taken this seriously from the beginning. That's why..." He dropped his gaze. "That's why I trusted you more than the others." A faint smile pulled at his lips. "Maybe that's why I let myself get closer to you than I probably should have."


We locked eyes, and both of our smiles faded. Yeah, we'd definitely gotten closer than we should have, and we were almost that close again.

I freed myself from his embrace and cleared my throat. "So, um. Considering the dogs scared the guy off, Fowler's even checking into bringing in a K9 presence to patrol outside."

A playful but hesitant smile materialized on his lips. "You must love that, having another dog around."

"I can handle those. They're on leashes." I glanced at Talos, who was lying by the foot of the bed.

"He still makes you nervous?"

"Uh, yeah."

He c.o.c.ked his head. "You guys were practically cuddling last night."

"Yeah, I know." I glanced at Talos. "Seemed like I kind of owed him one."

"But you're still afraid of him."

My cheeks burned, and I nodded. "He's a dog. Yes, I'm afraid of him."

"He really is harmless unless you give him a reason not to be."

I arched an eyebrow. "And what qualifies as a reason not to be?"

"Well, you might not want to put me in a headlock or anything."

"I, uh...good to know? I guess?"

"Promise. As long as you're not hurting me, and you're not a duck or a squirrel, you're good."

"A duck?"

"G.o.d yes." Troy chuckled. "He loves chasing ducks.

I laughed. "Poor ducks..."

"Seriously, he's just a big teddy bear." He knelt beside Talos and gestured for me to do the same. When I did, he said, "Put your hand out. Palm up."


"Just do it."

I hesitated, but then did as he said.

Talos leaned forward and sniffed it.

"See? He doesn't bite." Troy smiled. "Talos, shake."

Talos s.h.i.+fted slightly, picked up one of his giant paws, and put it in my hand.

"Good G.o.d. His paws weigh a ton."

"They have to." Troy tousled Talos's ears. "He's built like a tank."


Talos watched me, head c.o.c.ked slightly as if to say are you done with my paw yet, dumba.s.s?

I set his paw down.

Then Troy and I both got up and moved toward the chairs where we'd been studying in last night before things had gotten out of hand, but neither of us sat. I was too d.a.m.ned restless. Judging by the way he couldn't quite stand still, I guessed he was too.

"So, um." I gestured at him. "That's a different look for you."

"I do take the makeup off once in a while."

"I like it like that."

Troy smiled, and he actually blushed a little. "The other look, it's not me. I mean, it kind of is." He laughed shyly. "I didn't wear the eyeliner before, but I kind of like it now."

I slipped my hand into his. "Why do you wear all of it?"

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The Walls Of Troy Part 19 summary

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