The Thousandfold Thought Part 65

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Jahan Plains-The large, arid tableland that makes up the western frontier of Eumarna.

Jarutha-A small agricultural town some twenty miles southwest of Momemn.

Javreh-The slave-soldiers of the Scarlet Spires, famed for their ferocity in battle. The first unit was created in 3801 by Grandmaster s.h.i.+nurta at the height of the Scholastic Wars.

Jekhia-A tributary nation of High Ainon, famed as the mysterious source of chanv, located at the headwaters of the River Sayut in the Great Kayarsus. The Men of Jekhia are unique in that they exhibit Xiuhianni racial characteristics.

Jes.h.i.+mal River-The primary river system of Amoteu, draining the Betmulla Mountains and emptying into the Meneanor Sea at s.h.i.+meh.

Jihads-Fanim holy wars. Since the inception of Fanimry, the Kianene have waged no fewer than seven jihads, all of them against the Nansur Empire.

Jirux-A great Kianene fortress on the north bank of the River Sempis.

Jiunati Steppe-A vast region of semi-arid plains extending northward from the Carathay Desert to the Istyuli Plains, and inhabited by Scylvendi pastoralists since the early years of the Second Age.

jnan-An informal code of manner and speech understood by many to be a "war of word and sentiment." Adeptness at jnan is understood, particularly by the more refined subcultures of the Three Seas, to be the key determinant of status among individuals who are otherwise of equal caste or station. Given that the G.o.d is believed to be manifested in the movement of history, and history is determined primarily by the disparate statuses of men, for many jnan is understood as a sacred and not simply an instrumental enterprise. Many others, however, especially the Norsirai of the Three Seas, regard jnan with contempt, as a "mere game." Jnanic exchanges are typically characterized by concealed antagonism, the appreciation of irony and intellect, and the semblance of detached interest.

Joktha-A port city on the Enathpanean coast.

Jorua Sea-A great inland sea located in mid-western Earwa.

Journals and Dialogues-The collected writings of Triamis I, greatest of the Ceneian Aspect-Emperors.

Judges-The name given to Zaudunyani missionaries.

Jukan-The G.o.d of sky and season. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Jukan rivals Yatwer in popularity among subsistence farmers yet is scarcely represented in major urban centres. The priests of Jukan are readily recognizable by their blue-dyed skin. The Marjukari, an extreme ascetic branch of the Jukanic Cult, are notorious for living as hermits in the mountains.

Junriuma-Also known as the Vault-of-the-Tusk, the ancient fortress-temple that houses the Tusk, located in the heart of the Hagerna in Sumna.

Jurisada-A governorate of Kian and former province of the Nansur Empire. Located on the southeastern end of the Eumarnan Peninsula, Jurisada is an intensively agricultural region, densely populated, and thought to be a land of "spiritual sloth" by many Kianene.

Juru-G.o.d of virility and fertility. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Juru is popular among aging caste-n.o.ble men, and possesses only a handful of temples, most of them found in major cities. It is often mocked as the Mistress Cult.

Juterum, the-The so-called Sacred Heights in s.h.i.+meh, where, according to scripture, Inri Sejenus ascended to the Nail of Heaven.


Kahiht-The name given to so-called World-Souls in the Inrithi tradition. Since the G.o.d manifests himself in the movement of historical events in Inrithism, to be Kahiht, or a world historical individual, is considered sacred.

Kalaul-The great campus of the Csokis temple complex in Caraskand.

Kamposea Agora-A great bazaar adjacent to the temple complex of Cmiral in Momemn.

Kanampurea-A palatinate in the Conriyan interior, famed for its agricultural productivity, traditionally held by the brother of the Conriyan King.

Kanshaiva-A district of Nilnamesh.

Karian Way-An old Ceneian road running through the province of Ma.s.sentia that once linked Sumna to Cenei during the reign of the Aspect-Emperors.

Karyot-A palatinate of High Ainon, located on the upper Sayut and forming the Jekhian frontier.

Kasalla, Porsentius (4062- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Captain in the Imperial Army. (4062- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Captain in the Imperial Army.

Kasaumki, Memshressa (4072- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Conriyan knight. (4072- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Conriyan knight.

Kascamandri ab Tepherokar (4062-4112)-The Padirajah of Kian, slain by the Warrior-Prophet at the Battle of Tertae Fields. (4062-4112)-The Padirajah of Kian, slain by the Warrior-Prophet at the Battle of Tertae Fields.

Kayarsus Mountains-See Great Kayarsus Great Kayarsus.

Kelmeol-The ancient capital of the Meori Empire, destroyed in the Apocalypse in 2150.

Kemkaric-The language group of the ancient Ketyai pastoralists of the northwestern Three Seas.

Kengetic-The language group of the Ketyai peoples.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 65 summary

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