Giving It To The Enemy Part 10

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He'd become part of her world, and she loved being with him. He made her laugh, feel special, and within one week she'd had a great deal of fun.

"I'm coming after you, baby," he said, shouting out.

She glanced behind her, and saw that he was advancing on her. Screaming, she picked up her pace, running away from him.

He captured her around the waist and carried her toward the lake. She tried to get away even though she wasn't trying all that hard. Pipe carried her into the water, and the sudden shock of the cold made her gasp as he let her go.

Elena went under the water, and she broke the surface laughing, and turned around in the water looking for Pipe. He was nowhere to be seen, and she started to panic.

"Pipe?" No answer.

"It's not funny! Come out!" She yelled at empty s.p.a.ce.

Pipe grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her down.

This time when she broke the surface, she shoved him hard. "Don't f.u.c.king do that, you a.s.s. I was worried."

"I'm a d.a.m.n good swimmer. Did I worry you?" he asked, circling her.


"You're lying, little girl."

"Yes, I was worried you could drown, and I don't like the thought of you drowning." The best moments of her life were the ones with him. She loved being with him, and when she was away from him she thought about being with him. It was a constant. The feelings that he was inspiring inside her scared her.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled at him.

"I've spent many summers here, baby. I know this entire lake just like I know your body. I know what places to touch to drive you wild, and I'm going to keep doing that." He gripped her a.s.s, moving between her cheeks to touch her p.u.s.s.y.

She gasped as he touched her p.u.s.s.y. Elena only wore a long s.h.i.+rt, and she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Tomorrow you're at your brother's place?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm going to leave my window open. I'll leave at around ten. The club shouldn't go crazy before then." He had sneaked into her window twice this week, and each time he'd kept her up late at night. She told Sarah about his visits, and her friend had started to get worried, as she was becoming attached to him.

It was more than becoming attached. She was having feelings for Pipe. The man known for bas.h.i.+ng a person's head was making her fall for him, in a big way.

"I better f.u.c.k you so any guy who tries it on with you tonight, you'll remember who you belong to."

"I know who I belong to, baby." They hadn't gone a day without having s.e.x, and even though she was sore, she didn't want to miss a chance to be with him.

He was about to say something else when someone called his name.


Elena tensed in his arms, and he moved her behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, she saw a man she didn't recognize.

"What is it, Shawl?" Pipe asked.

"Saint's back at the clubhouse, and he's got some of his brothers with him. He wants a meet about the next planned fight." Shawl glanced at her, and sighed. "She's going to have to go."

"Is everything okay? What did he mean a fight?" she asked, whispering against his ear.

"Shawl, leave. I'm not having you here when my woman leaves the water. f.u.c.k off!" Pipe growled out, and she moved away from him.

Elena had never heard him talk like that, and it suddenly dawned on her that she didn't know the whole of the man. Pipe wasn't just the man she was falling for, he was a club Prez.

Swimming toward the edge of the lake, she climbed out.


"I better go. I'll go and get changed, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Elena," he said, climbing out of the lake. She was already walking back toward his cabin when he caught her arm. "What's going on?"


"You can't bulls.h.i.+t me."

"I'm not trying to bulls.h.i.+t you. I've got a lot of things to do." The lies just kept spilling out of her mouth, and she hated it.

"You're bulls.h.i.+tting me. Tonight you were going to be in my bed. Tell me what the f.u.c.k is going on, as otherwise I'll chain you to my f.u.c.king bed!"

She tensed up and pulled out of his hold. "Don't talk to me like that. I'm not some club p.u.s.s.y for you to talk about."

"What is it then? You're better than me once you don't get my f.u.c.king d.i.c.k?"

She slapped him across the face. The moment she did it, she regretted it, covering her mouth, hating herself. She was no better than he was. She was worse even, as Pipe had never hurt her.

"I'm sorry," she said.

He took a deep breath, and when she thought he was going to hit her back, he cupped her cheek. "I'm not going to hurt you, baby. Don't ever flinch away from me, okay."

"You've hurt women before."

"I've not hurt you." He tilted her head back to look at him. "You break my heart when you flinch."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to hit you. I don't even want to."

She nodded. "I've never heard you speak like that. I didn't mean to hit you. I'm so sorry."

"Shawl lives part of the life, and with the way I am with you, there's been some concern that I'm going soft. My club can't afford me to ever go soft. Do you understand?"

Elena frowned. "With me present you're showing that you're still a tough guy?"

"Pretty much, make sense?"

"It does. It just made me realize that you're, erm, you're like my brother. You've got a club to run."

"If you want to go home to be alone, then I understand. You don't have to leave. My cabin is yours."

Feeling entirely stupid, she forced a smile so he wouldn't be worried. "I made a mistake, and it's my fault. I'll stay in the cabin, and I'll wait for you to return."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure." She took hold of his hand, and they walked toward his cabin. Shawl was waiting on a bike, and he didn't even look away as they moved toward the front. Elena was about to leave Pipe when he grabbed her, and pulled her to him.

"I'm going to talk club business, but I want to be with you. I'll be back soon." He slammed his lips down on hers, kissing her. She closed her eyes as the world fell away until they were the only two people.

Shawl cleared his throat, invading the moment.

"I'll see you when you get back." She moved away, watching as Pipe grabbed his leather cut from inside the cabin before moving toward his bike. She walked up the steps, and turned to watch him drive away.

Pipe nodded toward her, and seconds later he rode away. The moment his lights were gone, she missed him. Turning back toward the cabin, she closed the door, and made her way toward the sofa.

Sitting down, she grabbed her cell phone, and dialed Sarah. Dirty Deeds was shut as it was a afternoon. The picnic was going to be for most of Sunday. She'd be with the old ladies and the club women, making food. Saint wanted her there even though their friends.h.i.+p had begun once again. It wasn't the best, but it had started.

"Hey, girl, how's the s.e.xy rebel biker?"

"He's gone to meet my brother so I am all alone right now."

"Meet your brother?"

"Club business. I don't even know what business they've got, just that they have some. What are you doing?"

"I'm starting a deep cleansing."

"Do I even want to know what that is?" Elena asked, sitting back on the sofa.

"Yes, everything relating to Ralf is being tossed out. It's rather therapeutic actually. I've got the window open, and I'm literally tossing out all of his c.r.a.p. You know, he called me today to ask how I was doing. The a.s.shole. I'm at the anger stage of mourning. He's p.i.s.sed me off, and now I want him gone from my life, every last little bit of it."

"Is that wise?" Elena cringed as she heard the sound of a crash.

"You hear that? It was his favorite scotch. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d can afford to buy more."

"Sarah, I'm coming over." She ended the call, rushed toward the bedroom, and tugged on some sweatpants. Grabbing her keys, she sent a quick text to Pipe before climbing into her car. She drove toward town, and the pile of Ralf's stuff had created some attention. In fact, some of the Saints and Sinners MC were standing near it.

Parking her car, she looked up toward her friend in time to see Sarah throwing out clothes.

"f.u.c.k you, Ralf, and your tiny little d.i.c.k. You f.u.c.king a.s.shole, you can f.u.c.k whatever f.u.c.king woman you want so long as it's not me!"

"Sarah," Elena said.

"Hey, honey. I thought you hung up on me."

"I did. What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

"Therapy. I'm so over men. They're horn dogs, a.s.sholes, and I'm going lesbian. Do you want to be my first girlfriend, Elena? We can experiment together."

Heat filled her cheeks. Even from here she saw that Sarah had been drinking.

The sound of approaching bikes had her turning toward the noise. She saw Saint, Ralf, w.i.l.l.y, Shawl, and Pipe.

"Oh no, is Ralf coming to tell me off?" Sarah asked.

"Sarah, what are you doing?"


Elena stood looking up at her friend, aware of the moment that Pipe stood close to her. She closed her eyes for a second as his scent surrounded her. His hand rested at her back.

"You're still wearing my s.h.i.+rt," he said.

She didn't care.

Stepping back, she gasped as his hand circled her waist. His very touch set her on fire. She loved his touch, adored it.

"What's going on here, Elena?" Saint asked. Pipe released her, and when she turned to her brother, she saw he was looking up at Elena.

"She's getting over that a.s.shole."

The door charged open, and Sarah had a couple bottles of vodka.

Moving away from the men, she went to her friend.

"Do you really want to do this?" Elena asked.

"Yes. I'm done, Elena. I'm done with this G.o.dforsaken town. I'm done with all the c.r.a.p that comes with it, and I'm done with Ralf. He can eat s.h.i.+t and die." She struck up a flame, and threw the match onto the pile of stuff.

The flame caught an item of alcohol soaked clothing, and Elena stepped away. The Saints and Sinners MC surrounded the caught flames. Ralf caught Sarah in his arms.

"I've got this. Everyone leave."

Elena wasn't leaving.

"That was stupid," Shawl said, coming to stand beside him.

"What?" Pipe asked, but he already knew what his friend and VP was going to say. He'd slipped up by touching Elena in public, and he'd not given a thought to Saint being present. Ralf picked a sobbing Sarah in his arms and carried her away from prying eyes. From what he learned from Knife, she was still talking to him, even though she was clueless to the fact that Knife wanted her. Knife hadn't overstepped the line yet, but it was only going to be a matter of time. Maybe her leaving town would do her, and Knife, good. She was really suffering, and Pipe wasn't surprised when Elena went chasing after her.

He'd been talking with Saint and Ralf when the men had got the call about Sarah going a little crazy. At the same time the men were leaving, he'd received the text from Elena that she was heading into town for Sarah.

This was his first time of being in Sinners' Corner without the threat of starting a war.

"You know what, sir."

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Giving It To The Enemy Part 10 summary

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