The Runaway Woman Part 30

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Lucy thanked him. 'I'll leave you to it then.' She went quickly out of the room.

'I have no idea what's going on here and, to be honest, I really don't want to hear what you have to say,' Martin informed Kathleen. 'Lucy was wrong to discuss our business with you, but, like I say, I've let her down once, and I don't mean to let her down again. I will never sell this house while Lucy needs a home, and I will never allow her to become a lodger in someone else's house not even yours. And that's an end to it!'

Kathleen handed him an envelope. 'Please, Martin, before you say any more, just read this. It should explain everything.'

In the kitchen, Lucy realised that Martin must be reading the letter, and she was made increasingly anxious. A moment later, having made the tea, she brought the tray into the sitting room and placed it on the table.

Martin was still perusing the letter.

Lucy remained by the table, waiting. Hoping he would understand and go along with her plan.

Suddenly, Martin looked up, his gaze falling on Lucy. 'Well, I never!' He smiled. 'You crafty little b.u.g.g.e.r, and you never said a word.'

'It was not my place to tell you,' Lucy replied. 'It was for Kathleen to explain. And, like you, my mind was on Paula. There was so much going on, I needed to put it on the back burner.'

Martin understood. 'And now?'

'Well, if you agree, I'd like to spread my wings at last. That's why I thought we could sell the house. That way, you could help Paula, and I could have a sum of money from the sale of the house and include myself in Kathleen's plans. Maybe even work my way up to being a businesswoman. I'm ready, Martin. The children are grown up, and what's happened to us recently has taught me that life is very short, and events often creep up on us, and make us realise how very vulnerable we all are. It's time, Martin. I need to get out there and be a part of it, and, thanks to Kathleen, I now have that chance. So ... what do you say? Will you sell the house, help Paula to buy hers, and let me go to find my place, at this new point in my life?'

Martin was silent. The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, though his respect and love for Lucy were never greater than now.

When at last he spoke, there was a tremble in his voice, and tears of grat.i.tude in his eyes. 'My dear Lucy, I promise I will move heaven and earth to help make you happy.'

Over the next hour, Kathleen and Lucy outlined their plans.

'With the money my great-aunt has left me, I intend moving away to the coast, preferably,' Kathleen told Martin.

Lucy explained excitedly, 'Kathleen has asked me to go with her, and be a partner in the business she buys maybe a little tea-room, or a small boarding house for holidaymakers. So, if you are able to give me a sum of money when the house is sold, that will go towards me buying into Kathleen's business, whatever business she might choose.'

Kathleen stopped her right there. 'Not what business I choose!' she reminded Lucy. 'When we see the right opportunity, you will have as much say as me in what we go for.'

So, now that the air was cleared, and the tea had gone stone cold, Lucy went away to make another pot of tea.

'You will look after her, won't you?' Martin asked Kathleen.

'We'll look after each other,' Kathleen replied softly. 'And, who knows, each of us might just find a new man to light up our lives.'

'So where exactly are you thinking of going to?' Martin was curious.

'I'm not altogether sure yet. I do have a little place in mind, though. It's a place I believe Lucy will like. Yes, I'm sure that when she sees it, she will be pleasantly surprised.'

A sense of mischief made her look away and smile.



ON A WARM afternoon in July, Lucy and Kathleen switched off their machines at the plastics factory, and the entire eighteen-strong workforce raised their voices and sang a merry song to send their friends on their way.

While their workmates sang, the two friends stood side by side smiling, but feeling a little sad to be leaving.

When the song was done, everyone cheered, and the boss came forward to address them all. 'Seeing as these two have given me more grey hairs than anyone, I really should be delighted to see them go.'

There was a roar of approval and a volley of cheeky calls: 'Fling 'em out!'; 'Make them work another fortnight with no pay! The have had more holidays than the rest of us put together!'

When the cheering raised the roof, Lucy and Kathleen had tears in their eyes. When the boss presented them each with a bouquet of flowers, their tears began to fall. 'We love you all!' Kathleen told them, and Lucy was too filled with emotion to speak, so she simply put up her hand and waved a thank you.

When the blower screamed out, telling everyone that the day was over, one by one the workers came to say their goodbyes to Kathleen and Lucy, and when they were all gone, the boss led the two of them to the office, where she gave them their last pay packets, and wished them well.

'I hope your business venture works out for you both,' she said, and gave them each a hug. 'Keep in touch. Don't forget us.'

Kathleen and Lucy thanked her and bade her goodbye. 'I don't know how you ever put up with us ... me in particular,' Lucy told her.

'I put up with you because you are two of the best workers I've got,' the boss a.s.sured Lucy. 'And I know what difficulties you have had to deal with.'

A few moments later, the two went away to start their new lives.

They walked together as far as the corner, then Lucy went one way and Kathleen the other. 'I'll be round later to help you pack up the last of your stuff,' Lucy promised.

Kathleen told her not to worry too much. 'You have your own packing to do,' she said, 'and you still have to tie up all the loose ends with Martin.'

'When did you say you hand the house key in?' Lucy asked.

'Tomorrow morning. I have to finalise everything with the solicitor. He's already tied up all the loose ends with the buyers, and managed to get me a few days' grace into the bargain. So now it's just a matter of dotting the i's and crossing the t's.' Clapping her hands, she laughed out loud. 'And then, Lucy girl, we are on our merry way! Off with the old and on with the new. See you later.'

She went away down the street, whistling like a drunken navvy.

Lucy chuckled to herself, 'Kathleen Riley, what am I going to do with you, eh?'

Her heart was so light, she might have whistled, but she didn't know how, so instead she sang softly in grat.i.tude for the way things had turned out. 'A new life, eh, Lucy girl?' She shook her head as though in disbelief. 'Well, it's about time, an' all!'

Martin had been watching for her, and opened the door to let her in.

'Paula wants to show you something,' he said excitedly, leading her down to the sitting room.

When Lucy entered the room, she saw Paula seated in her chair the way she had been for these past weeks. 'Hi, Sis! Martin says you've got something to show me?'

'Yes, I have,' Paula said. 'So, do you want to see?'

'Of course I do.'

Lucy watched in awe as Paula grabbed hold of the wheelchair handles and very, very carefully pulled herself up to a standing position, which she held for a minute before falling back into the chair.

'See!' Paula was thrilled. 'I stood up all by myself!'

Lucy took her into her arms. 'Oh, Paula! I'm so very proud of you, but you must be careful. You fell back hard. You could have hurt yourself.' She choked back the tears. 'You said you would stand up before I left and you kept your word. Oh, Paula, you must be so thrilled. But have you spoken with the doctor about it?'

'Yes. Martin took me to see him, and he said I could try, but I must not stand for more than a minute not yet, anyway.'

Martin went to the cupboard and took out three and a bottle of wine. 'I've been saving it,' he said. 'And now I think it's time, what with Paula standing on her own two feet, me with a new works contract in the bag, and you and Kathleen off to find a new life. I'm proud of us all, especially you two.' He glanced from one to the other. 'My girls.'

The three of them toasted all their recent achievements, and then Martin asked Lucy for the umpteenth time, 'Are you absolutely sure you don't mind me and Paula selling her house, instead of selling this one?'

Lucy a.s.sured him yet again. 'I said at the time you first mentioned it that it would be wise to get Paula away from the house where she was so viciously attacked. And the way she's been coming on since we moved her here is just remarkable. It's all done and dusted now. I have the money to invest in the business, and you and Paula have a house that has no bad memories for her. And besides, both Samuel and Anne agreed with the decision to bring Paula here. So, if you love the house as we did, it will love you back.'

She gave Paula another hug. 'And you, my darling, take it one step at a time. Don't overdo it.'

Paula promised, hand on heart, that she would be careful. She was reconciled with Martin now, and he had shown her a lot of love and tenderness as she slowly recovered.

Soon, the goodbyes were said, and Lucy promised to call them.

'Well, that's it, Lucy girl!' Kathleen said as she and Lucy climbed into the back of a cab. 'Time to go.'

Lucy could hardly tear herself away from the little group who had come along to see her off.

'Go on, Mum, you go for it!' That was Samuel. 'We'll all be coming to see you as soon as we can. Love you lots!'

They each kissed Lucy goodbye. From the pavement, Martin, Paula in her wheelchair, and the children waved them off.

As they set off, Lucy wound down the window and waved until they were out of sight, and then she fell silent.

'Hey! You're not about to cry all over my shoes, are you?' Kathleen moaned. 'I've only had them a couple of days.'

'I was not crying!' Lucy was adamant.

'Huh! We'll both be crying if we miss the train, just because I had to buy a new pair of shoes!'

The taxi driver chuckled, and Lucy laughed out loud. 'Don't be so dramatic!'

Back at the house, Martin opened the sealed envelope, addressed to him, which he found lying on the bed when he went up later that day. It contained a ticket, and a note in Lucy's handwriting.

Dearest Martin, I had to borrow against Mother's jewellery, and since I've been back so much has gone on that I have not yet been able to retrieve the jewellery. Here inside is the money you will need, and I would very much like Anne to take responsibility for keeping her grandmother's jewellery safe. After all, it now belongs to her.

with my dearest love, and blessing. Take care of each other. I do love you all so very much.

Lucy x.x.x Taking a moment to himself, Martin sat on the edge of the bed. Suddenly tearful, he looked back at all that had happened.

'You've been a good 'un, Lucy,' he murmured, 'and I'm sorry that I hurt you.' Feeling a little sad and somewhat guilty, he murmured softly, 'I tried so hard not to hurt you, but Paula was always the one for me.'

He smiled knowingly. Strange, isn't it? he thought, how, after all these years, everything seems to have found its rightful place.

Seated comfortably on the train, Kathleen and Lucy sat in total silence, until Kathleen asked, 'Lucy?'


'Are you content?'

'Yes, I think so. And are you ... content?'

'Absolutely. More than I've ever been in my entire life. And why wouldn't I be content, eh? I've got my best friend with me. We've got money enough to buy a business, and we're on our way to the best week's holiday we'll ever have, because once we're businesswomen, we won't have time for holidays and gallivanting about all over the place.' She chuckled, 'Hey, Lucy?'

'What now?' Lucy had never met such a chatterbox.

'Tell me the truth, Lucy. Did you ever dream this would happen to us?'

'No! Never in a million years!'

'Me neither. First, though, before we get cracking on the business, we need to thoroughly enjoy our week in Littleton. Are you absolutely sure you don't mind going back there ... to the same place ... the same hotel?'

Lucy smiled. 'No. Like I already told you when you first asked, I had the most wonderful time there. Going back will only make me remember how beautiful it all was.' She lowered her voice as though talking to herself. 'My time in Littleton, and what happened there ... I will cherish it for ever.'

'Are you sure, Lucy? Because if not, we can always go elsewhere. It's still not too late.'

'I already told you, I'm perfectly happy with everything. In fact, if I had been making the choice, I probably would have chosen the very same.'

'Aw, you're not just saying that, though, are you?'

'No! So now, will you stop worrying? Everything is perfect.'

'Good!' Kathleen congratulated herself on her 'perfect' arrangements, and sat back in her seat and relaxed.

Lucy, however, was so excited she could not rest. 'You're right about what you said before, Kathleen!' she commented. 'You and me ... we're about to set the world on fire! We're free as birds. You got your husband out of your life years ago, and now I also am a free woman. We're off to enjoy a holiday in the suns.h.i.+ne, and we have money enough to buy a little business, and so, Kathleen girl,' she mimicked Kathleen's raucous voice, 'what's not to like, eh?'

Kathleen laughed. 'That's right, so now, behave yourself. Read a paper, get a nap. Relax! Because once we get started our feet won't touch the ground!'


A COUPLE OF long hours after Lucy and Kathleen got on the train, it drew into Littleton station, where the women collected up their luggage and went to find a taxi, which took only a few minutes because the line of taxis went on for ever.

Climbing in, Kathleen relaxed into the seat. 'My b.u.m's gone to sleep,' she told Lucy. 'How far is the hotel from here?'

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The Runaway Woman Part 30 summary

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