Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 3

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He looked at her oddly.

As if he knew her? Or thought he did?

Or worse-thought she was guilty of something!

Both men wore tailored s.h.i.+rts and pants, not the usual tourist apparel. But then, they weren't tourists. They were bigwigs with Celtic American.

"Nice to meet you," Alexi said.

"Have you seen a man?" Nolan asked her.

That made her laugh. "A man? Nolan, I've seen hundreds of men. It's a cruise s.h.i.+p."

She understood exactly what he meant. And yet, for some reason, she was loath to tell him that yes, a man-a strange-looking man-had just gone by. She wondered why company VIPs were so interested in him.

"He's tall, bizarre makeup of some kind, sweat s.h.i.+rt and jeans," Jude McCoy said.

She lifted her shoulders. "I believe I did see him earlier," she admitted, "running through the piano bar when the pa.s.sengers were boarding."

She had seen that same man again, just minutes ago. And she wasn't telling these men. Why? Instinct? Pity?

But there'd been something even more peculiar about him than the prosthetic makeup or whatever it was he had on his face. A sense of anguish, perhaps.

She hesitated. She shouldn't lie to these people. But the young man had seemed so desperate. In her heart, she felt that he'd come to her for help.


"Actually," she said, "I think he was in this hallway. He ran in that direction. But where he is right now, I couldn't say."

That was mostly the truth. She didn't know where he was. He'd run.

"Well, thank you, Ms. Cromwell. If you should see him again, can you report him to us, please? We're in staterooms 312 and 314," Jackson Crow said. "It's imperative that we find him," he added quietly. "But I'm not at liberty to discuss the details."

"Of course," she murmured.

As they walked down the hall, she was more suspicious than ever.

Why were company bigwigs staying down in the bowels of the s.h.i.+p with the crew? The larger rooms-staterooms with balconies, the suites-were on the upper decks.

She was about to return to her cabin when Clara came running down the hallway, leaning against the wall, gasping for breath. "Alexi! Did you have the news on?"

"The news? No, why?"

"Thank G.o.d we're leaving! That guy, that horrible killer!" She gasped for more breath. "The Archangel-he murdered a woman in New Orleans!"


It wasn't until the Destiny was far out into the Gulf of Mexico that Jackson Crow and Jude had a chance to meet with Captain Xavier Thorne and his head of security, David Beach. Their first business on board after walking every deck, including the holds and areas pa.s.sengers never saw, was to go through the s.h.i.+p's pa.s.senger and crew screening. There was a page for every pa.s.senger and crew member on board, including a photograph and information regarding citizens.h.i.+p and means of identification. A s.h.i.+p-issued ID was required anytime anyone, pa.s.senger or employee, boarded or left the Destiny.

In other words, no one, including crew, could get on or off the s.h.i.+p without that ID.

Jude and Jackson hadn't seen their man in the thousands of pa.s.senger screening doc.u.ments-but then, even if they'd seen him, they might not have known him.

This suspect could have ditched his makeup anytime after he'd boarded. Or certainly, after he'd been seen by Alexi Cromwell.

It was time to explain to Thorne and Beach just what they were doing there.

Xavier Thorne was fifty-five, according to the information they had, a veteran of many sailings. He'd served in the United States Navy before becoming a civilian employee in the pleasure business; he'd worked as a captain for smaller yachts doing private charters and for a number of the major lines before he'd settled in at Celtic American fifteen years ago. He was a serious man, but still capable of smiling.

Jude had wanted to stop the s.h.i.+p from going out, which had proved to be impossible. Not even the powers that existed behind Jackson Crow had been able to make that happen. Neither he nor Crow knew for sure if the man they'd chased was a killer. And, despite Ms. Cromwell's sighting, they couldn't verify that he was on the s.h.i.+p. At least his new partner/supervisor seemed to believe him. He'd not only put Jude on the s.h.i.+p, he'd also accompanied him. So now, at five that afternoon, they met with the captain and Beach.

David Beach was an ox of a man, almost six and a half feet tall. Jude, at six-three, felt dwarfed by him. Beach also had stellar credentials, having served with the NYPD and Homeland Security before retiring at fifty to enter the civilian sector and take the job with the Celtic American line.

They knew all this because they'd accessed Jackson Crow's home office to receive dossiers on every member of the crew.

Now they sat in the captain's office to speak and while the s.p.a.ce was large enough, it felt small. David Beach, Jude thought, could make just about anyone-short of Shaquille O'Neal, no pun intended-seem small and any s.p.a.ce seem close and crowded.

Beach remained quiet after Jackson had spoken, and Captain Thorne frowned as he weighed his response.

"You believe you've chased a serial killer onto my s.h.i.+p?" he finally asked.

"Yes, Captain," Jude replied. "We believe that the killer's been using cruise ports and s.h.i.+ps to track and murder his victims-and that we followed him onto the Destiny."

The captain shook his head. "I don't see how you could know this. I heard about that terrible business at the church in the Treme district and I don't think anyone, anywhere in the world, has missed the news about the fear this man is creating, but...this was the killer's first strike in New Orleans."

"You don't really even know if the man you followed onto the s.h.i.+p was responsible for the heinous act at the church," David Beach added.

"Captain, we followed a man who behaved suspiciously at the crime scene. I'm aware of both your backgrounds," Crow told them. "Mr. Beach, you've certainly been through seminars on the psychology of killers like this. The man's behavior was the kind we consider exceptionally suspicious."

"So they sent the troops out on a s.h.i.+p because of a man behaving suspiciously at a crime scene?" Captain Thorne asked. "Seems to me it would've made more sense to prowl the streets of New Orleans, tracing hard evidence."

"Trust me, Captain, there are many law enforcement officers doing just that," Jude said.

"Of course. I a.s.sume every law enforcement officer in the States is on the lookout, but-"

"We don't intend to be intrusive," Crow a.s.sured him.

"Frankly, whether you are or not, I have no real power over this." Thorne glanced over at Beach. "Word's come down from on high at Celtic American. We are to give you every a.s.sistance you require. However, I'd hate to put an entire s.h.i.+p full of people into a state of panic because you chased a man for behaving in a manner you describe as suspicious and you think he's on this s.h.i.+p."

"We don't want a panic, either," Jude said. "What we do want is to advise you that this man may be on board and may be dangerous. I would imagine," he went on, and he could hear his voice harden as he spoke, "that you'd be concerned. You have several thousand pa.s.sengers, not to mention a large crew, any of whom could be in danger. Granted, most of the so-called Archangel's victims have been women but he's killed at least one man. We'd like you to make a speech warning everyone to take extreme care, to lock their cabins and watch out for their personal safety."

"Every cruise company in the world has guidelines warning pa.s.sengers that while all precautions are taken, crime can still happen," Beach told them.

"I don't usually make announcements like that," Thorne murmured.

"You can make it friendly," Crow said. "As well as serious."

"And of course, you need to alert your crew, and, most important, Mr. Beach, every one of your security officers," Jude put in. "I doubt this man is still dressed the same. He'd have his own clothing or he'd have stolen a change of clothing by now."

"Can you give me a description of his face?" Beach asked.

"Tragedy," Jude said, recalling the strange prosthetic makeup he'd seen on the man.


"He was wearing theatrical makeup when we saw him," Jude explained. "He's probably gotten rid of it, cleaned up, by now."

Thorne raised his salt-and-pepper brows beneath his captain's hat and looked over at Beach. Then he stared hard from Jackson Crow to Jude.


"a.s.sistant Director Jackson Crow and Special Agent Jude McCoy," Crow interrupted. He smiled, appearing polite, ready to be friendly and helpful, while ensuring that their purpose was noted.

Captain Thorne nodded. "But you need to realize that you're asking me to put a security crew and every one of almost a thousand crew members on guard and warn over two thousand pa.s.sengers-many on the vacation of a lifetime-that there may be a killer on board. 'Enjoy the crystal beauty of the Caribbean! Ah, but be aware. The FBI believes there might be a homicidal maniac on board. Apparently, he was wearing makeup and G.o.d knows what he's wearing now. Watch out for him, though!'" He rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Agents. But on this s.h.i.+p I'm like the president, the grand high master, the great pooh-bah, what have you. I can't scare them all half to death."

"We haven't asked you to do that," Jude said flatly. "Captain, don't you want this man caught? Don't you want your pa.s.sengers safe?"

"Of course!" Thorne replied indignantly.

"Just remind them of safety-precaution tips-and even mention the horror in NOLA without suggesting the killer could be on board," Crow said. "Make sure your officers are advised. Make sure they patrol the bars and clubs and watch out for men who seem to be stalking women."

Beach muttered something under his breath. They all looked at him.

He sighed. "I'd say at least some of the people on this s.h.i.+p are out for more than fun and sun-a chance to get lucky outside their real world. How can I watch everyone in the middle of that kind of behavior?"

"You've been a cop. You know how to observe people, how to judge their moods, how to tell when something's out of whack," Jude said.

Beach nodded grimly. Jude was glad that he'd brought up the man's past; it seemed to remind him of his own sense of self-respect and ability.

"We also have almost limitless resources working on this. Within a few hours, we'll have cleared the majority of people on this vessel. Investigators in our main office will soon learn who has and who hasn't been in the areas of the country where the murders were committed. That will eliminate the majority of people on the s.h.i.+p," Jude said.

Captain Thorne was obviously relieved. "The killer had to have traveled, right? Miami? Fort Lauderdale?"

"And Mobile," Crow said.

"a.s.suming it's one killer, which we believe it to be," Jude added.

The captain rose. "I must be getting back to my duties," he said. "You'll keep me apprised of what you discover? When do you expect your reports?"

"Soon," Crow a.s.sured him. "And thanks for the use of your computers." They'd been given a cabin near the security offices, complete with high-end equipment and systems.

"I'd like the reports as soon as possible. Naturally, I expect you to be discreet. I don't want people in an uproar because they're afraid a killer could be on board-unless we find it to be true." He paused. "You believe this man might be a frequent traveler or a s.h.i.+p employee? No murder has taken place on the Destiny. Well, except for the strictly historical ones," he acknowledged with a grimace. "You might keep my pa.s.sengers the safest by never indicating that you suspect this killer might be on board. You could cause an out-and-out panic. Some sort of mistaken vigilante justice, that kind of thing."

"We've taken that into consideration, Captain," Jude said.

"Which is why we want you to make your announcement very carefully," Crow told him. "Just mention that, since the s.h.i.+p disembarked from New Orleans, we're all aware of the recent murder. Say that our hearts are with the family and friends of the young woman killed in New Orleans. Emphasize that they should take care at all times, even amidst the warmth and hospitality of the Destiny."

"I'll give this some serious thought," the captain said. "Now..." He smiled drily. "Enjoy your time aboard the Destiny. She's a splendid lady, created when sailing meant grandeur."

They left the captain's office. "That didn't go badly." Jackson Crow gave Jude an awkward half smile. "Not as badly as I expected."

"Could've been worse," Jude agreed. "How soon will we get those reports?"

"In an hour or two. Meanwhile, I'm going to suggest that since the shops on the Promenade Deck are open, we buy more appropriate attire. Once we've done that, I suspect we'll have our reports. Not just names and numbers, but in-depth intel on anyone who might've been in any of those ports at the relevant times."

"You have someone really good on this?" Jude asked.

Crow nodded, his smile growing. "The very best. Angela Hawkins. My wife."

At seven Alexi joined Clara and some of the other performers and crew members in what they affectionately called "the bowels," or the employee cafeteria area, far toward the stern on the second deck. They didn't dine in any of the three main restaurants on the s.h.i.+p, but in a private s.p.a.ce that didn't sport linen napkins or elegant It was still fine; Alexi thought the food served belowdecks was just as good as that in the dining rooms and buffets above. She also liked the fact that the Celtic American line considered all "staff"-from prestigious guest performers to the catering and cleaning crews-to be equal. There were no elite employees. Bradley Wilc.o.x was hard to take at times, but aside from that, they were all treated courteously and with respect.

Alexi scooped up tuna and chips and got a salad from the buffet. She saw that Clara was seated with Ralph Martini and Simon Green. Ralph was shaking his head as she sat down with them. "Can't figure it. Can't figure how the police haven't got this guy yet." He shuddered. "Sorry. I'm obsessing. It's just...he's in New Orleans!"

"He struck in New Orleans," Simon said. "Doesn't mean he's still in New Orleans. He may be moving north now. Or to Texas."

"How can the cops not catch this b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" Ralph asked.

"I'm sure they're doing everything they can," Clara said.

"Hey, there are fibers, fingerprints, blood... Forensic science has given the cops all kinds of tools for catching killers," Ralph protested. "I watch all those crime-scene TV shows. This guy has to have left something behind."

"The police use experts and technology and everything," Alexi said, "but crimes aren't always that easily solved. I mean, even if you do have a hair sample, you have to have a suspect to compare it with. And from what I've read, it sounds like the killer must watch all the shows, too-since he hasn't left anything behind."

"Not that they're telling us about, anyway!" Ralph said.

Young, blond and sun-drenched handsome in shorts and a tank top, Larry Hepburn made an appearance with his tray, smiling and indicating that he'd like the seat next to Alexi. "You people are being morbid and depressing, and you need to stop," he said as he took his chair. "It's hot and humid, but we're at sea and a breeze is coming in. We have to have faith and let the cops and agents and whoever else worry about it. Who knows? They may have him by the time we're back to port."

"Or he'll have moved on. To Texas, probably," Simon said, obviously still worried. He looked around the table. "I have a sister. And I'm from Galveston. If he does head for Texas, terrible as it may seem, I hope he goes to Houston."

"They'll get him," Larry said. He turned to Alexi. "We have a rehearsal tonight. After that we'll come by the piano bar. Or at least, I'll come by the piano bar. They say you're always packed. You must be good."

"I'm good at getting people to sing," Alexi said. "And that's what they want to do at a piano bar." She smiled at him, but suddenly wanted to escape. She was horrified by what had happened in New Orleans and disturbed by the men Nolan had introduced her to, the Celtic American line "bigwigs," and the strange man she'd seen running by. Something was going on.

"And that's why they love you!" someone announced. Jensen Hardy, the cruise director, was beaming down at them from the end of the table.

She'd sailed with Jensen before. He was a nice guy-but so perpetually cheerful that he actually got on her nerves. He was a great cruise director, precisely because he never seemed to tire. He had a crew of underlings who managed everything from kids' activities to "naughty" trivia, poolside events and more. Jensen was determined that everyone on board have a good time.

She forced a smile. "Thanks, Jensen."

"Squeeze in, can you?" he asked.

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Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 3 summary

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