The Thousandfold Thought Part 63

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Hilderath, Solm (4072- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane. (4072- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane.

Hinayati Mountains-A large system of mountain ranges located in southwestern Earwa, sometimes called "the spine of Nilnamesh."

Hinnant-A palatinate of High Ainon, located in the heart of the Secharib Plains.

Hinnereth-The administrative and commercial capital of Gedea, located on the Meneanor coast.

History (Dunyain)-The movement of human events through time. The significance of History for the Dunyain is found in the fact that past circ.u.mstances dominate and determine present actions, such that individuals continually find themselves "coming after," which is to say, at the mercy of events over which they have no control. The Dunyain believe that utter detachment from history is a necessary precondition for absolute awareness.

History (Inrithism)-The movement of human events through time. The significance of History for the Inrithi is that the G.o.d is manifested within it. The Inrithi believe that certain configurations of events express the truth of the G.o.d while certain other configurations are inimical to such expression.

Hoga, House-The ruling dynasty of Agansanor. The Black Stag on Green is their traditional device.

Hoga Brood-The name given in the Conriyan court to Hoga Gothyelk's sons.

hollows-See hemoplexy hemoplexy.

Holy Precincts-See Hagerna Hagerna.

Holy War-The Inrithi host summoned by Maithanet that invaded Kian in 4111 bent upon the reconquest of s.h.i.+meh.

Home City-A common Nansur epithet for Momemn.

Hortha, Sonhail (4064- )-A Galeoth knight, client to Prince Coithus Saubon. (4064- )-A Galeoth knight, client to Prince Coithus Saubon.

Houses of the Congregate-A quasi-legislative a.s.sembly consisting of the primary landholding families of the Nansur Empire.

Hulwarga, Hringa (4086- )-The second son of King Hringa Rauschang of Thunyerus, and leader of the Thunyeri contingent of the First Holy War after the death of his older brother, Prince Hringa Skaiyelt, in Caraskand. Called the Limper because of his uneven gait. (4086- )-The second son of King Hringa Rauschang of Thunyerus, and leader of the Thunyeri contingent of the First Holy War after the death of his older brother, Prince Hringa Skaiyelt, in Caraskand. Called the Limper because of his uneven gait.

Hundred G.o.ds-The collective name of the G.o.ds enumerated in The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk and wors.h.i.+pped either under the auspices of the Cults (which is to say, subordinate to the Thousand Temples), or in the traditional versions of the Kiunnat. In the Inrithi tradition, the Hundred G.o.ds are thought to be aspects of the G.o.d (whom Inri Sejenus famously called "the Million Souled"), much the way various personality traits could be said to inhabit an individual. In the far more variegated Kiunnat tradition, the Hundred G.o.ds are thought to be independent spiritual agencies, to indirectly intervene in the lives of their wors.h.i.+ppers. Both traditions recognize the differences between the Compensatory G.o.ds, who promise direct reward for wors.h.i.+p and devotion, the Punitive G.o.ds, who secure sacrifices through the threat of suffering, and the more rare Bellicose G.o.ds, who despise wors.h.i.+p as sycophancy and favour those who strive against them. Both the Inrithi and Kiunnat traditions see the G.o.ds as indispensable to eternal life in the Outside. and wors.h.i.+pped either under the auspices of the Cults (which is to say, subordinate to the Thousand Temples), or in the traditional versions of the Kiunnat. In the Inrithi tradition, the Hundred G.o.ds are thought to be aspects of the G.o.d (whom Inri Sejenus famously called "the Million Souled"), much the way various personality traits could be said to inhabit an individual. In the far more variegated Kiunnat tradition, the Hundred G.o.ds are thought to be independent spiritual agencies, to indirectly intervene in the lives of their wors.h.i.+ppers. Both traditions recognize the differences between the Compensatory G.o.ds, who promise direct reward for wors.h.i.+p and devotion, the Punitive G.o.ds, who secure sacrifices through the threat of suffering, and the more rare Bellicose G.o.ds, who despise wors.h.i.+p as sycophancy and favour those who strive against them. Both the Inrithi and Kiunnat traditions see the G.o.ds as indispensable to eternal life in the Outside.

The esoteric apologist Zarathinius is infamous for arguing (in A Defence of the Arcane Arts A Defence of the Arcane Arts) the absurdity of wors.h.i.+pping deities as imperfect and capricious as mere Men. The Fanim, of course, believe the Hundred G.o.ds are renegade slaves of the Solitary G.o.d-demons.

Hundred Pillars-The Warrior-Prophet's personal bodyguard, named after the one hundred men rumoured to have surrendered their water-and their lives-to him on the Trail of Skulls.

Huosi, Lake-A large freshwater lake draining the Vindauga and Sculpa river systems, and emptying into the Wutmouth.

hustwarra-The Galeoth name for camp wives.

Husyelt-The G.o.d of the hunt. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Husyelt comes after only Yatwer and Gilgaol in Cultic popularity, particularly in the Middle-North. In the Higarata, Higarata, the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Husyelt is depicted as the most anthropocentric of the Hundred G.o.ds, as intent upon enabling his wors.h.i.+ppers as he is upon securing their obedience and devotion. The Cult of Husyelt is rumoured to be extraordinarily wealthy, and high-ranking members of the Husyeltic priesthood often possess as much political clout as Shrial apparati. the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Husyelt is depicted as the most anthropocentric of the Hundred G.o.ds, as intent upon enabling his wors.h.i.+ppers as he is upon securing their obedience and devotion. The Cult of Husyelt is rumoured to be extraordinarily wealthy, and high-ranking members of the Husyeltic priesthood often possess as much political clout as Shrial apparati.

Huterat-A town on the Sempis Delta, destroyed by the First Holy War in 4111.


idolaters-A term commonly used by Fanim to refer to Inrithi.

Ihrimsu-The tongue of Injor-Niyas.

Ikurei, House-A Nansur House of the Congregate, with holdings concentrated in and about Momemn. The Imperial House since 3941.

Ikurei Anphairas I (4022-81)-The Emperor of Nansur from 4066 to 4081, and grandfather of Ikurei Xerius III, by persons unknown. (4022-81)-The Emperor of Nansur from 4066 to 4081, and grandfather of Ikurei Xerius III, by persons unknown.

Ikurei Dynasty-Always one of the more powerful Houses of the Congregate, the Ikurei seized the Imperial Mantle in 3941, capitalizing on the turmoil following the loss of s.h.i.+gek and then Gedea to Kian in the Dagger Jihad. Ikurei Sorius I became the first of a line of shrewd yet defensive Ikurei Emperors. See Nansur Empire Nansur Empire.

Ikurei Xerius III (4059- )-The Emperor of the Nansur Empire. (4059- )-The Emperor of the Nansur Empire.

Imbeyan ab Imbaran (4067-4111)-Sapatishah-Governor of Enathpaneah and son-in-law of the Padirajah, slain at Caraskand. (4067-4111)-Sapatishah-Governor of Enathpaneah and son-in-law of the Padirajah, slain at Caraskand.

Imperial Army-A common name for the standing Nansur army.

Imperial Precincts-The name given to the grounds of the Andiamine Heights.

Imperial Saik-The School indentured to the Nansur Emperor.

Imperial Sun-The primary symbol of the Nansur Empire.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 63 summary

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