The Runaway Woman Part 26

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Martin tidied himself, brushed his hair into place, and made his way downstairs, with Paula just behind him.

At the door, she kissed him cheerio and made sure there was no sign of lipstick on him. 'Go on ... you look decent enough.'

Suddenly he turned back. 'Where are the divorce papers?'


'Because I need to watch you sign them, and then I know it's done.'

'So you think I'm not capable of signing the papers all by myself, do you?'

'I never said that, but you didn't sign them last night, did you? And you promised you would.' He grew irritated. 'Get them now and sign them in front of me.'

'I thought I asked you not to tell me what to do?' Paula argued.

'That was before. This is different. Please, Paula, get the papers, will you?'

When Paula hesitated, he asked her outright, 'Do you love me?'

'You know I do!'

'And you want to be rid of your big oaf of a husband is that the truth or not?'

'Yes, it's our part of the plan. You know that!'

'Then, please, sign the papers in front of me.'

'OK. If you don't trust me, I suppose I'll have to.'

'It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust your memory. So, go on, do it now, then we can both relax.'

Realising he would not leave until she signed them, Paula went to the hallway drawer, where she drew out the papers and signed them quickly. 'There!' She showed him the signature. 'Happy now, are you?'

'And you will take them to the solicitor first thing, won't you?'

'I've said, haven't I?'

'Don't forget!'

'I won't. I promise, I'll put them into my handbag right now ... look!' She collected her handbag from the lounge and placed the papers inside. 'I have to go into town first thing, and I need to take my handbag with me, so I can't possibly forget, so stop your fretting!'

She kissed him goodbye, and he climbed into the van and drove off, waving out the window as he went.

Ten minutes later, as he turned into his own street, he was not altogether surprised to see Anne, who was walking towards his house, with his grandson in the pushchair.

As he neared the house, Anne caught sight of him, and started to hurry. Breathless, she drew up at the door, just as her father pulled up. 'Hiya, Dad!' When Martin got out of the car, she gave him a big hug. Martin was pleased to see her too, and he was also thankful that he had not lingered too long at Paula's, because Anne might well have gone there looking for him.

'You're late tonight, aren't you, Dad?' Anne chatted while Martin unlocked the front door.

'I had a ton of work on today,' he said. 'It was one of those plumbing jobs that you dare not leave unfinished ... d.a.m.ned nuisance.'

Anne took the baby out of the pushchair. 'I've been round here once, but there was no sign of you. I thought you might be round Paula's. I know sometimes you pop in for a few minutes ... especially now Mum's away.'

'I don't go round that often.' Her comment put him on his guard. 'I'm just a bit concerned about her, what with all that nasty business going on with the divorce. That great bruiser of a husband seems to be making it as difficult as he can for her!'

'Hmm! I never did like him. He always was a bit of a brute.'

'That's right. So, as your mother isn't here to listen to her sister's troubles, I do try to find a spare minute to slip round ... just so she doesn't feel abandoned ... if you know what I mean?'

As he turned the door key and ushered Anne and the baby inside, he had a disturbing thought. 'Does your mother ask about Paula?'

'Sort of, yes.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'When she rang the last time, I told her what you said ... that Paula's ex is her to speed up the divorce.'

'And what did your mum say to that?'

Anne shrugged. 'Not much really. She didn't make any comment. I expect, with her still grieving for Nan and Granddad, she's trying to keep her mind clear of Paula's problems, and in a way I don't blame her. Mum is always thinking of other people, and it's high time she started to think of herself. Mind you, she seems to be enjoying her stay with Kathleen's aunt.'

'Really?' Martin could not relate Lucy with the word 'enjoying'. 'And is that what she actually said that she was "enjoying" herself?'

'That's what she said, and it was lovely to hear her so calm and content. I had been really worried about her. She was so down the weeks before she left, I really thought she might have a breakdown.'

'You never said anything to me.' He was made to wonder if that was after Lucy had caught him and Paula in her bedroom. And his greatest fear was that she would tell the children.

'I expect deep down, as well as grieving for her parents, she must be worried about Paula. I mean, she is her sister, after all, and you know what Mum's like about family.'

'Yes, I know what she's like, but as you say, she's got to put herself first now and then, and not be too involved in other people's problems.' He was thinking that once Paula was divorced, and Lucy would have to deal with her own marriage break-up, she would need to toughen up in order to get through it all.

Anne was still thinking of Paula, and she now had a suggestion. 'D'you think Paula might like to come and stay with me for a while, just until Mum gets back?'

Martin was shocked. 'No, I don't think that's such a good idea. It's a very kind thought, though, but when I popped in just now, she was having one h.e.l.l of a battle with her husband on the telephone ... all to do with divorce papers and all the other stuff that goes with a divorce. And besides, you've got enough on your plate, with keeping an eye on my grandson, and taking care of your house and husband. You've said before now that you never seem to have enough hours in the day, and the little one is getting some new teeth coming through, and you've not had a good night in ages.'

'Yes, that's true enough. And then there's Samuel, worrying about Mum. I told him she was absolutely fine, and that she would likely be home at any minute. First, though, she needed to get her head straight, what with all that's happened lately.'

'And what did he say?'

'He wanted a number where he could call her, and I explained that she was staying with her friend's aunt, who is quite old, and we were not to intrude on the old dear. I told him that Mum was ringing me regularly, to keep us up with everything.'

'And what did he say to that?'

'He said that was good enough; as long as she was all right, that was all he needed to know.'

'You're a good girl, Anne. A good daughter, and a good sister to our Samuel.'

It flashed through Martin's mind that sooner rather than later, if he had his way, he would be obliged to break the news to his children that he and their mother were breaking up. It would be a huge blow to them; especially so soon after losing their grandparents; but they were young enough to get over it. Besides, he and Lucy had gone far enough with this sham of a marriage. Things happen, and sometimes it's best to move on.

'Dad!' Anne's voice invaded his thoughts. 'Have you suddenly gone deaf or what?'

'Oh, sorry, I was miles away.' He glanced at the pushchair. 'Ah, look there, the little man's nodded off.'

'He's been crawling all over the place today,' she told him proudly. 'He's worn himself out. Y'know, Dad, I reckon he'll stand up and try to walk, any day now.'

Martin proudly pointed out, 'You and your brother were both up on your feet at a year. So this little fella-me-lad here should be running amok any time now.'

'Hmm!' Anne chuckled. 'I expect I'll have to lock up my china when that happens.'

Martin, too, laughed. 'That might be a good idea.'

Anne asked him if he was hungry. 'I'll cook you something if you like?'

'No, it's all right, sweetie, there's nothing in the cupboards to cook. I haven't been shopping yet ... you know what it's like.'

'That's just what I thought!' She went into the kitchen and checked the cupboards. 'I'll do you a big shop tomorrow,' she said, returning to the lounge. 'Give me three or four pounds ... that should easily cover it. But, if you're hungry now, Dad, it won't take me long to pop down the street for fish and chips.'

With Paula at the forefront of his mind, Martin wanted to be on his own for a while. 'Thanks all the same, sweetie, but I had a pie from the cafe at lunchtime ... and I had cornflakes this morning before I set off, so you see, I haven't gone hungry.'

'OK, Dad, but give me a ring if you need anything. Oh! And like we agreed, I'll be round tomorrow to hoover through and change the bed. OK?'

'OK, yes, and thanks for that. Oh, and you'd best take that spare key from the hallway cupboard.'

Anne glanced up at the mantelpiece chimer. 'Oh, my goodness, it's gone eight o'clock! I didn't realise it was that time. Les said he was hoping to make it home tonight.' She gave him a brief cuddle, ''Bye, Dad, see you tomorrow.'

''Bye, love, and give my regards to Les.' He bent to place a kiss on the sleeping child's forehead. 'G'night, little man.'

With Paula on his mind, Martin grew increasingly restless.

Turning on the television, he absently-mindedly watched the news. A little envious, he watched the report on how Lieutenant Scott Carpenter was launched in a s.p.a.cecraft. The craft made three revolutions round the earth, before the capsule was recovered from the Atlantic. 'Whatever next, eh?' It'll be Mars, soon, I shouldn't wonder.' Martin commented.

Leaning forward in the chair, he turned the television off. You wouldn't catch me going up there ... not for a gold clock or a million pounds ... no way! he thought.

Even now, when he needed to think of the next job on his work list, he found himself growing angry again by the thought of those divorce papers not having been sent off before, when Paula promised faithfully she would do it.

It's hard, he thought, but, like she said, I have to learn to trust her, or she could very likely scupper our plans for getting together. And I can't have that ... not when we're so close to being together for good and all. The thought of going to bed every night with Paula gave him a warm and satisfactory feeling.

The house was locked up, he was alone, and he did not much like it. 'Maybe I'd best go back and persuade her to let me go with her to the solicitor. That way, I'd know she means what she says,' he muttered.

One minute he was sorely tempted to go to see Paula, and the next, he thought better of it. She won't thank me for keeping on about that d.a.m.ned letter. He was just a tiny bit afraid. 'No ... best not go cras.h.i.+ng in on her just now. Leave her be until tomorrow, then we'll see ...'

After a few anxious minutes he managed to get her out of his head, and then, the worries crept back again as his thoughts ran over Paula's lack of urgency regarding the papers. All the same, if it hasn't been delivered by tomorrow morning, I'll have to put my foot down and take it in myself ... whether she likes it or not! he decided.

Now he switched his attention from Paula to Lucy.

'I don't think Lucy is all that bothered about our marriage. If she was, she never would have gone away like this, and why is it she calls Anne instead of me? All right, I work all hours, but why doesn't she call late in the evening, when she just might get hold of me?'

But, reminding himself of what Lucy had burst in on, with him and Paula, he realised that Lucy had every right to bypa.s.s him. He gave a shrug and made a mental note that it might be best if Lucy didn't ring, because he would probably be round Paula's anyway.

He thought ahead: like Paula, I do feel a bit sorry for Lucy. I mean, she's had a lot to deal with lately ... including what she saw with me and Paula. But she must now realise that our marriage is over. But there you are! We've had a good run, and n.o.body can say that I didn't do the right thing in marrying her ... right thing for her, and the family, maybe. But not for me. There's never been any love on my part, and I'm sorry to say there never will be.

A wide smile enveloped his features. 'As long as I get my Paula, that's all I'm bothered about, and to h.e.l.l and b.u.g.g.e.ry with the lot of 'em!'

His mood lightened and he began to relax. In the morning, she'll take the letter in, and things will run their course from there, he thought. 'When Lucy comes back, she'll have to know that Paula and I intend to marry. She will have to let me go then, and the sooner the better.

Actually having to tell Lucy that he wanted a divorce as soon as possible so he could marry her sister was not something he was looking forward to.

Now that he was beginning to look ahead, he felt good, and much calmer, in himself. 'Paula promised she would take the letter in, and she will,' he said confidently. So, there's nothing to worry about.

Leaning back in the chair, he laid his head down, closed his eyes and relaxed. He thought of himself and Paula together ... like it should have been right from the start.

As far back as when they were at school, it was Paula he fancied. Going with Lucy was just a ploy to make Paula jealous. Then, when it was discovered that Lucy was pregnant, his chance was gone.

My time with Lucy is done, he told himself now. The debt is paid, and now my place is with the one I wanted all along. It's taken a long time, but we're almost there.


LUCY HAD NEVER felt so very special as she did right now.

'Did you know, Lucy Lovejoy, that when you walked into the room, all eyes were turned on you?' Dave Benson thought himself a very fortunate man to be sitting opposite the most beautiful woman in the room.

Not used to compliments, Lucy blushed. 'Well, thank you. That's a kind and lovely thing to say,' she replied softly, 'but I'm sure that's not so.'

'Oh, really?' For the umpteenth time, Dave Benson discreetly roved his eyes over Lucy, and what he saw was a woman of mature years, but with the air and presence of a young girl. Her wild brown hair was swirled into a coil in the nape of her neck, and held together with a pink ribbon.

In the soft glow of the candlelight, her beautiful, nutmeg-brown eyes were softly s.h.i.+ning, and her light make-up gently highlighted the high cheekbones, and the delicate, oval shape of her face.

The dark, slimming skirt accentuated her height, and the pink top with the discreet, V-shaped neckline flattered her flawless skin.

Dave reached out and covered her hand with his. 'You are truly a lovely woman, Lucy,' he murmured, 'and I really am so very proud to be here with you tonight.'

This time, Lucy remained silent, amazed that a man like Dave Benson could ever consider her to be 'lovely' or even be proud to be with her. No one, including Martin, had ever said anything remotely like that, and now she felt embarra.s.sed and lost for words.

Impulsively, shyly, she reached out and held his hand, and for what seemed like the longest moment of Lucy's life they might well have been the only two people in the room while all those about them who chatted and laughed, and drank their wine and generally enjoyed the evening, faded into the background.

While she sat quietly with her hand cradling in his, Lucy thought she would keep this very special moment safe in her mind and heart for the rest of her life.

Just then the mood was shattered when the waiter arrived at their table. 'Are you ready to order wine, sir?' He waited for Dave to check the wine menu, and when Dave asked Lucy if there was any particular wine that she might prefer, she shook her head.

'I'll leave it to you,' she told him with a wide and lovely smile. She felt happy, even beautiful, though she was wearing nothing more glamorous than a simple skirt and an ordinary pink top that had been in the back of the wardrobe since Noah's ark set sail!

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The Runaway Woman Part 26 summary

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