Giving It To The Enemy Part 9

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"I'm not going to tell anyone. I promise you, Elena, I will never use what we talk about against you."

She let out a sigh and smiled at him. "We've been together twice, and I like being with you. It's crazy. You're a dangerous man, and the thought of you scares me."

"I wouldn't hurt you, baby. Never."

"Why?" she asked. "What makes me so different?"

"There are many things that make you different. The first, you don't go out looking for a club. That night in the bar, you wanted to be left alone by the club. The second, I'm the first man you've allowed inside your body. The third, you don't go looking for trouble. Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes. I like to hear how fabulous that I am." She went to her knees, and straddled his waist. "Tell me everything you like about me."

Chapter Eight.

Messages between Elena and Pipe Pipe: What are you doing?

Elena: Working, lazy. What about you?

Pipe: Missing you.

Elena: Aw, missing me, or a certain part of me?

Pipe: Both. Does your p.u.s.s.y need my d.i.c.k?

Elena: Maybe. Does your d.i.c.k need my p.u.s.s.y? See, two can play at that game.

Pipe: When I see you, I'm going to get you to tell me what you want me to do. To say the words p.u.s.s.y and d.i.c.k.

Elena: I'm a good girl. I don't say stuff like that. It's rude!

Pipe: I'll teach you.

The next day.

Elena: What you did last night was wrong!

Pipe: You rode my fingers.

Elena: It's not my fault you placed them in the wrong place.

Pipe: Babe, I intended to play with your a.s.s. I know you've not had a.n.a.l, but you will with me.

Elena: I will not.

Pipe: Never say never.

Hours pa.s.sed.

Elena: Does it hurt?

Pipe: Not the way I do it. I'll prepare your a.s.s, and you'll love it.

Elena: I'm not ready.

Pipe: I'm not in a rush. I can take my time.

The following day.

Elena: Sarah's sad. What do I do to help her?

Pipe: You're asking me about girl problems. Figure it out. I own a d.i.c.k.

Elena: If you want that d.i.c.k anywhere near my vajajay, you'll tell me what to do to help her.

Pipe: Stop threatening me with s.e.x. Talk to her, and while you're talking, b.i.t.c.h about him.

Elena: That it?

Pipe: Ice cream, cookies, chocolate, and the therapy that he's a f.u.c.k up. Always helps.

Elena: How do you know this? Been dumped lately?

Pipe: Nope, internet search, and it's what all b.i.t.c.hes do.

Elena: You calling me a b.i.t.c.h! I'll bite your d.i.c.k off.

Pipe: You're my sugar plum. I adore you, and you're no b.i.t.c.h.

Elena: Sugar Plum?

Pipe: s.e.xy vixen, hotness, tight p.u.s.s.y, bouncy t.i.ts.

Elena: flaccid d.i.c.k, wrong hole aim, I can continue.

Pipe: You want my tongue on your c.l.i.t? Tell me good things.

Elena: You've got a monster c.o.c.k, and I can't wait to ride it.

Pipe: Good girl, I'll give you a really good o.r.g.a.s.m today.

A couple of hours later.

Pipe: Did it work?

Elena: We're eating ice cream in between serving customers. Miss you, and look forward to your tongue. Not you, your tongue.

The following day.

Elena: Saint stopped by today. He wanted to talk, and I just struggle still. Is this normal?

Pipe: I don't have family. I don't know. Saint cares about you.

Elena: How do you know?

Pipe: He kept your existence a secret so no one would hurt you. You don't do that if you don't care about someone. He cares a lot.

Elena: Thank you. Do you care?

Pipe: You don't know?

Elena: ?

Pipe: I care. You're just not ready to find out how much I care.

Elena: I've got to go. Sarah needs me.

Hours later.

Pipe: You want to watch a movie tonight?

Elena: What kind?

Pipe: Horror?

Elena: Are you hoping to get laid afterward?

Pipe: Woman, you use me for my d.i.c.k.

Elena: Not just your d.i.c.k, you're fun to text. I text you more than anyone else. See, I care.

Pipe: What's wrong with a horror?

Elena: Blood, gore, grossness, and yuck. If you want s.e.x, then no horror. A thriller maybe, not something super romantic. I don't want you to feel inept.

Pipe: Oh, Elena, sweet p.u.s.s.y Elena. Your p.u.s.s.y is tighter than any other b.i.t.c.h, and your t.i.ts bounce when you ride me.

Elena: I'm h.o.r.n.y, and wet.

Pipe: I'll take care of you when I see you, I promise.

Elena: I'm alone and in the toilet. I can take care of myself.

The cell phone dialed, and Elena smiled as she answered.

"What's the matter, baby?" she asked, sliding her fingers through her slit.

"Are you touching your sweet c.u.n.t?"

"Yes. I'm so wet for you, Pipe. I wish you were here while I was touching myself."

"I wish I was there. I'll take care of that. Push a finger inside your p.u.s.s.y."

She did as he ordered, and moaned.

"It feels so good."

"Touch your c.l.i.t. Keep your fingers inside your p.u.s.s.y, and use your thumb."

She stroked her c.l.i.t, and gasped as her p.u.s.s.y tightened around her fingers. Her arousal increased, and she needed him inside her.

"I'm alone now, baby, and I've got my d.i.c.k in my hand."

"Are you imagining it's me touching you?"

"h.e.l.l, yeah. Are you going to touch me tonight?"

"Yes. I'm going to make you beg," she said, growing in confidence for his touch.

"f.u.c.k, baby, I can't wait to get my hands on your body, and you'll give yourself to me, won't you?"

"Yes. I'll give you everything, Pipe."

"Come for me."

She came at his command, exploding, and panting as her o.r.g.a.s.m rushed over her. Her o.r.g.a.s.m was amazing, but it wasn't anything like the touch of Pipe.

Coming down from the high, she told him she missed him and that she'd talk to him soon.

When she hung up, she rested her head against the toilet wall. She was getting in deep with this man, and it was scaring her a little. The thought of not seeing him again tore her up inside. She couldn't be without him.

Chapter Nine.

One week later Elena squealed as she ran away from Pipe while he was running toward her. She wore one of his long s.h.i.+rts, and earlier that day he'd taken her to the lake by his cabin. The last week had been like living another life to Elena. She'd split her time among the shop, her home, and Pipe's cabin. The picnic for the celebration of Penny and Rage's baby was tomorrow, and she was spending the whole day with Pipe.

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Giving It To The Enemy Part 9 summary

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