High Risk Part 3

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"We're planning to take some photos of them. It's another shot we're looking for."

"Then Greta. Wait, she's probably already left with her friends. Why me?" Dasher was feeling a bit panicky.

"Well, the clothes. They'd fit you perfectly. And...and..." Stef was now addressing the coffee cups, hands behind her back.

"And what?" Dash was quiet. She'd seen the look before and knew Stef was deciding how to spin this.

"We need someone who isn't all frilly, you know? Someone darker to contrast with Kate's blondeness. Someone who will appeal to a broader range of women. Someone-"


"Laurel used the word 'androgynous' and I thought of you." Judging from the expression on her face, Stefanie was trying to sell this as a plus, and when Dasher thought about it, she couldn't argue. She had never been a cla.s.sically feminine child or woman. Wearing a dress ranked below picking up a dead rat with her bare hands on her queas-o-meter, and she wasn't much on wearing makeup. She almost nodded until she remembered with whom she'd be spending time.

"You want me to be in a photo shoot with Kate Hoffman. Who evidently hates my guts. Does she know about this?"

From Stef's refusal to meet her eyes, she guessed the answer was no. Dasher's jaw muscles tightened, something that was becoming a habit around Kate Hoffman. "When did you intend to tell her?"

The air went out of Stefanie, and she drooped into the chair next to the couch. "We just found out. We thought we'd get your agreement, and then when you showed up it would be too late for Kate to pitch a diva-fit in front of the photographer and my brother Jason. Laurel swears Kate wouldn't do that, but I don't know her. She might."

Stef got to her feet and shuffled to the door. She looked so pitiful Dasher couldn't help herself. "Wait. I'll do it. What the h.e.l.l, it's only for an hour or so, right? I can endure Kate Hoffman for that long." More accurately, the question was probably how long Kate could endure Dasher.

The transformation in Stefanie gave her whiplash. "Really? Thanks! This is great." She flew to the food cart and suddenly produced several hangers' worth of clothes covered with a zipped bag sporting a designer label and tossed it on the couch.

Flinging open the door, she said, "Enjoy your breakfast, on the house, of course, and be down for makeup in an hour." With that, she was gone. It wasn't even seven a.m.

Dasher stood there, trying to figure out what had just happened. More importantly, she was trying to figure out why she wasn't angry. Judging from the drunk moths fluttering in her stomach, she was excited.

She watched the city wake up outside her window as she sipped her coffee, deep in thought.

The bustle in the lounge portion of the hotel lobby had drawn a small crowd of onlookers. Lights, cameras, and furniture were being rearranged, and power cords were run and taped down to keep anyone from tripping.

Laurel and Stefanie stood to the side, Laurel nervously s.h.i.+fting from one foot to the other while Stefanie repeatedly glanced first at her watch, then toward the elevators.

"Don't worry," Stef said. "Dasher will show. I wonder where everyone is? The makeup person arrived ten minutes ago."

Behind her, a deep male voice crooned, "Is this the place where I become famous?"

Both of them wheeled around to see the smiling face of Jason Beresford, Stef's younger brother. He wore jeans and a white b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt and had a bag of clothes on hangers slung over his shoulder.

Laurel hugged him. "At least we have our leading man. We can get you into makeup and wardrobe while we wait for the others."

"Oh, makeup. Well, why not? This shoot should make me the hottest bachelor in town. I might even have to move here."

Laurel watched as Stef took her brother by the arm and aimed him toward the crew that was a.s.sembling the shoot. He was a few inches under six feet, with an athletic build and the same chestnut hair and soft brown eyes that always made Laurel need an extra breath when Stefanie entered a room.

Stefanie's older brother, George, hadn't spoken to her since she foiled his plan to steal the hotel from her. Somehow it was all Steffi's fault. Laurel and Stef were happy to have him neutralized-neutered was how Laurel liked to think of it.

In contrast to George, Jason had stood by Stef the whole time and they'd grown closer because of his support. He readily agreed to the photo shoot so he could brag to his friends about being in the same room with Kate Hoffman.

Jason had turned out to be a pleasant surprise for Laurel. Her own brother was, well, self-involved. Ted pretty much did what he wanted, when he wanted. As the only boy, he was the chosen one. When Kate was born, he was jealous for a while, then just ignored them both and went on his way, involving their parents in his life as he saw fit. Holidays with the family were polite, mostly filled with stories of her brother and Kate. Laurel had to smile. Actually, since she and Stef had found each other, suddenly Laurel wasn't just the family bookworm anymore.

As if conjured up, someone elbowed to the front of the crowd in the lounge, creating a slight disturbance. Suddenly a familiar woman was waving happily at Laurel.

"Oh, my G.o.d," Laurel said.

Marilyn Hoffman started toward her but their security woman stopped her. She looked bewildered until Laurel signaled it was okay for her to join them. Marilyn hustled over and gave Laurel a quick hug, then looked around for a place to put her small suitcase.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Laurel desperately tried to find Stef to warn her. Kate was going to have a fit.

"Both of my daughters are together in one place and I wanted to see how things are going, of course. Now, where is Kate and where is Stefanie?" Marilyn was busily scanning the shoot site, then started waving madly at Stef, who almost tripped over an electrical cord when she saw her.

After only a second, she seemed to recover and plastered a smile on her face. "Marilyn! What a surprise." She glanced meaningfully at Laurel, who could only try to convey her own mystification with a slight shrug.

Her mother was peppering Stef with questions about the hotel when Laurel noticed the elevator doors opening. Dasher exited and strode toward them, mouth set in a straight line. Under her breath, Laurel whispered, "She looks hot."

Clad in soft, form-hugging chocolate leather from head to toe, Dash wore only a skimpy camisole under her jacket, and it hinted at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It was better than a cat suit. She looked dangerous.

Stef had almost reached Laurel and Mrs. Hoffman when she spotted Dasher. She halted and said, "Whoa."

Suddenly Dasher was standing in front of them. "I feel like an idiot," she said, and Laurel elbowed Stef to bring her around. Her mother had fallen silent and stared.

Laurel tried to get things moving by saying, "You look terrific, Dasher. You should think about buying that outfit. It looks like it was made for you."

"It sure does," Marilyn commented.

Glancing in obvious confusion at the new woman, Dasher said, "Do I know you? You look familiar."

Not missing a beat, Mrs. Hoffman said, "Why, I'm the mother of the Hoffman girls. Don't you see the resemblance?" She smiled expectantly.

Laurel thought Dasher's smile was automatic when she said, "Of course, all beautiful."

While Marilyn cooed, Dasher turned to Laurel. Tapping her camisole, she said, "I couldn't wear a bra under this. It's, like, see-through or something. Who the h.e.l.l wears stuff like this outside of LA? I can't take the jacket off, so don't even ask."

"Well, I-"

"Dash, you look amazing." Stefanie finally recovered. "Doesn't she, Marilyn?"

"Why, yes, in a very, um, handsome way."

"Yeah, amazingly stupid." Dasher was a bright pink and wouldn't look at them. She stood with her arms folded tightly across her chest.

Laurel turned her and pushed her toward the area where the studio artist had almost finished applying Jason's makeup. "Don't worry, Dasher. This will all be over soon and we're so grateful. You know Stefanie's brother Jason, right?"

Jason pulled the towel from around his collar and stood with a grin, extending his hand. "Dasher? Good to see you. I was in college when you and Stef hung out. Are you my compet.i.tion today?"

As they shook hands, Dasher said, "Of course I remember you, Jason. We teased you unmercifully. Compet.i.tion?" She gave Laurel a questioning look.

Before Laurel could reply Jason said, "Yeah, for the favors of the beautiful Kate. That's kind of the theme for the shoot. Didn't Stef tell you?"

Just then Kate arrived, which caused all the onlookers to direct their attention toward her. Already clad in a diaphanous ball gown, makeup evidently in place, she stopped to sign a few autographs, and when she turned her attention to the scene, her eyes locked immediately onto Dasher's.

Laurel was frantically trying to think of something to say to warn Kate about their mother and head off an embarra.s.sing confrontation, but stopped. Kate's expression was one of surprise, but also something else, something Laurel had never seen in her, at least not since stardom. For a wisp of time she could swear she detected longing, maybe even tenderness. And when Kate's eyes swept up and down Dasher's body, could that have been l.u.s.t? Then the curtain fell and her beautiful features hardened into a mask of anger.

Marching over to their small group, and without looking at Dasher, Kate demanded, "What is she doing here?"

Laurel calmly said, "Who? Dasher or Mother?" That stopped her.

Stefanie appeared, dragging Marilyn Hoffman with her, and quickly injected, "Kate, thanks for being kind of on time. Look at all these fans, just ogling and listening and dying to call the tabloids. That might be good for you, but not for us. And your mom surprised us. Okay?" She gave her a pleading look and Kate seemed completely confused.

Laurel said, "Why don't we clear the lobby and put up the screens. Then we can get this shoot under way." She had gently turned Kate away from Dasher so she was facing her and their mother.

Instantly, Kate said, "Mom, what a surprise. Laurel? Good idea. I have a few...questions." She glanced meaningfully at Dasher, then flounced over to the makeup chair that Jason had just vacated and dropped into it. "I shouldn't take long, just a touch-up. Dasher won't mind." Her green eyes flashed evilly at Dasher, who seemed stunned into silence.

Turning her attention to Jason, whom Kate had met the last time she was in San Francisco, she said, "Jason, my leading man. Good to see you." She fairly oozed s.e.xy at him. Jason immediately rewarded her with a blush and some babbling, and her mother looked thrilled.

Laurel observed Dasher's unhealthy color and guided her away from the scene, then directed some of the staff to clear the lounge area of people. She never released Dasher's arm.

"Why does she always do that? Why does she talk as if I'm not even in the room?" The frustration and hurt in Dasher's voice pulled at Laurel.

"Dash, look at me."

Seeming to have to tear her eyes away from Kate, Dasher met her gaze.

"Would you say that Kate is a good actress?"

Huffing, Dasher answered, "Of course. Better than anyone knows, thanks to that s.k.a.n.k of an agent."

Shoving that piece of information to the back of her mind, Laurel said, "Well, then, you should know when she's acting. I do. Especially because Mother just popped up."

She left Dasher standing by herself as she walked over to talk Kate down.

Twenty minutes later Kate and the photographer, Susan Yang, were in full swing, and Dasher was eyeing them from the chair when the makeup artist would allow it.

"She's something, isn't she?" The woman was expertly applying base and shadow to Dasher's eyes. "I've done her makeup for two movies and she's a dream to work with. So nice."

Leaning back, Dasher glumly replied, "I wouldn't know."

The artist ignored her comment. "Wow, you have huge eyes and thick, dark lashes. I'll bet you don't need to wear much makeup."

"No." She was still trying to puzzle out Laurel's remark.

"Okay, close 'em." When Dasher next opened her eyes, the scene before her featured Kate in Jason's arms, both smiling at the camera. He was dressed in a beautifully tailored business suit and she was still in the gown. Stealing a glance at Mrs. Hoffman, she could almost see the woman imagining Kate in a bridal dress.

The photographer took quite a few photos, with a.s.sistants changing the lighting, switching cameras when she needed a different one, and scurrying around to fix details in the composition.

Finally, Susan called Dasher over and began to explain the next shots to her. While she talked, a beefy guy walked a huge Harley Davidson VRSC V-Rod Muscle motorcycle onto the set and set the stand. He and another man also hefted a large fan into position in front of the Harley.

"First, I need you and Jason on either side of Kate. We'll do takes of Jason and Kate, his arm around her waist while you, wearing wraparound, will fold your arms and turn toward the bike. No smiles from you." Dasher nodded, desperately wanting to not screw this up and make a fool of herself. At least the no-smiles part would be easy.

"Next, we'll have Kate kind of hang on your shoulder and stand all flirty." Kate and Dasher simultaneously said, "Flirty?"

Oblivious, the photographer continued. "No shades on this one. You're still facing away but looking over your shoulder, like, dubiously. Jason will act surprised, then maybe a bit p.i.s.sed." Dasher and Kate merely stared at each other while they listened, Dasher in disbelief at what she was hearing and Kate for probably the same reason. Jason seemed absorbed in what expression to use to look "p.i.s.sed" because his face was pretty animated.

"And last, Dasher, you'll be on the bike, the fan will be blowing, Kate will be behind you with her arms around your waist, and you two will smile at each other. It's another shot of you looking over your shoulder, but this time, you both are really enjoying it." The entire time she kept clicking the d.a.m.ned camera.

Kate said, "Do I have to hug her? Maybe I can just lean back and look like I'm loving the motorcycle ride. I'll give you a huge smile." She demonstrated for Susan.

"Nah, we want there to be a hint of intrigue here. Besides, you'd fall off the bike."

That did it for Dasher. "What's wrong, Hoffman? Too h.o.m.ophobic to chance touching the big bad d.y.k.e?" Off to the side she heard someone gasp and a.s.sumed it was Mrs. Hoffman.

Kate's eyes enlarged and then narrowed dangerously. "Nonsense. I was just... Never mind, you wouldn't understand the creative process anyway."

Dasher bristled at the slight, but held her tongue. "Let's just do this."

Susan was directing her crew and ignored them. Jason was probably being polite because he was preoccupied with his nails.

It went as well as it could with Dasher trying not to grind her teeth and Kate overtly flirting with Jason. When they added a shot with the three of them facing the camera and glancing at each other sideways, they did all dissolve into laughter, Jason leading the way. That blew off some of the tension.

As they were positioning themselves for the final Harley shot, Dasher was about to mount the bike when she saw Kate stumble and begin to fall. She'd noticed her limping slightly earlier but didn't want to risk another insult by showing concern.

Dasher jumped away from the bike and was able to catch Kate under her arms to prevent her from hitting the floor. As she lifted her carefully to her feet, Kate stared at the soft leather she was clutching, then at the cleavage the camisole wasn't hiding, and then their eyes met. Kate didn't pull away but after a moment seemed to remember where she was, and who she was. She blushed a pretty pink and stared at Dasher's hands on her. Dasher let go.

"Thanks. Darned knee."

"Maybe some ice." Lame, lame, lame.

Susan interrupted. "Okay, let's do this shot and then one more, same thing, but Kate will be in jeans and a tank top. Dasher, for that you'll fully unzip the jacket. Let's go."

Touching Kate had made Dasher hyperaware, hypersensitive to her presence. When Kate slid her arms around Dasher's waist, and they were directed to look at each other and smile, she must have looked like a love-struck kid instead of a tough biker, because Susan just kept shooting.

Then, she had to wait an excruciating amount of time while Kate changed into jeans, a tank the color of her eyes, and big biker boots. She looked gorgeous.

Susan Yang said, "Great. Now, Kate, scooch in closer to Dasher and squeeze your arms around her waist while Dasher, you look over your shoulder at her." To the technicians she said, "I want that fan blowing on high, mostly on Kate."

At least Dasher got to put her shades on for that one. Instead of the kleig lights, the body contact with Kate was making her sweat and have to work hard to control her breathing. She hoped the freaking camera didn't pick up her practically nude b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which were now on point, under the jacket. She did get the maniacal smile right. She was almost nuts by the time Diana called it a wrap.

Kate seemed exhausted, too. She only mumbled and limped toward the elevators, her mother bustling after her.

An hour later the last of the photo equipment was finally out of the area, and Laurel and Stef were putting the furniture back in place.

Stef said, "Well, that went okay, considering."

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High Risk Part 3 summary

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