The Walls Of Troy Part 23

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Then he moved. He rocked forward and back, and I stayed still. Perfectly still. It was an exercise in restraint, not letting my hips move in time with his, but I wanted him to be in control, so I stayed as still as possible.

He took me little by little, and just the sight of my c.o.c.k sliding deeper into him was enough to make my head spin. Holding my breath, I watched him move, watching him f.u.c.k himself on me, watched him take every inch, the muscles in his back and shoulders rippling with every motion.

He groaned, letting his head fall forward, and I cautiously gave in to the need to move, f.u.c.king him slowly.

I ran my hands up his back and grasped his shoulders. "You all right?"

Troy nodded.

"That feel good?" I asked.

"So good." He groaned again, his arms trembling under him as he struggled to hold himself up.

I leaned down and wrapped my arm around him. Burying my face against his neck. I murmured, "You feel so good, Troy."

He whimpered, still rocking back against me, and it was impossible to say who was in charge now, who was controlling these slow, fluid strokes. Not that it mattered. Nothing did. Nothing in the world existed. There was nothing at all except this slick, tight point of contact and the mind-blowing sensation of sliding in and out of him.

"Harder," he begged.

"Harder?" I kissed the back of his shoulder and moved even slower, letting each stroke take forever. "Maybe I want-"

"Please." He clawed at the edge of the mattress, struggling to move his hips as I pushed back in. "f.u.c.k me harder."

"Shh." I kissed the side of his neck and murmured in his ear. "I will. But I swear if I..." I pressed my lips just behind his ear. "If I move any faster, I'll come. And I don't want this to be over."

Troy's fists tightened on the mattress, and he arched against me. "Oh G.o.d..."

"You okay?"

He nodded. "You feel good."

I kissed the back of his shoulder. "Good. Because I could do this all night," I breathed. "G.o.d, you feel amazing and you look incredible."

Troy moaned. "f.u.c.k..."

I pushed all the way inside him and stopped. "Go all the way down. Onto your stomach."

He didn't resist and sank down to the bed. I rested my weight on my knees and forearms but let my chest and abs pressed against his back. I only moved my hips, sliding in and out of him but not breaking any contact unless I absolutely had to. This was my favorite way to feel a man-skin to skin nearly from head to toe, one of us all the way inside the other, moving slowly and breathing in the scent of his skin.

And holding Troy this way, kissing his neck and shoulder while I covered him with my body and moved in him, drove me insane. I knew d.a.m.n well I had no business being this close to him, not when I was here for the sole purpose of protecting him, but the fierce sense of protectiveness just spurred me on, made me hold him tighter, as if I could s.h.i.+eld him from the world with my body at the same time I made us both feel good.

He s.h.i.+fted a little to the side and turned his head as far as he could. I leaned forward and found his lips with mine, and holy f.u.c.k, his kiss took this from amazing to absolutely mind-blowing.

I didn't care about His. Mine. Whatever. If we came, we came. All I cared about was f.u.c.king him. Moving inside him. Being over him, arms around him, tasting his kiss and feeling his hot skin against mine. Even with the layer of latex between us, he felt amazing, f.u.c.king amazing, and I lost myself completely in f.u.c.king him and breathing him in.

He didn't just feel good. He felt incredible. Our bodies fit together perfectly, and every thrust drove the most delicious whimpers and moans out of him, and it was too much. Too intense, too perfect, too f.u.c.king amazing to be real.

"I'm gonna come," I murmured. "f.u.c.k, Troy, you feel feel..." If I'd had a steady rhythm, it was gone now, and my body moved with no conscious thought on my part, driving my c.o.c.k deeper and harder inside him as the room spun around me and my vision blurred, and suddenly, I was there. All the way inside him, every muscle in my body tensing at once, my b.a.l.l.s tight and my breath lodged in my throat, and I was sure my o.r.g.a.s.m would never stop.

"f.u.c.k," I breathed, slumping over him. I buried my face against his neck. "f.u.c.k. Oh f.u.c.k..." My whole body trembled with the force of my o.r.g.a.s.m, and I kept slamming against him, trying to drive myself deeper and keep coming and coming and...

Eventually, though, it subsided, and I had just enough conscious thought left to hold myself up instead of dropping my full weight on him. "That," I murmured against his neck, "was awesome."

"Mmhmm." He laughed. "Told you I might not come, though."

"Who said we were done?" I carefully pulled out. As I stripped off the condom, I panted, "Get on your back." I tossed it in the trash beside the bed, and when I turned around again, he was on his back, flushed and sweaty and completely hard.

I got up to get rid of the condom. When I came back to his bed, I gathered him in my arms and kissed him. As I slid my hand between us, I whispered, "You don't have to come, but I'll keep going until you want me to stop." I wrapped my fingers around his fully erect c.o.c.k. "Do you want me to stop?"

"G.o.d, no." His fingers dug into my shoulders. "Don't stop."

"I won't. I promise." I pressed my lips to his and stroked his c.o.c.k. "As long as you feel good, we don't have to stop."

" definitely feels good."

"Then I won't stop." I kissed him and kept teasing him.

His fingers raked through my too-short hair, twitching as they tried to grab on. "It feels really good. Just d-don't know if I can come like that."

Still stroking him, I met his eyes over his quivering abs and bare chest. "Do you enjoy it?"

"Ooh, yeah." He moistened his lips. "I just don't know if-"

"If you enjoy it, then I want to do it." Eyes locked on his, I ran the tip of my finger along the underside of his c.o.c.k. He bit his lip, and I grinned. "Just tell me if you want me to stop, but as long as you're enjoying it..."

"I so am."

He didn't have to come. I'd have done this all d.a.m.ned night for no other reason than I loved it. I loved the way he felt and sounded and tasted, and I f.u.c.king loved making his breath catch like that and making his whole body arch and tremble.

He moaned, and the sound echoed off all my nerve endings. Nothing in the entire world was as erotic as Troy falling apart, as his whole body trembling while he made those deliciously helpless sounds and his c.o.c.k seemed to thicken in my hand.

With every breath, I expected him to pull back, to tell me to stop, but the tension just kept building, and he just kept riding that edge. Tense as his body was beside me, he had to be on the edge, had to be right on the brink, a heartbeat away from either letting go or giving up.

His body went rigid. Groaning, he thrust into my fist, and I gave him everything I had. Then his breath caught, and he managed a sharp whisper of, "Oh...s.h.i.+t..."

And a second later, he forced his d.i.c.k through my tight grip, and his s.e.m.e.n shot up my arm and across my stomach. I kept stroking as long as he kept coming, and Jesus, his o.r.g.a.s.m seemed to go on forever, his whole body trembling as he gasped and swore and moaned.

Finally, he collapsed back onto the bed, still shaking and panting. "Oh my G.o.d."

I kissed him lightly. "Well, I'm not G.o.d, but-"

He burst out laughing. "No, you're a dork."

"Eh, I've been called worse."

Our eyes met, and we both laughed. Shaking his head, he reached for the tissues on the nightstand, and handed me a few. After we'd cleaned ourselves off, we settled back into bed. Troy sank back onto the pillows and stared up at the ceiling. When I held on to him, he rested his head against my shoulder, and I stroked his hair.

"I can't believe you got me off," he slurred.

"Was I that bad?"

He snorted. "Yeah. That's it."

I kissed the top of his head. "Say the word, and I'll do it again. As long as you enjoy it, there's no pressure from me."

"Thank you," he whispered.

"You shouldn't feel any pressure in bed. That's...G.o.d, that's just bulls.h.i.+t."

"I know." He sighed heavily. "Everything about my relations.h.i.+p with Ben was messed up, but the s.e.x was the worst."

I was afraid to ask but did. "In what way?"

"It was always consensual. He just...he made it so stressful I couldn't enjoy it. If I came before him, then he'd flip out at me for getting myself off before getting him off. And if it took too long for me to come, he'd freak out over that too."

"What? Why?"

"Because he'd already gotten off and wanted to go to sleep. So he'd tell me to take care of it myself, roll over, and knock out." He laughed bitterly. "The one time I took him up on that, I regretted it for days."

"What do you mean?"

Troy shuddered.

"Never mind," I said quickly. "You don't have to spell it out."

"Thanks. Anyway, it got to the point I couldn't come at all during s.e.x. Fooling around, yeah, but once he wanted a.n.a.l? Not a chance. Sometimes I couldn't even get..." He hesitated. "I couldn't even get it up. And that would just p.i.s.s him off even more."

"G.o.d, what a volatile douche bag."

"Tell me about it." He lifted his head and scowled. "Look what he did to you. He's never exactly been a stable individual."

I whistled. "That's an understatement."

"Yeah." He propped himself up on his arm. "So, yeah. There's my f.u.c.ked-up history. I know you like guys with more experience. The last thing most guys want is someone with all this baggage tangled up with-"

I kissed him to cut him off. "Do you think I'd be here if I didn't want to be?"

Troy held my gaze, and I swore I could see the question in his eyes.

What happens after tonight?

"Let me ask you this." I brushed a few strands of hair off his forehead. "When we're...well, when we're in bed, do you think about the fact that I'm your bodyguard? Or that I'm older than you?"


"Neither do I. When we're like this, all I can think about is how good it feels, and how good I want it to feel for you." I kissed him tenderly. "Nothing else exists. Not your past, not any baggage either of us might have, and not anything that's going on outside this room."

"So what happens when we do leave this room?"

I exhaled. "I have no idea."

Chapter Fifteen.

I tossed and turned the whole d.a.m.ned night. There was no point in telling myself that Troy and I had been idiots, so I didn't bother. I just couldn't stop thinking about everything we'd done in his bed. Right or wrong, stupid or not, I wanted more. I didn't know what I was hoping for the most-that Troy would be the smart one who'd see reason and put a stop to this, or that he'd be reckless just like me. Based on everything I'd come to understand about him since I became his bodyguard, I suspected the latter.

Dear G.o.d, we are so f.u.c.king doomed.

This wasn't the first time I'd gotten involved with someone I shouldn't have, but an admiral's kid? That was exceptionally stupid. Especially given my duties.

Max went to cla.s.s with Troy for the next two days, which was a double-edged sword. It put some distance between Troy and me, gave us both a chance to calm down and see reason. At the same time, it gave me plenty of opportunity to be insanely distracted by how much I wanted-needed-to see him right f.u.c.king now.

But the deal was that Max and I would trade off escorting Troy to cla.s.s, and today? My turn.

My stomach was all tied up in knots, and it only got worse when Troy came down the stairs to the foyer where I waited for him. Even worse when he smiled. Really smiled. h.e.l.l, I barely even noticed the omnipresent dog plodding along beside him.

"Thank G.o.d." He stepped off the last step, so he was a few inches below eye level. "I thought I was going to have to sit through another day with Fowler."

I laughed. "That bad?"

Rolling his eyes, Troy groaned. "He's just...such a f.u.c.king chief."

I snorted. "Enough said, trust me."

He met my gaze, and the playful grin weakened my knees. "He did give you all the lecture notes, though, right?"

"Yeah. And you're right, he is such a chief." I snickered. "I swear he wrote down every word the prof said."

"G.o.d forbid a chief do anything efficiently."


We both chuckled, and then he gestured at the door.

"So." He raised his pierced eyebrows. "To cla.s.s?"

"After you."

We made it out to the car, and I drove us out toward the interstate. As I was pulling up the on ramp, Troy said, "So, um. The other night."

I gripped the wheel tighter. "Yeah."

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The Walls Of Troy Part 23 summary

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