The Thousandfold Thought Part 51

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Ajokli-The G.o.d of thievery and deception. Though listed among the primary G.o.ds in The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, there is no true Cult of Ajokli, but rather an informal network of devotees scattered across the great cities of the Three Seas. Ajokli is oft mentioned in the secondary scriptures of the different Cults, sometimes as a mischievous companion of the G.o.ds, other times as a cruel or malicious compet.i.tor. In the there is no true Cult of Ajokli, but rather an informal network of devotees scattered across the great cities of the Three Seas. Ajokli is oft mentioned in the secondary scriptures of the different Cults, sometimes as a mischievous companion of the G.o.ds, other times as a cruel or malicious compet.i.tor. In the Mar'eddat, Mar'eddat, he is the faithless husband of Gierra. he is the faithless husband of Gierra.

Ajowai-A mountain fastness in the north Hinayati Mountains that serves as the administrative capital of Girgash.

akal-The base monetary unit of Kian.

Akkeagni-The G.o.d of disease. Also known as the G.o.d of a Thousand Hands. Scholars have oft noted the irony that the Priesthood of Disease provides the primary repository of physicians for the Three Seas. How can one at once wors.h.i.+p disease and war against it? According to the scriptures of the Cult, the Piranavas, Piranavas, Akkeagni is a so-called Bellicose G.o.d, one who favours those who strive against him over sycophants and wors.h.i.+ppers. Akkeagni is a so-called Bellicose G.o.d, one who favours those who strive against him over sycophants and wors.h.i.+ppers.

Akksersia-A lost nation of the Ancient North. Though the White Norsirai of the north sh.o.r.e of the Cerish Sea lacked any sustained contact with the Nonmen, they gradually became the second great seat of Norsirai civilization. Akksersia was founded in 811 by Salawearn I, following the dissolution of the Cond Yoke. Though confined to the city of Myclai, her commercial and administrative capital, the nation gradually extended its hegemony, first along the length of the River Tywanrae, then across the plains of Gal and the entire north sh.o.r.e of the Cerish Sea. By the time of the First Great Sranc War in 1251, it was the largest of the ancient Norsirai nations, incorporating almost all the White Norsirai tribes save those of the Istyuli Plains. It fell to the No-G.o.d after three disastrous defeats in 2149. Akksersian colonists on the Cerish Sea's heavily forested south sh.o.r.e would form the nucleus of what would become the Meorn Empire.

Akksersian-The lost language of ancient Akksersia, and "purest" of the Nirsodic tongues.

Akkunihor-A Scylvendi tribe of the central Steppe. As the tribe closest to the Imperial frontier, the Akkunihor are the traditional brokers of Three Seas rumour and knowledge among the Scylvendi.

Algari (4041-4111)-A body-slave to Prince Nersei Proyas. (4041-4111)-A body-slave to Prince Nersei Proyas.

Alkussi-A Scylvendi tribe of the central Steppe.

"All heaven cannot s.h.i.+ne through a single crack ..."-The famous line attributed to the poet Protathis suggesting that no man can be trusted with divine revelation.

Allosian Forum-The great judicial galleries located at the foot of the Andiamine Heights.

Am-Amidai-A large Kianene fortress located in the heart of the Atsushan Highlands, raised in 4054.

amicut-A ration used by Scylvendi warriors on the trail, consisting of wild herbs and berries beaten into dried sections of beef.

Ammegnotis-A city on the south bank of the River Sempis, raised during the Kyranean New Dynasty.

Amortanea-The merchant carrack that bore Achamian and Xinemus to Joktha.

Amoteu-A governorate of Kian, located on the southern edge of the Meneanor Sea. Like all the nations in the shadow of the Betmulla Mountains, Amoteu, or Holy Amoteu as it is sometimes called, grew in the influential shadow of Old Dynasty s.h.i.+gek. According to extant inscriptions, the s.h.i.+geki referred to both Xerash and Amoteu as Hut-Jartha, the "Land of the Jarti," or as Huti-Parota, the "Middle-Lands." The Jarti were the dominant Ketyai tribe of the region, to which the Amoti and several others were tributaries before the s.h.i.+geki conquest. But with the extensive cultivation of the Shairizor Plains, and the slow rise of s.h.i.+meh and Kyudea along the River Jes.h.i.+mal, the balance of power slowly s.h.i.+fted. For centuries the Middle-Lands found themselves the battleground between s.h.i.+gek and her southern compet.i.tors, Eumarna across the Betmulla Mountains and ancient or Vapartic Nilnamesh. In 1322, Anzumarapata II, the Nilnames.h.i.+ King of Invis.h.i.+, crushed the s.h.i.+geki and, in an effort to secure his conquests, transplanted hundreds of thousands of indigent Nilnames.h.i.+ on the Plains of Heshor, an act that would long outlive his brief empire (the s.h.i.+geki reconquered the Middle-Lands in 1349). With the collapse of s.h.i.+geki regional dominance in 1591, the Jarti attempted to rea.s.sert their ancestral control-with disastrous consequences. The resulting war gave rise to a brief Amoti Empire, which reached the length of the Betmulla to the frontier of the Carathay Desert. All the Middle-Lands would fall under the power of Kyraneas in 1703.

With the dissolution of Kyraneas, c. c. 2158, Amoteu enjoyed its second-and last-period of independence, though now the Xeras.h.i.+, the descendants of Anzumarapata's settlers, had become its primary compet.i.tors. This second "golden age" would witness Inri Sejenus, and the slow growth of the faith that would eventually come to dominate the Three Seas. After a brief period of Xeras.h.i.+ occupation, Amoteu would suffer a long succession of foreign overlords, each leaving its own stamp: first the Ceneians, who conquered the Middle-Lands in 2414, then the Nansur in 3574, and finally the Kianene in 3845. Despite the peace and prosperity enjoyed by other conquered provinces, the early years of Ceneian rule would prove particularly b.l.o.o.d.y for Amoteu. In 2458, while Triamis the Great was still in his infancy, Inrithi fanatics led the province in a vicious rebellion against Cenei. As punishment, Emperor Siaxas II butchered the inhabitants of Kyudea and razed the city to the ground. 2158, Amoteu enjoyed its second-and last-period of independence, though now the Xeras.h.i.+, the descendants of Anzumarapata's settlers, had become its primary compet.i.tors. This second "golden age" would witness Inri Sejenus, and the slow growth of the faith that would eventually come to dominate the Three Seas. After a brief period of Xeras.h.i.+ occupation, Amoteu would suffer a long succession of foreign overlords, each leaving its own stamp: first the Ceneians, who conquered the Middle-Lands in 2414, then the Nansur in 3574, and finally the Kianene in 3845. Despite the peace and prosperity enjoyed by other conquered provinces, the early years of Ceneian rule would prove particularly b.l.o.o.d.y for Amoteu. In 2458, while Triamis the Great was still in his infancy, Inrithi fanatics led the province in a vicious rebellion against Cenei. As punishment, Emperor Siaxas II butchered the inhabitants of Kyudea and razed the city to the ground.

Amoti-The language of Amoteu, a derivative of Mamati.

Anagke-The G.o.ddess of fortune. Also known as "the Wh.o.r.e of Fate." Anagke is one of the primary "Compensatory G.o.ds," which is to say, one who rewards devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife. Her Cult is extremely popular in the Three Seas, especially among the higher, political castes.

Anagogis-A branch of sorcery that turns on the resonance between meanings and concrete things.

a.n.a.logies-An alternate name for Anagogic sorceries.

Anasurimbor Dynasty-The ruling dynasty of Kuniuri from 1408 to 2147. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Anaxophus V (2109-56)-The Kyranean High King who wielded the Heron Spear against the No-G.o.d at Mengedda in 2155. (2109-56)-The Kyranean High King who wielded the Heron Spear against the No-G.o.d at Mengedda in 2155.

ancestor scroll-A scroll kept by most pious Inrithi, bearing the names of all the dead ancestors who might intercede on their behalf. Since the Inrithi believe that honour and glory in life brings power in the afterlife, they are particularly proud of renowned ancestors and ashamed of known sinners.

Ancient North-The name given to the Norsirai civilization destroyed in the Apocalypse.

Ancilline Gate-One of the so-called Lesser Gates of Momemn, located to the immediate south of the Girgallic Gate.

Andiamine Heights-The primary residence and administrative seat of Nansur Emperors, located on the seaward walls of Momemn.

Anfirig, Thagawain (4057- )-The Galeoth Earl of Gesindal. (4057- )-The Galeoth Earl of Gesindal.

Angeshrael (?-?)-The most famed Old Prophet of the Tusk, responsible for leading the Five Tribes of Men into Earwa. Also known as the Burnt Prophet for bowing his face into his fire after confronting Husyelt at the foot of Mount Eshki. His wife was Esmenet. (?-?)-The most famed Old Prophet of the Tusk, responsible for leading the Five Tribes of Men into Earwa. Also known as the Burnt Prophet for bowing his face into his fire after confronting Husyelt at the foot of Mount Eshki. His wife was Esmenet.

Angka-The ancient Norsirai name for Zeum.

animas-The "moving force" of all existence, typically a.n.a.logized as the "breath of G.o.d." Much ink has been spilt over the question of the relation between animas, which is primarily a theological concept, and the sorcerous concept of "onta." Most scholars are of the opinion that the latter is simply a secular version of the former.

Anissi ( (c. 4089- )-The favourite wife of Cnaiur urs Skiotha.

Ankaryotis-A demon of the Outside, one of the more manageable Potents controlled by the Scarlet Spires.

Ankharlus-A famed Kuniuric commentator and high priest of Gilgaol.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 51 summary

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