The Walls Of Troy Part 30

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"Please do."

He laughed and started to withdraw, then pushed in deeper. He worked himself in, eagerly but not so much he'd hurt me, and I grabbed handfuls of bedsheets as I tried to just stay conscious while he started picking up speed. His c.o.c.k was the perfect size, stretching me enough to make my breath catch, and hitting that perfect spot inside.

Troy leaned down, wrapping an arm around me, and kissed beneath my ear. "This can't be wrong," he murmured, almost groaning. "Feels too f.u.c.king good to be wrong."

Any other time, I might've had the presence of mind to know that wasn't logically sound, but with the way his d.i.c.k felt as it slid in and out, and the way his breath cooled my neck and his skin warmed my back, I couldn't argue. This felt too good to be wrong. It felt f.u.c.king amazing.

Troy dug his teeth into my shoulder, and my arms almost collapsed out from under me, and then he groaned and thrust hard enough to knock me down onto my forearms. He didn't let me recover-he forced me all the way down, and I couldn't tell his moans from my own as he f.u.c.ked me deep and hard and I couldn't do a d.a.m.ned thing but lie there and take him. Every time he thrust, my c.o.c.k rubbed against the comforter, and I was in heaven. I was completely at his mercy, and I hoped to G.o.d he never, ever stopped.

"Oh...f.u.c.k..." He thrust hard enough to hurt, and I moaned and clawed the comforter as he drove me closer and closer to coming.

And then he gasped. Forced every inch of himself inside me. And shuddered.

I turned my head, searching for his lips, and he claimed them in a breathless kiss.

Barely breaking away, he said, "You didn't come yet, did you?"


"Good." He drew back and nipped my ear hard enough to make me gasp. Then he pulled out and ordered, "Turn over."

Where this bold, take-charge side of him had come from, I had no idea. I just did as I was told and turned over, and he didn't even give me a chance to settle onto the mattress before he took my d.i.c.k all the way into his mouth. I was already climbing the walls, already losing my mind, and then he slid two fingers into my a.s.s, and I almost lost my G.o.dd.a.m.ned mind. Holy f.u.c.k, he already had me turned on as h.e.l.l, but sucking my c.o.c.k like this while f.u.c.king me with his fingers? Bliss. Pure f.u.c.king bliss.

"Just like that," I whispered, slurring the words. "Oh G.o.d, Troy. Oh G.o.d. D-don't stop." I grabbed his hair. Not enough to force him down on me, just enough to hold on to something.

Right when I was teetering on the brink, he-Jesus Christ, I didn't know exactly what he did, but suddenly his fingers were pressed just right against that sweet spot inside, and I was gone. Everything went white, and my whole body was rigid and relaxed at the same time, and I couldn't even breathe but who the f.u.c.k cared, because I was coming and didn't stop, couldn't stop, never wanted to stop.

One last shudder, and I slowly sank back down to earth. "Holy f.u.c.k."

He slid his fingers free and pushed himself up. He left the bed to get rid of the condom-I a.s.sumed, anyway, since my brain had turned to liquid-but came back a moment later. As soon as he was over me, I grabbed him, pulled him down, and he kissed me hard, his mouth salty and demanding.

Slowly, it turned into a lazier kiss, just holding on to each other and making out for no other reason than it felt good. Eventually, we pulled the sheet back up and faced each other on our sides.

"I was scared to death to come over," he whispered.

"I'm glad you did." I brushed a few long strands of hair out of his face. "I sure as f.u.c.k didn't have the b.a.l.l.s to come to you."

He tilted his head slightly. "Because of my dad?"

I swept my tongue across my lips. "I was afraid of crossing your ex again. And yeah, p.i.s.sing off your dad. But..." I ran my fingers through his hair. "The biggest thing was I was afraid to face you." I quirked my lips. "I must sound crazy to you. I'm a d.a.m.ned cop. I've wrestled drunk Marines and armed insurgents to the ground. I've run toward gunfire." Trailing my fingers down his cheek, I whispered, "But you scare the h.e.l.l out of me."

Troy curved his hand around the back of my neck and kissed me. "I don't bite."

I laughed softly. "You know what I mean." Turning serious, I said, "I want you more than I should. And I'm more afraid of losing you than I've ever been with anyone else."

"I'm not going anywhere." He held my gaze, and I knew he knew what I'd meant by losing him. "I know it's risky, but nothing has felt right since we split up. And I meant what I said." He clasped my hand between his. "About talking to my dad and telling him about Ben. He'll be p.i.s.sed, but..."

"He'll get over it." I brought his hands up and kissed the back of one. "He'll be more upset about you putting yourself at risk than not telling him about someone blackmailing him."

"Or dating a cop who was supposed to be my bodyguard?"

"Probably that too."

"Well, I'm sure he'll have an opinion about everything." Troy slid closer to me. "But not everything about this is up to him."

Caressing his face, I whispered, "No, it's not."

"I love you, Iskander."

I kissed him tenderly. "I love you too."

For the longest time, I held on to him, my heart still racing and my stomach twisting with worry, but more than anything, I was relieved he was here. This was right. In spite of all the reasons it shouldn't have been, it was right.

I pressed my lips to his once more. "Why don't we grab a shower, and then we can go talk to your dad?"

Troy swallowed but nodded.

We got out of bed and started for the bathroom, but then I halted. "Wait."

He turned around. "What?"

Grinning, I backtracked toward the bed. "If we're going to take a shower, maybe we should make sure we have everything we might need."

His brow creased with confusion.

Then I held up a condom and the lube bottle.

And from the way he grinned back at me, I had no doubt we'd need them.

Chapter Nineteen.

By the time we'd showered-twice-it was a wonder either of us could walk. h.e.l.l, even with the thick walls, I would probably have a hard time making eye contact with my neighbors for a day or two. Oh well. I wouldn't complain about sitting uncomfortably or awkwardly pa.s.sing my neighbors in the hall. Not after s.e.x like that, and definitely not now that I had Troy back.

This wasn't over yet, though.

In the bedroom, wearing only a pair of jeans, Troy sat on the edge of the bed. "So what do we do now?"

I blew out a breath. "I'm not sure." I sat beside him and rested my hand on his leg. "The thing is, this guy isn't going to back down. And the longer we go, spending time together in public and here-which he knows is my apartment-the worse it's going to get."

Troy shuddered and drew closer to me.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "I think we need to sit down with your dad and the security team and come up with a game plan. Whether you're with me or not, you shouldn't have to keep living like this." I planted a light kiss right at his hairline. "Something needs to change."

"I just wish getting rid of that a.s.shole was easy. If it was, I'd have done it a long time ago."

"No kidding. Were you serious earlier? About telling your father what's going on?"

Blowing out a breath, Troy nodded. "I'm not looking forward to it, but yeah, I'm serious."

"Maybe we should do that sooner than later."

"Yeah, probably." He s.h.i.+vered. "What if he freaks out?"

I kissed his forehead. "He's going to be upset, but he really wants you to be safe more than anything. Once he's done screaming at me for seeing you, he'll focus on what needs to be done to keep this f.u.c.ker away from you."

Troy took my hand. "What about keeping me away from you?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. One step at a time."

"Good idea. Well, let's do this, then." He took out his phone and pulled in a deep breath. He wrote a quick text, then showed me the screen.

Iskander & I want to talk to you & the whole security team. On our way over.

I nodded. "Good. That'll work."

"a.s.suming he's not busy." He sent the message. "We could be waiting for a little while."

"I doubt it. I'm pretty sure your dad would drop anything short of a phone call with the president for this."

"Yeah, probably."

I kissed his cheek, then patted his leg. "We should get dressed and head out."

Once I'd dressed, I put on my shoulder holster, and Troy shuddered when I pulled my pant leg down over the ankle holster. He reminded me a little of how he'd looked at me the first day, when I'd confirmed I was indeed carrying a weapon. It was hard to believe how much had changed since that first day. The threat against Troy was real now. So was Troy, for that matter. He wasn't a petulant kid manipulating his father into abusing government resources in the name of attention. And that day, when I'd been required by orders and duty to give a d.a.m.n about his well-being, I hadn't imagined I'd ever feel this protective of him.

On the way downstairs, Troy halted. "d.a.m.n."


He showed me his phone, and the text from his father: Going into a mtg. Will be there ASAP.

"That could be hours, knowing him," he muttered, pocketing his phone.

"Then we'll wait." I put my arm around him and kissed his temple. "Do you want to hang around here, or head over there?"

"Let's go over there. The longer we stay here, the more likely I am to talk myself out of it."

I laughed dryly. "Yeah, me too."

We continued down the stairs and across the parking lot.

"Your car or mine?" I asked.

"You mind if we take yours?"

"Not at all."

A hesitant smile flickered across his lips, and he headed around to the pa.s.senger side.

I started the engine but didn't put the car in gear yet. Instead, I reached over and rested my hand on his leg. "You're really sure about this? Coming clean to your dad about us?"

"Absolutely." He laced his fingers between mine. "I'm still not sure if telling him about my ex will blow up in my face, but..."

"He won't be happy about this either."

"He'll get over it."

"Let's hope."

We locked eyes, and something knotted behind my ribs. I was absolutely certain I wanted Troy, and there was no doubt in my mind I was in love with him, but that didn't change the fact that there could-and would-be fallout for this.

I thought about leaning across the console to kiss him, but resisted. Not while there was someone out there who'd hurt him if he caught on to what was going on between us. Even holding his hand over the console was risky, but no one outside the car would be able to see that.

Still. I squeezed gently, then freed my hand to s.h.i.+ft the car into reverse. "It'll be fine," I said as I backed out of the parking s.p.a.ce. "We'll figure all of this out."

Troy nodded but didn't say anything.

As we headed away from my apartment, we didn't talk. I didn't even turn on the radio. Troy stared out the window, and I kept my attention fixed on the road in front of me and the cars in the rearview and side mirrors. All the way up the interstate from Norfolk to Virginia Beach, we rode in taut silence. G.o.d knew what was going through his mind-I could barely keep a handle on the things going through mine.

I pulled off the interstate and slowed down on the off ramp. When I turned at the bottom, a black sedan stayed right on my a.s.s. This road was four lanes, so I moved over to let him go by me.

And he changed lanes too.

Oh f.u.c.k.

Drivers around here could be insanely aggressive, so I didn't panic yet. I lightly tapped my brakes, just enough for the lights to come on but not jerk my car. The a.s.shole stayed right on my b.u.mper.

My blood turned cold.

I took my foot off the gas, letting the car lose a little bit of speed as we approached an intersection. Then, without signaling or slowing down, I abruptly turned right.

Troy grabbed the armrest. "Uh, Iskander? Where are we-"

The squeal of tires silenced him.

"d.a.m.n it!" I gripped the wheel tighter.

"What?" The panic in his voice was palpable. "What's going on?"

I tilted the rearview mirror slightly. "f.u.c.ker's following us."

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The Walls Of Troy Part 30 summary

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