The Thousandfold Thought Part 30

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How many secrets could it see? How much did it know?

"Such a marvel," she said, "what you've accomplished ... So much stolen stolen."

It spoke as though knowing much warranted knowing all. It tries to lure me, draw me into open discourse me, draw me into open discourse.

"My father has been here thirty years."

"Long enough to require a Holy War to overcome him?"

"Long enough."

She smiled, drew two fingers across her sweaty breastbone. Though her body remained young, her eyes possessed an age not her own. "Again," she simpered, "I don't believe you ... You are your father's heir, heir, not his" not his"

And the air reeked of sorcery.

Her hands found him through his robe, began fondling ... Kellhus stood bewildered. He wanted to seize her, thrust deep into her burning centre. He would show her! Show her!

His robe had been hiked-and by his own hand! The cool of her palms whisked across and against his flame.

"Tell meeee," she moaned again and again, and though Kellhus knew these to be her words, he found himself hearing, Take me Take me ... ...

He lifted her with ease, spread her across the settee. He would pin her to the deep! He would plunge and hammer until she howled for release!

Who is your father? a voice whispered. a voice whispered.

Still her hands milked him. Never had he suffered anything so sweet. Clutching her legs by the crotch of her knees, he pressed them out and back, bared her moist beauty. The world roared.

Tell me ...

With deft fingers she drew him across her slick fire.

What was happening? How could lightning be sparked in the brush of greased skin? How could moans, exhaled through the lips of a woman, sound so beautiful?

Who is Moenghus? the voice persisted. the voice persisted. What is his intent? What is his intent?

Kellhus pressed through the fiery veil, into her arching cry ...

"To make manifest," he heard himself gasp, he heard himself gasp, "the Thousandfold "the Thousandfold Thought ... Thought ...

For a heartbeat the world stopped. He saw it, it, old and h.o.a.ry and rotted, staring out from his wife's eyes. The Inchoroi ... old and h.o.a.ry and rotted, staring out from his wife's eyes. The Inchoroi ...


The Ward was simple-one of the first Achamian had taught him-an ancient Kuniuric Dara, proof against what were called incipient sorceries. His words racked the sultry air. For a moment the light of his eyes shone across her skin.

The darkness faltered and the shadow fell from his soul. He staggered back two steps, his phallus wet and chill and hard. She laughed as he covered himself, her voice guttural with inhuman intonations.

Bait it.

"Across the world in Golgotterath," Kellhus gasped, still stamping out the coals of his manic l.u.s.t, "the Mangaecca squat about your true flesh, rocking to the mutter of endless Cants. The Synthese is but a node. You are no more than the reflection of a shadow, an image cast upon the water of Esmenet. You possess subtlety, yes, but you haven't the depth to confront me."

Achamian had told him of this creature, that its capacities would be largely restricted to glamours, compulsions, and possessions. The great shout that was its true form, the Schoolman had said, could be heard only as whispers and insinuations at such a distance. I must own this encounter! I must own this encounter!

"Come," she said, springing to her feet, stalking him as he retreated across the verandah, "kill me, then. Strike me down!"

A mask of counterfeit horror. Once again Kellhus unlaced the bindings of selfhood, rolled open the inner surfaces of his soul. Once again he reached ...

The past possessed weight. Where the young were like flotsam, forever drawn spinning into the current of pa.s.sing events, the old were like stone. The proverbs and parables spoke of sobriety, restraint, but more than anything it was boredom boredom that rendered the aged immune to the press of events. Repet.i.tion, not enlightenment, was the secret of their detachment. How did one move a soul that had witnessed all the world's permutations? that rendered the aged immune to the press of events. Repet.i.tion, not enlightenment, was the secret of their detachment. How did one move a soul that had witnessed all the world's permutations?

"But you can't, can't, she cackled, "can you? Look upon this pretty sh.e.l.l ... these lips, these eyes, this cunny. I am what you love love ..." ..."

What was more, the Scylvendi had schooled it. The non sequiturs. The sudden questions. The thing had made whim whim the principle of its action-just as Cnaiur had ... the principle of its action-just as Cnaiur had ...

Kellhus reached.

"After all," she said, "what man would strike down his wife?"

He drew his sword, Enshoiya, pressed its point against the white tile floor between them. "A Dunyain," he replied.

She stopped above the blade, close enough to pinch the tip between the toes of her right foot. She glared with ancient fury. "I am Aurang. Tyranny! A son of the void you call Heaven...I am Inchoroi, a raper of thousands thousands! I am he who would tear this world down. Strike, Anasurimbor!"

Kellhus reached ...

... and saw himself through the obscenity's eyes, the enigma who would draw out his father, Moenghus. Kellhus reached, though with fingers lacking tips, palms without heat. He reached and he grasped ...

A soul that had snaked across all the world's ages, taking lover after lover, exulting in degradation, spilling seed across innumerable dead. The Nonmen of Ishoriol. The Norsirai of Tryse and Sauglish. Warring, endlessly warring, to forestall d.a.m.nation ...

A race with a hundred names for the vagaries of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, who had silenced all compa.s.sion, all pity, to better savour the reckless chorus of their l.u.s.ts. Stalking, endlessly stalking, the world they would make their shrieking harem ...

A life so old that only he, he, Anasurimbor Kellhus, was unprecedented. Only the Dunyain were new. Anasurimbor Kellhus, was unprecedented. Only the Dunyain were new.

Who were these Men-these Anasurimbor!-who hailed from Golgotterath's very shadow? who could see through masks of skin? who could subvert ancient faiths? who could enslave Holy Wars with nothing more than words and glances?

Who bore the name of their ancient foe ...

And Kellhus realized there was only one question here: Who were the Dunyain?

They fear us, Father.

"Strike!" Esmenet cried, her arms back, her s.h.i.+ning b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed forward.

And he did did strike, though with the flat of his palm. Esmenet sailed backward, rolled nude across the tiles. strike, though with the flat of his palm. Esmenet sailed backward, rolled nude across the tiles.

"The No-G.o.d," he said, advancing, "he speaks to me in my dreams."

"I," Esmenet replied, spitting blood as she pressed herself from the floor, "don't believe you."

Kellhus seized the black maul of her hair, heaved her to her feet. He hissed into her ear. "He says that you you failed him on the Plains of Mengedda!" failed him on the Plains of Mengedda!"

"Lies! Lies!"

"He comes, Warlord. For this world ... for you!

"Strike me again," she whispered. "Please ..." "Please ..."

He threw her back to the floor. She writhed at his feet, thrusting her s.e.x like an accusatory finger. "f.u.c.k me," "f.u.c.k me," she whispered. she whispered. "f.u.c.k me." "f.u.c.k me."

But the l.u.s.tful glamour fell from him, deflected by the Dara Ward. He stood unmoved.

"Your secrets have been uncovered," he said in high oratorical tones. "Your agents are scattered, your designs overthrown ... You've been defeated, been defeated, Warlord." Warlord."

And for the first time she replied according to his antic.i.p.ations.

"Ahhhh ... but there are as many battlefields as there are moments, Dunyain."

Pause. The cycling of possibilities.

"You're a distraction ..." Kellhus said.

Esmenet herself had said it: they would do anything to deny him the Gnosis.

Her eyes flared white, and for an instant she looked like a leering Nilnames.h.i.+ demon. A strange and preternatural laughter filtered through the overgrown garden, twined like snakes across the open s.p.a.ces.

"Achamian," Kellhus whispered.

"Is already dead," the thing sneered. It rolled her head like a doll, then slumped across the cold stone.

The sound of clinking stone, scarcely audible over the urgent counterpoint of voices in the garden beyond the iron-fretted windows.

A single plate of marble ran across the threshold of what once, back when the Nansur had ruled Amoteu, had been an ancestor shrine. As though of its own volition, it tipped upright then slipped aside, revealing a black slot scarcely large enough to fit a Tydonni s.h.i.+eld. A foot swung out, its toes popping as they stretched. Rising like a stalk, the knee and thigh followed. Another foot appeared, then a hand, until all three limbs were bent and braced about the aperture like some deformed spider.

Then slowly, deliberately, the figure of a woman emerged, as though drawn from the pages of a book.


She danced across the pallid floors, encountered a bleary-eyed Opsara shuffling back to the nursery from the latrine. She broke her neck, then paused, breathing, willing her erection to subside. At some point crossing shadows, she became Esmenet. It pressed her cheek against the bronze-strapped mahogany of his chamber door, heard nothing save the deep breathing of its quarry. The air fairly sang with residual odours: garlic from the kitchens, rotted teeth, armpits and ...

Soot, myrrh, and sandalwood.

It retrieved the Chorae from a pocket in her linen s.h.i.+ft, then with deft movements tied it against her throat with leather string. It pressed open the door, leaning hard on the handle to silence the unoiled hinges. It had hoped to find him asleep, but of course his Wards had awakened him.

It stood at the dark entrance, her false face swollen with tears. Moonlight cast an oblong of pale squares across the floor at her feet. He was sitting in his bed, alarmed and ashen-faced. Though he peered, it could see him quite clearly: the astonished eyes, the thoughtful brow, the five white streaks of his beard.

He reeked of terror.

"Esmi?" he hissed. "Esmi? Is that you?"

Hunching its shoulders, it pulled her arms from the linen s.h.i.+ft so that it fell to the cord tied about her waist. She heard his breath catch at the sight of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Esmi! What are you doing?"

"I need you, Akka ..."

"The Chorae about your throat...I thought they were forbidden."

"Kellhus asked that I wear it."

"Please ... remove it."

Raising her arms to the back of her neck, she untied it, let it clatter to the floor. She stepped into the pale, fretted light, so that it mapped the contours of her stolen body. It knew she was a thing of beauty. "Akka," it whispered. "Love me, Akka ..."

"No ... this is wrong! He'll know, Esmi. He'll know!"

"He already knows," it said, crawling onto the foot of his bed.

She could smell his hammering heart, the promise of hot blood. There was such fear in him!

"Please," she gasped, drawing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s over the outline of his knees and thighs. His face so near, hanging in darkness. she gasped, drawing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s over the outline of his knees and thighs. His face so near, hanging in darkness.

The blow struck true, through the silken sheets, through her sternum, her heart and spine. Even still, it managed to heave forward across the blade, to strike his windpipe. And as the blackness swirled down, it saw him through the deceiving glamour, Captain Heorsa, thras.h.i.+ng in his very own death throes ...

The Dunyain had outwitted them.

Traps within traps, the thing called Esmenet carelessly thought. the thing called Esmenet carelessly thought. So beautiful So beautiful ... ...

In what pa.s.sed for its dying soul.

Achamian ...

The lantern fell to the rotted floor, light rolled across heaped bones, and Seswatha felt himself lifted and thrown back into the blackness. Something hard cracked against the base of his skull. The world darkened, until all he could see was his student's raving face.

"Where is she?" Nau-Cayuti cried. "Where?"

And all he could think of was his voice pealing through the inhuman s.p.a.ces, reaching, filtering-sealing their doom. They walked the halls of Golgotterath. Golgotterath!

Achamian! It's Zin ...

"You lied!"

"No!" Achamian cried, s.h.i.+elding his eyes against the light hanging above him. "Listen! Listen!"

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 30 summary

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