High Risk Part 2

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Kate waited until the door to the room clicked shut before she tentatively tried her knee. She'd have to put ice on it as soon as she got back in her room. She scolded herself for overreacting to Dasher's concern.

Truthfully, she'd come to the gym and instantly known it was Dasher across the room. Although she couldn't see her facial features clearly, the gradual dawn revealed her to be sinew and muscle beautifully folded onto a perfectly proportioned frame. Kate observed every muscle group, every nuance of motion, hypnotized by Dasher's grace and her quiet certainty.

When she was finally able to move to the farthest spot away from Dasher, she was unable to merely go through her yoga routines as best she could. She had to make them perfect, in case Dasher caught sight of her. She pushed too far, and when she fell from her headstand, the pain reminded her of the injury and how frightened she'd been at the time.

Then Dasher, d.a.m.n her, had been there, and when Dasher held her, she made the pain bearable and the fear disappear. Of course Kate had to push her away and accuse her of being a rotten individual. She couldn't just accept Dasher's offer of compa.s.sion.

Sometimes she wondered about herself. What was it about Dasher Pate that didn't allow her to be friendly? Or even neutral? Every nerve ending, every emotion she possessed was uniquely tuned to that woman. She had schooled herself to be on guard for the intentions of most others, which were usually self-serving. On the rare occasions she was willing to admit it, hers certainly were.

But Dasher, for some reason, always got in under her defenses. Every d.a.m.ned time Kate had to consciously do-well-what she just did: Realize what she was doing and with whom she was doing it. She was accepting comfort from the enemy, that's what-comfort from someone who could have derailed her career before it even began, according to Joe Alder. Someone who could torpedo her even now.

It didn't matter that Dasher had never done anything overtly to hurt her. Or that she couldn't get Dasher's face out of her head sometimes. Or that when she was in Dasher's arms, being there felt the opposite of dangerous. It felt right. None of that mattered. All she saw was a big red warning sign.

She had to be constantly vigilant in order to head off any potential threats to her career, her image. However, she was tired and her image had begun to mean less to her, perhaps since her injury. Her defenses were probably just down because she'd overworked her knee. So naturally, when the pain hit, she was unable to push Dasher away before she...before she...allowed Dasher to care for her.

Kate limped to the common area that served as a meeting room for the society and found a comfortable chair with an ottoman on which to rest her now-swollen knee. She'd torn the medial meniscus and received a nice knock on the head while filming an escape scene in her latest thriller.

She chose a surgeon who would not only repair the knee and clean out all the other junk in there from years of athletics, but would leave barely a trace of a scar. As pretty as it was, it still hurt like h.e.l.l and had only recently begun to feel better. Alder had pushed her to do some of her own stunts, and she willingly agreed. She was in good shape and figured she wouldn't have any problems.

She hadn't considered the time such stunts would require away from her actual acting responsibilities, or the athletic abilities needed. While physically she was capable, having to gut up to do the stunts took its toll and distracted her. She was now quite content to let the second-unit director and the stunt folks do their thing while she concentrated on her characters. No matter what Joe said, her fans did care if she could act, that rat b.a.s.t.a.r.d. She had the fan mail to prove it. Maybe most considered it a pleasant surprise, but she could act.

She looked around the tastefully furnished common area of the Elysium floors, which came complete with a beautiful young female attendant. Laurel said they employed a lot of college kids part-time, many that she had taught before she took her sabbatical. The young woman had brought her a pot of fresh a.s.sam tea and a large cup that held more than two ounces.

Some of the members that Kate met at the first gathering of the Elysium Society began to arrive. They helped themselves to refreshments and found a spot to sit. Most waved or came by to say h.e.l.lo and reintroduce themselves, polite but not fawning. Kate was relieved and a bit disconcerted at the same time. She'd always been the center of attention, no matter where she went. Her physical beauty, and now her celebrity, almost guaranteed that.

As she looked around, she saw at least a half dozen women who could match her looks yet chose to avoid the limelight. She could practically tick them off on her fingers: a world-famous journalist who was Greek and beautiful, but seemed unaware of both her beauty and her status; senators; CEOs of large corporations. It was heady company-all looking fabulous but not preening. Kate decided she wanted to be that way. Next meeting, less makeup, maybe no makeup. The thought made her uneasy and she quickly shelved the idea.

She had to admit that she didn't have much experience in the world of not being the star. But she needed to learn. Laurel did it so easily. Maybe she'd follow Laurel's example. A familiar voice brought her out of her reverie.

"Hey, Kate, how's the knee doing?" Stefanie Beresford settled gingerly on the ottoman, her warm chocolate brown eyes welcoming. Kate liked this woman more each time she saw her. She never uttered a smarmy double entendre like those Laurel's ex had constantly come up with. Stef seemed to be madly in love with Laurel, which Kate admired. She felt like she could trust her.

"It's better, but I like to elevate it when I can. Keeps any swelling down. I think I overdid it this morning in the workout facility. I'll give up the ottoman if someone needs it, though. How are you? I'll bet putting the finis.h.i.+ng touches on the hotel has kept you busy."

Kate surprised herself by caring about Stef's reply, but then she attributed her interest to needing to know that the opening hadn't been pushed back, thereby s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up her schedule. She rarely thought about anyone else's responsibilities.

Stef said, "It's been hectic, but Laurel has been a huge help. She's very organized, and she and Denny keep us all on track. To tell you the truth, I don't know what I'd do without her. On every level."

Stef's unabashed love for Laurel warmed Kate's heart, but she quickly looked away, uncertain why. Was she jealous? She really liked Stef and was glad for Laurel. But seeing her sister so happy made her own miserable love life stand out in glaring relief.

While she made the obligatory rounds of parties and award shows, for the most part, that's all they were: a to-do list. The public-relations machine constantly ground out rumor and innuendo about her being seen with her latest leading man, at least until the opening of the film, which was when they usually quietly parted ways. She'd always told herself this was simply the way the business was, but lately she'd begun to understand the toll that kind of lying and distortion could take on an individual.

She'd watched talented actors and actresses succ.u.mb to the drugs and alcohol that those who wished to control them so willingly provided. She'd seen women with their own distinct look submit to being cut and dyed, waxed and Botoxed into someone else's vision of beauty. She wondered what price she would eventually be willing to pay. At the very least, she seemed willing to sacrifice the type of love Stefanie and Laurel enjoyed.

Stefanie's voice broke up her pity party. "Kate? h.e.l.lo?"

"Um, sorry, Stef. What were you saying?" She was surprised to see the concerned expression on Stef's face.

"I wanted to tell you about a new member before she's introduced. Laurel said you might want to know."

Kate's attention was drawn to the smiling woman behind Stef. Dasher Pate. Gray eyes, ringed with thick eyelashes, held hers for the second time that morning and wouldn't let go.

Stef's voice intruded. "Kate? What are you...oh." Stef had followed Kate's line of sight. Quickly standing, she gave Dasher a hug.

"Hey there, welcome. I gather you two have met." Stef stood aside with a hopeful expression.

Kate didn't intend to embarra.s.s anyone by causing a scene, so she stayed where she was but offered her hand to Dasher. "h.e.l.lo, again. Are you joining the Elysium Society?"

Dasher's warm touch sent a current to every part of Kate's body and she jerked her hand back. Alarmed and confused, she felt her cheeks begin to burn immediately. d.a.m.nit. She should have remembered that about Dasher. Never touch.

Kate could swear Dasher was smirking as she casually said, "I'm thinking about it. Does it mean I get to stay on these floors? I thought the lower floors were wonderful, but these are spectacular." She looked around and waved to a few women she evidently knew.

Still fl.u.s.tered, Kate snapped, "It has a lot more to it than plush accommodations, so if that's your only interest, stay at the Four Seasons."

Dasher's smile disappeared and her jaw muscles worked, but she didn't speak. After a moment she quietly said, "Stef, talk to you later," then walked to the other side of the room and found a chair. Several others quickly engaged her in conversation.

Stef hesitated, then said, "Kate, I didn't know you disliked Dasher so much. Do you want me to ask her to leave?"

"What? No, of course not. I must be irritable because of my knee. It aches terribly today. We just seem to clash. I'm sure Dasher would be an a.s.set to the society. Sorry, Stef."

Giving her a relieved and likely grateful grin, Stef moved quickly off to greet others.

Kate surprised herself with her apology and suspected she owed one to Dasher, too. This whole weekend was turning out to be an emotional roller coaster for her, and that had not been the plan.

d.a.m.n that Dasher Pate anyway. This happened every time she ran into her and was a big reason she avoided her when possible, or at least tried to antic.i.p.ate running into her. She needed to be prepared. She'd been blindsided just now, which was why she'd reacted so poorly. Working a confusing situation like this out in her head always made her feel better.

The room was completely full and buzzing in antic.i.p.ation. Laurel had taken Stef's vacated spot on the ottoman and patted Kate's leg rea.s.suringly, her attention on Irina Castic and Seraphina Drake.

The Elysium Society had been recently reborn, primarily because of Irina and Seraphina's efforts to keep its flame alive through some hard times. Also, the tenacity of Stefanie Beresford to rehabilitate the hotel and the curiosity of Laurel, who kept digging into the hotel's past, had made this new beginning possible.

In order to secure not only the future of Hotel Liaison, but that of the Elysium Society as well, Irina had used a portion of the funds generated from selling land recently restored to her family in Serbia. Now the society would always have a home and no one could usurp it. Few knew the whole story of its rebirth, but all present waited to find out the next phase of the society.

Seraphina used a fork to tap her cup lightly, and the room quieted. She smiled at the gathering of women who had pledged to make the world a safer place in which to live. For that was their charge: all issues that related to the status of women. The difference between their organization and others was the fact that, except for the faade they were creating, its work was secret, and sometimes it might involve risk.

Her voice was commanding and easy to hear. "We welcome you to this meeting. We have been diligently working on reestablis.h.i.+ng the structure of the Elysium Society while the hotel has been nearing completion. You see before you our dream come true."

The appreciative hum produced a smile on Laurel's and Stef's faces, and Kate's, too. She knew how many eighteen-hour days Laurel and Stef had put into the project. It certainly appeared worth it. This hotel was perfect for women, and it wouldn't take long for word to get around. Stef had told her that if all went well, it could be self-sustaining within two years.

Seraphina continued. "Each of you filled out an extensive questionnaire about your skills, interests, training, and connections. Our committees and projects will need your expertise, and we will take advantage of it. Some of the projects will provide new experiences for you, and you will learn a great deal about yourselves as you tackle them. Everyone has the right to turn them down, but please consider carefully before you do."

She turned to Irina Castic, who was sitting to her left. Seraphina was tall and robust, and Irina was her opposite. She was small, with delicate bones, her face exquisitely structured. Kate would have cast her as royalty without a second thought. She smiled at the thought because, as it turned out, Irina was royalty. She'd had a difficult life but now she was reunited with Seraphina, and they would spend their remaining years together. She looked radiant.

Kate's eyes welled up, and she pulled her thoughts back to the meeting, chastising herself for being such a complete romantic. She glanced away from Irina and caught Dasher's concerned gaze. Confused for a second, she realized that Dasher had seen her tears and thought something was wrong.

Reflexively she grinned and gave an embarra.s.sed shake of her head, looking back at Irina as she started to speak. She didn't hear a word, though. Her thoughts centered on the expression on Dasher's face. She seemed genuinely worried. Kate couldn't remember anyone but Laurel bothering to notice her sad moments, except perhaps to tell her to dial it up or down, depending on the scene. But she did recall that fact about her brief meetings with Dasher five years before and, recently, at the gym. Dasher cared. Did Dasher treat all women with such tenderness?

Seraphina had finished her presentation, and Irina was talking about the projects Elysium was thinking of taking on. "The first, and probably the most public, will be the Elysium Foundation. We will be awarding grants to projects that promote women: our history, our dreams, our concerns. We will also give educational grants to individuals who show high potential and a desire to help others learn. We'll need volunteers to help guide this committee and make selections."

Several hands shot up and Irina looked at Laurel, who held up a clipboard and said, "I'll pa.s.s around the sign-up sheets after Irina is through."

Irina continued. "We have several initial grants to announce. First, a full scholars.h.i.+p to the university of her choice, to Miss Ember Jones. Ember was my roommate for a bit and has worked very hard to build this hotel. Ember, please stand."

Ember rose-tall, blond, and lovely, blus.h.i.+ng deeply, seemingly embarra.s.sed at the attention. Kate had seen her around the hotel, mostly in the company of Irina and Seraphina, and also a.s.sisting the designer of the interior of the hotel. Yesterday she'd been at the front desk when Kate checked in. Kate thought she was Irina's grandchild, but Laurel said they weren't related.

The group applauded and Kate noticed that Jock Reynolds, the general contractor for the renovation of the hotel, and Denny Phelps, Stef's business partner, gave Ember a whistle and applauded louder than the rest. Ember sat down quickly and they gave her a few high fives.

"Next, a full scholars.h.i.+p to the law school of her choice, we're hoping Hastings or Stanford Law to keep her close, to Agnes Brady, without whom Hotel Liaison might not be here, and I would not have been reunited with my Seraphina. Although several men promised to block her acceptance no matter where she applied, the deans who are members of this society will make sure she's welcomed with open arms." A big round of applause sounded for Agnes, the loudest by a tall lanky woman named Lefty Lebowski, Agnes's love. Kate still wasn't sure if Lefty talked. All she did around Kate was blush and trip over things. Kate had a lot of fans, male and female, who behaved the same way, and she always found it endearing.

After the list was completed a few moments later, it took a minute for everyone to settle down again. Kate peeked at Dasher, only to find her chatting with Ember, probably congratulating her on her scholars.h.i.+p. Or hitting on her. Cynicism was alive and well in Kate's world.

"Now, last on our list, for the moment, is a pet project that we have long thought of but never considered possible. I have memories of starvation and hards.h.i.+p when I was young and World War Two was raging. Often, women were last, if we were lucky enough to have the government even consider us. We were there to service the men and children. Men because we were told to, children because we wanted to."

Kate could feel the antic.i.p.ation in the room. "We want to find and establish a property outside the city. We want it to be self-sustaining, 'off the grid,' as my younger friends say. A location to which women can turn should times be hard for us. It will be connected to others that will be established in the future."

Kate was amazed at the constant innovation of these women. She'd never thought of something like that.

Irina followed by saying, "We need a committee to search for locations." With a sweet smile, she continued. "Several have already volunteered to be on it, no matter what, and we thank them. Any of you who have suggestions for locations, please provide them. And we need a few more volunteers. You don't need any experience in real estate, but some familiarity with farming or camping would help. We'll have experts to advise us once we've secured the location."

A sinking feeling in Kate's gut told her she was among the no-matter-what volunteers, and the glimmer in Laurel's eye confirmed her suspicion. Oh, no. She definitely wasn't an outdoorsy kind of woman. No room service was her idea of roughing it. She immediately began to dream up excuses. Oh dear, my schedule is too booked. Oh gosh, my knee is killing me. I have to fly to Spain for a shoot just when we'd be going on the trip. When did you say it was?

Realizing that she'd committed herself and seeing the huge grin on Laurel's face, she knew she'd just have to hope for some five-star hotels nearby wherever they searched. She knew there was a reason she never volunteered.

Laurel stood and announced, "When the clipboard reaches you, please sign under the committee that strikes your interest. If none appeal, suggest something that does and we'll tap you eventually, don't worry." The appreciative laughter told Kate that all there were willing when the time came.

Watching Laurel shake hands and exchange hugs as she worked her way toward her, Kate felt a slight uneasiness when Dasher asked for the clipboard and wrote her name on one of the committees. She was busy talking to that Stryker woman and her gorgeous partner, so didn't seem to pay too much attention to the page itself.

Reasoning that Dasher probably signed up for the scholars.h.i.+p committee, she took a few breaths to calm down. No way would that woman want to get dirty schlepping around the woods. Her suits were hand tailored and the short nails on her strong hands manicured perfectly. She probably felt the same way Kate did, except Kate had boxed herself in. Wouldn't you know?

That night Kate had dinner with Stef, Laurel, Denny, and Jock in the newly refurbished gourmet cafe run by Sika Phelps, Denny's mother. Jock had chosen the perfect wine, and they were all feeling mellow by the time the late-harvest Zinfandel was served after dessert. Kate was resting her knee on a chair next to her and feeling less pain than usual.

Denny asked, "Say, who's on that new search committee? I want to be, but I'm sure I'll be here until after we open the hotel. Jock?"

Holding up both hands, Jock said, "Don't look at me. I'd be shot if I deserted the troops this close to completion. And, Stef? Don't even think about going anywhere or I'll chain you to your desk and only trot you out when the building inspectors show up. I don't think Laurel would like that."

Stef grinned, and Kate noticed how red her blush was. She guessed that the lovebirds were as busy at night and early in the morning with each other as they were all day with the hotel. She chose to ignore her flash of envy.

"Yeah, maybe once the site is secured, I can help. Laur, you could take a weekend if you wanted."

Stef's voice had a faint whine, which told Kate that she would truly miss Laurel. But Kate appreciated Stef's willingness to let her and Laurel spend some time together. They seemed to get closer each time Kate visited, and Kate had begun to enjoy their growing intimacy more than she ever thought she would.

Laurel gave Stef a loving look, as if she knew how much Stef would miss her. s.h.i.+t, Kate thought. It was obvious that Laurel would rather stay here with Stef than leave town with the committee. Maybe if Laurel bowed out, Kate could do so too, though she'd hate to disappoint Laurel after she'd spent so much time and energy persuading Kate to volunteer for the committee.

"Hon, we promised," Laurel said. "Maybe we can push back the date to after the opening, but we both need to help. Besides, Kate would be crushed, right, Kate?"

Mustering up her best smile, Kate gritted her teeth and said, "Right, sis. Devastated."

From the sound of things, Kate would be doing the site surveys by herself. Oh, well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Now if Dasher and that Greta woman would just finish their meal and leave the cafe, she could relax and not have to concentrate so hard to avoid looking in their direction.

As it was, she knew each course they'd eaten and had missed most of the conversations at her own table because she was trying so hard to hear what Greta and Dasher were talking about. They seemed very relaxed, like friends.

Kate couldn't help but compare their apparent ease with each other with her own relations.h.i.+p with Joe Alder. She had to force herself to be civil to the man. When she woke up in the hospital after her injury she vividly recalled him screaming at some poor nurse and then firing one of her bodyguards for apparently allowing a fan into her room. He was such an a.s.s.

Finally, much to Kate's relief, Dasher and Greta left, waving to their table as they exited the dining room. Greta was a beauty, in a very distinctive way. Kate was sure Dasher didn't pressure her into constant cosmetic surgery to make her look like everyone else.

She forced her attention away from Dasher and Greta and back to the table. Stefanie was saying, "Okay, the photo shoot is scheduled for eight thirty. Kate, if you could be down by eight for makeup, we can wrap it pretty quickly. Is that okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, of course. Not a problem." It certainly wouldn't be a problem, since Kate would be avoiding the workout facility like the proverbial plague.

Chapter Four.

Dasher stared at the ceiling the next morning as the light in her room gradually grew brighter. She'd been awake for a while but couldn't dredge up enough energy to get out of bed. Maybe if she'd pulled the blackout drapes closed she would have gotten some sleep.

What a stupid mistake to eat dinner in the hotel last night. What was she thinking?

Greta had talked her into it because she'd heard good things and wanted to try it out. Even though Greta's own fame was on the rise, all the famous women she'd seen arriving for the meeting had left her a bit starstruck. She admired Kate Hoffman a lot, but Kate refused to be more than polite, and only to Greta. She ignored Dasher completely.

Dash hated to admit it, but that bugged her. After five years she should be immune to Kate's rudeness, but she wasn't. So what? Wasn't that just business as usual in Hollywood? She had thought Kate was someone who cared, but she turned out to be just like most of the other shallow, self-serving...d.a.m.n.

That wasn't true. Most folks in her industry were hardworking, wonderful people, with some dramatic exceptions. The truth was, five years ago Dasher had fallen for Kate Hoffman. From the moment they met, and no matter how hard Dasher tried, no one else could measure up to Kate. For a few blinks Dasher convinced herself that Kate returned the feeling. What a fool she'd been. And yesterday morning- A knock on the door pulled her back to the room and told her it was time to get on with the day and save the recriminations for another sleepless night. Tossing on some sweats and noting how quickly room service had arrived, she opened the door to see Stefanie, smiling at her with big doe eyes.

"Stef?" She looked behind her and saw a small service table. "Are you doubling as the delivery person? Wow, this is personal attention."

Still grinning, Stefanie hopped around to push the table into the room. "No, your order will be up soon. I just thought we could have coffee together and chat a bit. Haven't seen you in so long, you know?" She set up the coffee service, complete with a French-press carafe, on the table in front of the couch. She was fussing a lot.

"Stefanie. I've never known you to wait on anyone. Or be nervous. Is something wrong?"

Stefanie straightened abruptly, blus.h.i.+ng. "I, ah, have a favor to ask."

Without thinking, Dasher said, "Sure. Anything for you." When the words were out of her mouth, she realized that normally that would be true, but with Kate Hoffman on the premises...uh-oh. Stef wasn't blind. She'd probably noticed the tension between them.

With some trepidation she asked, "What do you need?"

Stefanie blurted without preamble, "We have a photo shoot this morning using Kate and my brother for the advertising to promote the opening of the hotel and the other model was a no-show and we can't replace her and you're the only one that could fit into the clothes and look decent and you're just what we need and I hate to ask but we really are desperate and we're paying a fortune for the whole setup and..." Finally she paused to gasp for air and Dasher held up her hand.

"Me? Model? I don't have experience and would feel stupid in a dress. Have Laurel do it. They'd look great together."

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High Risk Part 2 summary

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