High Risk Part 4

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"Yeah." Laurel was straightening runners on sideboards, replacing lamps, candles, flowers, and letting Stef do the talking.

"I mean, they could have killed each other, or Kate could have refused to work with Dash. So, it went well, right?"

"Um-hmm." So far, Laurel had yet to look at her.

Stopping mid shove of a large leather chair, Stef said, "Is there something you aren't saying? I'm not used to one-word answers."

Laurel turned to Stefanie. "Did you notice anything about the two of them? I mean when they weren't avoiding each other."

Staring into s.p.a.ce, Stefanie finally said, "Well, come to think of it, a few times I picked up that they were actually having fun. They did all laugh in that group shot. And when she almost fell, that was interesting."

"Very. There's more to that relations.h.i.+p than either one is willing to share. Or admit." She returned to her tasks and they finished within a few minutes.

Once in the elevator Stef commented, "But then Kate made a big deal out of Jason and practically crawled all over him. Jason seemed stunned."

"I know. I wonder how much of that was for Mother's benefit. It gets curiouser and curiouser."

Chapter Five.

The gathering of the new site committee came to order that evening. Laurel had put their mother in a room on one of the lower floors with a promise to join her for dinner with Stef and Kate afterward. Her mother insisted that Dasher be included and tried to also invite Jason, but he told her he had plans. Kate was relieved, because her mother would thoroughly embarra.s.s both of them by putting Jason through an inquisition.

Kate wasn't looking forward to their dinner plans, and evidently neither was Dasher. She thought Dash was about to bolt when Mrs. Hoffman insisted and Stef gave her a look that only good friends could get away with. She had to laugh. Stef would definitely owe Dasher a lot for what she'd put her through today.

Kate was pretty sure Dasher hadn't volunteered for the photo shoot, judging from her obvious awkwardness in front of the camera. Kate couldn't imagine why, because the angles on Dasher's face were made for the camera. And the way she wore the leather cat suit-well, anyone would have reacted to that sight. Kate was positive she wasn't the only one who got a bit short of breath when she realized it was Dasher wearing it.

Only Seraphina's booming voice brought her back from her musing. Irina Castic and Seraphina Holloway presided over the meeting, and nine others were present. Laurel and Stef, of course, and Kate sat with them. Conn Stryker and Leigh Grove, her partner, had volunteered to help because they knew the northern California coast and were researching locations. Their adopted sister from Pakistan was there, too. Zehra? Kate thought that was her name. The three of them seemed fresh and full of ideas. Kate was envious because her day had been long and confusing and draining. The only good part of it was that Dasher Pate wasn't here. A slight reprieve before dinner was helpful.

A few other members rounded out the group. Just as they were quieting down to begin, Dasher silently entered and sat at the back of the room. Kate's heart sped up and stopped, all at the same time. Great. Can it get any worse?

"Ladies." Seraphina brought them to order. "Irina told the entire group about the main purpose of the project. But another element has been proposed. Miss Kouros-Stryker, would you care to explain to us?" She gestured to the young Pakistani woman, who suddenly glanced around shyly and then looked pleadingly at Conn Stryker.

Both Conn and Leigh gave her rea.s.suring nods and she stood, appearing almost overwhelmed that the group was waiting for her to speak. After clearing her throat twice, she began.

"In my country, and in many developing nations, women are regularly enslaved and abused. 'Corrective rape,'" she used her fingers to make quotation marks, "for women who are suspected of being lesbians, is not just a phenomenon in Africa, but used as an excuse to humiliate and abuse women in many countries. Poor women are forced to become breeders, s.e.x slaves, prost.i.tutes, or indentured servants and have no chance of escape. They are kept illiterate and forced to wait on males their entire lives and put to death if they dare rebel. Sometimes they are worth less than the animals they tend."

She paused to look around and seemed encouraged by the silence and rapt attention. "I propose that once we establish our property, we bring some of them to the land and teach them how to read and write, and how to manage for themselves. We can also teach them a trade, if they desire, or let them attend school if they want. Most of all, they need to feel safe and capable of guiding their own lives."

Her large hazel eyes were s.h.i.+ning when she abruptly sat down, and Leigh Grove quietly took her hand while Conn Stryker put her arm around Zehra's slender shoulders.

Kate was stunned. Why did she know nothing about this? Her world was so full of things that revolved strictly around her. She had always chosen to avoid anything that threatened to be unpleasant, and her looks had helped her succeed.

One of the members, the interior designer of the hotel, as Kate recalled, was a beautiful woman with large dark blue eyes and collar-length blond hair, shot with some white streaks. Kate thought her to be in her late forties. She asked in a gentle voice with no judgment in her tone, "Zehra, are the women you want to bring to our new compound all from one particular country? Are they all lesbians?"

Conn answered, her gaze completely focused. "It's impossible to know what orientation these women are. They've been so brutalized I doubt they know. While there are several in particular who helped us escape from Pakistan, the list is long and the process to get them admitted to the United States is arduous. Our plan is not to limit by country, including the United States, or orientation, but to accept because of history and experience. Our Elysium members in the State Department and other areas of the government have pledged to help. They will work from their end. Our job is to locate and purchase the land and have it ready for our first arrivals. That's why we couldn't put this off until after the hotel opens."

"What's the next step?" The rich alto voice was Dasher's. Kate and everyone else turned to the sound.

Sika Phelps, Denny's mother, her accent a melodious reminder of her West African heritage, said, "We have a.s.sembled a list of available properties located within three hours of the hotel that we might purchase and make into our next location. The list is long and we need to narrow it to three or so. If all of you can spare a few weekends to do some investigating, we'll split up the list and report back in three weeks' time with recommendations."

Everyone nodded, but Kate could tell Stef was uncomfortable. From their dinner conversation the night before, she knew Stef had so many responsibilities with the hotel, this would be a hards.h.i.+p for her. Without thought, she canted to get closer to her and said, "Don't worry, I'll take your list. I have time now." The look of astonishment mixed with grat.i.tude from Stef made Kate smile. She knew she wasn't exactly known for being generous with much more than money. Well, that was changing, thanks to Mrs. Roosevelt.

Truthfully, she wasn't comfortable volunteering her time to do G.o.d knows what. But she had to do one thing every day that scared her. She decided that uncomfortable was another word for fear, though to a lesser degree. Besides, Stef was probably teamed with Laurel, so this project would be simple and give her more time with her sister.

Irina had been conferring with Laurel and called for their attention, pieces of paper in her hand. "All right, let's set up the teams. Carolyn and Ember, you'll handle the South Bay, around Half Moon Bay and Pacifica, down to Carmel and Carmel Valley. Conn and Leigh will handle the North Coast up to Eureka. Stef and Dasher, you'll proceed to the Wine Country. I know, a difficult duty." The others groaned their envy but, actually, it was all wine country. She was probably referring only to Sonoma and Napa counties, more inland.

"Laurel and Kate, you'll handle the East Bay. There's a lot of land to cover. Zehra and Sika are our floaters. In the short time Zehra has been in the United States, she's become a technology aficionado and will be researching for us via the computer, as well as going to sites that might be possible candidates and evaluating them. Zehra, you and Sika will also keep track of everyone and their reports, and fill in when someone can't make it for whatever reason. Okay, are there questions?"

Laurel stood and was taking questions, but Kate didn't hear a word. Somehow her big mouth had just dumped her from the frying pan into the fire. She would be working with Dasher Pate on this project. She hadn't thought about who she might be teamed with, and she hadn't yet snapped to the fact that Laurel wouldn't be on two teams at once. She was now on two teams and she couldn't turn either one down. They needed her. She had time to do this while her knee mended.

Maybe Dasher didn't have the s.p.a.ce on her calendar that she did, or maybe she would refuse to work with her. Maybe her earlier b.i.t.c.hiness would pay off in the form of Dasher asking for another partner once she found out hers would be Kate. That thought was strangely depressing, but Kate had long ago learned to push such emotions into the "unexamined" file and leave them there. Her recent musings were only because she'd been sidelined by her injury. Really.

"Stefanie said you wanted to be my partner for the search. Is that true?" Dasher's voice vibrated in her ear, and Kate steeled herself to look at her and try not to be insulting. After all, she'd gotten herself into this mess.

Meeting Dasher's gray eyes momentarily disoriented her. Suspicion was there, yes, but also something else. Hope, perhaps? This situation took her promise to herself about doing frightening things to a new level.

She heard her voice shake as she said, "Well, I said I'd take on Stef's part of the search because I have more time now, between projects. I didn't realize she would be with you." Dasher did an about-face to leave. "Wait, Dasher, let me finish."

Whirling back to her, Dasher spat, "If you want to deliver another piece of clever sarcasm, save your breath. I'll find a replacement on my own."

Rus.h.i.+ng before Dasher could get away, Kate said, "I just wanted to say that I look forward to it. It will adventure. Right? Besides, we have to get the property purchased if we want to help those women. So we'll just have to put aside our differences. I apologize if I've been difficult. Shake?" She impulsively stuck out her hand and realized too late that touching Dasher Pate was a mistake.

When their hands joined, the spark and snap made her flinch. "Oh! The carpet, it must have..." She was only vaguely aware that she couldn't move her mouth.

Dasher quickly said, "Yeah, the carpet. Well, um, I'll get our lists and then we can look at our schedules. Would you like to do that tonight or tomorrow morning? I have to return Greta to the set in LA tomorrow afternoon." Thank G.o.d, Dash was looking at Laurel, who was handing out the lists of possible properties, and not her. Kate feverishly tried to gather her wits.

Laurel glanced over and said, "Sorry, girls, but I promised Mom we'd have dinner with her tonight. That includes you, too, Dasher." Laurel winked at her.

Looking somewhat desperate, Dasher said, "You know, I realize you two want to be alone with your mom. So, Kate, breakfast tomorrow?"

It was late, and Kate was exhausted. Her knee hurt and her head was close to meltdown with too much sensory information. She needed to be alone. Fat chance.

"I have to get back to LA, too. Yeah, breakfast. Say, eight o'clock? I'll meet you in the lobby. But you're coming to dinner, aren't you?" With Dasher there, maybe she could duck the inquisition her mother was sure to conduct about Jason Beresford.

Dasher c.o.c.ked her head and seemed to relax. "Okay. Dinner. And breakfast for the list. Perfect."

Half an hour later they were in the cafe listening to Marilyn Hoffman talk about anything and everything. Dasher watched and listened to the family interactions. Stefanie was new to the Hoffman family, too, but she was Laurel's partner, and Marilyn always included her. She also filled Dasher in on details of the girls growing up and talked a lot about her son.

Several times Kate or Laurel would chastise her for telling embarra.s.sing stories, but their chiding seemed good-natured. Mrs. Hoffman appeared to have a generous nature and to love her children dearly. Dasher envied the easy banter among family members. They seemed to trust each other.

Over dessert and coffee, Marilyn casually said, "Well, I wanted you to know that I'm leaving your father."

Dasher stilled and looked around. Stefanie was the only other one staring.

Stirring a bit of cream into her coffee, Kate offhandedly said, "Again?"

"This time I mean it. He's an old curmudgeon. Never wants to go anywhere, do anything. Just wants to work and putter in that d.a.m.ned garage. I left him a note this time."

"So Daddy knows you're with us." Laurel put down her fork "Well, yes, where else would I be?" By her tone, Dasher guessed she wasn't a party girl.

Laurel seemed a bit exasperated. "Mom, why don't you talk to Daddy? I'm sure he's fine about you visiting us without him. I know he tunes out a lot, but you don't have to leave permanently."

"Well, he just ignores me. I've talked 'til I'm blue in the face and he won't take a vacation."

Laurel shot a desperate look at Kate. Sighing, she said, "He's agreed to come for the opening of the hotel. That's something. Maybe you can extend the trip and take a cruise that leaves from San Francisco." She returned to stirring her coffee, as if that should be the end of it.

"Hey, I have an idea," Stefanie said. "Beresford Hotels has a great property in Hawaii in Kona, on the Big Island. It has individual units over the water or on the beach, and they provide all the meals. You can snorkel, sit on the beach, whatever you like. I'll bet I can get a deal for you and you can fly over right after the opening. How's that?"

"That sounds wonderful, but I'm not sure he'd leave his precious couch and garage for mere beaches. My only other idea was to go down and spend time with Kate. He does love to go to the set and watch Kate and the technical people work. Kate, would you be upset if we went to Hawaii instead?"

After the words came out of Marilyn's mouth, the spoon Kate was using to stir with picked up so much speed the coffee slopped into the saucer.

Laurel immediately said, "Great idea, Stef! I'll research flights tomorrow. Mom, you and Daddy need to spend time with each other, away from us and work and garages. You get him to agree and we'll do the rest. Right, everyone?"

Dasher found herself nodding vigorously. Impulsively, she offered, "I can arrange a tour of my father's training facility. He has a school to train stuntmen and women in Kona. If you don't want to go, I'm sure your husband would enjoy it."

Marilyn's eyes lit up. "That might be just the thing that gets him to go! He loves those car chases and explosions. Thank you, Dasher."

The relieved expressions on both Laurel and Kate's faces were comical. They quickly finished dessert, and Laurel and Stef escorted Mrs. Hoffman to her room.

Standing at the Elysium elevator, Kate said, "Thanks, Dasher. You might have saved the day."

"You're welcome. I like your mom. She just sounds bored. I was glad to help."

Kate was very close to Dasher as they spoke. Dasher's eyes were so warm, her husky voice so inviting, that Kate impulsively hugged her. Dash was still, then her body softened and she returned the hug. It felt too good.

"So, Kate, I'll see you tomorrow morning and we can go over the lists. Okay?"

Dasher had such a genuine quality. Stepping back, Kate managed to say, "Um, yeah. Eight o'clock. Well, good night." She swiped her card, pressed her hand to the plate, and the elevator arrived within seconds. Although Dasher was joining the Elysium Society, she'd told them she'd keep her room on the lower floor until she could find time to get her card and the hand scan done.

The elevator doors closed to the image of Dasher's smile.

Kate fled to her room and packed her bags. Within minutes she caught a cab to the airport and was in Los Angeles by midnight.

Chapter Six.

Kate stood staring at her traitorous telephone ten days later. What good was it anyhow? After taking the coward's way out and flying home, she and Laurel had a blowout argument over the phone. None of Kate's normal theatrics that she successfully used to get out of her own screwups had worked on Laurel. She told her that she'd better make it right with Dasher and hold up her end of the bargain to Elysium. Now she had to call-again, the phone-Dasher Pate and admit she'd made a complete a.s.s of herself. She was not looking forward to it. Kate cursed her own impulsiveness once more. Nothing good could come of volunteering.

To top it off Laurel, the rat, had sent the proof sheets from the photo shoot. Probably just as a not-too-subtle reminder of the whole fiasco. She threw the envelope on her desk unopened. She didn't need another guilt trip.

After exercising, showering, returning calls, doing laundry, and signing about a million publicity photos to be sent to fans, which she could have easily let someone on her staff stamp, she couldn't come up with anything to put off the call once more. Laurel had pointedly given her Dasher's private number, thereby eliminating another stall. She stabbed in the numbers and held her breath, praying it would roll to voice mail. No such luck.

"This is Dasher."

The silence was unnerving. Finally, Kate managed, "Hi Dasher, it's Kate."

When no reply came, she huffed. "Kate Hoffman. Remember me?" Her nervous laughter was embarra.s.sing.

After a moment Dasher said, "Yes, I do. You're the woman who breaks promises. I keep falling for it and you keep doing it. Silly me." Her tone wasn't angry, just without emotion. Kate would have preferred anger.

"Look, I wanted to apologize for skipping out on you in San Francisco. I just had to get back to LA sooner than I thought." There, perfectly plausible.

"You were in such a hurry you couldn't have left a message for me at the desk, or called, or e-mailed, or told Laurel or Stef?"

Without much conviction Kate replied, "Yeah, that big a hurry. I...apologize."

"You know, you don't have to do this search project. I can do it by myself. If you're just apologizing to placate Laurel, I'll get you out of it. Let's not make each other miserable."

The low rumble of Dasher's voice and her offer of a way out disturbed Kate. She hadn't thought about how her behavior was making Dasher feel. "Do you have time to go up this week? I promise I'll show up. I don't know why I always seem to... Anyway, I'd like another chance." She could have taken Dasher's offer to chicken out, but that didn't seem like an option right now. Kate hoped she wouldn't regret her decision.

After a hesitation, Dasher said, "I'm going to San Francisco Thursday. Sika called and has a lead on some property up the coast, and Conn and Leigh are in DC for some meetings. I'm not sure you'd even be interested. It's-"

"Of course I'm interested. What time should I meet you?"

Dasher seemed irritated. "What I was going to say, Kate, was that it's raw land. We'll have to camp out, at least for one night. By ourselves."

"Camp out? As in, tents and campfires and...bugs?" Kate couldn't help it. Bugs.


Kate thought she heard a challenge in Dasher's tone. d.a.m.nit. "No problem. Are you flying up?"

"I'm driving. I want to take my own equipment and four-wheel drive vehicle. In case the roads are difficult. Do you want a ride?"

Too quickly Kate said, "No. I'll just meet you there."

"Fine. Ten a.m. on Thursday at the hotel. See you then."

Kate was sure she heard skepticism in Dasher's voice. As in, I bet you don't show up. She'd painted herself into quite a corner and now she had to put up or shut up.

Joe would be furious. He'd done nothing but complain about the time she spent at the hotel anyway. She didn't dare mention that she'd volunteered for this project, let alone that she'd be within three miles of Dasher Pate. For some reason he had a real b.u.t.ton on Dasher. The man was so aggravating.

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High Risk Part 4 summary

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