Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 2

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She was, in essence, a small city.

Jude looked at Crow, then studied the s.h.i.+p again.

"What?" Crow asked.

"He might be feeling the heat's on him now. And that means he just might kill again before we reach our next port."

"I really think you should be playing more ballads." Minnie Lawrence said, her painted red lips forming a pretty pout. "This is, after all, a piano bar."

Minnie had draped herself on one of the velvet lounge chairs near the piano. She was beautifully clad in a slinky blue gown with a matching headband around her short blond hair. She managed to smile while maintaining her pout, behaving as the 1930s idol she'd once been. But she was truly sweet and very charming. Alexi could understand why she'd been so beloved in her day.

"I believe she means old ballads," Blake Dalton said, coming behind Minnie to lean rakishly against the chair as they both stared at Alexi Cromwell with their most beguiling smiles. "Well, what you'd call old ballads, at any rate!"

Blake definitely had some Valentino mystery-charisma, as well.

"I do my best," Alexi a.s.sured the two, sorting through the book she kept for the pa.s.sengers who wanted to sing. She looked up at them and sighed. "Honestly. I do. But this is the twenty-first century. And I play our pa.s.sengers' requests. That's my job."

"I'm a pa.s.senger, and I'm requesting!" Minnie said.

But you're a dead pa.s.senger! Alexi wanted to say.

She refrained.

"I do a smas.h.i.+ng version of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow,'" Minnie said. "And it was in The Wizard of Oz. Surely, everyone knows that."

"Or 'In the Mood'!" Blake said. "Minnie sings that very well indeed."

"You do way too much of that new fellow, that Billy Joel man," Minnie said. "I just can't fix on a key with him."

"Most people these days don't consider Billy Joel to be a new fellow and I'm sorry, but I never go a night without someone wanting 'Piano Man.' But a number of people really enjoy older numbers and ask for them, too. How about this? I promise I'll do 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' tonight. How's that?" Alexi asked.

Before Blake or Minnie could reply, a man came tearing into the Algiers Saloon, racing through the bar area-for employees only-to leap over a neighboring sofa and continue running down the hallway of the St. Charles Deck.

He moved so swiftly that Alexi never saw his face. She had a fleeting impression of his height and appearance-and something a little ghastly. He looked as if he was wearing makeup for a Shakespearean play or a cla.s.sic Greek drama.

Gray sweats.h.i.+rt, blue jeans, about six feet, maybe around two hundred pounds.

"Well, I never!" Minnie sniffed.

"How incredibly rude," Blake said, trembling with the indignity of it all.

"We've seen plenty of rude. At least he didn't jump over the sofa where you two are sitting!" Alexi told them, lowering her head so they couldn't see her smile.

Sometimes, guests sensed the pair of ghosts. She would see them s.h.i.+ver and look around, remind themselves that they were on a floating island with thousands of people around them. She knew it disturbed both Blake and Minnie when people walked through them. It didn't hurt them-they simply didn't like it. Blake once explained to her that it felt as if someone had shoved you carelessly in a crowd. It was rude, just rude. "Some staff member who's late reporting in, maybe," Alexi murmured. "Anyway, my friends, I'm going to my cabin while the stampede of boarding takes place. I'll see you soon."

Alexi rose, scooping up her book, laptop and extra music pages. She smiled at Blake and Minnie. "I promise, we'll start off with Judy Garland," she a.s.sured them.

"Lovely!" Minnie called after her.

"Shall we stroll, darling?" she heard Blake ask Minnie.

"We'll find a place high atop and watch as we sail away, watch the city disappear and the beauty of the moon upon the water," Minnie agreed.

Alexi smiled as she hurried on, anxious to get to the elevators and down below where the crew members had their cabins.

She loved having Minnie and Blake on the s.h.i.+p. The Destiny had lost many employees to the ghosts they encountered on board. People had reported seeing images disappear and things being moved about. Sheet music seemed to do that a lot, according to people who'd worked on the s.h.i.+p. Actually, Alexi owed her position to the fact that the pianist who'd been preferred by the entertainment director had lasted only one cruise. As a result, Alexi had been hired. She was sure that the musician who'd left-disturbed by the way his sheet music constantly moved and keys played when he hadn't touched them-would find a job that made him happy. He was a far better pianist than she was. But he hadn't felt the same need to escape, to live this strange life of fantasy the way she had.


She couldn't escape. Her sister, her brother, her parents, her friends-everyone had told her that. Zach was dead. He'd come back from the Middle East in a box. She knew that. She'd never escape the fact that he was dead. But she could escape New Orleans, their little Irish Channel duplex and the places they'd frequented for years.

She realized, as she walked, that she'd been on the s.h.i.+p for almost a year. Well, four months on and one off, and then back on, accepting contract after contract with the cruise line. And although she might not have the astounding talent of some piano bar hosts, she did have a way with a crowd. Perhaps equally important, she never complained about ghosts or poltergeists.

She'd been aware of the dead as long as she could remember. Early on, her mom, not in so many words, but by careful suggestion, had let her know the sense ran in the family.

And it was best not to share that with others. She was pretty sure her mom didn't actually see or hear ghosts; with her, it really was a sense. She felt when they were close, felt the happiness that had existed-and the trauma and tears.

As Alexi walked down the hall to her cabin, she pa.s.sed Clara Avery, one of the entertainers in the s.h.i.+p's main show, Les Miserables.

Clara was supremely talented; she was a soprano with a genuinely impressive voice.

"Hey!" Clara said. "You were back-to-back cruises, too, huh? Did you take some time to get off the s.h.i.+p? Did you see your family?"

"Yes, they came and met me for lunch near the port," Alexi told her.

"Good." Clara hesitated. "It's been a long time, Alexi. I can't imagine having your wedding all planned-and him not coming home. But you can't let your family lose you, too."

"I know. I know that, really. I see them as often as I can. Honestly. I love my folks. I didn't see my brother because he's on tour and Sienna's in Europe. On vacation. Well deserved, I imagine." She grinned. "My poor parents. They're so...mathematical and scientific! And they wound up with two entertainers and only one doctor, Sienna!"

"I'm sure they're proud of all of you," Clara said. She grinned. "I think my dad cried when he found out I wanted to go into theater. But he's happy now!"

"And he's a super guy. They came to the piano bar almost every night they were on the cruise-even when you couldn't. Your mom is lovely, too."

"Your folks haven't taken the cruise yet," Clara noted.

Alexi shrugged. No, her mother would never be on this s.h.i.+p. She didn't see the dead the same way Alexi did, but she knew they were there. She worried not just because Alexi was a piano-playing hostess on a cruise s.h.i.+p; she worried because Alexi was on the Destiny.

"The things that happened on that s.h.i.+p!" her mother had warned her. "Terrible! And not just the poor soldiers who died. There were other incidents, too!" The Destiny, like most old s.h.i.+ps with interesting histories, had the reputation of being haunted.

There'd been incidents aboard, yes. Such as the night in 1939 when Blake and Minnie had died, murdered in cold blood.

But Alexi wished she could explain that none of the ghosts on the s.h.i.+p were malevolent in any way. She'd come across a couple of soldiers who'd died in the infirmary: Privates Jimmy Estes and Frank Marlowe, handsome young men who'd been taken far too soon; Barbara Leon, a nurse who'd died of a fever she'd caught while tending to others; and Captain McPherson, who'd dropped dead of a heart attack at his retirement party, which had been held on the s.h.i.+p in 1967.

He still loved to tell her what the current captain was doing wrong.

All the Destiny's ghosts were pleasant. The soldiers still believed they were convalescing, the captain was still watching over the bridge, and the nurse was still standing duty at the infirmary. They were polite and cheerful, thrilled that Alexi-and more often than not, her friends-could see them.

Her family really didn't need to worry about her. She accepted the fact that Zach was gone. Time didn't heal all wounds, but it allowed memories to offer consolation, to bring smiles instead of tears. She had simply become rather dependent on living on the s.h.i.+p. And she did love the Destiny, including all her history and her ghosts. Alexi didn't lie awake at night anymore, the way she had at first.

She'd lain awake and wondered why, when the dead from so many different eras and generations found her, she'd never seen Zachary Wainwright, never had a chance to hold him and be held one last time. Never had a chance to say goodbye...

Alexi smiled. "My mom won't be getting on this s.h.i.+p and without my mom-no dad. Mom's convinced the s.h.i.+p is haunted, which of course it is, and she wants nothing to do with that. She's... I don't know...very Catholic, slightly Wiccan, possibly? She believes that spirits can find her. Don't get me wrong, I adore my mother. But my dad always smiles and tells me that when they were married and moved into our home in the Irish Channel, she called in a priest to bless the house and cleanse it of ghosts."

"She sounds like fun. And, hey, I agree with you that this s.h.i.+p is haunted! I try to say nice things to whatever gives me the chills as I walk by," Clara said, shrugging. "In any event, they leave me alone."

"I'll see you in a little while," Alexi told her. "I'm going to grab some downtime with a pillow."

"And I'm going to pop into the lounge," Clara said. "Come with me and say hi. We have some new people in the entertainment crew."

Alexi didn't particularly want to say hi to anyone at the moment; she wanted to lie down. She'd had lunch with her parents on sh.o.r.e, and much as she loved them, an hour or two in their company could be exhausting.

"Just for a sec!" Clara encouraged.

Alexi followed her into the crew lounge.

They didn't separate crew down here. It was a hallmark for most people who accepted employment with the Celtic American line. Entertainers and officers mingled with room stewards, even though the lounge s.p.a.ce was small. But there was a television, a computer, lots of comfortable chairs, plenty of snacks, a refrigerator, coffeepot and a microwave.

And right now the lounge was crowded, mostly with entertainers, those who didn't play or perform as the pa.s.sengers boarded. "Hey, new guys! This is Alexi Cromwell, for those who haven't met her yet. She runs the piano bar and she loves it when we stop by."

"Hi, Alexi!" Ralph Martini was the first to hail her. She knew Ralph. He'd been on her first contract schedule.

Ralph continued with, "I'm not new. I'm just saying hi first!" Ralph was a friendly, easygoing guy. She thought he was about fifty. He had a great tenor and often did a one-man show. Balding, a little stout-and totally charming. Women on board loved him.

"Alexi. I'm Simon Green," a man said, rising and offering her his hand. He was tall and lean, with a pleasant boy-next-door face. "In the cast, my first go at it. Just a chorus guy."

"No such thing as just a chorus guy," Alexi said. "I'm sure you're very talented. Good to meet you, and please, come by anytime."

Simon Green shrugged, giving her a smile. "I'm a happy guy. I've been on a few cruises with Celtic American as a pa.s.senger. So I'm thrilled to be on the Destiny and seeing how it all works from the other side!"

She went on to meet Larry Hepburn, early twenties, blond, beach-boy type, out of LA, and Leanne Wilburn, from Des Moines. As they were all greeting one another, Bradley Wilc.o.x, head of entertainment, who'd recently transferred over from the Dublin, stuck his head in.

Alexi had met Bradley Wilc.o.x before. He, too, had been on her first run with the s.h.i.+p.

She stayed away from him as much as she could. He organized excellent shows, hired great bands for the various dining spots and bars-and was a complete jerk. He didn't seem capable of compliments.

"Guitar Hero Boys, you're due on the promenade in fifteen minutes. You should be getting in place."

The foursome who made up the group rose and marched out. Alexi heard one mutter as he pa.s.sed her. "Are you set up? Yes. Ready to go? Yes. Are you an a.s.shole, Brad? Yes!"

She tried not to smile. And when the band had gone by, she left, too, wis.h.i.+ng them all well-those who were new and those who'd returned to the Destiny or had switched from other s.h.i.+ps.

In her cabin, Alexi sank down on the bed and closed her eyes, wis.h.i.+ng she could sleep. She found herself thinking about Blake and Minnie.

Their deaths had been tragic. Minnie, a star of stage and screen, had fallen in love with Blake when he'd played Romeo to her Juliet in a touring company in the thirties. The fact that she was taking the Destiny for a transatlantic voyage had been huge news at the time; reporters and fans alike had booked onto the voyage.

The fans had included a deranged former lover, convinced that if he removed Blake from the picture, he would have his Minnie back.

Minnie had been singing an impromptu number in the piano bar. Also known as the Algiers Saloon, it was located exactly where it was now. Her previous lover, Allan Snow, had leaped to his feet after one of her numbers and declared his devotion. Minnie had claimed her eternal devotion, as well-to Blake.

So Allan Snow had pulled out a gun and shot Blake, who'd jumped in front of Minnie to be her protector. Then he'd shot Minnie and himself.

The ghost of Allan Snow didn't seem to be aboard. Minnie told Alexi that she'd never seen him and she'd figured that G.o.d had been good, allowing her and Blake a different way to be together. She'd smiled and said their love was eternal.

Alexi figured it was natural that they'd haunt the piano bar.

She turned and hugged her pillow. Since Zach had been in the service and deployed overseas, they'd talked about the possibility of his death. She'd promised that if it happened, she'd always remember him-and she'd go on with her life, be happy.

She wasn't suicidal, never had been. She was willing to find a new purpose, a new role, a new way of being. Just as she'd promised. Happy was more difficult.

What worried her now was the fact that he was slipping away. She thought about him often, with love. Sometimes she was happy now. She laughed at the antics of pa.s.sengers and enjoyed meeting them. She'd even roamed various ports with friends she made aboard. She knew she shouldn't feel guilty, and yet she did.

She reached into the gloomy air of her cabin, as if she could touch him.

"I just wish I could've said goodbye," she murmured aloud.

Then she was startled out of her reflections when it seemed that something slammed against her door.

She jumped up and hurried to open it.

A man stood there, tall, dark-haired and...bizarre.

He was wearing a gray sweats.h.i.+rt and blue jeans and strange prosthetic makeup. The man who'd raced through the piano bar!

He looked at her with beseeching eyes.

"I must speak with you. I must!" he said.

She frowned. Was he new in the entertainment department?

There was a commotion at the aft end of the hallway, and Alexi peered in that direction.

More men were coming along the hallway, men she'd never seen down in the entertainment area before, but they were accompanied by Nolan Perkins, one of the stewards.

"Sir," she began, turning back to the man who had knocked at her door.

He was gone. She thought she saw him disappear around a corner that led to mids.h.i.+p. She looked in the other direction.

"Hey, Alexi," Nolan said.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I'm just showing these gentlemen the s.h.i.+p," Nolan said. He lowered his voice. "They're bigwigs with Celtic American," he told her, then cleared his throat. "Alexi Cromwell, meet Jackson Crow and Jude McCoy."

"How do you do?" the first man said, smiling as he reached for her hand. He was tall, good-looking and obviously had Native American ancestry. His dark hair and light eyes made for a striking contrast.

"Ms. Cromwell," said the other. He was equally tall, broad-shouldered, sandy-haired. His eyes were unusual-blue and green with flecks of brown. His features were clean-cut, his jaw hard and square. Very attractive, in a rugged, austere manner.

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Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 2 summary

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